diff --git a/removed-patches-1-20-5/1027-Hide-unnecessary-itemmeta-from-clients.patch b/removed-patches-1-20-5/1037-Hide-unnecessary-itemmeta-from-clients.patch
similarity index 51%
rename from removed-patches-1-20-5/1027-Hide-unnecessary-itemmeta-from-clients.patch
rename to removed-patches-1-20-5/1037-Hide-unnecessary-itemmeta-from-clients.patch
index ccb63be0a0..e76adad6ab 100644
--- a/removed-patches-1-20-5/1027-Hide-unnecessary-itemmeta-from-clients.patch
+++ b/removed-patches-1-20-5/1037-Hide-unnecessary-itemmeta-from-clients.patch
@@ -5,6 +5,123 @@ Subject: [PATCH] Hide unnecessary itemmeta from clients
 TODO: Needs updating for data components
+diff --git a/src/main/java/io/papermc/paper/util/ItemStackObfuscator.java b/src/main/java/io/papermc/paper/util/ItemStackObfuscator.java
+new file mode 100644
+index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
+--- /dev/null
++++ b/src/main/java/io/papermc/paper/util/ItemStackObfuscator.java
+@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@
++package io.papermc.paper.util;
++import net.minecraft.core.component.DataComponentMap;
++import net.minecraft.core.component.DataComponents;
++import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag;
++import net.minecraft.nbt.ListTag;
++import net.minecraft.world.item.ItemStack;
++import net.minecraft.world.item.Items;
++import net.minecraft.world.item.component.BundleContents;
++import net.minecraft.world.item.component.CustomData;
++import net.minecraft.world.item.enchantment.EnchantmentHelper;
++import net.minecraft.world.item.enchantment.Enchantments;
++import net.minecraft.world.item.enchantment.ItemEnchantments;
++import net.minecraft.world.level.Level;
++import java.util.List;
++public class ItemStackObfuscator {
++    // Paper start - Hide unnecessary item meta
++    public static ItemStack stripMeta(final ItemStack itemStack, final boolean copyItemStack, Level level) {
++        if (itemStack.isEmpty() || (itemStack.getComponentsPatch().isEmpty() && itemStack.getCount() < 2)) {
++            return itemStack;
++        }
++        final ItemStack copy = copyItemStack ? itemStack.copy() : itemStack;
++        if (level.paperConfig().anticheat.obfuscation.items.hideDurability) {
++            // Only show damage values for elytra's, since they show a different texture when broken.
++            if (!copy.is(Items.ELYTRA) || copy.getDamageValue() < copy.getMaxDamage() - 1) {
++                copy.setDamageValue(0);
++            }
++        }
++        final DataComponentMap components = copy.getComponents();
++        if (level.paperConfig().anticheat.obfuscation.items.hideItemmeta) {
++            // Some resource packs show different textures when there is more than one item. Since this shouldn't provide a big advantage,
++            // we'll tell the client if there's one or (more than) two items.
++            copy.setCount(copy.getCount() > 1 ? 2 : 1);
++            // We can't just strip out display, leather helmets still use the display.color tag.
++            copy.remove(DataComponents.CUSTOM_NAME);
++            copy.remove(DataComponents.ITEM_NAME);
++            copy.remove(DataComponents.LORE);
++            copy.remove(DataComponents.RARITY); // affects name only
++            ItemEnchantments enchantments = copy.getEnchantments();
++            if (!enchantments.isEmpty()) {
++                ItemEnchantments.Mutable mutableEnchantments = new ItemEnchantments.Mutable(ItemEnchantments.EMPTY);
++                if (EnchantmentHelper.getItemEnchantmentLevel(Enchantments.SOUL_SPEED, itemStack) > 0) {
++                    mutableEnchantments.set(Enchantments.SOUL_SPEED, 1);
++                }
++                if (mutableEnchantments.keySet().isEmpty()) {
++                    copy.set(DataComponents.ENCHANTMENT_GLINT_OVERRIDE, true); // Add a glint override if there are no enchantments present-- this is so we still get a fake glow
++                }
++                copy.set(DataComponents.ENCHANTMENTS, mutableEnchantments.toImmutable());
++            }
++            copy.remove(DataComponents.ATTRIBUTE_MODIFIERS);
++            copy.remove(DataComponents.UNBREAKABLE);
++            copy.remove(DataComponents.CUSTOM_DATA); // Persistent data container (remove everything)
++            // Books
++            copy.remove(DataComponents.WRITABLE_BOOK_CONTENT);
++            copy.remove(DataComponents.WRITTEN_BOOK_CONTENT);
++            // Filled maps
++            copy.remove(DataComponents.MAP_ID);
++            copy.remove(DataComponents.MAP_POST_PROCESSING);
++        }
++        if (level.paperConfig().anticheat.obfuscation.items.hideItemmetaWithVisualEffects) {
++            // Lodestone compasses
++            copy.remove(DataComponents.LODESTONE_TRACKER);
++            copy.set(DataComponents.ENCHANTMENT_GLINT_OVERRIDE, true); // override the glint -- simulate
++        }
++        return copy;
++    }
++    // Paper end - Hide unnecessary item meta
++    // Paper start - prevent oversized data
++    public static ItemStack sanitizeItemStack(final ItemStack itemStack, final boolean copyItemStack) {
++        if (itemStack.isEmpty() || itemStack.getComponentsPatch().isEmpty()) {
++            return itemStack;
++        }
++        final ItemStack copy = copyItemStack ? itemStack.copy() : itemStack;
++        final DataComponentMap components = copy.getComponents();
++        final BundleContents contents = components.get(DataComponents.BUNDLE_CONTENTS);
++        if (copy.is(Items.BUNDLE) && contents != null && !contents.isEmpty()) {
++            // Bundles change their texture based on their fullness.
