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--- ../work/decompile-8eb82bde/net/minecraft/server/Entity.java 2014-12-11 00:40:13.568254452 +0000
+++ src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/Entity.java 2014-12-11 00:38:28.556255592 +0000
@@ -6,8 +6,40 @@
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
+// CraftBukkit start
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
+import org.bukkit.Location;
+import org.bukkit.Server;
+import org.bukkit.TravelAgent;
+import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
+import org.bukkit.entity.Hanging;
+import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity;
+import org.bukkit.entity.Painting;
+import org.bukkit.entity.Vehicle;
+import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByEntityEvent;
+import org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingBreakByEntityEvent;
+import org.bukkit.event.painting.PaintingBreakByEntityEvent;
+import org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleBlockCollisionEvent;
+import org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleEnterEvent;
+import org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleExitEvent;
+import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftWorld;
+import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftEntity;
+import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.entity.CraftPlayer;
+import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.event.CraftEventFactory;
+import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustEvent;
+import org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityPortalEvent;
+import org.bukkit.plugin.PluginManager;
+// CraftBukkit end
public abstract class Entity implements ICommandListener {
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ private static final int CURRENT_LEVEL = 2;
+ static boolean isLevelAtLeast(NBTTagCompound tag, int level) {
+ return tag.hasKey("Bukkit.updateLevel") && tag.getInt("Bukkit.updateLevel") >= level;
+ }
+ // CraftBukikt end
private static final AxisAlignedBB a = new AxisAlignedBB(0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D, 0.0D);
private static int entityCount;
private int id;
@@ -77,6 +109,8 @@
private boolean invulnerable;
public UUID uniqueID;
private final CommandObjectiveExecutor as;
+ public boolean valid; // CraftBukkit
+ public org.bukkit.projectiles.ProjectileSource projectileSource; // CraftBukkit - For projectiles only
public int getId() {
return this.id;
@@ -150,6 +184,33 @@
protected void setYawPitch(float f, float f1) {
+ // CraftBukkit start - yaw was sometimes set to NaN, so we need to set it back to 0
+ if (Float.isNaN(f)) {
+ f = 0;
+ }
+ if (f == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY || f == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
+ if (this instanceof EntityPlayer) {
+ this.world.getServer().getLogger().warning(this.getName() + " was caught trying to crash the server with an invalid yaw");
+ ((CraftPlayer) this.getBukkitEntity()).kickPlayer("Nope");
+ }
+ f = 0;
+ }
+ // pitch was sometimes set to NaN, so we need to set it back to 0
+ if (Float.isNaN(f1)) {
+ f1 = 0;
+ }
+ if (f1 == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY || f1 == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) {
+ if (this instanceof EntityPlayer) {
+ this.world.getServer().getLogger().warning(this.getName() + " was caught trying to crash the server with an invalid pitch");
+ ((CraftPlayer) this.getBukkitEntity()).kickPlayer("Nope");
+ }
+ f1 = 0;
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
this.yaw = f % 360.0F;
this.pitch = f1 % 360.0F;
@@ -186,7 +247,7 @@
int i = this.L();
if (this.ak) {
- if (minecraftserver.getAllowNether()) {
+ if (true || minecraftserver.getAllowNether()) { // CraftBukkit
if (this.vehicle == null && this.al++ >= i) {
this.al = i;
this.portalCooldown = this.ar();
@@ -263,6 +324,27 @@
protected void burnFromLava() {
if (!this.fireProof) {
this.damageEntity(DamageSource.LAVA, 4.0F);
+ // CraftBukkit start - Fallen in lava TODO: this event spams!
