Clear old recipe code from UpdateRecipesTranslator

This commit is contained in:
Camotoy 2024-11-03 11:38:15 -05:00
parent 9a41f59a33
commit ecc5e8c175
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 7EEFB66FE798081F

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@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.UUID;
@ -84,15 +83,6 @@ public class JavaUpdateRecipesTranslator extends PacketTranslator<ClientboundUpd
* Fixes by using item tags where applicable instead of group IDs
* Item Tags allow mixing ingredients, and theoretically, adding item tags to custom items should also include them.
private static final Map<String, String> RECIPE_TAGS = Map.of(
"minecraft:wood", "minecraft:logs",
"minecraft:wooden_slab", "minecraft:wooden_slabs",
"minecraft:planks", "minecraft:planks");
private static final Key SMITHING_BASE = MinecraftKey.key("smithing_base");
private static final Key SMITHING_TEMPLATE = MinecraftKey.key("smithing_template");
private static final Key SMITHING_ADDITION = MinecraftKey.key("smithing_addition");
@ -190,282 +180,7 @@ public class JavaUpdateRecipesTranslator extends PacketTranslator<ClientboundUpd
// boolean sendTrimRecipes = false;
// Map<String, List<String>> recipeIDs = session.getJavaToBedrockRecipeIds();
// recipeIDs.clear();
// Int2ObjectMap<GeyserRecipe> recipeMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
// Int2ObjectMap<List<StoneCuttingRecipeData>> unsortedStonecutterData = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
// CraftingDataPacket craftingDataPacket = new CraftingDataPacket();
// craftingDataPacket.setCleanRecipes(true);
// RecipeContext context = new RecipeContext(session, craftingDataPacket, recipeMap);
// for (Recipe recipe : packet.getRecipes()) {
// switch (recipe.getType()) {
// ShapelessRecipeData shapelessRecipeData = (ShapelessRecipeData) recipe.getData();
// List<String> bedrockRecipeIDs = context.translateShapelessRecipe(new GeyserShapelessRecipe(shapelessRecipeData));
// if (bedrockRecipeIDs != null) {
// context.addRecipeIdentifier(session, recipe.getIdentifier().asString(), bedrockRecipeIDs);
// }
// }
// case CRAFTING_SHAPED -> {
// ShapedRecipeData shapedRecipeData = (ShapedRecipeData) recipe.getData();
// List<String> bedrockRecipeIDs = context.translateShapedRecipe(new GeyserShapedRecipe(shapedRecipeData));
// if (bedrockRecipeIDs != null) {
// context.addRecipeIdentifier(session, recipe.getIdentifier().asString(), bedrockRecipeIDs);
// }
// }
// case STONECUTTING -> {
// StoneCuttingRecipeData stoneCuttingData = (StoneCuttingRecipeData) recipe.getData();
// if (stoneCuttingData.getIngredient().getOptions().length == 0) {
// if (GeyserImpl.getInstance().getConfig().isDebugMode()) {
// GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().debug("Received broken stone cutter recipe: " + stoneCuttingData + " " +
// recipe.getIdentifier() + " " + Registries.JAVA_ITEMS.get().get(stoneCuttingData.getResult().getId()).javaIdentifier());
// }
// continue;
// }
// ItemStack ingredient = stoneCuttingData.getIngredient().getOptions()[0];
// List<StoneCuttingRecipeData> data = unsortedStonecutterData.get(ingredient.getId());
// if (data == null) {
// data = new ArrayList<>();
// unsortedStonecutterData.put(ingredient.getId(), data);
// }
// // Save for processing after all recipes have been received
// data.add(stoneCuttingData);
// }
// SmithingTransformRecipeData data = (SmithingTransformRecipeData) recipe.getData();
// ItemData output = ItemTranslator.translateToBedrock(session, data.getResult());
// for (ItemStack template : data.getTemplate().getOptions()) {
// ItemDescriptorWithCount bedrockTemplate = ItemDescriptorWithCount.fromItem(ItemTranslator.translateToBedrock(session, template));
// for (ItemStack base : data.getBase().getOptions()) {
// ItemDescriptorWithCount bedrockBase = ItemDescriptorWithCount.fromItem(ItemTranslator.translateToBedrock(session, base));
// for (ItemStack addition : data.getAddition().getOptions()) {
// ItemDescriptorWithCount bedrockAddition = ItemDescriptorWithCount.fromItem(ItemTranslator.translateToBedrock(session, addition));
// String id = recipe.getIdentifier().asString();
// // Note: vanilla inputs use aux value of Short.MAX_VALUE
// craftingDataPacket.getCraftingData().add(,
// bedrockTemplate, bedrockBase, bedrockAddition, output, "smithing_table", context.getAndIncrementNetId()));
// recipeIDs.put(id, new ArrayList<>(Collections.singletonList(id)));
// }
// }
// }
// }
// case SMITHING_TRIM -> {
// sendTrimRecipes = true;
// // ignored currently - see below
// }
// // Paper 1.20 seems to send only one recipe, which seems to be hardcoded to include all recipes.
