package io.papermc.paper.registry.keys; import static net.kyori.adventure.key.Key.key; import io.papermc.paper.generated.GeneratedFrom; import io.papermc.paper.registry.RegistryKey; import io.papermc.paper.registry.TypedKey; import net.kyori.adventure.key.Key; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.trim.TrimMaterial; import org.jetbrains.annotations.ApiStatus; import org.jspecify.annotations.NullMarked; /** * Vanilla keys for {@link RegistryKey#TRIM_MATERIAL}. * * @apiNote The fields provided here are a direct representation of * what is available from the vanilla game source. They may be * changed (including removals) on any Minecraft version * bump, so cross-version compatibility is not provided on the * same level as it is on most of the other API. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unused", "SpellCheckingInspection" }) @GeneratedFrom("1.21.4") @NullMarked @ApiStatus.Experimental public final class TrimMaterialKeys { /** * {@code minecraft:amethyst} * * @apiNote This field is version-dependant and may be removed in future Minecraft versions */ public static final TypedKey AMETHYST = create(key("amethyst")); /** * {@code minecraft:copper} * * @apiNote This field is version-dependant and may be removed in future Minecraft versions */ public static final TypedKey COPPER = create(key("copper")); /** * {@code minecraft:diamond} * * @apiNote This field is version-dependant and may be removed in future Minecraft versions */ public static final TypedKey DIAMOND = create(key("diamond")); /** * {@code minecraft:emerald} * * @apiNote This field is version-dependant and may be removed in future Minecraft versions */ public static final TypedKey EMERALD = create(key("emerald")); /** * {@code minecraft:gold} * * @apiNote This field is version-dependant and may be removed in future Minecraft versions */ public static final TypedKey GOLD = create(key("gold")); /** * {@code minecraft:iron} * * @apiNote This field is version-dependant and may be removed in future Minecraft versions */ public static final TypedKey IRON = create(key("iron")); /** * {@code minecraft:lapis} * * @apiNote This field is version-dependant and may be removed in future Minecraft versions */ public static final TypedKey LAPIS = create(key("lapis")); /** * {@code minecraft:netherite} * * @apiNote This field is version-dependant and may be removed in future Minecraft versions */ public static final TypedKey NETHERITE = create(key("netherite")); /** * {@code minecraft:quartz} * * @apiNote This field is version-dependant and may be removed in future Minecraft versions */ public static final TypedKey QUARTZ = create(key("quartz")); /** * {@code minecraft:redstone} * * @apiNote This field is version-dependant and may be removed in future Minecraft versions */ public static final TypedKey REDSTONE = create(key("redstone")); /** * {@code minecraft:resin} * * @apiNote This field is version-dependant and may be removed in future Minecraft versions */ public static final TypedKey RESIN = create(key("resin")); private TrimMaterialKeys() { } /** * Creates a key for {@link TrimMaterial} in the registry {@code minecraft:trim_material}. * * @param key the value's key in the registry * @return a new typed key */ @ApiStatus.Experimental public static TypedKey create(final Key key) { return TypedKey.create(RegistryKey.TRIM_MATERIAL, key); } }