{{- /* 001: Github */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Github -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://github.com/%s" .) "title" "GitHub" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-github-alt fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 002: LinkedIn */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.LinkedIn -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://linkedin.com/in/%s" .) "title" "LinkedIn" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-linkedin fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 003: Twitter */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Twitter -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://twitter.com/%s" .) "title" "Twitter" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-twitter fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 004: Instagram */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Instagram -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.instagram.com/%s" .) "title" "Instagram" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-instagram fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 005: Facebook */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Facebook -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://facebook.com/%s" .) "title" "Facebook" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-facebook fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 006: Telegram */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Telegram -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://t.me/%s" .) "title" "Telegram" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-telegram-plane fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 007: Medium */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Medium -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://medium.com/%s" .) "title" "Medium" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-medium fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 008: Medium */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Gitlab -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://gitlab.com/%s" .) "title" "GitLab" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-gitlab fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 009: YouTube Legacy */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Youtubelegacy -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.youtube.com/user/%s" .) "title" "YouTube" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-youtube fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 010: YouTube Custom */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Youtubecustom -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.youtube.com/c/%s" .) "title" "YouTube" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-youtube fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 011: Youtube Channel */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Youtubechannel -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.youtube.com/channel/%s" .) "title" "YouTube" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-youtube fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 012: Tumblr */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Tumblr -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://%s.tumblr.com" .) "title" "Tumblr" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-tumblr fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 013: Quora */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Quora -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.quora.com/profile/%s" .) "title" "Quora" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-quora fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 014: Keybase */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Keybase -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://keybase.io/%s" .) "title" "Keybase" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-keybase fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 015: Pinterest */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Pinterest -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.pinterest.com/%s" .) "title" "Pinterest" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-pinterest fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 016: Reddit */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Reddit -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.reddit.com/user/%s" .) "title" "Reddit" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-reddit fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 017: CodePen */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Codepen -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://codepen.io/%s" .) "title" "CodePen" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-codepen fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 018: freeCodeCamp */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.FreeCodeCamp -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://freecodecamp.org/%s" .) "title" "freeCodeCamp" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-free-code-camp fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 019: Bitbucket */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Bitbucket -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://bitbucket.org/%s" .) "title" "Bitbucket" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-bitbucket fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 020: Stack Overflow */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Stackoverflow -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://stackoverflow.com/users/%s" .) "title" "Stack Overflow" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-stack-overflow fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 021: 微博 */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Weibo -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://weibo.com/%s" .) "title" "微博" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-weibo fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 022: OK.RU */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Odnoklassniki -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://ok.ru/%s" .) "title" "OK.RU" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-odnoklassniki fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 023: VK */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.VK -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://vk.com/%s" .) "title" "VK" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-vk fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 024: Flickr */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Flickr -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.flickr.com/photos/%s" .) "title" "Flickr" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-flickr fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 025: Xing */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Xing -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.xing.com/profile/%s" .) "title" "Xing" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-xing fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 026: Snapchat */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Snapchat -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.snapchat.com/add/%s" .) "title" "Snapchat" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-snapchat fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 027: SoundCloud */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Soundcloud -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://soundcloud.com/%s" .) "title" "SoundCloud" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-soundcloud fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 028: Spotify */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Spotify -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://open.spotify.com/user/%s" .) "title" "Spotify" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-spotify fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 029: Bandcamp */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Bandcamp -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://%s.bandcamp.com/" .) "title" "Bandcamp" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-bandcamp fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 030: PayPal */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Paypal -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://paypal.me/%s" .) "title" "PayPal" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-paypal fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 031: 500px */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Fivehundredpx -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://500px.com/%s" .) "title" "500px" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-500px fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 032: