Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
cc9aa21a SPIGOT-6399, SPIGOT-7344: Clarify collidable behavior for player entities
f23325b6 Add API for per-world simulation distances
26e1774e Add API for per-world view distances
0b541e60 Add PlayerLoginEvent#getRealAddress
5f027d2d PR-949: Add Vector#fromJOML() overloads for read-only vector types
CraftBukkit Changes:
bcf56171a PR-1321: Clean up some stuff which got missed during previous PRs
7f833a2d1 SPIGOT-7462: Players no longer drop XP after dying near a Sculk Catalyst
752aac669 Implement APIs for per world view and simulation distances
57d7ef433 Preserve empty enchantment tags for glow effect
465ec3fb4 Remove connected check on setScoreboard
f90ce621e Use one PermissibleBase for all command blocks
5876cca44 SPIGOT-7550: Fix creation of Arrow instances
f03fc3aa3 SPIGOT-7549: ServerTickManager#setTickRate incorrect Precondition
9d7f49b01 SPIGOT-7548: Fix wrong spawn location for experience orb and dropped item
Spigot Changes:
ed9ba9a4 Drop no longer required patch ignoring -o option
86b5dd6a SPIGOT-7546: Fix hardcoded check for outdated client message
aa7cde7a Remove obsolete APIs for per world view and simulation distances
6dff577e Remove obsolete patch preserving empty `ench` tags
a3bf95b8 Remove obsolete PlayerLoginEvent#getRealAddress
1b02f5d6 Remove obsolete connected check on setScoreboard patch
acf717eb Remove obsolete command block PermissibleBase patch
053fa2a9 Remove redundant patch dealing with null tile entities
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
f29cb801 Separate checkstyle-suppressions file is not required
86f99bbe SPIGOT-7540, PR-946: Add ServerTickManager API
d4119585 SPIGOT-6903, PR-945: Add BlockData#getMapColor
b7a2ed41 SPIGOT-7530, PR-947: Add Player#removeResourcePack
9dd56255 SPIGOT-7527, PR-944: Add WindCharge#explode()
994a6163 Attempt upgrade of resolver libraries
CraftBukkit Changes:
b3b43a6ad Add Checkstyle check for unused imports
13fb3358e SPIGOT-7544: Scoreboard#getEntries() doesn't get entries but class names
3dda99c06 SPIGOT-7540, PR-1312: Add ServerTickManager API
2ab4508c0 SPIGOT-6903, PR-1311: Add BlockData#getMapColor
1dbdbbed4 PR-1238: Remove unnecessary sign ticking
659728d2a MC-264285, SPIGOT-7439, PR-1237: Fix unbreakable flint and steel is completely consumed while igniting creeper
e37e29ce0 Increase outdated build delay
c00438b39 SPIGOT-7530, PR-1313: Add Player#removeResourcePack
492dd80ce SPIGOT-7527, PR-1310: Add WindCharge#explode()
e11fbb9d7 Upgrade MySQL driver
9f3a0bd2a Attempt upgrade of resolver libraries
60d16d7ca PR-1306: Centralize Bukkit and Minecraft entity conversion
Spigot Changes:
06d602e7 Rebuild patches
* finish implementing all adventure components in codecs
* add some initial tests
* Add round trip tests for text and translatable components
* Add more round trip test data (score component is failing)
* Add more round trip test data
* Improve test failure messages
* Add failure cases
* Add a couple more test data
* Make use of AdventureCodecs
* Update patches after rebase
* Squash changes into adventure patch
* Fix AT formatting
* update comment
Co-authored-by: Jason Penilla <>
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
96340858 PR-938: Various Sound API improvements
cbfe0ff0 PR-937: Minor improvements to World#rayTrace documentation
e979ee95 PR-935: Change Consumer and Predicates to super
27ae46dc SPIGOT-3641, SPIGOT-7479, PR-931: Add missing values to EntityEffect
0616ec8b Add eclipse .factorypath file to .gitignore
CraftBukkit Changes:
8e162d008 PR-1301: Various Sound API improvements
eeb7dfc2d SPIGOT-7520: Attribute LootTableSeed missing for generated containers with attached LootTable
d433f086d PR-1297: Change Consumer and Predicates to super
864f616da SPIGOT-7518: Fix NullPointerException when calling Block#applyBoneMeal()
5a2d905af Add eclipse .factorypath file to .gitignore
7c6bf15d4 Fix SkullMeta configuration serialization / deserialization with note block sound
Spigot Changes:
7de1049b Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