++            // TODO: Check this
++            int sizeUsed = 0;
++            for (ItemStack item : contents.items()) {
++                int scale = 64 / item.getMaxStackSize();
++                sizeUsed += scale * item.getCount();
++            }
++            // Now we add a single fake item that uses the same amount of slots as all other items.
++            copy.set(DataComponents.BUNDLE_CONTENTS, new BundleContents(List.of(new ItemStack(Items.PAPER, sizeUsed))));
++        }
++        CustomData blockEntityData = components.get(DataComponents.BLOCK_ENTITY_DATA);
++        copy.set(DataComponents.BLOCK_ENTITY_DATA, blockEntityData.update((tag) -> {
++            tag.remove("Items");
++        }));
++        return copy;
++    }
++    // Paper end - prevent oversized data
 diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerEntity.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerEntity.java
 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
 --- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerEntity.java
@@ -15,8 +132,8 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00000000000000000000000000000000
                  if (!itemstack.isEmpty()) {
 -                    list.add(Pair.of(enumitemslot, itemstack.copy()));
 +                    // Paper start - prevent oversized data
-+                    final ItemStack sanitized = LivingEntity.sanitizeItemStack(itemstack.copy(), false);
-+                    list.add(Pair.of(enumitemslot, ((LivingEntity) this.entity).stripMeta(sanitized, false))); // Paper - Hide unnecessary item meta
++                    final ItemStack sanitized = io.papermc.paper.util.ItemStackObfuscator.sanitizeItemStack(itemstack.copy(), false);
++                    list.add(Pair.of(enumitemslot, io.papermc.paper.util.ItemStackObfuscator.stripMeta(sanitized, false, this.level))); // Paper - Hide unnecessary item meta
 +                    // Paper end - prevent oversized data
@@ -32,7 +149,7 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00000000000000000000000000000000
 -                                if (entity instanceof Allay) {
 -                                    ServerGamePacketListenerImpl.this.send(new ClientboundSetEquipmentPacket(entity.getId(), Arrays.stream(net.minecraft.world.entity.EquipmentSlot.values()).map((slot) -> Pair.of(slot, ((LivingEntity) entity).getItemBySlot(slot).copy())).collect(Collectors.toList())));
 +                                if (entity instanceof Allay allay) { // Paper - Hide unnecessary item meta
-+                                    ServerGamePacketListenerImpl.this.send(new ClientboundSetEquipmentPacket(entity.getId(), Arrays.stream(net.minecraft.world.entity.EquipmentSlot.values()).map((slot) -> Pair.of(slot, allay.stripMeta(allay.getItemBySlot(slot), true))).collect(Collectors.toList()))); // Paper - Hide unnecessary item meta
++                                    ServerGamePacketListenerImpl.this.send(new ClientboundSetEquipmentPacket(entity.getId(), Arrays.stream(net.minecraft.world.entity.EquipmentSlot.values()).map((slot) -> Pair.of(slot, io.papermc.paper.util.ItemStackObfuscator.stripMeta(allay.getItemBySlot(slot), true, allay.level()))).collect(Collectors.toList()))); // Paper - Hide unnecessary item meta
@@ -46,115 +163,9 @@ index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00000000000000000000000000000000
 -            list.add(Pair.of(enumitemslot, itemstack1));
 +            // Paper start - prevent oversized data
-+            ItemStack toSend = sanitizeItemStack(itemstack1, true);
-+            list.add(Pair.of(enumitemslot, stripMeta(toSend, toSend == itemstack1))); // Paper - Hide unnecessary item meta
++            ItemStack toSend = io.papermc.paper.util.ItemStackObfuscator.sanitizeItemStack(itemstack1, true);
++            list.add(Pair.of(enumitemslot, io.papermc.paper.util.ItemStackObfuscator.stripMeta(toSend, toSend == itemstack1, this.level()))); // Paper - Hide unnecessary item meta
 +            // Paper end - prevent oversized data
              switch (enumitemslot.getType()) {
                  case HAND:
                      this.setLastHandItem(enumitemslot, itemstack1);
-@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public abstract class LivingEntity extends Entity implements Attackable {
-         ((ServerLevel) this.level()).getChunkSource().broadcast(this, new ClientboundSetEquipmentPacket(this.getId(), list));
-     }
-+    // Paper start - Hide unnecessary item meta
-+    public ItemStack stripMeta(final ItemStack itemStack, final boolean copyItemStack) {
-+        if (itemStack.isEmpty() || (!itemStack.hasTag() && itemStack.getCount() < 2)) {
-+            return itemStack;
-+        }
-+        final ItemStack copy = copyItemStack ? itemStack.copy() : itemStack;
-+        if (this.level().paperConfig().anticheat.obfuscation.items.hideDurability) {
-+            // Only show damage values for elytra's, since they show a different texture when broken.