Mix */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Mix -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://mix.com/%s" .) "title" "Mix" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-mix fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 033: Goodreads */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Goodreads -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/%s" .) "title" "Goodreads" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-goodreads fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 034: Last.fm */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Lastfm -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.last.fm/user/%s" .) "title" "Last.fm" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-lastfm fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 035: Foursquare */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Foursquare -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://foursquare.com/%s" .) "title" "Foursquare" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-foursquare fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 036: Hacker News */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Hackernews -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=%s" .) "title" "Hacker News" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-hacker-news fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 037: Kickstarter */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Kickstarter -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://kickstarter.com/profile/%s" .) "title" "Kickstarter" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-kickstarter fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 038: Patreon */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Patreon -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://patreon.com/%s" .) "title" "Patreon" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-patreon fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 039: Steam */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Steam -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://steamcommunity.com/id/%s" .) "title" "Steam" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-steam fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 040: Twitch */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Twitch -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.twitch.tv/%s" .) "title" "Twitch" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-twitch fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 041: Strava */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Strava -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.strava.com/athletes/%s" .) "title" "Strava" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-strava fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 042: Skype */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Skype -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "skype:%s" .) "title" "Skype" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-skype fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 043: WhatsApp */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Whatsapp -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://wa.me/%s" .) "title" "WhatsApp" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-whatsapp fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 044: 知乎 */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Zhihu -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.zhihu.com/people/%s" .) "title" "知乎" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-zhihu fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 045: Angellist */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Angellist -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://angel.co/%s" .) "title" "Angellist" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-angellist fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 046: SlideShare */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Slideshare -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://slideshare.com/%s" .) "title" "SlideShare" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-slideshare fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 047: JSFiddle */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Jsfiddle -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://jsfiddle.com/%s" .) "title" "JSFiddle" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-jsfiddle fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 048: DeviantArt */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Deviantart -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://%s.deviantart.com/" .) "title" "DeviantArt" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-deviantart fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 049: Behance */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Behance -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://behance.net/%s" .) "title" "Behance" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-behance fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 050: Dribbble */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Dribble -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://dribbble.com/%s" .) "title" "Dribbble" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-dribbble fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 051: WordPress */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Wordpress -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://%s.wordpress.com/" .) "title" "WordPress" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-wordpress fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 052: Vine */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Vine -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://vine.co/%s" .) "title" "Vine" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-vine fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 053: Google Scholar */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Googlescholar -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://scholar.google.com/citations?%s" .) "title" "Google Scholar" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-google fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 054: ResearchGate */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Researchgate -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://www.researchgate.net/profile/%s" .) "title" "ResearchGate" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-researchgate fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 055: Mastodon */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Mastodon -}} {{- $MastodonPrefix := $.Site.Params.Social.MastodonPrefix | default "https://mastodon.social" -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "%s/%s" $MastodonPrefix .) "title" "Mastodon" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-mastodon fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 054: Dev.To */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Devto -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://dev.to/%s" .) "title" "Dev.To" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fab fa-dev fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 055: Gitea */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Gitea -}} {{- $options := dict "href" . "title" "Gitea" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fa fa-gitea fa-fw" "type" "fo" "scratch" $.Scratch | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 056: XMPP */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.XMPP -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "xmpp:%s" .) "title" "XMPP" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fa fa-xmpp fa-fw" "type" "fo" "scratch" $.Scratch | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 057: Matrix */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Matrix -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://matrix.to/#/%s" .) "title" "Matrix" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "fa fa-matrix-org fa-fw" "type" "fo" "scratch" $.Scratch | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 058: bilibili */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Bilibili -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "https://space.bilibili.com/%s" .) "title" "bilibili" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "loveit it-bilibili-fill" "type" "other" "scratch" $.Scratch | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* 059: Email */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Email -}} {{- $options := dict "href" (printf "mailto:%s" .) "title" "Email" -}} {{- $options = dict "class" "far fa-envelope fa-fw" | merge $options -}} {{- partial "function/icon-link.html" $options -}} {{- end -}} {{- /* Custom */ -}} {{- with .Site.Params.Social.Custom -}} {{- . | safeHTML -}} {{- end -}}