Updated Common Issues (markdown)

Camotoy 2020-07-28 10:32:19 -04:00
parent d4717308fd
commit 0f3cfa04ba

@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ This usually has something to do on your host's end. Most commonly, it's because
**PLEASE NOTE:** If your server automatically redownloads jars upon startup, such as with an autoupdate system, this workaround will not work. Please contact your host if this does not work for you as there is nothing we can do.
## Bedrock players can connect *after* hitting the server on a TCP port (e.g. on Java or a website on the same server)
This is likely a firewall issue on your server. Please contact your server host.
# java.net.BindException: Address already in use: bind
This means something (likely another instance of Geyser) is running on the port you have specified in the config. Please make sure you close all applications running on this port. This is sometimes due to the fact that you doubleclicked the jar instead of running it using a startup script. If you don't recall opening anything, usually restarting your computer fixes this.