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synced 2025-03-03 15:11:09 +01:00
Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly. This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing Bukkit Changes: 17c35d6e SPIGOT-6637: Revert "#636: Add FurnaceStartSmeltEvent" 4b27230b SPIGOT-6623: Missing API reasons for entity freezing e1528c85 #636: Add FurnaceStartSmeltEvent CraftBukkit Changes: a6292cc3 SPIGOT-6637: Revert "#874: Add FurnaceStartSmeltEvent" f4066854 SPIGOT-6579: DragonFireBall movement with setDirection jumps around a lot 9add952b SPIGOT-6623: Missing API reasons for entity freezing 2ea359f1 #874: Add FurnaceStartSmeltEvent be8d625e SPIGOT-5560, SPIGOT-6574, SPIGOT-6632: Remove no longer needed tile entity fix Spigot Changes: eac3cd96 Rebuild patches
252 lines
13 KiB
252 lines
13 KiB
From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Aikar <aikar@aikar.co>
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 23:14:43 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Configurable Keep Spawn Loaded range per world
This lets you disable it for some worlds and lower it for others.
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/PaperWorldConfig.java b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/PaperWorldConfig.java
index 13e730b18c346934c061fb570048623ad66e7344..090958a30ce20ff01ae77d4cd821a167474f0214 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/PaperWorldConfig.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/destroystokyo/paper/PaperWorldConfig.java
@@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ public class PaperWorldConfig {
+ public short keepLoadedRange;
+ private void keepLoadedRange() {
+ keepLoadedRange = (short) (getInt("keep-spawn-loaded-range", Math.min(spigotConfig.viewDistance, 10)) * 16);
+ log( "Keep Spawn Loaded Range: " + (keepLoadedRange/16));
+ }
private boolean getBoolean(String path, boolean def) {
config.addDefault("world-settings.default." + path, def);
return config.getBoolean("world-settings." + worldName + "." + path, config.getBoolean("world-settings.default." + path));
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer.java
index 85477d81a38aefa09f95671951cd06da713fd79c..01969206a55f332126169cd1e9c89abde01309e9 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/MinecraftServer.java
@@ -771,35 +771,36 @@ public abstract class MinecraftServer extends ReentrantBlockableEventLoop<TickTa
// CraftBukkit start
public void loadSpawn(ChunkProgressListener worldloadlistener, ServerLevel worldserver) {
- if (!worldserver.getWorld().getKeepSpawnInMemory()) {
- return;
- }
+ ServerChunkCache chunkproviderserver = worldserver.getChunkSource(); // Paper
// WorldServer worldserver = this.E();
this.forceTicks = true;
// CraftBukkit end
+ if (worldserver.getWorld().getKeepSpawnInMemory()) { // Paper
MinecraftServer.LOGGER.info("Preparing start region for dimension {}", worldserver.dimension().location());
BlockPos blockposition = worldserver.getSharedSpawnPos();
worldloadlistener.updateSpawnPos(new ChunkPos(blockposition));
- ServerChunkCache chunkproviderserver = worldserver.getChunkSource();
+ //ChunkProviderServer chunkproviderserver = worldserver.getChunkProvider(); // Paper - move up
this.nextTickTime = Util.getMillis();
- chunkproviderserver.addRegionTicket(TicketType.START, new ChunkPos(blockposition), 11, Unit.INSTANCE);
- while (chunkproviderserver.getTickingGenerated() != 441) {
- // CraftBukkit start
- // this.nextTickTime = SystemUtils.getMonotonicMillis() + 10L;
- this.executeModerately();
- // CraftBukkit end
- }
+ // Paper start - configurable spawn reason
+ int radiusBlocks = worldserver.paperConfig.keepLoadedRange;
+ int radiusChunks = radiusBlocks / 16 + ((radiusBlocks & 15) != 0 ? 1 : 0);
+ int totalChunks = ((radiusChunks) * 2 + 1);
+ totalChunks *= totalChunks;
+ worldloadlistener.setChunkRadius(radiusBlocks / 16);
+ worldserver.addTicketsForSpawn(radiusBlocks, blockposition);
+ // Paper end
// CraftBukkit start
// this.nextTickTime = SystemUtils.getMonotonicMillis() + 10L;
// Iterator iterator = this.worldServer.values().iterator();
+ }
if (true) {
ServerLevel worldserver1 = worldserver;
@@ -822,7 +823,7 @@ public abstract class MinecraftServer extends ReentrantBlockableEventLoop<TickTa
