diff --git a/patches/server/Fix-incorrect-status-dataconverter-for-pre-1.13-chun.patch b/patches/server/Fix-incorrect-status-dataconverter-for-pre-1.13-chun.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2e9f6d0ef7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patches/server/Fix-incorrect-status-dataconverter-for-pre-1.13-chun.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Spottedleaf <Spottedleaf@users.noreply.github.com>
+Date: Mon, 10 May 2021 15:46:57 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix incorrect status dataconverter for pre 1.13 chunks
+Vanilla was setting non-populated OR non-lit chunks to empty, but
+really this is just completely wrong. It should be set to "carved"
+at minmum, because pre 1.13 chunks went through 3 distinct stages
+of generation: carving, population, and lighting - in this order.
+There is no "empty" status, because a chunk was simply carved
+or it didn't exist. So mapping any chunk data to empty is simply
+If the chunk is terrain populated, then obviously it must be at
+minmum "decorated." If the chunk is lit and populated, then it is marked
+"mobs_spawned" (which is what Vanilla is doing, and this is the last
+stage before moving to full so it looks correct).
+So now here is a table representing the new status conversion:
+Chunk is lit        Chunk is populated       Vanilla
+     F                       F                empty
+     T                       F                empty
+     F                       T                empty
+     T                       T             mobs_spawned
+Chunk is lit        Chunk is populated         Paper
+     F                       F                carved
+     T                       F                carved
+     F                       T              decorated
+     T                       T             mobs_spawned
+This should fix some problems converting old data, as the
+changes here are going to prevent the chunk from being regenerated
+diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/util/datafix/fixes/ChunkToProtochunkFix.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/util/datafix/fixes/ChunkToProtochunkFix.java
+index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 100644
+--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/util/datafix/fixes/ChunkToProtochunkFix.java
++++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/util/datafix/fixes/ChunkToProtochunkFix.java
+@@ -0,0 +0,0 @@ public class ChunkToProtochunkFix extends DataFix {
+         OpticFinder<?> opticFinder2 = DSL.fieldFinder("TileTicks", type5);
+         return TypeRewriteRule.seq(this.fixTypeEverywhereTyped("ChunkToProtoChunkFix", type, this.getOutputSchema().getType(References.CHUNK), (typed) -> {
+             return typed.updateTyped(opticFinder, type4, (typedx) -> {
+-                Optional<? extends Stream<? extends Dynamic<?>>> optional = typedx.getOptionalTyped(opticFinder2).flatMap((typed) -> {
+-                    return typed.write().result();
++                Optional<? extends Stream<? extends Dynamic<?>>> optional = typedx.getOptionalTyped(opticFinder2).flatMap((it) -> { // Paper - remap fix
++                    return it.write().result(); // Paper - remap fix
+                 }).flatMap((dynamicx) -> {
+                     return dynamicx.asStreamOpt().result();
+                 });
+                 Dynamic<?> dynamic = typedx.get(DSL.remainderFinder());
+-                boolean bl = dynamic.get("TerrainPopulated").asBoolean(false) && (!dynamic.get("LightPopulated").asNumber().result().isPresent() || dynamic.get("LightPopulated").asBoolean(false));
+-                dynamic = dynamic.set("Status", dynamic.createString(bl ? "mobs_spawned" : "empty"));
++                // Paper start - fix incorrect status conversion
++                // Vanilla is setting chunks to incorrect status here, they should be using at minimum carved.
++                // for populated chunks, it should be at minimum decorated
++                // and for lit and populated, mobs_spawned is correct (technically mobs_spawned should be for populated,
++                // but if it's not lit then it can't be set above lit)
++                final boolean terrainPopulated = dynamic.get("TerrainPopulated").asBoolean(false);
++                final boolean lightPopulated = dynamic.get("LightPopulated").asBoolean(false) || dynamic.get("LightPopulated").asNumber().result().isPresent();
++                final String newStatus = !terrainPopulated ? "carved" : (lightPopulated ? "mobs_spawned" : "decorated");
++                dynamic = dynamic.set("Status", dynamic.createString(newStatus));
++                // Paper end - fix incorrect status conversion
+                 dynamic = dynamic.set("hasLegacyStructureData", dynamic.createBoolean(true));
+                 Dynamic<?> dynamic3;
+-                if (bl) {
++                if (true) { // Paper - fix incorrect status conversion
+                     Optional<ByteBuffer> optional2 = dynamic.get("Biomes").asByteBufferOpt().result();
+                     if (optional2.isPresent()) {
+                         ByteBuffer byteBuffer = optional2.get();