-+            if (!copy.is(Items.ELYTRA) || copy.getDamageValue() < copy.getMaxDamage() - 1) {
-+                copy.setDamageValue(0);
-+            }
-+        }
-+        final CompoundTag tag = copy.getTag();
-+        if (this.level().paperConfig().anticheat.obfuscation.items.hideItemmeta) {
-+            // Some resource packs show different textures when there is more than one item. Since this shouldn't provide a big advantage,
-+            // we'll tell the client if there's one or (more than) two items.
-+            copy.setCount(copy.getCount() > 1 ? 2 : 1);
-+            // We can't just strip out display, leather helmets still use the display.color tag.
-+            if (tag != null) {
-+                if (tag.get("display") instanceof CompoundTag displayTag) {
-+                    displayTag.remove("Lore");
-+                    displayTag.remove("Name");
-+                }
-+                if (tag.get("Enchantments") instanceof ListTag enchantmentsTag && !enchantmentsTag.isEmpty()) {
-+                    // The client still renders items with the enchantment glow if the enchantments tag contains at least one (empty) child.
-+                    ListTag enchantments = new ListTag();
-+                    CompoundTag fakeEnchantment = new CompoundTag();
-+                    // Soul speed boots generate client side particles.
-+                    if (EnchantmentHelper.getItemEnchantmentLevel(Enchantments.SOUL_SPEED, itemStack) > 0) {
-+                        fakeEnchantment.putString("id", org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment.SOUL_SPEED.getKey().asString());
-+                        fakeEnchantment.putInt("lvl", 1);
-+                    }
-+                    enchantments.add(fakeEnchantment);
-+                    tag.put("Enchantments", enchantments);
-+                }
-+                tag.remove("AttributeModifiers");
-+                tag.remove("Unbreakable");
-+                tag.remove("PublicBukkitValues"); // Persistent data container1
-+                // Books
-+                tag.remove("author");
-+                tag.remove("filtered_title");
-+                tag.remove("pages");
-+                tag.remove("filtered_pages");
-+                tag.remove("title");
-+                tag.remove("generation");
-+                // Filled maps
-+                tag.remove("map");
-+                tag.remove("map_scale_direction");
-+                tag.remove("map_to_lock");
-+            }
-+        }
-+        if (this.level().paperConfig().anticheat.obfuscation.items.hideItemmetaWithVisualEffects && tag != null) {
-+            // Lodestone compasses
-+            tag.remove("LodestonePos");
-+            if (tag.contains("LodestoneDimension")) {
-+                // The client shows the glint if either the position or the dimension is present, so we just wipe
-+                // the position and fake the dimension
-+                tag.putString("LodestoneDimension", "paper:paper");
-+            }
-+        }
-+        return copy;
-+    }
-+    // Paper end - Hide unnecessary item meta
-+    // Paper start - prevent oversized data
-+    public static ItemStack sanitizeItemStack(final ItemStack itemStack, final boolean copyItemStack) {
-+        if (itemStack.isEmpty() || !itemStack.hasTag()) {
-+            return itemStack;
-+        }
-+        final ItemStack copy = copyItemStack ? itemStack.copy() : itemStack;
-+        final CompoundTag tag = copy.getTag();
-+        if (copy.is(Items.BUNDLE) && tag.get("Items") instanceof ListTag oldItems && !oldItems.isEmpty()) {
-+            // Bundles change their texture based on their fullness.
-+            org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BundleMeta bundleMeta = (org.bukkit.inventory.meta.BundleMeta) copy.asBukkitMirror().getItemMeta();
-+            int sizeUsed = 0;
-+            for (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack item : bundleMeta.getItems()) {
-+                int scale = 64 / item.getMaxStackSize();
-+                sizeUsed += scale * item.getAmount();
-+            }
-+            // Now we add a single fake item that uses the same amount of slots as all other items.
-+            ListTag items = new ListTag();
-+            items.add(new ItemStack(Items.PAPER, sizeUsed).save(new CompoundTag()));
-+            tag.put("Items", items);
-+        }
-+        if (tag.get("BlockEntityTag") instanceof CompoundTag blockEntityTag) {
-+            blockEntityTag.remove("Items");
-+        }
-+        return copy;
-+    }
-+    // Paper end - prevent oversized data
-     private ItemStack getLastArmorItem(EquipmentSlot slot) {
-         return (ItemStack) this.lastArmorItemStacks.get(slot.getIndex());
-     }