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synced 2025-03-31 03:38:13 +02:00
Updated Upstream (Bukkit/CraftBukkit) Upstream has released updates that appear to apply and compile correctly. This update has not been tested by PaperMC and as with ANY update, please do your own testing Bukkit Changes: f02baa38 PR-988: Add World#getIntersectingChunks(BoundingBox) 9321d665 Move getItemInUse up to LivingEntity 819eef73 PR-959: Add access to current item's remaining ticks c4fdadb0 SPIGOT-7601: Add AbstractArrow#getItem be8261ca Add support for Java 22 26119676 PR-979: Add more translation keys 66753362 PR-985: Correct book maximum pages and characters per page documentation c8be92fa PR-980: Improve getArmorContents() documentation f1120ee2 PR-983: Expose riptide velocity to PlayerRiptideEvent CraftBukkit Changes: dfaa89bbe PR-1369: Add World#getIntersectingChunks(BoundingBox) 51bbab2b9 Move getItemInUse up to LivingEntity 668e09602 PR-1331: Add access to current item's remaining ticks a639406d1 SPIGOT-7601: Add AbstractArrow#getItem 0398930fc SPIGOT-7602: Allow opening in-world horse and related inventories ffd15611c SPIGOT-7608: Allow empty lists to morph to any PDT list 2188dcfa9 Add support for Java 22 45d6a609f SPIGOT-7604: Revert "SPIGOT-7365: DamageCause blocked by shield should trigger invulnerableTime" 06d915943 SPIGOT-7365: DamageCause blocked by shield should trigger invulnerableTime ca3bc3707 PR-1361: Add more translation keys 366c3ca80 SPIGOT-7600: EntityChangeBlockEvent is not fired for frog eggs 06d0f9ba8 SPIGOT-7593: Fix sapling growth physics / client-side updates 45c2608e4 PR-1366: Expose riptide velocity to PlayerRiptideEvent 29b6bb79b SPIGOT-7587: Remove fixes for now-resolved MC-142590 and MC-109346
521 lines
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521 lines
26 KiB
From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Spottedleaf <Spottedleaf@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Tue, 12 Sep 2023 06:50:16 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Actually optimise explosions
The vast majority of blocks an explosion of power ~4 tries
to destroy are duplicates. The core of the block destroying
part of this patch is to cache the block state, resistance, and
whether it should explode - as those will not change.
The other part of this patch is to optimise the visibility
percentage calculation. The new visibility calculation takes
advantage of the block caching already done by the explosion logic.
It continues to update the cache as the visibility calculation
uses many rays which can overlap significantly.
Effectively, the patch uses a lot of caching to eliminate
redundant operations.
Performance benchmarking explosions is challenging, as it varies
depending on the power, the number of nearby entities, and the
nearby terrain. This means that no benchmark can cover all the cases.
I decided to test a giant block of TNT, as that's where the optimisations
would be needed the most.
I tested using a 50x10x50 block of TNT above ground
and determined the following:
Vanilla time per explosion: 2.27ms
Lithium time per explosion: 1.07ms
This patch time per explosion: 0.45ms
The results indicate that this logic is 5 times faster than Vanilla
and 2.3 times faster than Lithium.
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/Explosion.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/Explosion.java
index 093c814d6835f20b1208236db96bb40b4611936c..b678da2cbb93cea7971bc3c4d324cfca18b0bc97 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/Explosion.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/Explosion.java
@@ -111,6 +111,271 @@ public class Explosion {
this.yield = this.blockInteraction == Explosion.BlockInteraction.DESTROY_WITH_DECAY ? 1.0F / this.radius : 1.0F; // CraftBukkit
+ // Paper start - optimise collisions
+ private static final double[] CACHED_RAYS;
+ static {
+ final it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleArrayList rayCoords = new it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleArrayList();
+ for (int x = 0; x <= 15; ++x) {
+ for (int y = 0; y <= 15; ++y) {
+ for (int z = 0; z <= 15; ++z) {
+ if ((x == 0 || x == 15) || (y == 0 || y == 15) || (z == 0 || z == 15)) {
+ double xDir = (double)((float)x / 15.0F * 2.0F - 1.0F);
+ double yDir = (double)((float)y / 15.0F * 2.0F - 1.0F);
+ double zDir = (double)((float)z / 15.0F * 2.0F - 1.0F);
+ double mag = Math.sqrt(
+ xDir * xDir + yDir * yDir + zDir * zDir
+ );
+ rayCoords.add((xDir / mag) * (double)0.3F);
+ rayCoords.add((yDir / mag) * (double)0.3F);
+ rayCoords.add((zDir / mag) * (double)0.3F);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CACHED_RAYS = rayCoords.toDoubleArray();
+ }
