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synced 2025-03-11 01:59:14 +01:00
Fixes incorrect spigot handling of the invulnerability damage reduction applied when an already invulnerable entity is damaged with a larger damage amount than the initial damage. Vanilla still damages entities even if invulnerable if the damage to be applied is larger than the previous damage taken. In that case, vanilla applies the difference between the previous damage taken and the proposed damage. Spigot's damage modifier API takes over the computation of damage reducing effects, however spigot invokes this handling with the initial damage before computing the difference to the previous damage amount. This leads to the reduction values to generally be larger than expected, as they are computed on the not-yet-reduced value. Spigot applies these reductions after calling the EntityDamageEvent and *then* subtracts the previous damage point, leading to the final damage amount being smaller than expected. This patch cannot simply call the EntityDamageEvent with the reduced damage, as that would lead to EntityDamageEvent#getDamage() returning the already reduced damage, which breaks its method contract. Instead, this patch makes use of the DamageModifier API, implementing the last-damage-reduction as a DamageModifier.
87 lines
6.7 KiB
87 lines
6.7 KiB
From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aikar <aikar@aikar.co>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2018 23:17:24 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Expand Explosions API
Add Entity as a Source capability, and add more API choices, and on Location.
Co-authored-by: Esoteric Enderman <90862990+EsotericEnderman@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Bjarne Koll <git@lynxplay.dev>
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java
index 03161ef12960cab3b9c81c190dd808a9c5c476e1..f0fc08bcc2988277b6a5e3107e6fc5c89bb67b93 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java
@@ -1424,6 +1424,11 @@ public class ServerLevel extends Level implements ServerEntityGetter, WorldGenLe
public ServerExplosion explode0(@Nullable Entity entity, @Nullable DamageSource damagesource, @Nullable ExplosionDamageCalculator explosiondamagecalculator, double d0, double d1, double d2, float f, boolean flag, Level.ExplosionInteraction world_a, ParticleOptions particleparam, ParticleOptions particleparam1, Holder<SoundEvent> holder) {
+ // Paper start - Allow explosions to damage source
+ return this.explode0(entity, damagesource, explosiondamagecalculator, d0, d1, d2, f, flag, world_a, particleparam, particleparam1, holder, null);
+ }
+ public ServerExplosion explode0(@Nullable Entity entity, @Nullable DamageSource damagesource, @Nullable ExplosionDamageCalculator explosiondamagecalculator, double d0, double d1, double d2, float f, boolean flag, Level.ExplosionInteraction world_a, ParticleOptions particleparam, ParticleOptions particleparam1, Holder<SoundEvent> holder, java.util.function.Consumer<ServerExplosion> configurator) {
+ // Paper end - Allow explosions to damage source
// CraftBukkit end
Explosion.BlockInteraction explosion_effect;
@@ -1455,6 +1460,7 @@ public class ServerLevel extends Level implements ServerEntityGetter, WorldGenLe
Explosion.BlockInteraction explosion_effect1 = explosion_effect;
Vec3 vec3d = new Vec3(d0, d1, d2);
ServerExplosion serverexplosion = new ServerExplosion(this, entity, damagesource, explosiondamagecalculator, vec3d, f, flag, explosion_effect1);
+ if (configurator != null) configurator.accept(serverexplosion);// Paper - Allow explosions to damage source
// CraftBukkit start
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/ServerExplosion.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/ServerExplosion.java
index 9f37d7284c81d529551107e2836627977efabd65..d1878f597c3d8119e9b248f4fe8af435ce8c9710 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/ServerExplosion.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/ServerExplosion.java
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ public class ServerExplosion implements Explosion {
public boolean wasCanceled = false;
public float yield;
// CraftBukkit end
+ public boolean excludeSourceFromDamage = true; // Paper - Allow explosions to damage source
public ServerExplosion(ServerLevel world, @Nullable Entity entity, @Nullable DamageSource damageSource, @Nullable ExplosionDamageCalculator behavior, Vec3 pos, float power, boolean createFire, Explosion.BlockInteraction destructionType) {
this.level = world;
@@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ public class ServerExplosion implements Explosion {
int l = Mth.floor(this.center.y + (double) f + 1.0D);
int i1 = Mth.floor(this.center.z - (double) f - 1.0D);
int j1 = Mth.floor(this.center.z + (double) f + 1.0D);
- List<Entity> list = this.level.getEntities(this.source, new AABB((double) i, (double) k, (double) i1, (double) j, (double) l, (double) j1), (com.google.common.base.Predicate<Entity>) entity -> entity.isAlive() && !entity.isSpectator()); // Paper - Fix lag from explosions processing dead entities
+ List<Entity> list = this.level.getEntities(excludeSourceFromDamage ? this.source : null, new AABB((double) i, (double) k, (double) i1, (double) j, (double) l, (double) j1), (com.google.common.base.Predicate<Entity>) entity -> entity.isAlive() && !entity.isSpectator()); // Paper - Fix lag from explosions processing dead entities, Allow explosions to damage source
Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java
index 807b912a0d24ded99dc487e55c9b1812ffd86c3f..195e698eadc7ce916b4bcfe04849501ee4a39aad 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java
@@ -776,6 +776,11 @@ public class CraftWorld extends CraftRegionAccessor implements World {
public boolean createExplosion(double x, double y, double z, float power, boolean setFire, boolean breakBlocks, Entity source) {
+ // Paper start - expand explosion API
+ return this.createExplosion(x, y, z, power, setFire, breakBlocks, source, null);
+ }
+ public boolean createExplosion(double x, double y, double z, float power, boolean setFire, boolean breakBlocks, Entity source, Consumer<net.minecraft.world.level.ServerExplosion> configurator) {
+ // Paper end - expand explosion API
net.minecraft.world.level.Level.ExplosionInteraction explosionType;
if (!breakBlocks) {
explosionType = net.minecraft.world.level.Level.ExplosionInteraction.NONE; // Don't break blocks
@@ -786,8 +791,14 @@ public class CraftWorld extends CraftRegionAccessor implements World {
net.minecraft.world.entity.Entity entity = (source == null) ? null : ((CraftEntity) source).getHandle();
- return !this.world.explode0(entity, Explosion.getDefaultDamageSource(this.world, entity), null, x, y, z, power, setFire, explosionType, ParticleTypes.EXPLOSION, ParticleTypes.EXPLOSION_EMITTER, SoundEvents.GENERIC_EXPLODE).wasCanceled;
+ return !this.world.explode0(entity, Explosion.getDefaultDamageSource(this.world, entity), null, x, y, z, power, setFire, explosionType, ParticleTypes.EXPLOSION, ParticleTypes.EXPLOSION_EMITTER, SoundEvents.GENERIC_EXPLODE, configurator).wasCanceled; // Paper - expand explosion API
+ // Paper start
+ @Override
+ public boolean createExplosion(Entity source, Location loc, float power, boolean setFire, boolean breakBlocks, boolean excludeSourceFromDamage) {
+ return this.createExplosion(loc.x(), loc.getY(), loc.getZ(), power, setFire, breakBlocks, source, e -> e.excludeSourceFromDamage = excludeSourceFromDamage);
+ }
+ // Paper end
public boolean createExplosion(Location loc, float power) {