fde5602a PR-927: Add PlayerRecipeBookSettingsChangeEvent
949ff217 PR-930: Add methods to get/set evoker fang attack delay
f6f7c79d SPIGOT-7514, PR-929: Add "Enchantment Roll" API to enchant items according to Minecraft mechanics
d40e22da PR-712: Add API to get full result of crafting items
CraftBukkit Changes:
c8feb0629 PR-1291: Improve precondition message in Entity#playEffect
482c56a00 PR-1285: Add PlayerRecipeBookSettingsChangeEvent
cdf798800 PR-1290: Add methods to get/set evoker fang attack delay
2c1b5f78f SPIGOT-7514, PR-1289: Add "Enchantment Roll" API to enchant items according to Minecraft mechanics
6aa644ae9 PR-992: Add API to get full result of crafting items
ffb1319bc PR-1287: Fix scoreboards not updating in Player#setStatistic
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
19830133 PR-925: Add hit entity/block to events extending ProjectileHitEvent
CraftBukkit Changes:
5a72c3c04 SPIGOT-7510: Try to fix broken reflection usage of plugins
6fa69f235 PR-1281: Add hit entity/block to events extending ProjectileHitEvent
224f733ac Fix NPE introduced in #f4d977e
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
897a0a23 SPIGOT-5753: Back PotionType by a minecraft registry
255b2aa1 SPIGOT-7080: Add World#locateNearestBiome
ff984826 Remove doc links
CraftBukkit Changes:
71b0135cc SPIGOT-5753: Back PotionType by a minecraft registry
a6bcb8489 SPIGOT-7080: Add World#locateNearestBiome
ad0e57434 SPIGOT-7502: CraftMetaItem - cannot deserialize BlockStateTag
b3efca57a SPIGOT-6400: Use Mockito instead of InvocationHandler
38c599f9d PR-1272: Only allow one entity in CraftItem instead of two
f065271ac SPIGOT-7498: ChunkSnapshot.getBlockEmittedLight() gets 64 blocks upper in Overworld
Spigot Changes:
e0e223fe Remove doc links
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
09b1c123 PR-916: Add more lightning API
c085f3de PR-859: Add Entity#getTrackedBy
CraftBukkit Changes:
1bf30a4e9 SPIGOT-7495: Spawning bee entity in asynchronous BlockPopulator causes IllegalStateException - Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
476c5bccd PR-1267: Add more lightning API
40d5e6c02 PR-1190: Add Entity#getTrackedBy
40d41acc1 SPIGOT-7491: Downgrade bundled SQLite to be updated next release
44b31da38 PR-1264: Load Bukkit class before creating Registry item
dc45a6738 SPIGOT-7496: Failure to load datapacks with multiple identical predicates
f508657d6 Fix decompile error affecting javac
ef7a4743d PR-1265: Ensure UTF-8 used in new test resource
Spigot Changes:
224dad51 Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
044d4ee9 SPIGOT-7283, SPIGOT-7318: Add AsyncStructureGenerateEvent and BlockState cloning
57b73d57 PR-913: Deprecate Projectile#doesBounce() and #setBounce()
43373c44 PR-904: Update FeatureFlag for 1.20.2
a7bbbf0c PR-911: Expand DataPack API with 1.20.2 pack version methods
0341e3a0 SPIGOT-7489: Add TeleportDuration to Display Entity
bcd8d2aa PR-912: Update Minecraft Wiki URLs
CraftBukkit Changes:
99aafc222 Increase outdated build delay
dab849f08 SPIGOT-7283, SPIGOT-7318: Add AsyncStructureGenerateEvent and BlockState cloning
041b29ae3 Upgrade specialsource-maven-plugin
851a32cff PR-1263: Remove unused implementation of AbstractProjectile#doesBounce() and #setBounce()
251af0da3 PR-1261: Expand DataPack API with 1.20.2 pack version methods
46e4ba627 Upgrade specialsource-maven-plugin
df3738a24 SPIGOT-7489: Add TeleportDuration to Display Entity
8d0fea457 PR-1262: Update Minecraft Wiki URLs
e62905aab SPIGOT-7490: Fix entity equipment updates
Spigot Changes:
a0f3d486 Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
fb23cbb3 Define surefire plugin version
d022084a Define ordering for MetadataStoreTest
99a7f6f0 PR-910: Match generic max absorption attribute name style with the rest
c7390d71 PR-909: Update tests to JUnit 5
CraftBukkit Changes:
f0661c351 PR-1230: Move unstructured PDC NBT serialisation to SNBT
452fcb599 PR-1256: Update tests to JUnit 5
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
dfe1fb48 PR-906: Add missing MinecraftExperimental annotation to Bundles
