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min = "0.128.0"
# site default theme ["auto", "light", "dark"]
# 网站默认主题 ["auto", "light", "dark"]
defaultTheme = "auto"
# public git repo url only then enableGitInfo is true
# 公共 git 仓库路径,仅在 enableGitInfo 设为 true 时有效
gitRepo = ""
# which hash function used for SRI, when empty, no SRI is used
# ["sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "md5"]
# 哪种哈希函数用来 SRI, 为空时表示不使用 SRI
# ["sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "md5"]
fingerprint = ""
# date format
# 日期格式
dateFormat = "2006-01-02"
# website title for Open Graph and Twitter Cards
# 网站标题, 用于 Open Graph 和 Twitter Cards
title = "My cool site"
# website description for RSS, SEO, Open Graph and Twitter Cards
# 网站描述, 用于 RSS, SEO, Open Graph 和 Twitter Cards
description = "This is my cool site"
# website images for Open Graph and Twitter Cards
# 网站图片, 用于 Open Graph 和 Twitter Cards
images = []
# Author config
# 作者配置
name = "xxxx"
email = ""
link = ""
# Header config
# 页面头部导航栏配置
# desktop header mode ["fixed", "normal", "auto"]
# 桌面端导航栏模式 ["fixed", "normal", "auto"]
desktopMode = "fixed"
# mobile header mode ["fixed", "normal", "auto"]
# 移动端导航栏模式 ["fixed", "normal", "auto"]
mobileMode = "auto"
# Header title config
# 页面头部导航栏标题配置
# URL of the LOGO
logo = ""
# title name
# 标题名称
name = "My cool site"
# you can add extra information before the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
# 你可以在名称 (允许 HTML 格式) 之前添加其他信息, 例如图标
pre = ""
# you can add extra information after the name (HTML format is supported), such as icons
# 你可以在名称 (允许 HTML 格式) 之后添加其他信息, 例如图标
post = ""
# whether to use typeit animation for title name
# 是否为标题显示打字机动画
typeit = false
# Footer config
# 页面底部信息配置
enable = true
# Custom content (HTML format is supported)
# 自定义内容 (支持 HTML 格式)
custom = ""
# whether to show Hugo and theme info
# 是否显示 Hugo 和主题信息
hugo = true
# whether to show copyright info
# 是否显示版权信息
copyright = true
# whether to show the author
# 是否显示作者
author = true
# site creation time
# 网站创立年份
since = 2022
# ICP info only in China (HTML format is supported)
# ICP 备案信息,仅在中国使用 (支持 HTML 格式)
icp = ""
# license info (HTML format is supported)
# 许可协议信息 (支持 HTML 格式)
license= ""
# Section (all posts) page config
# Section (所有文章) 页面配置
# special amount of posts in each section page
# section 页面每页显示文章数量
paginate = 20
# date format (month and day)
# 日期格式 (月和日)
dateFormat = "01-02"
# amount of RSS pages
# RSS 文章数目
rss = 10
# List (category or tag) page config
# List (目录或标签) 页面配置
# special amount of posts in each list page
# list 页面每页显示文章数量
paginate = 20
# date format (month and day)
# 日期格式 (月和日)
dateFormat = "01-02"
# amount of RSS pages
# RSS 文章数目
rss = 10
# App icon config
# 应用图标配置
# optional site title override for the app when added to an iOS home screen or Android launcher
# 当添加到 iOS 主屏幕或者 Android 启动器时的标题, 覆盖默认标题
title = "My cool site"
# whether to omit favicon resource links
# 是否隐藏网站图标资源链接
noFavicon = false
# modern SVG favicon to use in place of older style .png and .ico files
# 更现代的 SVG 网站图标, 可替代旧的 .png 和 .ico 文件
svgFavicon = ""
# Android browser theme color
# Android 浏览器主题色
themeColor = "#ffffff"
# Safari mask icon color
# Safari 图标颜色
iconColor = "#5bbad5"
# Windows v8-11 tile color
# Windows v8-11 磁贴颜色
tileColor = "#da532c"
# Search config
# 搜索配置
enable = false
# type of search engine ["lunr", "algolia"]
# 搜索引擎的类型 ["lunr", "algolia"]
type = "lunr"
# max index length of the chunked content
# 文章内容最长索引长度
contentLength = 4000
# placeholder of the search bar
# 搜索框的占位提示语
placeholder = ""
# max number of results length
# 最大结果数目
maxResultLength = 10
# snippet length of the result
# 结果内容片段长度
snippetLength = 30
# HTML tag name of the highlight part in results
# 搜索结果中高亮部分的 HTML 标签
highlightTag = "em"
# whether to use the absolute URL based on the baseURL in search index
# 是否在搜索索引中使用基于 baseURL 的绝对路径
absoluteURL = false
index = ""
appID = ""
searchKey = ""
# Home page config
# 主页信息设置
# amount of RSS pages
# RSS 文章数目
rss = 10
