[Bleeding] Include chunk biome data for refresh chunk. Fixes BUKKIT-1166

By: Mike Primm <mike@primmhome.com>
This commit is contained in:
CraftBukkit/Spigot 2012-04-04 19:55:16 -05:00
parent b69d15792e
commit 75617118ea

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@ -203,18 +203,14 @@ public class CraftWorld implements World {
int px = x << 4;
int pz = z << 4;
// If there are more than 64 updates to a chunk at once, it carries out the update as a cuboid
// This flags 64 blocks along the bottom for update and then flags a block at the opposite corner at the top
// The cuboid that contains these 65 blocks covers the entire chunk
// The server will compress the chunk and send it to all clients
for (int xx = px; xx < (px + 16); xx++) {
world.notify(xx, 0, pz);
world.notify(xx, 1, pz);
world.notify(xx, 2, pz);
world.notify(xx, 3, pz);
// If there are more than 64 updates to a chunk at once, it will update all 'touched' sections within the chunk
// And will include biome data if all sections have been 'touched'
// This flags 65 blocks distributed across all the sections of the chunk, so that everything is sent, including biomes
int height = getMaxHeight() / 16;
for (int idx = 0; idx < 64; idx++) {
world.notify(px + (idx / height), ((idx % height) * 16), pz);
world.notify(px, 255, pz + 15);
world.notify(px + 15, (height * 16) - 1, pz + 15);
return true;