+ if (this instanceof EntityLiving) {
+ if (fireTicks <= 0) {
+ // not on fire yet
+ // TODO: shouldn't be sending null for the block
+ org.bukkit.block.Block damager = null; // ((WorldServer) this.l).getWorld().getBlockAt(i, j, k);
+ org.bukkit.entity.Entity damagee = this.getBukkitEntity();
+ EntityCombustEvent combustEvent = new org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityCombustByBlockEvent(damager, damagee, 15);
+ this.world.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(combustEvent);
+ if (!combustEvent.isCancelled()) {
+ this.setOnFire(combustEvent.getDuration());
+ }
+ } else {
+ // This will be called every single tick the entity is in lava, so don't throw an event
+ this.setOnFire(15);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end - we also don't throw an event unless the object in lava is living, to save on some event calls
@@ -300,6 +382,22 @@
this.a(this.getBoundingBox().c(d0, d1, d2));
} else {
+ // CraftBukkit start - Don't do anything if we aren't moving
+ // We need to do this regardless of whether or not we are moving thanks to portals
+ try {
+ this.checkBlockCollisions();
+ } catch (Throwable throwable) {
+ CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.a(throwable, "Checking entity block collision");
+ CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails = crashreport.a("Entity being checked for collision");
+ this.appendEntityCrashDetails(crashreportsystemdetails);
+ throw new ReportedException(crashreport);
+ }
+ // Check if we're moving
+ if (d0 == 0 && d1 == 0 && d2 == 0 && this.vehicle == null && this.passenger == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
double d3 = this.locX;
double d4 = this.locY;
@@ -520,6 +618,26 @@
block.a(this.world, this);
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ if (positionChanged && getBukkitEntity() instanceof Vehicle) {
+ Vehicle vehicle = (Vehicle) this.getBukkitEntity();
+ org.bukkit.block.Block bl = this.world.getWorld().getBlockAt(MathHelper.floor(this.locX), MathHelper.floor(this.locY - (double) this.getHeadHeight()), MathHelper.floor(this.locZ));
+ if (d6 > d0) {
+ bl = bl.getRelative(BlockFace.EAST);
+ } else if (d6 < d0) {
+ bl = bl.getRelative(BlockFace.WEST);
+ } else if (d8 > d2) {
+ bl = bl.getRelative(BlockFace.SOUTH);
+ } else if (d8 < d2) {
+ bl = bl.getRelative(BlockFace.NORTH);
+ }
+ VehicleBlockCollisionEvent event = new VehicleBlockCollisionEvent(vehicle, bl);
+ world.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event);
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
if (this.r_() && !flag && this.vehicle == null) {
double d21 = this.locX - d3;
double d22 = this.locY - d4;
@@ -530,7 +648,7 @@
if (block != null && this.onGround) {
- block.a(this.world, blockposition, this);
+ // block.a(this.world, blockposition, this); // CraftBukkit removed down
this.M = (float) ((double) this.M + (double) MathHelper.sqrt(d21 * d21 + d23 * d23) * 0.6D);
@@ -548,9 +666,12 @@
this.a(blockposition, block);
+ block.a(this.world, blockposition, this); // CraftBukkit - moved from above
+ // CraftBukkit start - Move to the top of the method
+ /*
try {
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
@@ -560,6 +681,8 @@
throw new ReportedException(crashreport);
+ */
+ // CraftBukkit end
boolean flag2 = this.U();
@@ -567,7 +690,16 @@
if (!flag2) {
- if (this.fireTicks == 0) {
+ // CraftBukkit start - Not on fire yet
+ if (this.fireTicks <= 0) { // Only throw events on the first combust, otherwise it spams
+ EntityCombustEvent event = new EntityCombustEvent(getBukkitEntity(), 8);
+ world.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event);
+ if (!event.isCancelled()) {
+ setOnFire(event.getDuration());
+ }
+ } else {
+ // CraftBukkit end
@@ -673,7 +805,7 @@
return null;
- protected void burn(int i) {
+ protected void burn(float i) { // CraftBukkit - int -> float
if (!this.fireProof) {
this.damageEntity(DamageSource.FIRE, (float) i);
@@ -823,6 +955,13 @@
public void spawnIn(World world) {
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ if (world == null) {
+ die();
+ this.world = ((CraftWorld) Bukkit.getServer().getWorlds().get(0)).getHandle();
+ return;
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
this.world = world;
@@ -1015,6 +1154,18 @@
try {
nbttagcompound.set("Pos", this.a(new double[] { this.locX, this.locY, this.locZ}));
nbttagcompound.set("Motion", this.a(new double[] { this.motX, this.motY, this.motZ}));
+ // CraftBukkit start - Checking for NaN pitch/yaw and resetting to zero
+ // TODO: make sure this is the best way to address this.
