mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 20:59:55 +01:00
882 lines
27 KiB
882 lines
27 KiB
baseURL = "/"
# [en, zh-CN, fr, ...] determines default content language
# [en, zh-CN, fr, ...] 设置默认的语言
defaultContentLanguage = "en"
# theme
# 主题
theme = "LoveIt"
# themes directory
# 主题目录
themesDir = "../.."
# whether to use robots.txt
# 是否使用 robots.txt
enableRobotsTXT = true
# whether to use git commit log
# 是否使用 git 信息
enableGitInfo = true
# whether to use emoji code
# 是否使用 emoji 代码
enableEmoji = true
weight = 1
# language code
languageCode = "en"
# website title
title = "LoveIt Theme"
# language name
languageName = "English"
# whether to include Chinese/Japanese/Korean
hasCJKLanguage = false
# default amount of posts in each pages
paginate = 12
# [UA-XXXXXXXX-X] google analytics code
googleAnalytics = ""
# copyright description used only for seo schema
copyright = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License."
# date format
dateFormatToUse = "2006-01-02"
# Menu Info
identifier = "posts"
# you can add extra information before the name (HTML format is allowed), such as icons
pre = ""
name = "Posts"
url = "/posts/"
# title will be shown when you hover on this menu link.
title = ""
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title = ""
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pre = ""
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url = "/categories/"
title = ""
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pre = ""
name = "Documentation"
url = "/categories/documentation/"
title = ""
weight = 4
identifier = "about"
pre = ""
name = "About"
url = "/about/"
title = ""
weight = 5
# site description
description = "About LoveIt Theme"
# site keywords
keywords = ["Theme", "Hugo"]
# site default theme ("light", "dark", "auto")
defaultTheme = "auto"
# Home Page Info
# Home Page Profile
enable = true
# Gravatar Email for preferred avatar in home page
gravatarEmail = ""
# URL of avatar shown in home page
avatarURL = "/images/avatar.png"
# subtitle shown in home page
subtitle = "A Clean, Elegant but Advanced Hugo Theme"
# whether to use typeit animation for subtitle
typeit = true
# whether to show social links
social = true
# Home Page Posts
enable = true
# special amount of posts in each home posts page
paginate = 6
# default behavior when you don't set "hiddenFromHomePage" in front matter
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# Social Info in home page
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Linkedin = "xxxx"
Twitter = "xxxx"
Instagram = "xxxx"
Email = "xxxx@xxxx.com"
Facebook = "xxxx"
Telegram = "xxxx"
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# Odnoklassniki = "xxxx"
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# Hackernews = "xxxx"
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# Patreon = "xxxx"
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# Devto = "xxxx"
# Gitea = "xxxx"
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# Matrix = "xxxx"
# Bilibili = "xxxx"
# Social Share Links in post page
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Twitter = true
Facebook = true
Linkedin = true
Whatsapp = true
Pinterest = true
# Tumblr = true
HackerNews = true
# Reddit = true
# VK = true
# Buffer = true
# Xing = true
# Line = true
# Instapaper = true
# Pocket = true
# Digg = true
# Stumbleupon = true
# Flipboard = true
# Weibo = true
# Renren = true
# Myspace = true
# Blogger = true
# Baidu = true
# Odnoklassniki = true
# Evernote = true
# Skype = true
# Trello = true
# Mix = true
# Comment Config
enable = true
# Disqus Comment Config (https://disqus.com/)
# Disqus shortname to use Disqus in posts
shortname = ""
# Gittalk Comment Config (https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk)
owner = ""
repo = ""
clientId = ""
clientSecret = ""
# Valine Comment Config (https://github.com/xCss/Valine)
enable = false
appId = ""
appKey = ""
placeholder = "Your comment ..."
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verify = true
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meta= ""
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# Facebook Comment Config (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments)
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weight = 2
# 网站语言
languageCode = "zh-CN"
# 网站标题
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# 语言名称
languageName = "简体中文"
# 是否包括中日韩文字
hasCJKLanguage = true
# 默认每页列表显示的文章数目
paginate = 12
# [UA-XXXXXXXX-X] 谷歌分析代号
googleAnalytics = ""
# 版权描述,仅仅用于 SEO
copyright = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License."
