2019-08-04 15:53:35 +02:00
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{{ with .Site.Params.google_verification }}
<meta name="google-site-verification" content="{{ . }}" />
{{ end }}
{{ with .Site.Params.bing_verification }}
<meta name="msvalidate.01" content="{{ . }}" />
{{ with .Site.Params.yandex_verification }}
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{{ with .Site.Params.pinterest_verification }}
<meta name="p:domain_verify" content="{{ . }}" />
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{{ with .Site.Params.baidu_verification }}
<meta name=”baidu-site-verification” content="{{ . }}" />
{{ end }}
{{ if .PrevInSection }}
<link rel="prev" href="{{.PrevInSection.Permalink}}" />
{{ end }}
{{ if .NextInSection}}
<link rel="next" href="{{ .NextInSection.Permalink }}" />
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2019-08-18 19:36:52 +02:00
{{- with .OutputFormats.Get "RSS" -}}
2019-08-04 15:53:35 +02:00
<link rel="alternate" href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" type="application/rss+xml" title="{{ site.Title }}">
<link rel="feed" href="{{ .RelPermalink }}" type="application/rss+xml" title="{{ site.Title }}">
2019-08-18 19:36:52 +02:00
{{- end -}}
{{- template "_internal/twitter_cards.html" . -}}
2019-08-05 15:15:01 +02:00
2019-08-18 19:36:52 +02:00
{{- partial "seo_schema.html" . -}}
2019-08-05 15:15:01 +02:00
2019-08-18 19:36:52 +02:00
{{- $style := resources.Get "css/style.scss" | resources.ToCSS | resources.Minify -}}
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