diff --git a/patches/server/Actually-unload-POI-data.patch b/patches/server/Actually-unload-POI-data.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4b34a6fc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/server/Actually-unload-POI-data.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Spottedleaf <spottedleaf@spottedleaf.dev>
+Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2020 11:08:17 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] Actually unload POI data
+While it's not likely for a poi data leak to be meaningful,
+sometimes it is.
+This patch also prevents the saving/unloading of POI data when
+world saving is disabled.
+diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ChunkMap.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ChunkMap.java
+index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
+--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ChunkMap.java
++++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ChunkMap.java
+@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class ChunkMap extends ChunkStorage implements ChunkHolder.PlayerProvider
+                     }
+                     // Paper end
+                 }
++                this.getPoiManager().dequeueUnload(holder.pos.longKey); // Paper - unload POI data
+                 this.updatingChunks.queueUpdate(pos, holder); // Paper - Don't copy
+                 this.modified = true;
+@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class ChunkMap extends ChunkStorage implements ChunkHolder.PlayerProvider
+         gameprofilerfiller.pop();
+     }
+-    private static final double UNLOAD_QUEUE_RESIZE_FACTOR = 0.90; // Spigot // Paper - unload more
++    public static final double UNLOAD_QUEUE_RESIZE_FACTOR = 0.90; // Spigot // Paper - unload more
+     private void processUnloads(BooleanSupplier shouldKeepTicking) {
+         LongIterator longiterator = this.toDrop.iterator();
+@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class ChunkMap extends ChunkStorage implements ChunkHolder.PlayerProvider
+                         this.regionManagers.get(index).removeChunk(holder.pos.x, holder.pos.z);
+                     }
+                     // Paper end
++                    this.getPoiManager().queueUnload(holder.pos.longKey, MinecraftServer.currentTickLong + 1); // Paper - unload POI data
+                     if (ichunkaccess instanceof LevelChunk) {
+                         ((LevelChunk) ichunkaccess).setLoaded(false);
+                     }
+@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class ChunkMap extends ChunkStorage implements ChunkHolder.PlayerProvider
+                     for (int index = 0, len = this.regionManagers.size(); index < len; ++index) {
+                         this.regionManagers.get(index).removeChunk(holder.pos.x, holder.pos.z);
+                     }
++                    this.getPoiManager().queueUnload(holder.pos.longKey, MinecraftServer.currentTickLong + 1); // Paper - unload POI data
+                 } // Paper end
+                 } finally { this.unloadingPlayerChunk = unloadingBefore; } // Paper - do not allow ticket level changes while unloading chunks
+@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class ChunkMap extends ChunkStorage implements ChunkHolder.PlayerProvider
+                 }
+                 this.poiManager.loadInData(pos, chunkHolder.poiData);
+                 chunkHolder.tasks.forEach(Runnable::run);
++                this.getPoiManager().dequeueUnload(pos.longKey); // Paper
+                 // Paper end
+                 if (chunkHolder.protoChunk != null) {try (Timing ignored2 = this.level.timings.chunkLoadLevelTimer.startTimingIfSync()) { // Paper start - timings // Paper - chunk is created async
+diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/entity/ai/village/poi/PoiManager.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/entity/ai/village/poi/PoiManager.java
+index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
+--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/entity/ai/village/poi/PoiManager.java
++++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/entity/ai/village/poi/PoiManager.java
+@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@
+ package net.minecraft.world.entity.ai.village.poi;
