Rewrites the Vanilla luck application formula so that luck can be applied to items that do not have any quality defined. See: for data and details ----------- The rough summary is: My goal was that in a pool, when luck was applied, the pool rebalances so the percentages for bigger items is lowered and smaller items is boosted. Do this by boosting and then reducing the weight value, so that larger numbers are penalized more than smaller numbers. resulting in a larger reduction of entries for more common items than the reduction on small weights, giving smaller weights more of a chance ----------- This work kind of obsoletes quality, but quality would be useful for 2 items with same weight that you want luck to impact in varying directions. Fishing still falls into that as the weights are closer, so luck will invalidate junk more. This change will result in some major changes to fishing formulas. ----------- I would love to see this change in Vanilla, so Mojang please pull :) |
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High performance Spigot fork that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies.
IRC Support and Project Discussion
Access the Paper docs here:
Access the Paper API javadocs here:
How To (Server Admins)
Paperclip is a jar file that you can download and run just like a normal jar file.
Download a copy of paperclip.jar from our build server, here.
Run the Paperclip jar directly from your server. Just like old times
Paper requires Java 8 or above.
How To (Compiling Jar From Source)
To compile Paper, you need JDK 8, maven, and an internet connection.
Clone this repo, run ./paper jar
from bash, get files.
How To (Pull Request)
See Contributing
Special Thanks To:
YourKit, makers of the outstanding java profiler, support open source projects of all kinds with their full featured Java and .NET application profilers. We thank them for granting Paper an OSS license so that we can make our software the best it can be.