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synced 2025-03-13 11:18:19 +01:00
Improve the reading and error handling of item mappings
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 110 additions and 127 deletions
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ public class DataComponentReaders {
public static void readDataComponent(DataComponents components, Key key, @NonNull JsonNode node) throws InvalidCustomMappingsFileException {
DataComponentReader<?> reader = READERS.get(key);
if (reader == null) {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("Unknown data component " + key);
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("Unknown data component");
reader.read(components, node);
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ import org.geysermc.geyser.registry.mappings.util.CustomBlockMapping;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
public abstract class MappingsReader {
public abstract void readItemMappings(Path file, JsonNode mappingsRoot, BiConsumer<String, CustomItemDefinition> consumer);
@ -42,7 +44,33 @@ public abstract class MappingsReader {
public abstract CustomItemDefinition readItemMappingEntry(String identifier, JsonNode node) throws InvalidCustomMappingsFileException;
public abstract CustomBlockMapping readBlockMappingEntry(String identifier, JsonNode node) throws InvalidCustomMappingsFileException;
protected @Nullable CustomRenderOffsets fromJsonNode(JsonNode node) {
protected static <T> T readOrThrow(JsonNode node, String name, Function<JsonNode, T> converter, String exceptionMessage) throws InvalidCustomMappingsFileException {
JsonNode object = node.get(name);
if (object == null) {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException(exceptionMessage);
return converter.apply(object);
protected static <T> T readOrDefault(JsonNode node, String name, Function<JsonNode, T> converter, T defaultValue) {
JsonNode object = node.get(name);
if (object == null) {
return defaultValue;
return converter.apply(object);
protected static void readTextIfPresent(JsonNode node, String name, Consumer<String> consumer) {
readIfPresent(node, name, consumer, JsonNode::asText);
protected static <T> void readIfPresent(JsonNode node, String name, Consumer<T> consumer, Function<JsonNode, T> converter) {
if (node.has(name)) {
protected static @Nullable CustomRenderOffsets renderOffsetsFromJsonNode(JsonNode node) {
if (node == null || !node.isObject()) {
return null;
@ -53,7 +81,7 @@ public abstract class MappingsReader {
protected CustomRenderOffsets.@Nullable Hand getHandOffsets(JsonNode node, String hand) {
protected static CustomRenderOffsets.@Nullable Hand getHandOffsets(JsonNode node, String hand) {
JsonNode tmpNode = node.get(hand);
if (tmpNode == null || !tmpNode.isObject()) {
return null;
@ -65,7 +93,7 @@ public abstract class MappingsReader {
protected CustomRenderOffsets.@Nullable Offset getPerspectiveOffsets(JsonNode node, String perspective) {
protected static CustomRenderOffsets.@Nullable Offset getPerspectiveOffsets(JsonNode node, String perspective) {
JsonNode tmpNode = node.get(perspective);
if (tmpNode == null || !tmpNode.isObject()) {
return null;
@ -78,7 +106,7 @@ public abstract class MappingsReader {
protected CustomRenderOffsets.@Nullable OffsetXYZ getOffsetXYZ(JsonNode node, String offsetType) {
protected static CustomRenderOffsets.@Nullable OffsetXYZ getOffsetXYZ(JsonNode node, String offsetType) {
JsonNode tmpNode = node.get(offsetType);
if (tmpNode == null || !tmpNode.isObject()) {
return null;
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ public class MappingsReader_v1 extends MappingsReader {
if (node.has("render_offsets")) {
JsonNode tmpNode = node.get("render_offsets");
if (node.get("tags") instanceof ArrayNode tags) {
@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ import org.geysermc.mcprotocollib.protocol.data.game.item.component.DataComponen
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
@ -61,45 +63,19 @@ public class MappingsReader_v2 extends MappingsReader {
public void readItemMappingsV2(Path file, JsonNode mappingsRoot, BiConsumer<String, CustomItemDefinition> consumer) {
// TODO - do we want to continue allowing type conversions, or do we want to enforce strict typing in JSON mappings?
// E.g., do we want to allow reading "210" as 210 and reading 1 as true, or do we throw exceptions in that case?