# Home page profile
# 主页个人信息
enable = true
# Gravatar Email for preferred avatar in home page
# Gravatar 邮箱,用于优先在主页显示的头像
gravatarEmail = ""
# URL of avatar shown in home page
# 主页显示头像的 URL
avatarURL = ""
# title shown in home page (HTML format is supported)
# 主页显示的网站标题 (支持 HTML 格式)
title = ""
# subtitle shown in home page (HTML format is supported)
# 主页显示的网站副标题 (允许 HTML 格式)
subtitle = "This is my cool site"
# whether to use typeit animation for subtitle
# 是否为副标题显示打字机动画
typeit = true
# whether to show social links
# 是否显示社交账号
social = true
# disclaimer (HTML format is supported)
# 免责声明 (支持 HTML 格式)
disclaimer = ""
# Home page posts
# 主页文章列表
enable = true
# special amount of posts in each home posts page
# 主页每页显示文章数量
paginate = 6
# Social config in home page
# 主页的社交信息设置
GitHub = ""
Linkedin = ""
X = ""
Instagram = ""
Facebook = ""
Telegram = ""
Medium = ""
Gitlab = ""
Youtubelegacy = ""
Youtubecustom = ""
Youtubechannel = ""
Tumblr = ""
Quora = ""
Keybase = ""
Pinterest = ""
Reddit = ""
Codepen = ""
FreeCodeCamp = ""
Bitbucket = ""
Stackoverflow = ""
Weibo = ""
Odnoklassniki = ""
VK = ""
Flickr = ""
Xing = ""
Snapchat = ""
Soundcloud = ""
Spotify = ""
Bandcamp = ""
Paypal = ""
Fivehundredpx = ""
Mix = ""
Goodreads = ""
Lastfm = ""
Foursquare = ""
Hackernews = ""
Kickstarter = ""
Patreon = ""
Steam = ""
Twitch = ""
Strava = ""
Skype = ""
Whatsapp = ""
Zhihu = ""
Douban = ""
Angellist = ""
Slidershare = ""
Jsfiddle = ""
Deviantart = ""
Behance = ""
Dribbble = ""
Wordpress = ""
Vine = ""
Googlescholar = ""
Researchgate = ""
Mastodon = ""
Thingiverse = ""
Devto = ""
Gitea = ""
XMPP = ""
Matrix = ""
Bilibili = ""
Discord = ""
DiscordInvite = ""
Lichess = ""
ORCID = ""
Pleroma = ""
Kaggle = ""
MediaWiki = ""
Plume = ""
HackTheBox = ""
RootMe = ""
Malt = ""
TikTok = ""
TryHackMe = ""
Codeberg = ""
HuggingFace = ""
Threads = ""
Email = ""
Phone = ""
RSS = ""
# Page global config
# 文章页面全局配置
# whether to hide a page from home page
# 是否在主页隐藏一篇文章
hiddenFromHomePage = false
# whether to hide a page from search results
# 是否在搜索结果中隐藏一篇文章
hiddenFromSearch = false
# whether to enable twemoji
# 是否使用 twemoji
twemoji = false
# whether to enable lightgallery
# 是否使用 lightgallery
lightgallery = false
# whether to enable the ruby extended syntax
# 是否使用 ruby 扩展语法
ruby = true
# whether to enable the fraction extended syntax
# 是否使用 fraction 扩展语法
fraction = true
# whether to enable the fontawesome extended syntax
# 是否使用 fontawesome 扩展语法
fontawesome = true
# whether to show link to Raw Markdown content of the content
# 是否显示原始 Markdown 文档内容的链接
linkToMarkdown = true
# whether to show the full text content in RSS
# 是否在 RSS 中显示全文内容
rssFullText = false
# Table of the contents config
# 目录配置
# whether to enable the table of the contents
# 是否使用目录
enable = true
# whether to keep the static table of the contents in front of the post
# 是否保持使用文章前面的静态目录
keepStatic = false
# whether to make the table of the contents in the sidebar automatically collapsed
# 是否使侧边目录自动折叠展开
auto = true
# Code config
# 代码配置
# whether to show the copy button of the code block
# 是否显示代码块的复制按钮
copy = true
# the maximum number of lines of displayed code by default
# 默认展开显示的代码行数
maxShownLines = 50
# KaTeX mathematical formulas config (KaTeX https://katex.org/)
# KaTeX 数学公式配置 (KaTeX https://katex.org/)
enable = false
# default inline delimiter is $ ... $ and \( ... \)
# 默认行内定界符是 $ ... $ 和 \( ... \)
inlineLeftDelimiter = ""
inlineRightDelimiter = ""
# default block delimiter is $$ ... $$, \[ ... \], \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} and some other functions
# 默认块定界符是 $$ ... $$, \[ ... \], \begin{equation} ... \end{equation} 和一些其它的函数
blockLeftDelimiter = ""
blockRightDelimiter = ""
# KaTeX extension copy_tex
# KaTeX 插件 copy_tex
copyTex = true
# KaTeX extension mhchem
# KaTeX 插件 mhchem
mhchem = true
# Mapbox GL JS config (Mapbox GL JS https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js)
# Mapbox GL JS 配置 (Mapbox GL JS https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js)
# access token of Mapbox GL JS
# Mapbox GL JS 的 access token
accessToken = ""