+ if (Float.isNaN(this.yaw)) {
+ this.yaw = 0;
+ }
+ if (Float.isNaN(this.pitch)) {
+ this.pitch = 0;
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
nbttagcompound.set("Rotation", this.a(new float[] { this.yaw, this.pitch}));
nbttagcompound.setFloat("FallDistance", this.fallDistance);
nbttagcompound.setShort("Fire", (short) this.fireTicks);
@@ -1025,6 +1176,11 @@
nbttagcompound.setInt("PortalCooldown", this.portalCooldown);
nbttagcompound.setLong("UUIDMost", this.getUniqueID().getMostSignificantBits());
nbttagcompound.setLong("UUIDLeast", this.getUniqueID().getLeastSignificantBits());
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ nbttagcompound.setLong("WorldUUIDLeast", this.world.getDataManager().getUUID().getLeastSignificantBits());
+ nbttagcompound.setLong("WorldUUIDMost", this.world.getDataManager().getUUID().getMostSignificantBits());
+ nbttagcompound.setInt("Bukkit.updateLevel", CURRENT_LEVEL);
+ // CraftBukkit end
if (this.getCustomName() != null && this.getCustomName().length() > 0) {
nbttagcompound.setString("CustomName", this.getCustomName());
nbttagcompound.setBoolean("CustomNameVisible", this.getCustomNameVisible());
@@ -1062,6 +1218,7 @@
this.motX = nbttaglist1.d(0);
this.motY = nbttaglist1.d(1);
this.motZ = nbttaglist1.d(2);
+ /* CraftBukkit start - Moved section down
if (Math.abs(this.motX) > 10.0D) {
this.motX = 0.0D;
@@ -1073,6 +1230,7 @@
if (Math.abs(this.motZ) > 10.0D) {
this.motZ = 0.0D;
+ // CraftBukkit end */
this.lastX = this.P = this.locX = nbttaglist.d(0);
this.lastY = this.Q = this.locY = nbttaglist.d(1);
@@ -1105,7 +1263,57 @@
if (this.af()) {
this.setPosition(this.locX, this.locY, this.locZ);
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ if (this instanceof EntityLiving) {
+ EntityLiving entity = (EntityLiving) this;
+ // Reset the persistence for tamed animals
+ if (entity instanceof EntityTameableAnimal && !isLevelAtLeast(nbttagcompound, 2) && !nbttagcompound.getBoolean("PersistenceRequired")) {
+ EntityInsentient entityinsentient = (EntityInsentient) entity;
+ entityinsentient.persistent = !entityinsentient.isTypeNotPersistent();
+ }
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
+ // CraftBukkit start - Exempt Vehicles from notch's sanity check
+ if (!(getBukkitEntity() instanceof Vehicle)) {
+ if (Math.abs(this.motX) > 10.0D) {
+ this.motX = 0.0D;
+ }
+ if (Math.abs(this.motY) > 10.0D) {
+ this.motY = 0.0D;
+ }
+ if (Math.abs(this.motZ) > 10.0D) {
+ this.motZ = 0.0D;
+ }
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
+ // CraftBukkit start - Reset world
+ if (this instanceof EntityPlayer) {
+ Server server = Bukkit.getServer();
+ org.bukkit.World bworld = null;
+ // TODO: Remove World related checks, replaced with WorldUID
+ String worldName = nbttagcompound.getString("world");
+ if (nbttagcompound.hasKey("WorldUUIDMost") && nbttagcompound.hasKey("WorldUUIDLeast")) {
+ UUID uid = new UUID(nbttagcompound.getLong("WorldUUIDMost"), nbttagcompound.getLong("WorldUUIDLeast"));
+ bworld = server.getWorld(uid);
+ } else {
+ bworld = server.getWorld(worldName);
+ }
+ if (bworld == null) {
+ EntityPlayer entityPlayer = (EntityPlayer) this;
+ bworld = ((org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer) server).getServer().getWorldServer(entityPlayer.dimension).getWorld();
+ }
+ spawnIn(bworld == null? null : ((CraftWorld) bworld).getHandle());
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
} catch (Throwable throwable) {
