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synced 2025-03-07 16:47:30 +01:00
Firstly, the old methods all routed to the CompletableFuture method. However, the CF method could not guarantee that if the caller was off-main that the future would be "completed" on-main. Since the callback methods used the CF one, this meant that the callback methods did not guarantee that the callbacks were to be called on the main thread. Now, all methods route to getChunkAtAsync(x, z, gen, urgent, cb) so that the methods with the callback are guaranteed to invoke the callback on the main thread. The CF behavior remains unchanged; it may still appear to complete on main if invoked off-main. Secondly, remove the scheduleOnMain invocation in the async chunk completion. This unnecessarily delays the callback by 1 tick. Thirdly, add getChunksAtAsync(minX, minZ, maxX, maxZ, ...) which will load chunks within an area. This method is provided as a helper as keeping all chunks loaded within an area can be complicated to implement for plugins (due to the lacking ticket API), and is already implemented internally anyways. Fourthly, remove the ticket addition that occured with getChunkAt and getChunkAtAsync. The ticket addition may delay the unloading of the chunk unnecessarily. It also fixes a very rare timing bug where the future/callback would be completed after the chunk unloads.
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From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Spottedleaf <Spottedleaf@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2020 22:37:16 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Add packet limiter config
Example config:
kick-message: '&cSent too many packets'
interval: 7.0
max-packet-rate: 500.0
interval: 4.0
max-packet-rate: 5.0
action: DROP
all section refers to all incoming packets, the action for all is
hard coded to KICK.
For specific limits, the section name is the class's name,
and an action can be defined: DROP or KICK
If interval or rate are less-than 0, the limit is ignored
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/Connection.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/Connection.java
index 2b86415e4ea197c5c44c23072c9a1cda595544a8..4d9f1fc884050993287adfa4578a87da710623fb 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/Connection.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/network/Connection.java
@@ -137,6 +137,22 @@ public class Connection extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Packet<?>> {
return null;
// Paper end - add utility methods
+ // Paper start - packet limiter
+ protected final Object PACKET_LIMIT_LOCK = new Object();
+ protected final @Nullable io.papermc.paper.util.IntervalledCounter allPacketCounts = io.papermc.paper.configuration.GlobalConfiguration.get().packetLimiter.allPackets.isEnabled() ? new io.papermc.paper.util.IntervalledCounter(
+ (long)(io.papermc.paper.configuration.GlobalConfiguration.get().packetLimiter.allPackets.interval() * 1.0e9)
+ ) : null;
+ protected final java.util.Map<Class<? extends net.minecraft.network.protocol.Packet<?>>, io.papermc.paper.util.IntervalledCounter> packetSpecificLimits = new java.util.HashMap<>();
+ private boolean stopReadingPackets;
+ private void killForPacketSpam() {
+ this.sendPacket(new ClientboundDisconnectPacket(io.papermc.paper.adventure.PaperAdventure.asVanilla(io.papermc.paper.configuration.GlobalConfiguration.get().packetLimiter.kickMessage)), PacketSendListener.thenRun(() -> {
+ this.disconnect(io.papermc.paper.adventure.PaperAdventure.asVanilla(io.papermc.paper.configuration.GlobalConfiguration.get().packetLimiter.kickMessage));
+ }), true);
+ this.setReadOnly();
+ this.stopReadingPackets = true;
+ }
+ // Paper end - packet limiter
public Connection(PacketFlow side) {
this.receiving = side;
@@ -215,6 +231,55 @@ public class Connection extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<Packet<?>> {
if (packetlistener == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Received a packet before the packet listener was initialized");
} else {
+ // Paper start - packet limiter
+ if (this.stopReadingPackets) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.allPacketCounts != null ||
+ io.papermc.paper.configuration.GlobalConfiguration.get().packetLimiter.overrides.containsKey(packet.getClass())) {
+ long time = System.nanoTime();
+ synchronized (PACKET_LIMIT_LOCK) {
+ if (this.allPacketCounts != null) {
+ this.allPacketCounts.updateAndAdd(1, time);
+ if (this.allPacketCounts.getRate() >= io.papermc.paper.configuration.GlobalConfiguration.get().packetLimiter.allPackets.maxPacketRate()) {
+ this.killForPacketSpam();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ for (Class<?> check = packet.getClass(); check != Object.class; check = check.getSuperclass()) {
+ io.papermc.paper.configuration.GlobalConfiguration.PacketLimiter.PacketLimit packetSpecificLimit =
+ io.papermc.paper.configuration.GlobalConfiguration.get().packetLimiter.overrides.get(check);
+ if (packetSpecificLimit == null || !packetSpecificLimit.isEnabled()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ io.papermc.paper.util.IntervalledCounter counter = this.packetSpecificLimits.computeIfAbsent((Class)check, (clazz) -> {
+ return new io.papermc.paper.util.IntervalledCounter((long)(packetSpecificLimit.interval() * 1.0e9));
+ });
+ counter.updateAndAdd(1, time);
+ if (counter.getRate() >= packetSpecificLimit.maxPacketRate()) {
+ switch (packetSpecificLimit.action()) {
+ case DROP:
+ return;
+ case KICK:
+ String deobfedPacketName = io.papermc.paper.util.ObfHelper.INSTANCE.deobfClassName(check.getName());
+ String playerName;
+ if (this.packetListener instanceof net.minecraft.server.network.ServerCommonPacketListenerImpl impl) {
+ playerName = impl.getOwner().getName();
+ } else {
+ playerName = this.getLoggableAddress(net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.getServer().logIPs());
+ }
+ Connection.LOGGER.warn("{} kicked for packet spamming: {}", playerName, deobfedPacketName.substring(deobfedPacketName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1));
+ this.killForPacketSpam();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Paper end - packet limiter
if (packetlistener.shouldHandleMessage(packet)) {
try {
Connection.genericsFtw(packet, packetlistener);