diff --git a/paper-api/src/main/java/org/bukkit/inventory/meta/EnchantmentStorageMeta.java b/paper-api/src/main/java/org/bukkit/inventory/meta/EnchantmentStorageMeta.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8822d695e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paper-api/src/main/java/org/bukkit/inventory/meta/EnchantmentStorageMeta.java
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+package org.bukkit.inventory.meta;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.bukkit.Material;
+import org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment;
+ * EnchantmentMeta is specific to items that can store enchantments, as opposed to being enchanted.
+ * {@link Material#ENCHANTED_BOOK} is an example of an item with enchantment storage.
+ */
+public interface EnchantmentStorageMeta extends ItemMeta {
+ /**
+ * Checks for the existence of any stored enchantments.
+ *
+ * @return true if an enchantment exists on this meta
+ */
+ boolean hasStoredEnchants();
+ /**
+ * Checks for storage of the specified enchantment.
+ *
+ * @param ench enchantment to check
+ * @return true if this enchantment is stored in this meta
+ */
+ boolean hasStoredEnchant(Enchantment ench);
+ /**
+ * Checks for the level of the stored enchantment.
+ *
+ * @param ench enchantment to check
+ * @return The level that the specified stored enchantment has, or 0 if none
+ */
+ int getStoredEnchantLevel(Enchantment ench);
+ /**
+ * Gets a copy the stored enchantments in this ItemMeta.
+ *
+ * @return An immutable copy of the stored enchantments
+ */
+ Map getStoredEnchants();
+ /**
+ * Stores the specified enchantment in this item meta.
+ *
+ * @param ench Enchantment to store
+ * @param level Level for the enchantment
+ * @param ignoreLevelRestriction this indicates the enchantment should be applied, ignoring the level limit
+ * @return true if the item meta changed as a result of this call, false otherwise
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if enchantment is null
+ */
+ boolean addStoredEnchant(Enchantment ench, int level, boolean ignoreLevelRestriction);
+ /**
+ * Remove the specified stored enchantment from this item meta.
+ *
+ * @param ench Enchantment to remove
+ * @return true if the item meta changed as a result of this call, false otherwise
+ * @throws IllegalArgumentException if enchantment is null
+ */
+ boolean removeStoredEnchant(Enchantment ench) throws IllegalArgumentException;
+ EnchantmentStorageMeta clone();