CrashReport crashreport = CrashReport.a(throwable, "Loading entity NBT");
CrashReportSystemDetails crashreportsystemdetails = crashreport.a("Entity being loaded");
@@ -1167,6 +1375,12 @@
public EntityItem a(ItemStack itemstack, float f) {
if (itemstack.count != 0 && itemstack.getItem() != null) {
+ // CraftBukkit start - Capture drops for death event
+ if (this instanceof EntityLiving && ((EntityLiving) this).drops != null) {
+ ((EntityLiving) this).drops.add(org.bukkit.craftbukkit.inventory.CraftItemStack.asBukkitCopy(itemstack));
+ return null;
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
EntityItem entityitem = new EntityItem(this.world, this.locX, this.locY + (double) f, this.locZ, itemstack);
@@ -1276,16 +1490,76 @@
public void mount(Entity entity) {
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ setPassengerOf(entity);
+ }
+ protected CraftEntity bukkitEntity;
+ public CraftEntity getBukkitEntity() {
+ if (bukkitEntity == null) {
+ bukkitEntity = CraftEntity.getEntity(world.getServer(), this);
+ }
+ return bukkitEntity;
+ }
+ public void setPassengerOf(Entity entity) {
+ // b(null) doesn't really fly for overloaded methods,
+ // so this method is needed
+ Entity originalVehicle = this.vehicle;
+ Entity originalPassenger = this.vehicle == null ? null : this.vehicle.passenger;
+ PluginManager pluginManager = Bukkit.getPluginManager();
+ getBukkitEntity(); // make sure bukkitEntity is initialised
+ // CraftBukkit end
this.ap = 0.0D;
this.aq = 0.0D;
if (entity == null) {
if (this.vehicle != null) {
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ if ((this.bukkitEntity instanceof LivingEntity) && (this.vehicle.getBukkitEntity() instanceof Vehicle)) {
+ VehicleExitEvent event = new VehicleExitEvent((Vehicle) this.vehicle.getBukkitEntity(), (LivingEntity) this.bukkitEntity);
+ pluginManager.callEvent(event);
+ if (event.isCancelled() || vehicle != originalVehicle) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
this.setPositionRotation(this.vehicle.locX, this.vehicle.getBoundingBox().b + (double) this.vehicle.length, this.vehicle.locZ, this.yaw, this.pitch);
this.vehicle.passenger = null;
this.vehicle = null;
} else {
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ if ((this.bukkitEntity instanceof LivingEntity) && (entity.getBukkitEntity() instanceof Vehicle) && entity.world.isChunkLoaded((int) entity.locX >> 4, (int) entity.locZ >> 4, true)) {
+ // It's possible to move from one vehicle to another. We need to check if they're already in a vehicle, and fire an exit event if they are.
+ VehicleExitEvent exitEvent = null;
+ if (this.vehicle != null && this.vehicle.getBukkitEntity() instanceof Vehicle) {
+ exitEvent = new VehicleExitEvent((Vehicle) this.vehicle.getBukkitEntity(), (LivingEntity) this.bukkitEntity);
+ pluginManager.callEvent(exitEvent);
+ if (exitEvent.isCancelled() || this.vehicle != originalVehicle || (this.vehicle != null && this.vehicle.passenger != originalPassenger)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ VehicleEnterEvent event = new VehicleEnterEvent((Vehicle) entity.getBukkitEntity(), this.bukkitEntity);
+ pluginManager.callEvent(event);
+ // If a plugin messes with the vehicle or the vehicle's passenger
+ if (event.isCancelled() || this.vehicle != originalVehicle || (this.vehicle != null && this.vehicle.passenger != originalPassenger)) {
+ // If we only cancelled the enterevent then we need to put the player in a decent position.