JsonNode itemModels = mappingsRoot.get("items");
if (itemModels != null && itemModels.isObject()) {
itemModels.fields().forEachRemaining(entry -> {
if (entry.getValue().isArray()) {
entry.getValue().forEach(data -> {
// TODO better error handling
JsonNode type = data.get("type");
if (type == null || !type.isTextual()) {
GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().error("Error reading type in custom mappings file: " + file.toString());
} else if (type.asText().equals("group")) {
JsonNode modelNode = data.get("model");
if (modelNode == null || !modelNode.isTextual()) {
GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().error("Error reading model in custom mappings file: " + file.toString());
} else {
String model = modelNode.asText();
JsonNode definitions = data.get("definitions");
if (definitions == null || !definitions.isArray()) {
GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().error("Error reading item definitions in custom mappings file: " + file.toString());
} else {
definitions.forEach(definition -> {
try {
CustomItemDefinition customItemDefinition = readItemMappingEntry(model, definition);
consumer.accept(entry.getKey(), customItemDefinition);
} catch (InvalidCustomMappingsFileException e) {
GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().error("Error in registering items for custom mapping file: " + file.toString(), e);
} else if (type.asText().equals("definition")) {
try {
CustomItemDefinition customItemDefinition = readItemMappingEntry(null, data);
consumer.accept(entry.getKey(), customItemDefinition);
} catch (InvalidCustomMappingsFileException e) {
GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().error("Error in registering items for custom mapping file: " + file.toString(), e);
} else {
GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().error("Unknown type " + type.asText() + " in custom mappings file: " + file.toString());
try {
readItemDefinitionEntry(data, entry.getKey(), null, consumer);
} catch (InvalidCustomMappingsFileException exception) {
"Error reading definition for item " + entry.getKey() + " in custom mappings file: " + file.toString(), exception);
@ -112,22 +88,45 @@ public class MappingsReader_v2 extends MappingsReader {
private void readItemDefinitionEntry(JsonNode data, String itemIdentifier, String model,
BiConsumer<String, CustomItemDefinition> definitionConsumer) throws InvalidCustomMappingsFileException {
String type = readOrThrow(data, "type", JsonNode::asText, "Missing type key in definition");
if (type.equals("group")) {
// Read model of group if it's present, or default to the model of the parent group, if that's present
// If the parent group model is not present (or there is no parent group), and this group also doesn't have a model, then it is expected the definitions supply their model themselves
String groupModel = readOrDefault(data, "model", JsonNode::asText, model);
JsonNode definitions = data.get("definitions");
if (definitions == null || !definitions.isArray()) {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("An item entry group has no definitions key, or it wasn't an array");
} else {
for (JsonNode definition : definitions) {
readItemDefinitionEntry(definition, itemIdentifier, groupModel, definitionConsumer);
} else if (type.equals("definition")) {
CustomItemDefinition customItemDefinition = readItemMappingEntry(model, data);
definitionConsumer.accept(itemIdentifier, customItemDefinition);
} else {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("Unknown definition type " + type);
public CustomItemDefinition readItemMappingEntry(String identifier, JsonNode node) throws InvalidCustomMappingsFileException {
public CustomItemDefinition readItemMappingEntry(String itemModel, JsonNode node) throws InvalidCustomMappingsFileException {
if (node == null || !node.isObject()) {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("Invalid item mappings entry");
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("Invalid item definition entry");
JsonNode bedrockIdentifierNode = node.get("bedrock_identifier");
JsonNode modelNode = node.get("model");
String model = identifier != null || modelNode == null || !modelNode.isTextual() ? identifier : modelNode.asText();
String model = itemModel != null || modelNode == null || !modelNode.isTextual() ? itemModel : modelNode.asText();
if (bedrockIdentifierNode == null || !bedrockIdentifierNode.isTextual() || bedrockIdentifierNode.asText().isEmpty()) {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("An item entry has no bedrock identifier");
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("An item definition has no bedrock identifier");
if (model == null) {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("An item entry has no model");
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("An item definition has no model");
Identifier bedrockIdentifier = new Identifier(bedrockIdentifierNode.asText());
@ -136,30 +135,31 @@ public class MappingsReader_v2 extends MappingsReader {
CustomItemDefinition.Builder builder = CustomItemDefinition.builder(bedrockIdentifier, new Identifier(model));
if (node.has("display_name")) {
// We now know the Bedrock identifier, put it in the exception message so that the error can be easily located in the JSON file
try {
readTextIfPresent(node, "display_name", builder::displayName);
readIfPresent(node, "priority", builder::priority, JsonNode::asInt);
readPredicates(builder, node.get("predicate"));
readPredicates(builder, node.get("predicate"));
if (node.has("priority")) {
DataComponents components = new DataComponents(new HashMap<>()); // TODO faster map ?
JsonNode componentsNode = node.get("components");
if (componentsNode != null && componentsNode.isObject()) {
componentsNode.fields().forEachRemaining(entry -> {
try {
DataComponentReaders.readDataComponent(components, MinecraftKey.key(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue());
} catch (InvalidCustomMappingsFileException e) {
GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().error("Error reading component " + entry.getKey() + " for item model " + modelNode.textValue(), e);
JsonNode componentsNode = node.get("components");
if (componentsNode != null && componentsNode.isObject()) {
DataComponents components = new DataComponents(new HashMap<>()); // TODO faster map ?