# 日期格式
dateFormatToUse = "2006-01-02"
# 菜单信息
identifier = "posts"
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title = ""
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pre = ""
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url = "/tags/"
title = ""
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pre = ""
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url = "/categories/"
title = ""
weight = 3
identifier = "documentation"
pre = ""
name = "主题文档"
url = "/categories/documentation/"
title = ""
weight = 4
identifier = "about"
pre = ""
name = "关于"
url = "/about/"
title = ""
weight = 5
# 网站描述
description = "关于 LoveIt 主题"
# 网站关键词
keywords = ["Theme", "Hugo"]
# 网站默认主题 ("light", "dark", "auto")
defaultTheme = "auto"
# 主页信息设置
# 主页个人信息
enable = true
# Gravatar 邮箱,用于优先在主页显示的头像
gravatarEmail = ""
# 主页显示头像的 URL
avatarURL = "/images/avatar.png"
# 主页显示的网站副标题
subtitle = "一个简洁、优雅且高效的 Hugo 主题"
# 是否为副标题显示打字机动画
typeit = true
# 是否显示社交账号
social = true
# 主页文章列表
enable = true
# 主页每页显示文章数量
paginate = 6
# 当你没有在文章前面设置 "hiddenFromHomePage" 时的默认行为
defaultHiddenFromHomePage = false
# 主页的社交信息设置
GitHub = "xxxx"
# Linkedin = "xxxx"
Twitter = "xxxx"
Instagram = "xxxx"
Email = "xxxx@example.com"
# Facebook = "xxxx"
# Telegram = "xxxx"
# Medium = "xxxx"
# Gitlab = "xxxx"
# Youtubelegacy = "xxxx"
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# Youtubechannel = "xxxx"
# Tumblr ="xxxx"
# Quora = "xxxx"
# Keybase = "xxxx"
# Pinterest = "xxxx"
# Reddit = "xxxx"
# Codepen = "xxxx"
# FreeCodeCamp = "xxxx"
# Bitbucket = "xxxx"
# Stackoverflow = "xxxx"
Weibo = "xxxx"
# Odnoklassniki = "xxxx"
# VK = "xxxx"
# Flickr = "xxxx"
# Xing = "xxxx"
# Snapchat = "xxxx"
# Soundcloud = "xxxx"
# Spotify = "xxxx"
# Bandcamp = "xxxx"
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# Fivehundredpx = "xxxx"
# Mix = "xxxx"
# Goodreads = "xxxx"
# Lastfm = "xxxx"
# Foursquare = "xxxx"
# Hackernews = "xxxx"
# Kickstarter = "xxxx"
# Patreon = "xxxx"
Steam = "xxxx"
# Twitch = "xxxx"
# Strava = "xxxx"
# Skype = "xxxx"
# Whatsapp = "xxxx"
Zhihu = "xxxx"
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# Angellist = "xxxx"
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# Jsfiddle = "xxxx"
# Deviantart = "xxxx"
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# Dribble = "xxxx"
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# Googlescholar = "xxxx"
# Researchgate = "xxxx"
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# Devto = "xxxx"
# Gitea = "xxxx"
# XMPP = "xxxx@example.com"
# Matrix = "xxxx"
Bilibili = "xxxx"
# 文章页面的分享信息设置
enable = true
Twitter = true
Facebook = true
# Linkedin = true
# Whatsapp = true
# Pinterest = true
# Tumblr = true
# HackerNews = true
# Reddit = true
# VK = true
# Buffer = true
# Xing = true
# Line = true
# Instapaper = true
# Pocket = true
# Digg = true
# Stumbleupon = true
# Flipboard = true
Weibo = true
Renren = true
# Myspace = true
# Blogger = true
Baidu = true
# Odnoklassniki = true
Evernote = true
# Skype = true
# Trello = true
# Mix = true
# 评论系统设置
enable = true
# Disqus 评论系统设置 (https://disqus.com/)
# Disqus 的用户名,用来在文章中启用 Disqus 评论系统
shortname = ""
# Gittalk 评论系统设置 (https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk)
owner = ""
repo = ""
clientId = ""
clientSecret = ""
# Valine 评论系统设置 (https://github.com/xCss/Valine)
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appId = ""
appKey = ""
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enable = false
width = "100%"
numPosts = 10
appId = ""
languageCode = "zh_CN"
weight = 3
# language code
languageCode = "fr"
# website title
title = "LoveIt Thème"
# language name
languageName = "Français"
# whether to include Chinese/Japanese/Korean
hasCJKLanguage = false
# default amount of posts in each pages
paginate = 12
# [UA-XXXXXXXX-X] google analytics code
googleAnalytics = ""
# copyright description used only for seo schema
copyright = "This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License."
