* fixup patch and rebuild
* Updated Upstream (Bukkit/CraftBukkit/Spigot)
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
bde198c9 SPIGOT-5246: PlayerQuitEvent.get/setQuitMessage() is incorrectly marked as NotNull
24ad5a79 SPIGOT-5240: Vector.angle not valid for angles very close to each other
a143db9a SPIGOT-5231: ShotAtAngle API for Fireworks
10db5c3d SPIGOT-5226: Update Javadoc of PlayerDeathEvent
CraftBukkit Changes:
1ec1b05e SPIGOT-5245: Unneeded cast to WorldNBTStorage in CraftWorld#getWorldFolder
e5e8eec2 SPIGOT-5241: setAttributeModifiers does not work on untouched stack
803eaa31 SPIGOT-5231: ShotAtAngle API for Fireworks
7881d2ae SPIGOT-5237: Horses, pigs do not drop their inventory
06efc9ec Don't accept connections until all plugins have enabled
da62a66a SPIGOT-5225: World handle isn't closed if world is unloaded without saving
104b3831 SPIGOT-5222: Cannot get Long values from Entity memory
f0b3fe43 SPIGOT-5220: Server CPU usage reaches 100% when stdin is null
Spigot Changes:
e5b1b5db SPIGOT-5235: Destroy expired area effect clouds / fireworks that are inactive
cbcc8e87 Make region files more reliable to write to
8887c5f4 Remove redundant late-bind option
dac29063 Rebuild patches
* Preserve old flush on save flag for reliable regionfiles
Originally this patch was in paper
* Fix some issues with the death event
- Entities potentially entering a glitched state to the client where
they appear to be falling over
- Donkeys losing their chest if the event was cancelled (only an
issue since the upstream merge)
- Some wither death logic running for an entity killed by a wither
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
c987938a SPIGOT-5180: Add Villager#sleep() and #wakeup() methods
CraftBukkit Changes:
7f33c6a2 SPIGOT-5196: Restore previous version behaviour regarding cancelled BlockBreakEvent
6a5fc902 Improve diff in EntityHanging
c98d61bf SPIGOT-4712: Allow spawning of upwards or downwards facing item frames
db971477 SPIGOT-5199: Fix NPE if setting the book of the ItemMeta of a lectern
b0ef3996 SPIGOT-4679 Fix black lines after book paragraphs
1215188f SPIGOT-5180: Add Villager#sleep() and #wakeup() methods
c03b2bef SPIGOT-4975: NPE on WorldGenStronghold When Using Multiple Worlds
65ea162c Ensure Bukkit data pack is always up to date
0b107b8d MC-157395, SPIGOT-5193: Small armor stands do not drop loot
6da0abca SPIGOT-5195: Player loot table does not drop when keepInventory is on
8b09d983 SPIGOT-5190: Superfluous EntityCombustEvent called when using fire aspect sword
Spigot Changes:
1981d553 SPIGOT-5198: Catch more bad async operations
6a14ca46 Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
e99c9444 Add Plugin Chunk Ticket API
6a235f06 Fix incorrect nullability annotations for PlayerJoinEvent's join message
CraftBukkit Changes:
5f889388 Tweak build expiration to 7 days
572c02b0 MC-155077, SPIGOT-5113: EntityTracker desync
7ad3a1f4 SPIGOT-5146: BlockDataMeta does not work
60860983 SPIGOT-5155: Setting EntityExplodeEvent yield to 0 still causes blocks to drop
087a2cf4 Print number of force loaded chunks per plugin in crash reports
07b5b06d Add Plugin Chunk Ticket API
7ffb2a27 SPIGOT-5149: resetRecipes does nothing
a2275f19 SPIGOT-5141: World.generateTree() causes ClassCastException with huge mushrooms
31d4a777 SPIGOT-5142: Ignore invalid firework effects
Spigot Changes:
5e4e7f32 BUILDTOOLS-471: Rebuild patches
6e944739 SPIGOT-5159: Raider activation range overridden by Monster range
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
3dc4cdcd Update to Minecraft 1.14.3-pre4
88b25a8c SPIGOT-5098: Add a method to allow colored sign changes
6d913552 Update to Minecraft 1.14.3-pre4
CraftBukkit Changes:
f1f33559 Update to Minecraft 1.14.3
8a3d3f49 SPIGOT-5098: Add a method to allow colored sign changes
533290e2 SPIGOT-5100: Console warning from pig zombie targeting
6dde4b9f SPIGOT-5094: Allow opening merchant for wandering traders and hide the xp bar for custom merchants
9af90077 SPIGOT-5097: Bukkit.clearRecipes() no longer working
38fa220f Fix setting game rules via the API
fe3930ce Update to Minecraft 1.14.3-pre4
da071ec5 Remove outdated build delay.
Spigot Changes:
4d2f30f1 Update to Minecraft 1.14.3
f16400e3 Update to Minecraft 1.14.3-pre4
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
04405534 SPIGOT-5034: FoodLevelChangeEvent add getItem method
8154c64c SPIGOT-4984: EnchantmentOffer.getCost() documentation is misleading
CraftBukkit Changes:
f2757f95 SPIGOT-5071: Player loot tables not triggered
f4242226 Optimize getEntitiesByClasses slightly
e81013d7 SPIGOT-5072: Process phantom, cat and patrol spawning in CustomChunkGenerator
30a63379 SPIGOT-5010: World#getEntitiesByClass/es also return entities in border chunks.
43431ba6 SPIGOT-5034: FoodLevelChangeEvent add getItem method
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
17543ecf SPIGOT-5035: Error Using Virtual Merchant GUI
0fc6922b SPIGOT-5028: Villager#setVillagerExperience() doesn't work
bdbdbe44 SPIGOT-5024: Fox error - Unknown target reason
This makes it easier for downstream projects (forks) to replace the
version fetching system with their own. It is as simple as implementing
an interface and overriding the default implementation of
It also makes it easier for us to organize things like the version
history feature.
Lastly I have updated the paper implementation to check against the site
API rather than against jenkins.
Upstream has released updates that appears to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
17da3420 Fix reading custom persistent entity data
83783357 SPIGOT-4980: Shields will not be put on cooldown when hit with an axe
8d0f3722 SPIGOT-4752: Fixed inconsistency between isChunkLoaded and chunk load/unload events
3f9f31c3 SPIGOT-4982: Armor disappearing while breaking the armor stand