* Called when a block explodes interacting with blocks. The
* event isn't called if the {@link org.bukkit.GameRule#MOB_GRIEFING}
* is disabled as no block interaction will occur.
+ * <p>
+ * The {@link Block} returned by this event is not necessarily
+ * the block that caused the explosion, just the block at the location where
+ * the explosion originated. See {@link #getExplodedBlockState()}
public class BlockExplodeEvent extends BlockEvent implements Cancellable {
private static final HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
private boolean cancel;
private final List<Block> blocks;
private float yield;
+ private final org.bukkit.block.BlockState explodedBlockState; // Paper
+ @Deprecated @io.papermc.paper.annotation.DoNotUse // Paper
public BlockExplodeEvent(@NotNull final Block what, @NotNull final List<Block> blocks, final float yield) {
+ // Paper start
+ this(what, blocks, yield, null);
+ }
+ @org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus.Internal
+ public BlockExplodeEvent(@NotNull final Block what, @NotNull final List<Block> blocks, final float yield, @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable org.bukkit.block.BlockState explodedBlockState) {
+ // Paper end
this.blocks = blocks;
this.yield = yield;
this.cancel = false;
+ this.explodedBlockState = explodedBlockState; // Paper
@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class BlockExplodeEvent extends BlockEvent implements Cancellable {
this.cancel = cancel;
+ // Paper start
+ /**
+ * Get a capture of the block that directly caused
+ * the explosion, like a bed or respawn anchor. This
+ * block state is not placed so {@link org.bukkit.block.BlockState#isPlaced}
+ * will be false.
+ * <p>
+ * Can be null if no block directly caused the explosion.
+ *
+ * @return the exploded block state or null if not applicable
+ */
+ public @org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable org.bukkit.block.BlockState getExplodedBlockState() {
+ return this.explodedBlockState;
+ }
+ // Paper end
* Returns the list of blocks that would have been removed or were removed
- public EntityDamageByBlockEvent(@Nullable final Block damager, @NotNull final Entity damagee, @NotNull final DamageCause cause, @NotNull final DamageSource damageSource, final double damage) {
+ public EntityDamageByBlockEvent(@Nullable final Block damager, @NotNull final Entity damagee, @NotNull final DamageCause cause, @NotNull final DamageSource damageSource, final double damage, final @Nullable org.bukkit.block.BlockState damagerBlockState) { // Paper
public EntityDamageByBlockEvent(@Nullable final Block damager, @NotNull final Entity damagee, @NotNull final DamageCause cause, @NotNull final Map<DamageModifier, Double> modifiers, @NotNull final Map<DamageModifier, ? extends Function<? super Double, Double>> modifierFunctions) {
- public EntityDamageByBlockEvent(@Nullable final Block damager, @NotNull final Entity damagee, @NotNull final DamageCause cause, @NotNull final DamageSource damageSource, @NotNull final Map<DamageModifier, Double> modifiers, @NotNull final Map<DamageModifier, ? extends Function<? super Double, Double>> modifierFunctions) {
+ public EntityDamageByBlockEvent(@Nullable final Block damager, @NotNull final Entity damagee, @NotNull final DamageCause cause, @NotNull final DamageSource damageSource, @NotNull final Map<DamageModifier, Double> modifiers, @NotNull final Map<DamageModifier, ? extends Function<? super Double, Double>> modifierFunctions, final @Nullable org.bukkit.block.BlockState damagerBlockState) { // Paper