diff --git a/Spigot-Server-Patches/Add-Early-Warning-Feature-to-WatchDog.patch b/Spigot-Server-Patches/Add-Early-Warning-Feature-to-WatchDog.patch
index 2aaa3ef715..4cf2c0c1db 100644
--- a/Spigot-Server-Patches/Add-Early-Warning-Feature-to-WatchDog.patch
+++ b/Spigot-Server-Patches/Add-Early-Warning-Feature-to-WatchDog.patch
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ index 7ac07ac07ac0..7ac07ac07ac0 100644
                  // Paper end
 +                } else
 +                {
-+                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "--- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH  - " + Bukkit.getServer().getVersion() + "---");
++                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "--- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH  - " + Bukkit.getServer().getVersion() + " ---");
 +                    log.log(Level.SEVERE, "The server has not responded for " + (currentTime - lastTick) / 1000 + " seconds! Creating thread dump");
 +                }
 +                // Paper end - Different message for short timeout