++import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap; // Paper
+ import com.mojang.datafixers.DataFixer;
+ import com.mojang.datafixers.util.Pair;
+ import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ByteMap;
+@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ import net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.storage.SectionStorage;
+ public class PoiManager extends SectionStorage<PoiSection> {
+     public static final int MAX_VILLAGE_DISTANCE = 6;
+     public static final int VILLAGE_SECTION_SIZE = 1;
+-    private final PoiManager.DistanceTracker distanceTracker;
++    // Paper start - unload poi data
++    // the vanilla tracker needs to be replaced because it does not support level removes
++    private final io.papermc.paper.util.misc.Delayed26WayDistancePropagator3D villageDistanceTracker = new io.papermc.paper.util.misc.Delayed26WayDistancePropagator3D();
++    static final int POI_DATA_SOURCE = 7;
++    public static int convertBetweenLevels(final int level) {
++        return POI_DATA_SOURCE - level;
++    }
++    protected void updateDistanceTracking(long section) {
++        if (this.isVillageCenter(section)) {
++            this.villageDistanceTracker.setSource(section, POI_DATA_SOURCE);
++        } else {
++            this.villageDistanceTracker.removeSource(section);
++        }
++    }
++    // Paper end - unload poi data
+     private final LongSet loadedChunks = new LongOpenHashSet();
+     public final net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel world; // Paper // Paper public
+     public PoiManager(Path path, DataFixer dataFixer, boolean dsync, LevelHeightAccessor world) {
+         super(path, PoiSection::codec, PoiSection::new, dataFixer, DataFixTypes.POI_CHUNK, dsync, world);
++        if (world == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("world must be non-null"); } // Paper - require non-null
+         this.world = (net.minecraft.server.level.ServerLevel)world; // Paper
+-        this.distanceTracker = new PoiManager.DistanceTracker();
+     }
++    // Paper start - actually unload POI data
++    private final java.util.TreeSet<QueuedUnload> queuedUnloads = new java.util.TreeSet<>();
++    private final Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<QueuedUnload> queuedUnloadsByCoordinate = new Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
++    static final class QueuedUnload implements Comparable<QueuedUnload> {
++        private final long unloadTick;
++        private final long coordinate;
++        public QueuedUnload(long unloadTick, long coordinate) {
++            this.unloadTick = unloadTick;
++            this.coordinate = coordinate;
++        }
++        @Override
++        public int compareTo(QueuedUnload other) {
++            if (other.unloadTick == this.unloadTick) {
++                return Long.compare(this.coordinate, other.coordinate);
++            } else {
++                return Long.compare(this.unloadTick, other.unloadTick);
++            }
++        }
++        @Override
++        public int hashCode() {
++            int hash = 1;
++            hash = hash * 31 + Long.hashCode(this.unloadTick);
++            hash = hash * 31 + Long.hashCode(this.coordinate);
++            return hash;
++        }
++        @Override
++        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
++            if (obj == null || obj.getClass() != QueuedUnload.class) {
++                return false;
++            }
++            QueuedUnload other = (QueuedUnload)obj;
++            return other.unloadTick == this.unloadTick && other.coordinate == this.coordinate;
++        }
++    }
++    long determineDelay(long coordinate) {
++        if (this.isEmpty(coordinate)) {
++            return 5 * 60 * 20;
++        } else {
++            return 60 * 20;
++        }
++    }
++    public void queueUnload(long coordinate, long minTarget) {
++        io.papermc.paper.util.TickThread.softEnsureTickThread("async poi unload queue");
++        QueuedUnload unload = new QueuedUnload(minTarget + this.determineDelay(coordinate), coordinate);
++        QueuedUnload existing = this.queuedUnloadsByCoordinate.put(coordinate, unload);
++        if (existing != null) {
++            this.queuedUnloads.remove(existing);
++        }
++        this.queuedUnloads.add(unload);