// // We can send the equivalent Bedrock MultiRecipe! :)
// craftingDataPacket.getCraftingData().add(MultiRecipeData.of(UUID.fromString("685a742a-c42e-4a4e-88ea-5eb83fc98e5b"), context.getAndIncrementNetId()));
// }
// craftingDataPacket.getCraftingData().add(MultiRecipeData.of(UUID.fromString("d1ca6b84-338e-4f2f-9c6b-76cc8b4bd98d"), context.getAndIncrementNetId()));
// }
// craftingDataPacket.getCraftingData().add(MultiRecipeData.of(UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"), context.getAndIncrementNetId()));
// }
// craftingDataPacket.getCraftingData().add(MultiRecipeData.of(UUID.fromString("d392b075-4ba1-40ae-8789-af868d56f6ce"), context.getAndIncrementNetId()));
// }
// craftingDataPacket.getCraftingData().add(MultiRecipeData.of(UUID.fromString("85939755-ba10-4d9d-a4cc-efb7a8e943c4"), context.getAndIncrementNetId()));
// }
// craftingDataPacket.getCraftingData().add(MultiRecipeData.of(UUID.fromString("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002"), context.getAndIncrementNetId()));
// }
// default -> {
// List<GeyserRecipe> recipes = Registries.RECIPES.get(recipe.getType());
// if (recipes != null) {
// List<String> bedrockRecipeIds = new ArrayList<>();
// if (recipe.getType() == RecipeType.CRAFTING_SPECIAL_TIPPEDARROW) {
// // Only shaped recipe at this moment
// for (GeyserRecipe builtInRecipe : recipes) {
// var recipeIds = context.translateShapedRecipe((GeyserShapedRecipe) builtInRecipe);
// if (recipeIds != null) {
// bedrockRecipeIds.addAll(recipeIds);
// }
// }
// } else if (recipe.getType() == RecipeType.CRAFTING_SPECIAL_SHULKERBOXCOLORING) {
// for (GeyserRecipe builtInRecipe : recipes) {
// var recipeIds = context.translateShulkerBoxRecipe((GeyserShapelessRecipe) builtInRecipe);
// if (recipeIds != null) {
// bedrockRecipeIds.addAll(recipeIds);
// }
// }
// } else {
// for (GeyserRecipe builtInRecipe : recipes) {
// var recipeIds = context.translateShapelessRecipe((GeyserShapelessRecipe) builtInRecipe);
// if (recipeIds != null) {
// bedrockRecipeIds.addAll(recipeIds);
// }
// }
// }
// context.addSpecialRecipesIdentifiers(recipe, bedrockRecipeIds);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// craftingDataPacket.getCraftingData().addAll(CARTOGRAPHY_RECIPES);
// craftingDataPacket.getPotionMixData().addAll(Registries.POTION_MIXES.forVersion(session.getUpstream().getProtocolVersion()));
// Int2ObjectMap<GeyserStonecutterData> stonecutterRecipeMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
// for (Int2ObjectMap.Entry<List<StoneCuttingRecipeData>> data : unsortedStonecutterData.int2ObjectEntrySet()) {
// // Sort the list by each output item's Java identifier - this is how it's sorted on Java, and therefore
// // We can get the correct order for button pressing
// data.getValue().sort(Comparator.comparing((stoneCuttingRecipeData ->
// Registries.JAVA_ITEMS.get().get(stoneCuttingRecipeData.getResult().getId())
// // See RecipeManager#getRecipesFor as of 1.21
// .translationKey())));
// // Now that it's sorted, let's translate these recipes
// int buttonId = 0;
// for (StoneCuttingRecipeData stoneCuttingData : data.getValue()) {
// // As of 1.16.4, all stonecutter recipes have one ingredient option
// ItemStack ingredient = stoneCuttingData.getIngredient().getOptions()[0];
// ItemData input = ItemTranslator.translateToBedrock(session, ingredient);
// ItemDescriptorWithCount descriptor = ItemDescriptorWithCount.fromItem(input);
// ItemStack javaOutput = stoneCuttingData.getResult();
