public class RegionFile implements AutoCloseable, { // Paper - rewrite chunk system
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogUtils.getLogger();
public class RegionFileStorage implements AutoCloseable, { // Paper - rewrite chunk system
+ private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER = com.mojang.logging.LogUtils.getLogger(); // Paper
public static final String ANVIL_EXTENSION = ".mca";
// (and, the regionfile parameter is unused for writing until the write call)
final writeData = (($startWrite(compound, pos);
+ try { // Paper - implement RegionFileSizeException
try {
NbtIo.write(compound, writeData.output());
} finally {
+ // Paper start - implement RegionFileSizeException
+ } catch (final RegionFileSizeException ex) {
+ // note: it's OK if close() is called, as close() here will not issue a write to the RegionFile
+ // see startWrite
+ final int maxSize = RegionFile.MAX_CHUNK_SIZE / (1024 * 1024);
+ LOGGER.error("Chunk at (" + chunkX + "," + chunkZ + ") in regionfile '" + regionFile.getPath().toString() + "' exceeds max size of " + maxSize + "MiB, it has been deleted from disk.");
+ return new
+ DataOutputStream chunkDataOutputStream = regionFile.getChunkDataOutputStream(chunkPos); // Paper - Only write if successful
+ try { // Paper - Only write if successful
NbtIo.write(chunkData, chunkDataOutputStream);
regionFile.setOversized(chunkPos.x, chunkPos.z, false); // Paper - We don't do this anymore, mojang stores differently, but clear old meta flag if it exists to get rid of our own meta file once last oversized is gone
+ LOGGER.error("Chunk at (" + chunkPos.x + "," + chunkPos.z + ") in regionfile '" + regionFile.getPath().toString() + "' exceeds max size of " + maxSize + "MiB, it has been deleted from disk.");