++    }
++    public void dequeueUnload(long coordinate) {
++        io.papermc.paper.util.TickThread.softEnsureTickThread("async poi unload dequeue");
++        QueuedUnload unload = this.queuedUnloadsByCoordinate.remove(coordinate);
++        if (unload != null) {
++            this.queuedUnloads.remove(unload);
++        }
++    }
++    public void pollUnloads(BooleanSupplier canSleepForTick) {
++        io.papermc.paper.util.TickThread.softEnsureTickThread("async poi unload");
++        long currentTick = net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.currentTickLong;
++        net.minecraft.server.level.ServerChunkCache chunkProvider = this.world.getChunkSource();
++        net.minecraft.server.level.ChunkMap playerChunkMap = chunkProvider.chunkMap;
++        // copied target determination from PlayerChunkMap
++        int target = Math.min(this.queuedUnloads.size() - 100,  (int) (this.queuedUnloads.size() * net.minecraft.server.level.ChunkMap.UNLOAD_QUEUE_RESIZE_FACTOR)); // Paper - Make more aggressive
++        for (java.util.Iterator<QueuedUnload> iterator = this.queuedUnloads.iterator();
++             iterator.hasNext() && (this.queuedUnloads.size() > target || canSleepForTick.getAsBoolean());) {
++            QueuedUnload unload = iterator.next();
++            if (unload.unloadTick > currentTick) {
++                break;
++            }
++            long coordinate = unload.coordinate;
++            iterator.remove();
++            this.queuedUnloadsByCoordinate.remove(coordinate);
++            if (playerChunkMap.getUnloadingChunkHolder(net.minecraft.server.MCUtil.getCoordinateX(coordinate), net.minecraft.server.MCUtil.getCoordinateZ(coordinate)) != null
++                || playerChunkMap.getUpdatingChunkIfPresent(coordinate) != null) {
++                continue;
++            }
++            this.unloadData(coordinate);
++        }
++    }
++    @Override
++    public void unloadData(long coordinate) {
++        io.papermc.paper.util.TickThread.softEnsureTickThread("async unloading poi data");
++        super.unloadData(coordinate);
++    }
++    @Override
++    protected void onUnload(long coordinate) {
++        io.papermc.paper.util.TickThread.softEnsureTickThread("async poi unload callback");
++        this.loadedChunks.remove(coordinate);
++        int chunkX = net.minecraft.server.MCUtil.getCoordinateX(coordinate);
++        int chunkZ = net.minecraft.server.MCUtil.getCoordinateZ(coordinate);
++        for (int section = this.levelHeightAccessor.getMinSection(); section < this.levelHeightAccessor.getMaxSection(); ++section) {
++            long sectionPos = SectionPos.asLong(chunkX, section, chunkZ);
++            this.updateDistanceTracking(sectionPos);
++        }
++    }
++    // Paper end - actually unload POI data
+     public void add(BlockPos pos, PoiType type) {
+         this.getOrCreate(SectionPos.asLong(pos)).add(pos, type);
+     }
+@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class PoiManager extends SectionStorage<PoiSection> {
+     }
+     public int sectionsToVillage(SectionPos pos) {
+-        this.distanceTracker.runAllUpdates();
+-        return this.distanceTracker.getLevel(pos.asLong());
++        this.villageDistanceTracker.propagateUpdates(); // Paper - replace distance tracking util
++        return convertBetweenLevels(this.villageDistanceTracker.getLevel(io.papermc.paper.util.CoordinateUtils.getChunkSectionKey(pos))); // Paper - replace distance tracking util
+     }
+     boolean isVillageCenter(long pos) {
+@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class PoiManager extends SectionStorage<PoiSection> {
+     @Override
+     public void tick(BooleanSupplier shouldKeepTicking) {
+         // Paper start - async chunk io
+-        while (!this.dirty.isEmpty() && shouldKeepTicking.getAsBoolean()) {
++        while (!this.dirty.isEmpty() && shouldKeepTicking.getAsBoolean() && !this.world.noSave()) { // Paper - unload POI data - don't write to disk if saving is disabled
+             ChunkPos chunkcoordintpair = SectionPos.of(this.dirty.firstLong()).chunk();
+             net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag data;
+@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class PoiManager extends SectionStorage<PoiSection> {
