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synced 2025-03-24 23:57:31 +01:00
46 lines
2.3 KiB
46 lines
2.3 KiB
{{- if .Site.Params.search -}}
{{- $index := slice -}}
{{- $pages := .Site.RegularPages -}}
{{- if .Site.Params.page.hiddenFromSearch -}}
{{- $pages = where $pages "Params.hiddenfromsearch" false -}}
{{- else -}}
{{- $pages = where $pages "Params.hiddenfromsearch" "!=" true -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $pages -}}
{{- $uri := .RelPermalink -}}
{{- if $.Site.Params.search.absoluteURL -}}
{{- $uri = .Permalink -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $meta := dict "uri" $uri "title" .Title "tags" .Params.tags "categories" .Params.categories -}}
{{- $meta = $.Site.Params.dateFormat | default "2006-01-02" | .PublishDate.Format | dict "date" | merge $meta -}}
{{- with .Description -}}
{{- $index = $index | append (dict "content" . "objectID" $uri | merge $meta) -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $params := .Params | merge $.Site.Params.page -}}
{{/* Extended Markdown syntax */}}
{{- $content := dict "Content" .Content "Ruby" $params.ruby "Fraction" $params.fraction "Fontawesome" $params.fontawesome | partial "function/content.html" -}}
{{/* Remove line number for code */}}
{{- $content = $content | replaceRE `<span class="lnt?"> *\d*\n?</span>` "" -}}
{{- range $i, $contenti := split $content "<h2 id=" -}}
{{- if gt $i 0 -}}
{{- $contenti = printf "<h2 id=%v" $contenti -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- range $j, $contentj := split $contenti "<h3 id=" -}}
{{- if gt $j 0 -}}
{{- $contentj = printf "<h3 id=%v" $contentj -}}
{{- end -}}
{{/* Plainify, unescape and remove (\n, \t) */}}
{{- $contentj = $contentj | plainify | htmlUnescape | replaceRE `[\n\t ]+` " " -}}
{{- if gt $.Site.Params.search.contentLength 0 -}}
{{- $contentj = substr $contentj 0 $.Site.Params.search.contentLength -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- if $contentj | and (ne $contentj " ") -}}
{{- $one := printf "%v:%v:%v" $uri $i $j | dict "content" $contentj "objectID" | merge $meta -}}
{{- $index = $index | append $one -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- end -}}
{{- $index | jsonify | safeJS -}}
{{- end -}}