// this.nextTick = SystemUtils.getMonotonicMillis() + 10L;
// CraftBukkit end
- worldloadlistener.stop();
+ if (worldserver.getWorld().getKeepSpawnInMemory()) worldloadlistener.stop(); // Paper
// CraftBukkit start
// this.updateSpawnFlags();
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java
index 4f53eb165616d690683a35d64abdf741f690a2a0..92de3821e8b510012736468b880ad18c0eb153a0 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/ServerLevel.java
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ import net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.ClientboundSoundEntityPacket;
import net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.ClientboundSoundPacket;
import net.minecraft.network.protocol.game.DebugPackets;
import net.minecraft.resources.ResourceKey;
+import net.minecraft.server.MCUtil;
import net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer;
import net.minecraft.server.ServerScoreboard;
import net.minecraft.server.level.progress.ChunkProgressListener;
@@ -1465,12 +1466,84 @@ public class ServerLevel extends Level implements WorldGenLevel {
return ((MapIndex) this.getServer().overworld().getDataStorage().computeIfAbsent(MapIndex::load, MapIndex::new, "idcounts")).getFreeAuxValueForMap();
+ // Paper start - helper function for configurable spawn radius
+ public void addTicketsForSpawn(int radiusInBlocks, BlockPos spawn) {
+ // In order to respect vanilla behavior, which is ensuring everything but the spawn border can tick, we add tickets
+ // with level 31 for the non-border spawn chunks
+ ServerChunkCache chunkproviderserver = this.getChunkSource();
+ int tickRadius = radiusInBlocks - 16;
+ // add ticking chunks
+ for (int x = -tickRadius; x <= tickRadius; x += 16) {
+ for (int z = -tickRadius; z <= tickRadius; z += 16) {
+ // radius of 2 will have the current chunk be level 31
+ chunkproviderserver.addRegionTicket(TicketType.START, new ChunkPos(spawn.offset(x, 0, z)), 2, Unit.INSTANCE);
+ }
+ }
+ // add border chunks
+ // add border along x axis (including corner chunks)
+ for (int x = -radiusInBlocks; x <= radiusInBlocks; x += 16) {
+ // top
+ chunkproviderserver.addRegionTicket(TicketType.START, new ChunkPos(spawn.offset(x, 0, radiusInBlocks)), 1, Unit.INSTANCE); // level 32
+ // bottom
+ chunkproviderserver.addRegionTicket(TicketType.START, new ChunkPos(spawn.offset(x, 0, -radiusInBlocks)), 1, Unit.INSTANCE); // level 32
+ }
+ // add border along z axis (excluding corner chunks)
+ for (int z = -radiusInBlocks + 16; z < radiusInBlocks; z += 16) {
+ // right
+ chunkproviderserver.addRegionTicket(TicketType.START, new ChunkPos(spawn.offset(radiusInBlocks, 0, z)), 1, Unit.INSTANCE); // level 32
+ // left
+ chunkproviderserver.addRegionTicket(TicketType.START, new ChunkPos(spawn.offset(-radiusInBlocks, 0, z)), 1, Unit.INSTANCE); // level 32
+ }
+ }
+ public void removeTicketsForSpawn(int radiusInBlocks, BlockPos spawn) {
+ // In order to respect vanilla behavior, which is ensuring everything but the spawn border can tick, we added tickets
+ // with level 31 for the non-border spawn chunks
+ ServerChunkCache chunkproviderserver = this.getChunkSource();
+ int tickRadius = radiusInBlocks - 16;
+ // remove ticking chunks
+ for (int x = -tickRadius; x <= tickRadius; x += 16) {
+ for (int z = -tickRadius; z <= tickRadius; z += 16) {
+ // radius of 2 will have the current chunk be level 31
+ chunkproviderserver.removeRegionTicket(TicketType.START, new ChunkPos(spawn.offset(x, 0, z)), 2, Unit.INSTANCE);
+ }
+ }
+ // remove border chunks
+ // remove border along x axis (including corner chunks)
+ for (int x = -radiusInBlocks; x <= radiusInBlocks; x += 16) {
+ // top
+ chunkproviderserver.removeRegionTicket(TicketType.START, new ChunkPos(spawn.offset(x, 0, radiusInBlocks)), 1, Unit.INSTANCE); // level 32
+ // bottom
+ chunkproviderserver.removeRegionTicket(TicketType.START, new ChunkPos(spawn.offset(x, 0, -radiusInBlocks)), 1, Unit.INSTANCE); // level 32
+ }
+ // remove border along z axis (excluding corner chunks)
+ for (int z = -radiusInBlocks + 16; z < radiusInBlocks; z += 16) {
+ // right
+ chunkproviderserver.removeRegionTicket(TicketType.START, new ChunkPos(spawn.offset(radiusInBlocks, 0, z)), 1, Unit.INSTANCE); // level 32
+ // left