# style for the light theme
# 浅色主题的地图样式
lightStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v10?optimize=true"
# style for the dark theme
# 深色主题的地图样式
darkStyle = "mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v10?optimize=true"
# whether to add NavigationControl (https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#navigationcontrol)
# 是否添加 NavigationControl (https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#navigationcontrol)
navigation = true
# whether to add GeolocateControl (https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#geolocatecontrol)
# 是否添加 GeolocateControl (https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#geolocatecontrol)
geolocate = true
# whether to add ScaleControl (https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#scalecontrol)
# 是否添加 ScaleControl (https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#scalecontrol)
scale = true
# whether to add FullscreenControl (https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#fullscreencontrol)
# 是否添加 FullscreenControl (https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#fullscreencontrol)
fullscreen = true
# Social share links in post page
# 文章页面的分享信息设置
enable = true
X = true
Threads = true
Facebook = true
Linkedin = false
Whatsapp = false
Pinterest = false
Tumblr = false
HackerNews = true
Reddit = false
VK = false
Buffer = false
Xing = false
Line = true
Instapaper = false
Pocket = false
Flipboard = false
Weibo = true
Blogger = false
Baidu = false
Odnoklassniki = false
Evernote = false
Skype = false
Trello = false
Diaspora = true
Mix = false
Telegram = true
# Comment config
# 评论系统设置
enable = false
# Disqus comment config (https://disqus.com/)
# Disqus 评论系统设置 (https://disqus.com/)
enable = false
# Disqus shortname to use Disqus in posts
# Disqus 的 shortname用来在文章中启用 Disqus 评论系统
shortname = ""
# Gitalk comment config (https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk)
# Gitalk 评论系统设置 (https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk)
enable = false
owner = ""
repo = ""
clientId = ""
clientSecret = ""
# Valine comment config (https://github.com/xCss/Valine)
# Valine 评论系统设置 (https://github.com/xCss/Valine)
enable = false
appId = ""
appKey = ""
placeholder = ""
avatar = "mp"
meta= ""
pageSize = 10
# automatically adapt the current theme i18n configuration when empty
# 为空时自动适配当前主题 i18n 配置
lang = ""
visitor = true
recordIP = true
highlight = true
enableQQ = false
serverURLs = ""
# emoji data file name, default is "google.yml"
# ["apple.yml", "google.yml", "facebook.yml", "twitter.yml"]
# located in "themes/LoveIt/assets/lib/valine/emoji/" directory
# you can store your own data files in the same path under your project:
# "assets/lib/valine/emoji/"
# emoji 数据文件名称, 默认是 "google.yml"
# ["apple.yml", "google.yml", "facebook.yml", "twitter.yml"]
# 位于 "themes/LoveIt/assets/lib/valine/emoji/" 目录
# 可以在你的项目下相同路径存放你自己的数据文件:
# "assets/lib/valine/emoji/"
emoji = ""
# Facebook comment config (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments)
# Facebook 评论系统设置 (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments)
enable = false
width = "100%"
numPosts = 10
appId = ""
# automatically adapt the current theme i18n configuration when empty
# 为空时自动适配当前主题 i18n 配置
languageCode = ""
# Telegram comments config (https://comments.app/)
# Telegram comments 评论系统设置 (https://comments.app/)
enable = false
siteID = ""
limit = 5
height = ""
color = ""
colorful = true
dislikes = false
outlined = false
# Commento comment config (https://commento.io/)
# Commento comment 评论系统设置 (https://commento.io/)
enable = false
# utterances comment config (https://utteranc.es/)
# utterances comment 评论系统设置 (https://utteranc.es/)
enable = false
# owner/repo
repo = ""
issueTerm = "pathname"
label = ""
lightTheme = "github-light"
darkTheme = "github-dark"