+ if (exitEvent != null && this.vehicle == originalVehicle && this.vehicle != null && this.vehicle.passenger == originalPassenger) {
+ this.setPositionRotation(this.vehicle.locX, this.vehicle.boundingBox.b + (double) this.vehicle.length, this.vehicle.locZ, this.yaw, this.pitch);
+ this.vehicle.passenger = null;
+ this.vehicle = null;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
if (this.vehicle != null) {
this.vehicle.passenger = null;
@@ -1406,10 +1680,50 @@
public void onLightningStrike(EntityLightning entitylightning) {
- this.damageEntity(DamageSource.LIGHTNING, 5.0F);
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ final org.bukkit.entity.Entity thisBukkitEntity = this.getBukkitEntity();
+ final org.bukkit.entity.Entity stormBukkitEntity = entitylightning.getBukkitEntity();
+ final PluginManager pluginManager = Bukkit.getPluginManager();
+ if (thisBukkitEntity instanceof Hanging) {
+ HangingBreakByEntityEvent hangingEvent = new HangingBreakByEntityEvent((Hanging) thisBukkitEntity, stormBukkitEntity);
+ PaintingBreakByEntityEvent paintingEvent = null;
+ if (thisBukkitEntity instanceof Painting) {
+ paintingEvent = new PaintingBreakByEntityEvent((Painting) thisBukkitEntity, stormBukkitEntity);
+ }
+ pluginManager.callEvent(hangingEvent);
+ if (paintingEvent != null) {
+ paintingEvent.setCancelled(hangingEvent.isCancelled());
+ pluginManager.callEvent(paintingEvent);
+ }
+ if (hangingEvent.isCancelled() || (paintingEvent != null && paintingEvent.isCancelled())) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.fireProof) {
+ return;
+ }
+ CraftEventFactory.entityDamage = entitylightning;
+ if (!this.damageEntity(DamageSource.LIGHTNING, 5.0F)) {
+ CraftEventFactory.entityDamage = null;
+ return;
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
if (this.fireTicks == 0) {
+ // CraftBukkit start - Call a combust event when lightning strikes
+ EntityCombustByEntityEvent entityCombustEvent = new EntityCombustByEntityEvent(stormBukkitEntity, thisBukkitEntity, 8);
+ pluginManager.callEvent(entityCombustEvent);
+ if (!entityCombustEvent.isCancelled()) {
+ this.setOnFire(entityCombustEvent.getDuration());
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
@@ -1546,32 +1860,78 @@
if (!this.world.isStatic && !this.dead) {
MinecraftServer minecraftserver = MinecraftServer.getServer();
- int j = this.dimension;
- WorldServer worldserver = minecraftserver.getWorldServer(j);
- WorldServer worldserver1 = minecraftserver.getWorldServer(i);
+ // CraftBukkit start - Move logic into new function "teleportToLocation"
+ // int j = this.dimension;
+ // WorldServer worldserver = minecraftserver.getWorldServer(j);
+ // WorldServer worldserver1 = minecraftserver.getWorldServer(i);
+ WorldServer exitWorld = null;
+ if (this.dimension < CraftWorld.CUSTOM_DIMENSION_OFFSET) { // Plugins must specify exit from custom Bukkit worlds
+ // Only target existing worlds (compensate for allow-nether/allow-end as false)
+ for (WorldServer world : minecraftserver.worlds) {
+ if (world.dimension == i) {
+ exitWorld = world;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Location enter = this.getBukkitEntity().getLocation();
+ Location exit = exitWorld != null ? minecraftserver.getPlayerList().calculateTarget(enter, minecraftserver.getWorldServer(i)) : null;