// ItemData output = ItemTranslator.translateToBedrock(session, javaOutput);
// if (!input.isValid() || !output.isValid()) {
// // Probably modded items
// continue;
// }
// UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
// // We need to register stonecutting recipes, so they show up on Bedrock
// craftingDataPacket.getCraftingData().add(,
// Collections.singletonList(descriptor), Collections.singletonList(output), uuid, "stonecutter", 0, context.netId, RecipeUnlockingRequirement.INVALID));
// // Save the recipe list for reference when crafting
// // Add the net ID as the key and the button required + output for the value
// stonecutterRecipeMap.put(context.getAndIncrementNetId(), new GeyserStonecutterData(buttonId++, javaOutput));
// // Currently, stone cutter recipes are not locked/unlocked on Bedrock; so no need to cache their identifiers.
// }
// }
// session.getLastRecipeNetId().set(context.netId); // No increment
// // Only send smithing trim recipes if Java/ViaVersion sends them.
// if (sendTrimRecipes) {
// // BDS sends armor trim templates and materials before the CraftingDataPacket
// TrimDataPacket trimDataPacket = new TrimDataPacket();
// trimDataPacket.getPatterns().addAll(session.getRegistryCache().trimPatterns().values());
// trimDataPacket.getMaterials().addAll(session.getRegistryCache().trimMaterials().values());
// session.sendUpstreamPacket(trimDataPacket);
// // Identical smithing_trim recipe sent by BDS that uses tag-descriptors, as the client seems to ignore the
// // approach of using many default-descriptors (which we do for smithing_transform)
// craftingDataPacket.getCraftingData().add(SmithingTrimRecipeData.of(TrimRecipe.ID,
// TrimRecipe.BASE, TrimRecipe.ADDITION, TrimRecipe.TEMPLATE, "smithing_table", session.getLastRecipeNetId().getAndIncrement()));
// } else {
// // manually add recipes for the upgrade template (workaround), since Java pre-1.20 doesn't
// craftingDataPacket.getCraftingData().addAll(getSmithingTransformRecipes(session));
// }
// session.setOldSmithingTable(!sendTrimRecipes);
// session.sendUpstreamPacket(craftingDataPacket);
// session.setCraftingRecipes(recipeMap);
// session.setStonecutterRecipes(stonecutterRecipeMap);
// }
// //TODO: rewrite
// /**
// * The Java server sends an array of items for each ingredient you can use per slot in the crafting grid.
// * Bedrock recipes take only one ingredient per crafting grid slot.
// *
// * @return the Java ingredient list as an array that Bedrock can understand
// */
// private static ItemDescriptorWithCount[][] combinations(GeyserSession session, Ingredient[] ingredients) {
// boolean empty = true;
// Map<Set<ItemDescriptorWithCount>, IntSet> squashedOptions = new HashMap<>();
// for (int i = 0; i < ingredients.length; i++) {
// if (ingredients[i].getOptions().length == 0) {
// squashedOptions.computeIfAbsent(Collections.singleton(ItemDescriptorWithCount.EMPTY), k -> new IntOpenHashSet()).add(i);
// continue;
// }
// empty = false;
// Ingredient ingredient = ingredients[i];
// Map<GroupedItem, List<ItemDescriptorWithCount>> groupedByIds =
// .map(item -> ItemDescriptorWithCount.fromItem(ItemTranslator.translateToBedrock(session, item)))
// .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(item -> item == ItemDescriptorWithCount.EMPTY ? new GroupedItem(ItemDefinition.AIR, 0) : new GroupedItem(((DefaultDescriptor) item.getDescriptor()).getItemId(), item.getCount())));