# giscus comment config (https://giscus.app/)
# giscus comment 评论系统设置 (https://giscus.app/zh-CN)
# You can refer to the official documentation of giscus to use the following configuration.
# 你可以参考官方文档来使用下列配置
enable = false
repo = ""
repoId = ""
category = "Announcements"
categoryId = ""
# automatically adapt the current theme i18n configuration when empty
# 为空时自动适配当前主题 i18n 配置
lang = ""
mapping = "pathname"
reactionsEnabled = "1"
emitMetadata = "0"
inputPosition = "bottom"
lazyLoading = false
lightTheme = "light"
darkTheme = "dark"
# Third-party library config
# 第三方库配置
# someCSS = "some.css"
# located in "assets/" 位于 "assets/"
# Or 或者
# someCSS = "https://cdn.example.com/some.css"
# someJavascript = "some.js"
# located in "assets/" 位于 "assets/"
# Or 或者
# someJavascript = "https://cdn.example.com/some.js"
# Page SEO config
# 页面 SEO 配置
# image URL
# 图片 URL
images = []
# Publisher info
# 出版者信息
name = ""
logoUrl = ""
# TypeIt config
# TypeIt 配置
# typing speed between each step (measured in milliseconds)
# 每一步的打字速度 (单位是毫秒)
speed = 100
# blinking speed of the cursor (measured in milliseconds)
# 光标的闪烁速度 (单位是毫秒)
cursorSpeed = 1000
# character used for the cursor (HTML format is supported)
# 光标的字符 (支持 HTML 格式)
cursorChar = "|"
# cursor duration after typing finishing (measured in milliseconds, "-1" means unlimited)
# 打字结束之后光标的持续时间 (单位是毫秒, "-1" 代表无限大)
duration = -1
# Site verification code for Google/Bing/Yandex/Pinterest/Baidu
# 网站验证代码,用于 Google/Bing/Yandex/Pinterest/Baidu
google = ""
bing = ""
yandex = ""
pinterest = ""
baidu = ""
# Site SEO config
# 网站 SEO 配置
# image URL
# 图片 URL
image = ""
# thumbnail URL
# 缩略图 URL
thumbnailUrl = ""
# Analytics config
# 网站分析配置
# Google Analytics
id = ""
# whether to respect the browsers “do not track” setting
# 是否遵循浏览器的 “Do Not Track” 设置
respectDoNotTrack = false
# Fathom Analytics
id = ""
# server url for your tracker if you're self hosting
# 自行托管追踪器时的主机路径
server = ""
# Plausible Analytics
dataDomain = ""
# Yandex Metrica
id = ""
# Cookie consent config
# Cookie 许可配置
enable = false
# text strings used for Cookie consent banner
# 用于 Cookie 许可横幅的文本字符串
message = ""
dismiss = ""
link = ""
# CDN config for third-party library files
# 第三方库文件的 CDN 设置
# CDN data file name, disabled by default
# ["jsdelivr.yml"]
# located in "themes/LoveIt/assets/data/cdn/" directory
# you can store your own data files in the same path under your project:
# "assets/data/cdn/"
# CDN 数据文件名称, 默认不启用
# ["jsdelivr.yml"]
# 位于 "themes/LoveIt/assets/data/cdn/" 目录
# 可以在你的项目下相同路径存放你自己的数据文件:
# "assets/data/cdn/"
data = "jsdelivr.yml"
# Compatibility config
# 兼容性设置
# whether to use Polyfill.io to be compatible with older browsers
# 是否使用 Polyfill.io 来兼容旧式浏览器
polyfill = false
# whether to use object-fit-images to be compatible with older browsers
# 是否使用 object-fit-images 来兼容旧式浏览器
objectFit = false