private static final String MAX_THREADS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY = "";
private static final TracingExecutor BACKGROUND_EXECUTOR = makeExecutor("Main", -1); // Paper - Perf: add priority
private static final TracingExecutor IO_POOL = makeIoExecutor("IO-Worker-", false);
+ public static final TracingExecutor DIMENSION_DATA_IO_POOL = makeExtraIoExecutor("Dimension-Data-IO-Worker-"); // Paper - Separate dimension data IO pool
private static final TracingExecutor DOWNLOAD_POOL = makeIoExecutor("Download-", true);
// Paper start - don't submit BLOCKING PROFILE LOOKUPS to the world gen thread
public static final ExecutorService PROFILE_EXECUTOR = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2, new java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory() {
+ .map(entry -> CompletableFuture.runAsync(() -> tryWrite(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()), Util.DIMENSION_DATA_IO_POOL)) // Paper - Separate dimension data IO pool