// Set<ItemDescriptorWithCount> optionSet = new HashSet<>(groupedByIds.size());
// for (Map.Entry<GroupedItem, List<ItemDescriptorWithCount>> entry : groupedByIds.entrySet()) {
// if (entry.getValue().size() > 1) {
// GroupedItem groupedItem = entry.getKey();
// String recipeTag = RECIPE_TAGS.get(;
// if (recipeTag != null && ingredients.length > 1) {
// optionSet.add(new ItemDescriptorWithCount(new ItemTagDescriptor(recipeTag), groupedItem.count));
// continue;
// }
// int idCount = 0;
// //not optimal
// for (ItemMapping mapping : session.getItemMappings().getItems()) {
// if (mapping.getBedrockDefinition() == {
// idCount++;
// }
// }
// if (entry.getValue().size() < idCount) {
// optionSet.addAll(entry.getValue());
// } else {
// optionSet.add( == ItemDefinition.AIR ? ItemDescriptorWithCount.EMPTY : new ItemDescriptorWithCount(new DefaultDescriptor(, Short.MAX_VALUE), groupedItem.count));
// }
// } else {
// ItemDescriptorWithCount item = entry.getValue().get(0);
// optionSet.add(item);
// }
// }
// squashedOptions.computeIfAbsent(optionSet, k -> new IntOpenHashSet()).add(i);
// }
// if (empty) {
// // Crashes Bedrock 1.19.70 otherwise
// // Fixes
// return null;
// }
// int totalCombinations = 1;
// for (Set<ItemDescriptorWithCount> optionSet : squashedOptions.keySet()) {
// totalCombinations *= optionSet.size();
// }
// if (totalCombinations > 500) {
// ItemDescriptorWithCount[] translatedItems = new ItemDescriptorWithCount[ingredients.length];
// for (int i = 0; i < ingredients.length; i++) {
// if (ingredients[i].getOptions().length > 0) {
// translatedItems[i] = ItemDescriptorWithCount.fromItem(ItemTranslator.translateToBedrock(session, ingredients[i].getOptions()[0]));
// } else {
// translatedItems[i] = ItemDescriptorWithCount.EMPTY;
// }
// }
// return new ItemDescriptorWithCount[][]{translatedItems};
// }
// List<Set<ItemDescriptorWithCount>> sortedSets = new ArrayList<>(squashedOptions.keySet());
// sortedSets.sort(Comparator.comparing(Set::size, Comparator.reverseOrder()));
// ItemDescriptorWithCount[][] combinations = new ItemDescriptorWithCount[totalCombinations][ingredients.length];
// int x = 1;
// for (Set<ItemDescriptorWithCount> set : sortedSets) {
// IntSet slotSet = squashedOptions.get(set);
// int i = 0;
// for (ItemDescriptorWithCount item : set) {
// for (int j = 0; j < totalCombinations / set.size(); j++) {
// final int comboIndex = (i * x) + (j % x) + ((j / x) * set.size() * x);
// for (IntIterator it = slotSet.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
// combinations[comboIndex][it.nextInt()] = item;
// }
// }
// i++;
// }
// x *= set.size();
// }
// return combinations;
// }
private void addSmithingTransformRecipes(GeyserSession session, List<RecipeData> recipes) {
ItemMapping template = session.getItemMappings().getStoredItems().upgradeTemplate();
@ -488,135 +203,4 @@ public class JavaUpdateRecipesTranslator extends PacketTranslator<ClientboundUpd
GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().debug("Unable to find item with identifier " + bedrockId);
return ItemDescriptorWithCount.EMPTY;
// @EqualsAndHashCode
// @AllArgsConstructor
// private static class GroupedItem {
// ItemDefinition id;
// int count;
// }
// private static final class RecipeContext {
// private final GeyserSession session;
// private final CraftingDataPacket packet;
// private final Int2ObjectMap<GeyserRecipe> recipeMap;
// // Get the last known network ID (first used for some pregenerated recipes) and increment from there.