+             com.destroystokyo.paper.io.PaperFileIOThread.Holder.INSTANCE.scheduleSave(this.world,
+                 chunkcoordintpair.x, chunkcoordintpair.z, data, null, com.destroystokyo.paper.io.PrioritizedTaskQueue.NORMAL_PRIORITY);
+         }
++        // Paper start - unload POI data
++        if (!this.world.noSave()) { // don't write to disk if saving is disabled
++            this.pollUnloads(shouldKeepTicking);
++        }
++        // Paper end - unload POI data
+         // Paper end
+-        this.distanceTracker.runAllUpdates();
++        this.villageDistanceTracker.propagateUpdates(); // Paper - replace distance tracking until
+     }
+     @Override
+     protected void setDirty(long pos) {
+         super.setDirty(pos);
+-        this.distanceTracker.update(pos, this.distanceTracker.getLevelFromSource(pos), false);
++        this.updateDistanceTracking(pos); // Paper - move to new distance tracking util
+     }
+     @Override
+     protected void onSectionLoad(long pos) {
+-        this.distanceTracker.update(pos, this.distanceTracker.getLevelFromSource(pos), false);
++        this.updateDistanceTracking(pos); // Paper - move to new distance tracking util
+     }
+     public void checkConsistencyWithBlocks(ChunkPos chunkPos, LevelChunkSection chunkSection) {
+@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class PoiManager extends SectionStorage<PoiSection> {
+         @Override
+         protected int getLevelFromSource(long id) {
+-            return PoiManager.this.isVillageCenter(id) ? 0 : 7;
++            return PoiManager.this.isVillageCenter(id) ? 0 : 7; // Paper - unload poi data - diff on change, this specifies the source level to use for distance tracking
+         }
+         @Override
+diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/SectionStorage.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/SectionStorage.java
+index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
+--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/SectionStorage.java
++++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/chunk/storage/SectionStorage.java
+@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class SectionStorage<R> extends RegionFileStorage implements AutoCloseabl
+         // Paper - remove mojang I/O thread
+     }
++    // Paper start - actually unload POI data
++    public void unloadData(long coordinate) {
++        ChunkPos chunkPos = new ChunkPos(coordinate);
++        this.flush(chunkPos);
++        Long2ObjectMap<Optional<R>> data = this.storage;
++        int before = data.size();
++        for (int section = this.levelHeightAccessor.getMinSection(); section < this.levelHeightAccessor.getMaxSection(); ++section) {
++            data.remove(SectionPos.asLong(chunkPos.x, section, chunkPos.z));
++        }
++        if (before != data.size()) {
++            this.onUnload(coordinate);
++        }
++    }
++    protected void onUnload(long coordinate) {}
++    public boolean isEmpty(long coordinate) {
++        Long2ObjectMap<Optional<R>> data = this.storage;
++        int x = net.minecraft.server.MCUtil.getCoordinateX(coordinate);
++        int z = net.minecraft.server.MCUtil.getCoordinateZ(coordinate);
++        for (int section = this.levelHeightAccessor.getMinSection(); section < this.levelHeightAccessor.getMaxSection(); ++section) {
++            Optional<R> optional = data.get(SectionPos.asLong(x, section, z));
++            if (optional != null && optional.orElse(null) != null) {
++                return false;
++            }
++        }
++        return true;
++    }
++    // Paper end - actually unload POI data
+     protected void tick(BooleanSupplier shouldKeepTicking) {
+         while(!this.dirty.isEmpty() && shouldKeepTicking.getAsBoolean()) {
+             ChunkPos chunkPos = SectionPos.of(this.dirty.firstLong()).chunk();
+@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class SectionStorage<R> extends RegionFileStorage implements AutoCloseabl
+                 });
+             }
+         }
++        if (this instanceof net.minecraft.world.entity.ai.village.poi.PoiManager) { ((net.minecraft.world.entity.ai.village.poi.PoiManager)this).queueUnload(pos.longKey, net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.currentTickLong + 1); } // Paper - unload POI data
+     }