package org.bukkit; /** * Represents the face of a block */ public enum BlockFace { North(-1, 0, 0), East(0, 0, -1), South(1, 0, 0), West(0, 0, 1), Up(0, 1, 0), Down(0, -1, 0), NorthEast(North, East), NorthWest(North, West), SouthEast(South, East), SouthWest(South, West), Self(0, 0, 0); private final int modX; private final int modY; private final int modZ; private BlockFace(final int modX, final int modY, final int modZ) { this.modX = modX; this.modY = modY; this.modZ = modZ; } private BlockFace(final BlockFace face1, final BlockFace face2) { this.modX = face1.getModX() + face2.getModX(); this.modY = face1.getModY() + face2.getModY(); this.modZ = face1.getModZ() + face2.getModZ(); } /** * Get the amount of X-coordinates to modify to get the represented block * @return Amount of X-coordinates to modify */ public int getModX() { return modX; } /** * Get the amount of Y-coordinates to modify to get the represented block * @return Amount of Y-coordinates to modify */ public int getModY() { return modY; } /** * Get the amount of Z-coordinates to modify to get the represented block * @return Amount of Z-coordinates to modify */ public int getModZ() { return modZ; } }