+ boolean useTravelAgent = exitWorld != null && !(this.dimension == 1 && exitWorld.dimension == 1); // don't use agent for custom worlds or return from THE_END
+ TravelAgent agent = exit != null ? (TravelAgent) ((CraftWorld) exit.getWorld()).getHandle().getTravelAgent() : org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftTravelAgent.DEFAULT; // return arbitrary TA to compensate for implementation dependent plugins
+ EntityPortalEvent event = new EntityPortalEvent(this.getBukkitEntity(), enter, exit, agent);
+ event.useTravelAgent(useTravelAgent);
+ event.getEntity().getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(event);
+ if (event.isCancelled() || event.getTo() == null || event.getTo().getWorld() == null || !this.isAlive()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ exit = event.useTravelAgent() ? event.getPortalTravelAgent().findOrCreate(event.getTo()) : event.getTo();
+ this.teleportTo(exit, true);
+ }
+ }
+ public void teleportTo(Location exit, boolean portal) {
+ if (true) {
+ WorldServer worldserver = ((CraftWorld) getBukkitEntity().getLocation().getWorld()).getHandle();
+ WorldServer worldserver1 = ((CraftWorld) exit.getWorld()).getHandle();
+ int i = worldserver1.dimension;
+ // CraftBukkit end
this.dimension = i;
+ /* CraftBukkit start - TODO: Check if we need this
if (j == 1 && i == 1) {
worldserver1 = minecraftserver.getWorldServer(0);
this.dimension = 0;
+ // CraftBukkit end */
this.dead = false;
- minecraftserver.getPlayerList().changeWorld(this, j, worldserver, worldserver1);
+ // CraftBukkit start - Ensure chunks are loaded in case TravelAgent is not used which would initially cause chunks to load during find/create
+ // minecraftserver.getPlayerList().changeWorld(this, j, worldserver, worldserver1);
+ boolean before = worldserver1.chunkProviderServer.forceChunkLoad;
+ worldserver1.chunkProviderServer.forceChunkLoad = true;
+ worldserver1.getMinecraftServer().getPlayerList().repositionEntity(this, exit, portal);
+ worldserver1.chunkProviderServer.forceChunkLoad = before;
+ // CraftBukkit end
Entity entity = EntityTypes.createEntityByName(EntityTypes.b(this), worldserver1);
if (entity != null) {
+ /* CraftBukkit start - We need to do this...
if (j == 1 && i == 1) {
BlockPosition blockposition = this.world.r(worldserver1.getSpawn());
entity.setPositionRotation(blockposition, entity.yaw, entity.pitch);
+ // CraftBukkit end */
+ // CraftBukkit start - Forward the CraftEntity to the new entity
+ this.getBukkitEntity().setHandle(entity);
+ entity.bukkitEntity = this.getBukkitEntity();
+ // CraftBukkit end
this.dead = true;
@@ -1680,8 +2040,27 @@
return this.boundingBox;
- public void a(AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb) {
- this.boundingBox = axisalignedbb;
+ public void a(AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb) {
+ // CraftBukkit start - block invalid bounding boxes
+ double a = axisalignedbb.a,
+ b = axisalignedbb.b,
+ c = axisalignedbb.c,
+ d = axisalignedbb.d,
+ e = axisalignedbb.e,
+ f = axisalignedbb.f;
+ double len = axisalignedbb.d - axisalignedbb.a;
+ if (len < 0) d = a;
+ if (len > 64) d = a + 64.0;
+ len = axisalignedbb.e - axisalignedbb.b;
+ if (len < 0) e = b;
+ if (len > 64) e = b + 64.0;
+ len = axisalignedbb.f - axisalignedbb.c;
+ if (len < 0) f = c;
+ if (len > 64) f = c + 64.0;
+ this.boundingBox = new AxisAlignedBB(a, b, c, d, e, f);
+ // CraftBukkit end
public float getHeadHeight() {