# date format
dateFormatToUse = "2006-01-02"
# Menu Info
identifier = "posts"
pre = ""
name = "Postes"
url = "/posts/"
title = ""
weight = 1
identifier = "tags"
pre = ""
name = "Balises"
url = "/tags/"
title = ""
weight = 2
identifier = "categories"
pre = ""
name = "Catégories"
url = "/categories/"
title = ""
weight = 3
identifier = "documentation"
pre = ""
name = "Documentation"
url = "/categories/documentation/"
title = ""
weight = 4
identifier = "about"
pre = ""
name = "À propos"
url = "/about/"
title = ""
weight = 5
# site description
description = "À propos du thème LoveIt"
# site keywords
keywords = ["Thème", "Hugo"]
# site default theme ("light", "dark", "auto")
defaultTheme = "auto"
# Home Page Info
# Home Page Profile
enable = true
# Gravatar Email for preferred avatar in home page
gravatarEmail = ""
# URL of avatar shown in home page
avatarURL = "/images/avatar.png"
# subtitle shown in home page
subtitle = "Un thème Hugo simple, élégant et efficace"
# whether to use typeit animation for subtitle
typeit = true
# whether to show social links
social = true
# Home Page Posts
enable = true
# special amount of posts in each home posts page
paginate = 6
# default behavior when you don't set "hiddenFromHomePage" in front matter
defaultHiddenFromHomePage = false
# Social Info in home page
GitHub = "xxxx"
Linkedin = "xxxx"
Twitter = "xxxx"
Instagram = "xxxx"
Email = "xxxx@xxxx.com"
Facebook = "xxxx"
Telegram = "xxxx"
# Medium = "xxxx"
# Gitlab = "xxxx"
Youtubelegacy = "xxxx"
# Youtubecustom = "xxxx"
# Youtubechannel = "xxxx"
# Tumblr ="xxxx"
# Quora = "xxxx"
# Keybase = "xxxx"
# Pinterest = "xxxx"
# Reddit = "xxxx"
# Codepen = "xxxx"
# FreeCodeCamp = "xxxx"
# Bitbucket = "xxxx"
# Stackoverflow = "xxxx"
# Weibo = "xxxx"
# Odnoklassniki = "xxxx"
# VK = "xxxx"
# Flickr = "xxxx"
# Xing = "xxxx"
# Snapchat = "xxxx"
# Soundcloud = "xxxx"
# Spotify = "xxxx"
# Bandcamp = "xxxx"
# Paypal = "xxxx"
# Fivehundredpx = "xxxx"
# Mix = "xxxx"
# Goodreads = "xxxx"
# Lastfm = "xxxx"
# Foursquare = "xxxx"
# Hackernews = "xxxx"
# Kickstarter = "xxxx"
# Patreon = "xxxx"
# Steam = "xxxx"
# Twitch = "xxxx"
# Strava = "xxxx"
# Skype = "xxxx"
# Whatsapp = "xxxx"
# Zhihu = "xxxx"
# Douban = "xxxx"
# Angellist = "xxxx"
# Slidershare = "xxxx"
# Jsfiddle = "xxxx"
# Deviantart = "xxxx"
# Behance = "xxxx"
# Dribble = "xxxx"
# Wordpress = "xxxx"
# Vine = "xxxx"
# Googlescholar = "xxxx"
# Researchgate = "xxxx"
# Mastodon = "xxxx"
# MastodonPrefix = "https://mastodon.technology/"
# Thingiverse = "xxxx"
# Devto = "xxxx"
# Gitea = "xxxx"
# XMPP = "xxxx"
# Matrix = "xxxx"
# Bilibili = "xxxx"
# Social Share Links in post page
enable = true
Twitter = true
Facebook = true
Linkedin = true
Whatsapp = true
Pinterest = true
# Tumblr = true
HackerNews = true
# Reddit = true
# VK = true
# Buffer = true
# Xing = true
# Line = true
# Instapaper = true
# Pocket = true
# Digg = true
# Stumbleupon = true
# Flipboard = true
# Weibo = true
# Renren = true
# Myspace = true
# Blogger = true
# Baidu = true
# Odnoklassniki = true
# Evernote = true
# Skype = true
# Trello = true
# Mix = true
# Comment Config
enable = true
# Disqus Comment Config (https://disqus.com/)
# Disqus shortname to use Disqus in posts
shortname = ""
# Gittalk Comment Config (https://github.com/gitalk/gitalk)
owner = ""
repo = ""
clientId = ""
clientSecret = ""
# Valine Comment Config (https://github.com/xCss/Valine)
enable = false
appId = ""
appKey = ""
placeholder = "Votre commentaire ..."
