Welcome to take the time to propose a translation by [:(fas fa-code-branch fa-fw): making a PR](https://github.com/dillonzq/LoveIt/pulls) to the theme!
It is necessary only if the front matters and the `page` part in your [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration) are inconsistent.
* **date**: the datetime assigned to this page, which is usually fetched from the `date` field in front matter, but this behaviour is configurabl in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
* **toc**: {{<version0.2.0changed>}} the same as the `params.page.toc` part in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
* **code**: {{<version0.2.0>}} the same as the `params.page.code` part in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
* **math**: {{<version0.2.0changed>}} the same as the `params.page.math` part in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
* **mapbox**: {{<version0.2.0>}} the same as the `params.page.mapbox` part in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
* **share**: the same as the `params.page.share` part in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
* **comment**: {{<version0.2.0changed>}} the same as the `params.page.comment` part in the [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
If you are creating content in a [CJK]^(Chinese/Japanese/Korean) language and want to use Hugo’s automatic summary splitting, set `hasCJKLanguage` to `true` in your [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration).
Alternatively, you may add the `<!--more-->` summary divider where you want to split the article.
Content that comes before the summary divider will be used as that content’s summary.
Be careful to enter `<!--more-->` exactly; i.e., all lowercase and with no whitespace.
### Front Matter Summary
You might want your summary to be something other than the text that starts the article. In this case you can provide a separate summary in the `summary` variable of the article front matter.
### Use Description as Summary
You might want your description in the `description` variable of the article front matter as the summary.
You may add the `<!--more-->` summary divider at the start of the article. Keep content that comes before the summary divider empty. Then **LoveIt** theme will use your description as the summary.
### Priority Order of Summary Selection
Because there are multiple ways in which a summary can be specified it is useful to understand the order. It is as follows:
1. If there is a `<!--more-->` summary divider present in the article but no content is before the divider, the description will be used as the summary.
2. If there is a `<!--more-->` summary divider present in the article the text up to the divider will be provided as per the manual summary split method.
3. If there is a summary variable in the article front matter the value of the variable will be provided as per the front matter summary method.
4. The text at the start of the article will be provided as per the automatic summary split method.
It is not recommended to include rich text block elements in the summary, which will cause typographic errors. Such as code blocks, pictures, tables, etc.
## 4 Basic Markdown Syntax
This part is shown in the [basic markdown syntax page](../basic-markdown-syntax/).
Set the property `copyTex = true` under `[params.math]` in your [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration) to enable Copy-tex.
Set the property `mhchem = true` under `[params.math]` in your [site configuration](../theme-documentation-basics#site-configuration) to enable mhchem.