// private int netId = InventoryUtils.LAST_RECIPE_NET_ID + 1;
// private RecipeContext(GeyserSession session, CraftingDataPacket packet, Int2ObjectMap<GeyserRecipe> recipeMap) {
// this.session = session;
// this.packet = packet;
// this.recipeMap = recipeMap;
// }
// List<String> translateShulkerBoxRecipe(GeyserShapelessRecipe recipe) {
// ItemStack result = recipe.result();
// ItemData output = ItemTranslator.translateToBedrock(session, result);
// if (!output.isValid()) {
// // Likely modded item that Bedrock will complain about if it persists
// return null;
// }
// Item javaItem = Registries.JAVA_ITEMS.get(result.getId());
// if (!(javaItem instanceof BedrockRequiresTagItem)) {
// // Strip NBT - tools won't appear in the recipe book otherwise
// output = output.toBuilder().tag(null).build();
// }
// ItemDescriptorWithCount[][] inputCombinations = combinations(session, recipe.ingredients());
// if (inputCombinations == null) {
// return null;
// }
// List<String> bedrockRecipeIDs = new ArrayList<>();
// for (ItemDescriptorWithCount[] inputs : inputCombinations) {
// UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
// bedrockRecipeIDs.add(uuid.toString());
// packet.getCraftingData().add(,
// Arrays.asList(inputs), Collections.singletonList(output), uuid, "crafting_table", 0, netId));
// recipeMap.put(netId++, recipe);
// }
// return bedrockRecipeIDs;
// }
// List<String> translateShapelessRecipe(GeyserShapelessRecipe recipe) {
// ItemStack result = recipe.result();
// ItemData output = ItemTranslator.translateToBedrock(session, result);
// if (!output.isValid()) {
// // Likely modded item that Bedrock will complain about if it persists
// return null;
// }
// Item javaItem = Registries.JAVA_ITEMS.get(result.getId());
// if (!(javaItem instanceof BedrockRequiresTagItem)) {
// // Strip NBT - tools won't appear in the recipe book otherwise
// output = output.toBuilder().tag(null).build();
// }
// ItemDescriptorWithCount[][] inputCombinations = combinations(session, recipe.ingredients());
// if (inputCombinations == null) {
// return null;
// }
// List<String> bedrockRecipeIDs = new ArrayList<>();
// for (ItemDescriptorWithCount[] inputs : inputCombinations) {
// UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
// bedrockRecipeIDs.add(uuid.toString());
// packet.getCraftingData().add(,
// Arrays.asList(inputs), Collections.singletonList(output), uuid, "crafting_table", 0, netId, RecipeUnlockingRequirement.INVALID));
// recipeMap.put(netId++, recipe);
// }
// return bedrockRecipeIDs;
// }
// List<String> translateShapedRecipe(GeyserShapedRecipe recipe) {
// ItemStack result = recipe.result();
// ItemData output = ItemTranslator.translateToBedrock(session, result);
// if (!output.isValid()) {
// // Likely modded item that Bedrock will complain about if it persists
// return null;
// }
// Item javaItem = Registries.JAVA_ITEMS.get(result.getId());
// if (!(javaItem instanceof BedrockRequiresTagItem)) {
// // Strip NBT - tools won't appear in the recipe book otherwise
// output = output.toBuilder().tag(null).build();
// }
// ItemDescriptorWithCount[][] inputCombinations = combinations(session, recipe.ingredients());
// if (inputCombinations == null) {
// return null;
// }
// List<String> bedrockRecipeIDs = new ArrayList<>();
// for (ItemDescriptorWithCount[] inputs : inputCombinations) {
// UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();
// bedrockRecipeIDs.add(uuid.toString());
// packet.getCraftingData().add(,
// recipe.width(), recipe.height(), Arrays.asList(inputs),
// Collections.singletonList(output), uuid, "crafting_table", 0, netId, false, RecipeUnlockingRequirement.INVALID));
// recipeMap.put(netId++, recipe);
// }
// return bedrockRecipeIDs;
// }
// void addSpecialRecipesIdentifiers(Recipe recipe, List<String> identifiers) {
// String javaRecipeID = switch (recipe.getType()) {
// // BDS (un)locks the dyeing with the shulker box recipe, Java never - we want BDS behavior for ease of use
// "minecraft:shulker_box";
// // similar as above
// "minecraft:arrow";
// default -> recipe.getIdentifier().asString();
// };
// addRecipeIdentifier(session, javaRecipeID, identifiers);
// }
// void addRecipeIdentifier(GeyserSession session, String javaIdentifier, List<String> bedrockIdentifiers) {
// session.getJavaToBedrockRecipeIds().computeIfAbsent(javaIdentifier, k -> new ArrayList<>()).addAll(bedrockIdentifiers);
// }
// int getAndIncrementNetId() {
// return this.netId++;
// }
// }