notify = false
verify = true
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meta= ""
pageSize = 10
lang = "en"
visitor = true
recordIP = true
# Facebook Comment Config (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/comments)
enable = false
width = "100%"
numPosts = 10
appId = ""
languageCode = "fr"
# LoveIt theme version
# LoveIt 主题版本
version = "0.1.X"
# public git repo url only then enableGitInfo is true
# 公共 git 仓库路径,仅在 enableGitInfo 设为 true 时有效
gitRepo = "https://github.com/dillonzq/LoveIt"
# which hash function used for SRI, when empty, no SRI is used ("sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "md5")
# 哪种哈希函数用来 SRI, 为空时表示不使用 SRI ("sha256", "sha384", "sha512", "md5")
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# 页面头部导航栏信息
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# 桌面端导航栏模式 ("fixed", "normal", "auto")
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# mobile header mode ("fixed", "normal", "auto")
# 移动端导航栏模式 ("fixed", "normal", "auto")
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# Footer Copyright Info
# 页面底部版权信息设置
# Site creation time
# 网站创立年份
since = 2019
# ICP info only in China (HTML format is allowed)
# ICP 备案信息,仅在中国使用 (允许使用 HTML 格式)
icp = ""
# license info (HTML format is allowed)
# 许可协议信息 (允许使用 HTML 格式)
license= '<a rel="license external nofollow noopener noreffer" href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/" target="_blank">CC BY-NC 4.0</a>'
# Page config
# 文章页面配置
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# 是否在文章页面使用 lightgallery
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# 是否在文章页面显示原始 Markdown 文档链接
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# 数学公式 (KaTeX https://katex.org/)
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# KaTeX 插件 copy_tex
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# Publisher Info just for SEO
# 出版者信息,仅用于 SEO
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# Website Log Info just for SEO
# 网站 Logo 信息,仅用于 SEO
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# Website Image Info just for SEO
# 网站图标信息,仅用于 SEO
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# CSS 和 JS 文件的 CDN 设置
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# Markup related configuration in Hugo
# Hugo 解析文档的配置
# Syntax Highlighting (https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting)
# 语法高亮设置 (https://gohugo.io/content-management/syntax-highlighting)
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# Goldmark is from Hugo 0.60 the default library used for Markdown
# Goldmark 是 Hugo 0.60 以来的默认 Markdown 解析库
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# 是否在文档中直接使用 HTML 标签
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# Table Of Contents settings
# 目录设置
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# Author Info
# 作者信息
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# Sitemap Info
# 网站地图信息
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# Permalinks Info (https://gohugo.io/content-management/urls/#permalinks)
# Permalinks 信息 (https://gohugo.io/content-management/urls/#permalinks)
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posts = ":filename"
# Privacy Info (https://gohugo.io/about/hugo-and-gdpr/)
# 隐私信息设置 (https://gohugo.io/about/hugo-and-gdpr/)
anonymizeIP = true
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# Options to make output .md files
# 用于输出 Markdown 格式文档的设置
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# Options to make output .md files
# 用于输出 Markdown 格式文档的设置
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# Options to make hugo output files
# 用于 Hugo 输出文档的设置
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