for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, JsonNode>> iterator = componentsNode.fields(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry<String, JsonNode> entry = iterator.next();
try {
DataComponentReaders.readDataComponent(components, MinecraftKey.key(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue());
} catch (InvalidCustomMappingsFileException exception) {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("While reading data component " + entry.getKey() + ": " + exception.getMessage());
} catch (InvalidCustomMappingsFileException exception) {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("While reading item definition (bedrock identifier=" + bedrockIdentifier + "): " + exception.getMessage());
return builder.build();
@ -170,35 +170,13 @@ public class MappingsReader_v2 extends MappingsReader {
return builder;
if (node.has("icon")) {
if (node.has("creative_category")) {
if (node.has("creative_group")) {
if (node.has("allow_offhand")) {
if (node.has("display_handheld")) {
if (node.has("texture_size")) {
if (node.has("render_offsets")) {
JsonNode tmpNode = node.get("render_offsets");
readTextIfPresent(node, "icon", builder::icon);
readIfPresent(node, "creative_category", builder::creativeCategory, category -> CreativeCategory.fromName(category.asText()));
readTextIfPresent(node, "creative_group", builder::creativeGroup);
readIfPresent(node, "allow_offhand", builder::allowOffhand, JsonNode::asBoolean);
readIfPresent(node, "display_handheld", builder::displayHandheld, JsonNode::asBoolean);
readIfPresent(node, "texture_size", builder::textureSize, JsonNode::asInt);
readIfPresent(node, "render_offsets", builder::renderOffsets, MappingsReader::renderOffsetsFromJsonNode);
if (node.get("tags") instanceof ArrayNode tags) {
Set<String> tagsSet = new ObjectOpenHashSet<>();
@ -234,38 +212,24 @@ public class MappingsReader_v2 extends MappingsReader {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("Expected predicate to be an object");
JsonNode typeNode = node.get("type");
if (typeNode == null || !typeNode.isTextual()) {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("Predicate missing type key");
String type = typeNode.asText();
String type = readOrThrow(node, "type", JsonNode::asText, "Predicate requires type key");
String property = readOrThrow(node, "property", JsonNode::asText, "Predicate requires property key");
JsonNode propertyNode = node.get("property");
if (propertyNode == null || !propertyNode.isTextual()) {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("Predicate missing property key");
String property = propertyNode.asText();
// TODO helper methods to lessen code duplication
switch (type) {
case "condition" -> {
try {
ConditionPredicate.ConditionProperty conditionProperty = ConditionPredicate.ConditionProperty.valueOf(property.toUpperCase());
JsonNode expected = node.get("expected");
JsonNode index = node.get("index");
// Note that index is only used for the CUSTOM_MODEL_DATA property, but we allow specifying it for other properties anyway
builder.predicate(new ConditionPredicate(conditionProperty,
expected == null || expected.asBoolean(), index == null || !index.isIntegralNumber() ? 0 : index.asInt()));
expected == null || expected.asBoolean(), readOrDefault(node, "index", JsonNode::asInt, 0)));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("Unknown property " + property);
case "match" -> {
JsonNode valueNode = node.get("value");
if (valueNode == null || !valueNode.isTextual()) {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("Predicate missing value key");
String value = valueNode.asText();
String value = readOrThrow(node, "value", JsonNode::asText, "Predicate requires value key");
switch (property) {
case "charge_type" -> {
@ -279,37 +243,28 @@ public class MappingsReader_v2 extends MappingsReader {
case "trim_material" -> builder.predicate(new MatchPredicate<>(MatchPredicateProperty.TRIM_MATERIAL, MinecraftKey.key(value))); // TODO
case "context_dimension" -> builder.predicate(new MatchPredicate<>(MatchPredicateProperty.CONTEXT_DIMENSION, MinecraftKey.key(value))); // TODO
case "custom_model_data" -> {
JsonNode indexNode = node.get("index");
int index = 0;
if (indexNode != null && indexNode.isIntegralNumber()) {
index = indexNode.asInt();
builder.predicate(new MatchPredicate<>(MatchPredicateProperty.CUSTOM_MODEL_DATA, new CustomModelDataString(value, index)));
builder.predicate(new MatchPredicate<>(MatchPredicateProperty.CUSTOM_MODEL_DATA,
new CustomModelDataString(value, readOrDefault(node, "index", JsonNode::asInt, 0))));
default -> throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("Unknown property " + property);
case "range_dispatch" -> {
JsonNode threshold = node.get("threshold");
if (threshold == null || !threshold.isNumber()) {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("Predicate missing threshold key");
double threshold = readOrThrow(node, "threshold", JsonNode::asDouble, "Predicate requires threshold key");
JsonNode scaleNode = node.get("scale");
double scale = 1.0;
if (scaleNode != null && scaleNode.isNumber()) {
scale = scaleNode.asDouble();
JsonNode normalizeNode = node.get("normalize");
boolean normalizeIfPossible = normalizeNode != null && normalizeNode.booleanValue();
JsonNode indexNode = node.get("index");
int index = 0;
if (indexNode != null && indexNode.isIntegralNumber()) {
index = indexNode.asInt();
int index = readOrDefault(node, "index", JsonNode::asInt, 0);
try {
RangeDispatchPredicate.RangeDispatchProperty rangeDispatchProperty = RangeDispatchPredicate.RangeDispatchProperty.valueOf(property.toUpperCase());
builder.predicate(new RangeDispatchPredicate(rangeDispatchProperty, threshold.asDouble(), scale, normalizeIfPossible, index));
builder.predicate(new RangeDispatchPredicate(rangeDispatchProperty, threshold, scale, normalizeIfPossible, index));
} catch (IllegalArgumentException exception) {
throw new InvalidCustomMappingsFileException("Unknown property " + property);
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