825ab30d PR-905: Add missing MapCursor.Type and update documentation
e03d10e6 PR-903: Make BARRIER Waterlogged
1961ead6 PR-898: Use Java Consumer instead of Bukkit Consumer
CraftBukkit Changes:
f71a799f0 Make BARRIER Waterlogged
172f76a45 Upgrade specialsource-maven-plugin
f0702775c SPIGOT-7486: Alternate approach to null profile names
069495671 SPIGOT-7485: Allow air entity items since required for Vanilla logic
5dfd33dc2 SPIGOT-7484: Cancelling PlayerEditBookEvent does not update client's book contents
02d490788 PR-1250: Standardize and centralize Bukkit / Minecraft registry conversion
9024a09b9 PR-1251: Use Java Consumer instead of Bukkit Consumer
6d4b25bf1 Increase diff stability
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
69c7ce23 PR-990: Use Mockito instead of InvocationHandler for test mocking
997de31d PR-893: Add a stream method to Registry to make it easier to use and to avoid unnecessary wrapping
6a8ce581 Fix malformed javadoc in previous commit
26c74f6d PR-890: Add more Sculk API (bloom, shriek, bloom event)
aa067abf PR-895: Load GameEvent and MusicInstrument from registry
CraftBukkit Changes:
78796c9de Add support for Java 21
ddc9a2dad SPIGOT-7475: Don't fire SculkBloomEvent during world generation
caee2311a PR-1245: Add a stream method to Registry to make it easier to use and to avoid unnecessary wrapping
de421cf56 PR-1242: Add more Sculk API (bloom, shriek, bloom event)
00f5a80fb PR-1252: Fix error when generating a tree in water
10219df3a PR-1248: Load GameEvent and MusicInstrument from registry
Sets up the ability to load new or modified resource files into Paper.
Updates paperweight to 1.5.6
This should work with all run configs, like runDev, runShadow, runReobf as well as correctly build jars for production.
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
6b34da8f SPIGOT-7467: Add getAddress to RemoteConsoleCommandSender
CraftBukkit Changes:
db4ba2897 SPIGOT-7467: Add getAddress to RemoteConsoleCommandSender
4f7ff4dec PR-1246: Add missing AbstractTestingBase to tests which need them
f70a7b68d SPIGOT-7465, MC-264979: Fresh installations print NoSuchFileException for
8ef7afef6 PR-1240: Call BlockGrowEvent for vines that are growing on additional sides of an existing vine block
Spigot Changes:
d2eba2c8 Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
b76ceb4f5 PR-1235: Move EntityType return to base Entity class
e795d7490 SPIGOT-7458: Exception when Entity CommandSender executes Vanilla command
46c7fc3b1 SPIGOT-7452: Player#openSign cannot edit
d91e5aa0b SPIGOT-7447: Rewrite --forceUpgrade to minimise diff and properly handle CraftBukkit world layout
921ae06d6 Revert "SPIGOT-7447: Fix --forceUpgrade"
Spigot Changes:
94e187b5 Rebuild patches
3bce7935 SPIGOT-7091: Update bungeecord-chat
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
82af5dc6 SPIGOT-7396: Add PlayerSignOpenEvent
3f0281ca SPIGOT-7063, PR-763: Add DragonBattle#initiateRespawn with custom EnderCrystals
f83c8df4 PR-873: Add PlayerRecipeBookClickEvent
14560d39 SPIGOT-7435: Add TeleportCause#EXIT_BED
2cc6db92 SPIGOT-7422, PR-887: Add API to set sherds on decorated pots
36022f02 PR-883: Add ItemFactory#getSpawnEgg
12eb5c46 PR-881: Update Scoreboard Javadocs, remove explicit exception throwing
f6d8d44a PR-882: Add modern time API methods to ban API
21a7b710 Upgrade some Maven plugins to reduce warnings
11fd1225 PR-886: Deprecate the SmithingRecipe constructor as it now does nothing
dbd1761d SPIGOT-7406: Improve documentation for getDragonBattle
CraftBukkit Changes:
d548daac2 SPIGOT-7446: BlockState#update not updating a spawner's type to null
70e0bc050 SPIGOT-7447: Fix --forceUpgrade
6752f1d63 SPIGOT-7396: Add PlayerSignOpenEvent
847b4cad5 SPIGOT-7063, PR-1071: Add DragonBattle#initiateRespawn with custom EnderCrystals
c335a555f PR-1212: Add PlayerRecipeBookClickEvent
4be756ecb SPIGOT-7445: Fix opening smithing inventory
db70bd6ed SPIGOT-7441: Fix issue placing certain items in creative/op
f7fa6d993 SPIGOT-7435: Add TeleportCause#EXIT_BED
