{{ define "title" }}{{ .Title }} - {{ .Site.Title }}{{ end }} {{ define "content" }} {{ $publish_date := .PublishDate.Format (.Site.Params.dateFormatToUse | default "2006-01-02") }} {{ $modify_date := .Lastmod.Format (.Site.Params.dateFormatToUse | default "2006-01-02") }} {{ $author := .Site.Author.Name }} {{ if isset .Params "author" }} {{ $author = .Site.Author.Name }} {{ end }} <article class="post-warp"> <header class="post-header"> <h1 class="post-title">{{ .Title }}</h1> <div class="post-meta"> <a href="{{.Site.BaseURL }}" rel="author">{{ $author }}</a> {{ T "wrote" }} <span class="post-time"><time datetime={{ $publish_date }}>{{ $publish_date }}</time></span> ✎ {{ T "wordCount" .WordCount }} <i class="iconfont icon-timer"></i> {{ T "readingTime" .ReadingTime }} {{ with .Params.categories -}} <span class="post-category"> {{ range . }} {{- $name := . -}} {{- with $.Site.GetPage "taxonomy" (printf "categories/%s" $name) | default ($.Site.GetPage "taxonomy" (printf "categories/%s" ($name | urlize))) -}} <i class="iconfont icon-folder"></i> <a href="{{ .Permalink }}">{{ $name }}</a> {{ end -}} {{ end }} </span> {{- end }} </div> </header> <div class="post-content"> <!--featured_image--> {{ with .Params.featured_image }} <img src="{{ . }}" class="featured_image"> {{ end }} <!-- end featured_image--> {{ $reAltIn := `<img src="([^"]+)" alt="([^"]+)?" />` }} {{ $reAltOut := "<figure><img src=/images/loading.svg data-sizes=auto data-src=$1 alt=$2 class=lazyload><figcaption class=image-caption>$2</figcaption></figure>" }} {{ $altContent := .Content | replaceRE $reAltIn $reAltOut | safeHTML }} {{ $reAltTitleIn := `<img src="([^"]+)" alt="([^"]+)?" title="([^"]+)?" />` }} {{ $reAltTitleOut := "<figure><img src=/images/loading.svg data-src=$1 data-sizes=auto alt=$2 title=$3 class=lazyload><figcaption class=image-caption>$2</figcaption></figure>" }} {{ $finalContent := $altContent | replaceRE $reAltTitleIn $reAltTitleOut | safeHTML }} {{ $finalContent }} </div> <div class="post-copyright"> <p class="copyright-item"> <span>{{ T "author" }}:</span> <span><a href="{{.Site.BaseURL }}" rel="author">{{ $author }}</a></span> </p> <p class="copyright-item"> <span>{{ T "lastMod" }}:</span> <span>{{ $modify_date }}</span> </p> <p class="copyright-item"> {{ if and ( $.Param "socialShare" ) (gt (len ($.Param "share")) 0) }} <span>{{ T "share" }}:</span> <span>{{ partial "post/share-links.html" . }}</span> {{ end }} </p> {{ with .Site.Params.license }} <p class="copyright-item"> <span>{{ T "license" }}:</span> <span>{{ . | safeHTML }}</span> </p> {{ end }} </div> <div class="post-tags"> {{ with .Params.tags }} <section> <i class="iconfont icon-icon-tag"></i>{{ T "tag" }}: {{ range . }} <span class="tag"> <a href="{{ "tags/" | absURL }}{{ . | urlize }}/">#{{.}}</a> </span> {{ end }} </section> {{ end }} <section> <span><a href="javascript:window.history.back();">{{ T "back" }}</a></span> | <span><a href="{{ .Site.BaseURL }}">{{ T "home" }}</a></span> </section> </div> <div class="post-nav"> {{ if .PrevInSection }} <a href="{{.PrevInSection.Permalink}}" class="prev" rel="prev" title="{{ .PrevInSection.Title}}"><i class="iconfont icon-dajiantou"></i> {{ .PrevInSection.Title}}</a> {{ end }} {{ if .NextInSection }} <a href="{{.NextInSection.Permalink}}" class="next" rel="next" title="{{.NextInSection.Title}}">{{.NextInSection.Title}} <i class="iconfont icon-xiaojiantou"></i></a> {{ end }} </div> <div class="post-comment"> {{ if ( .Params.showComments | default true ) }} {{ partial "comments.html" . }} {{ end }} </div> </article> {{- end }}