+ chunkproviderserver.removeRegionTicket(TicketType.START, new ChunkPos(spawn.offset(-radiusInBlocks, 0, z)), 1, Unit.INSTANCE); // level 32
+ }
+ }
+ // Paper end
public void setDefaultSpawnPos(BlockPos pos, float angle) {
- ChunkPos chunkcoordintpair = new ChunkPos(new BlockPos(this.levelData.getXSpawn(), 0, this.levelData.getZSpawn()));
+ // Paper - configurable spawn radius
+ BlockPos prevSpawn = this.getSharedSpawnPos();
+ //ChunkCoordIntPair chunkcoordintpair = new ChunkCoordIntPair(new BlockPosition(this.worldData.a(), 0, this.worldData.c()));
this.levelData.setSpawn(pos, angle);
- this.getChunkSource().removeRegionTicket(TicketType.START, chunkcoordintpair, 11, Unit.INSTANCE);
- this.getChunkSource().addRegionTicket(TicketType.START, new ChunkPos(pos), 11, Unit.INSTANCE);
+ if (this.keepSpawnInMemory) {
+ // if this keepSpawnInMemory is false a plugin has already removed our tickets, do not re-add
+ this.removeTicketsForSpawn(this.paperConfig.keepLoadedRange, prevSpawn);
+ this.addTicketsForSpawn(this.paperConfig.keepLoadedRange, pos);
+ }
this.getServer().getPlayerList().broadcastAll(new ClientboundSetDefaultSpawnPositionPacket(pos, angle));
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/progress/ChunkProgressListener.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/progress/ChunkProgressListener.java
index 1b565b2809c2d367e21971c5154f35c9763995e6..b0f899835ded29aff108d1674bf4a1a6c89693db 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/progress/ChunkProgressListener.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/progress/ChunkProgressListener.java
@@ -12,4 +12,6 @@ public interface ChunkProgressListener {
void start();
void stop();
+ void setChunkRadius(int radius); // Paper - allow changing chunk radius
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/progress/LoggerChunkProgressListener.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/progress/LoggerChunkProgressListener.java
index 4185e6bcf9b2bb65b2a0fa5fcbeb5684615169a7..dbc29442f2b2ad3ea451910f4944e90114a317c7 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/progress/LoggerChunkProgressListener.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/server/level/progress/LoggerChunkProgressListener.java
@@ -11,12 +11,19 @@ import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger;
public class LoggerChunkProgressListener implements ChunkProgressListener {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger();
- private final int maxCount;
+ private int maxCount; // Paper - remove final
private int count;
private long startTime;
private long nextTickTime = Long.MAX_VALUE;
public LoggerChunkProgressListener(int radius) {
+ // Paper start - Allow changing radius later for configurable spawn patch
+ this.setChunkRadius(radius); // Move to method
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void setChunkRadius(int radius) {
+ // Paper end
int i = radius * 2 + 1;
this.maxCount = i * i;
diff --git a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java
index a112daf93daeab6d34416bc7c8a69acfc207c98b..98b2d054b6436e3fdb8fadd03369a65cf4156843 100644
--- a/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java
+++ b/src/main/java/org/bukkit/craftbukkit/CraftWorld.java
@@ -1975,15 +1975,21 @@ public class CraftWorld implements World {
public void setKeepSpawnInMemory(boolean keepLoaded) {
- world.keepSpawnInMemory = keepLoaded;
+ // Paper start - Configurable spawn radius
+ if (keepLoaded == world.keepSpawnInMemory) {
+ // do nothing, nothing has changed
+ return;
+ }
+ this.world.keepSpawnInMemory = keepLoaded;
// Grab the worlds spawn chunk
BlockPos chunkcoordinates = this.world.getSharedSpawnPos();
if (keepLoaded) {
- this.world.getChunkSource().addRegionTicket(TicketType.START, new ChunkPos(chunkcoordinates), 11, Unit.INSTANCE);
+ this.world.addTicketsForSpawn(this.world.paperConfig.keepLoadedRange, chunkcoordinates);
} else {
- // TODO: doesn't work well if spawn changed....
- this.world.getChunkSource().removeRegionTicket(TicketType.START, new ChunkPos(chunkcoordinates), 11, Unit.INSTANCE);
+ // TODO: doesn't work well if spawn changed.... // paper - resolved
+ this.world.removeTicketsForSpawn(this.world.paperConfig.keepLoadedRange, chunkcoordinates);
+ // Paper end