b435e8e8d SPIGOT-7349: Player#setDisplayName not working when message/format unmodified
a2fafdd1d PR-1232: Re-add fix for player rotation
7cf863de1 PR-1233: Remove some old MC bug fixes now fixed in vanilla
08ec344ad Fix ChunkGenerator#generateCaves never being called
5daeb502a SPIGOT-7422, PR-1228: Add API to set sherds on decorated pots
52faa6b32 PR-1224: Add ItemFactory#getSpawnEgg
01cae71b7 SPIGOT-7429: Fix LEFT_CLICK_AIR not working for passable entities and spectators
a94277a18 PR-1223: Remove non-existent scoreboard display name/prefix/suffix limits
36b107660 PR-1225: Add modern time API methods to ban API
59ead25bc Upgrade some Maven plugins to reduce warnings
202fc5c4e Increase outdated build delay
ce545de57 SPIGOT-7398: TextDisplay#setInterpolationDuration incorrectly updates the line width
Spigot Changes:
b41c46db Rebuild patches
3374045a SPIGOT-7431: Fix EntityMountEvent returning opposite entities
0ca4eb66 Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
01aa02eb PR-858: Add LivingEntity#playHurtAnimation()
9421320f PR-884: Refinements to new ban API for improved compatibility and correctness
37a60b45 SPIGOT-6455, SPIGOT-7030, PR-750: Improve ban API
4eeb174b All smithing inventories are now the new smithing inventory
f2bb168e PR-880: Add methods to get/set FallingBlock CancelDrop
e7a807fa PR-879: Add Player#sendHealthUpdate()
692b8e96 SPIGOT-7370: Remove float value conversion in plugin.yml
2d033390 SPIGOT-7403: Add direct API for waxed signs
16a08373 PR-876: Add missing Raider API and 'no action ticks'
CraftBukkit Changes:
b60a95c8c PR-1189: Add LivingEntity#playHurtAnimation()
95c335c63 PR-1226: Fix VehicleEnterEvent not being called for certain entities
0a0fc3bee PR-1227: Refinements to new ban API for improved compatibility and correctness
0d0b1e5dc Revert bad change to PathfinderGoalSit causing all cats to sit
648196070 SPIGOT-6455, SPIGOT-7030, PR-1054: Improve ban API
31fe848d6 All smithing inventories are now the new smithing inventory
9a919a143 SPIGOT-7416: SmithItemEvent not firing in Smithing Table
9f64f0d22 PR-1221: Add methods to get/set FallingBlock CancelDrop
3be9ac171 PR-1220: Add Player#sendHealthUpdate()
c1279f775 PR-1209: Clean up various patches
c432e4397 Fix Raider#setCelebrating() implementation
504d96665 SPIGOT-7403: Add direct API for waxed signs
c68c1f1b3 PR-1216: Add missing Raider API and 'no action ticks'
85b89c3dd Increase outdated build delay
Spigot Changes:
9ebce8af Rebuild patches
64b565e6 Rebuild patches
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
0c5d8709 SPIGOT-7400: Downgrade maven-resolver due to issues resolving certain depends
255c4fdb SPIGOT-7380: Add PlayerInteractEvent#getClickedPosition and ChiseledBookshelf#getSlot
CraftBukkit Changes:
b6b514b7e SPIGOT-7400: Downgrade maven-resolver due to issues resolving certain depends
fcff84de9 SPIGOT-7399: Revert null check in CraftMetaItem#safelyAdd
44a4b5649 SPIGOT-7380: Add PlayerInteractEvent#getClickedPosition and ChiseledBookshelf#getSlot
676969d01 SPIGOT-7389: Handle setting null items in ChiseledBookshelf Inventory
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
Bukkit Changes:
fdff0cd4 PR-869: Add Enderman#teleport and Enderman#teleportTowards
dfd86ee7 Improve sendSignChange and related documentation
beced2b2 PR-867: Add Player#sendBlockUpdate to send tile entity updates
CraftBukkit Changes:
ad6d0cffb SPIGOT-7394: Fix another issue with sendSignChange
66c5ce4c7 SPIGOT-7391: Preserve vanilla sign json where not modified by event
ae3824f94 PR-1204: Add Enderman#teleport and Enderman#teleportTowards
5863a2eae Fix sendSignChange not working
4a7eadc97 PR-1201: Add Player#sendBlockUpdate to send tile entity updates
789324e30 Work around issue placing decorated pots
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly.
This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing
CraftBukkit Changes:
fd92f1e65 SPIGOT-7378: Add BlockDropItemEvent for Suspicious Sand & Gravel drops
cb1b69d13 SPIGOT-7377: Server sends player list twice
Spigot Changes:
16cfc987 Rebuild patches