+ private static final int CHUNK_CACHE_SHIFT = 2;
+ private static final int CHUNK_CACHE_MASK = (1 << CHUNK_CACHE_SHIFT) - 1;
+ private static final int CHUNK_CACHE_WIDTH = 1 << CHUNK_CACHE_SHIFT;
+ private static final int BLOCK_EXPLOSION_CACHE_SHIFT = 3;
+ private static final int BLOCK_EXPLOSION_CACHE_MASK = (1 << BLOCK_EXPLOSION_CACHE_SHIFT) - 1;
+ // resistance = (res + 0.3F) * 0.3F;
+ // so for resistance = 0, we need res = -0.3F
+ private static final Float ZERO_RESISTANCE = Float.valueOf(-0.3f);
+ private it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<ExplosionBlockCache> blockCache = null;
+ public static final class ExplosionBlockCache {
+ public final long key;
+ public final BlockPos immutablePos;
+ public final BlockState blockState;
+ public final FluidState fluidState;
+ public final float resistance;
+ public final boolean outOfWorld;
+ public Boolean shouldExplode; // null -> not called yet
+ public net.minecraft.world.phys.shapes.VoxelShape cachedCollisionShape;
+ public ExplosionBlockCache(long key, BlockPos immutablePos, BlockState blockState, FluidState fluidState, float resistance,
+ boolean outOfWorld) {
+ this.key = key;
+ this.immutablePos = immutablePos;
+ this.blockState = blockState;
+ this.fluidState = fluidState;
+ this.resistance = resistance;
+ this.outOfWorld = outOfWorld;
+ }
+ }
+ private long[] chunkPosCache = null;
+ private net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.LevelChunk[] chunkCache = null;
+ private ExplosionBlockCache getOrCacheExplosionBlock(final int x, final int y, final int z,
+ final long key, final boolean calculateResistance) {
+ ExplosionBlockCache ret = this.blockCache.get(key);
+ if (ret != null) {
+ return ret;
+ }
+ BlockPos pos = new BlockPos(x, y, z);
+ if (!this.level.isInWorldBounds(pos)) {
+ ret = new ExplosionBlockCache(key, pos, null, null, 0.0f, true);
+ } else {
+ net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.LevelChunk chunk;
+ long chunkKey = io.papermc.paper.util.CoordinateUtils.getChunkKey(x >> 4, z >> 4);
+ int chunkCacheKey = ((x >> 4) & CHUNK_CACHE_MASK) | (((z >> 4) << CHUNK_CACHE_SHIFT) & (CHUNK_CACHE_MASK << CHUNK_CACHE_SHIFT));
+ if (this.chunkPosCache[chunkCacheKey] == chunkKey) {
+ chunk = this.chunkCache[chunkCacheKey];
+ } else {
+ this.chunkPosCache[chunkCacheKey] = chunkKey;
+ this.chunkCache[chunkCacheKey] = chunk = this.level.getChunk(x >> 4, z >> 4);
+ }
+ BlockState blockState = chunk.getBlockStateFinal(x, y, z);
+ FluidState fluidState = blockState.getFluidState();
+ Optional<Float> resistance = !calculateResistance ? Optional.empty() : this.damageCalculator.getBlockExplosionResistance((Explosion)(Object)this, this.level, pos, blockState, fluidState);
+ ret = new ExplosionBlockCache(
+ key, pos, blockState, fluidState,
+ (resistance.orElse(ZERO_RESISTANCE).floatValue() + 0.3f) * 0.3f,
+ false
+ );
+ }
+ this.blockCache.put(key, ret);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private boolean clipsAnything(final Vec3 from, final Vec3 to,
+ final io.papermc.paper.util.CollisionUtil.LazyEntityCollisionContext context,
+ final ExplosionBlockCache[] blockCache,
+ final BlockPos.MutableBlockPos currPos) {
+ // assume that context.delegated = false
+ final double adjX = io.papermc.paper.util.CollisionUtil.COLLISION_EPSILON * (from.x - to.x);
+ final double adjY = io.papermc.paper.util.CollisionUtil.COLLISION_EPSILON * (from.y - to.y);
+ final double adjZ = io.papermc.paper.util.CollisionUtil.COLLISION_EPSILON * (from.z - to.z);
+ if (adjX == 0.0 && adjY == 0.0 && adjZ == 0.0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ final double toXAdj = to.x - adjX;
+ final double toYAdj = to.y - adjY;
+ final double toZAdj = to.z - adjZ;
+ final double fromXAdj = from.x + adjX;
+ final double fromYAdj = from.y + adjY;
+ final double fromZAdj = from.z + adjZ;
+ int currX = Mth.floor(fromXAdj);
+ int currY = Mth.floor(fromYAdj);
+ int currZ = Mth.floor(fromZAdj);
+ final double diffX = toXAdj - fromXAdj;
+ final double diffY = toYAdj - fromYAdj;
+ final double diffZ = toZAdj - fromZAdj;
+ final double dxDouble = Math.signum(diffX);
+ final double dyDouble = Math.signum(diffY);
+ final double dzDouble = Math.signum(diffZ);
+ final int dx = (int)dxDouble;
+ final int dy = (int)dyDouble;
+ final int dz = (int)dzDouble;
+ final double normalizedDiffX = diffX == 0.0 ? Double.MAX_VALUE : dxDouble / diffX;
+ final double normalizedDiffY = diffY == 0.0 ? Double.MAX_VALUE : dyDouble / diffY;
+ final double normalizedDiffZ = diffZ == 0.0 ? Double.MAX_VALUE : dzDouble / diffZ;
+ double normalizedCurrX = normalizedDiffX * (diffX > 0.0 ? (1.0 - Mth.frac(fromXAdj)) : Mth.frac(fromXAdj));
+ double normalizedCurrY = normalizedDiffY * (diffY > 0.0 ? (1.0 - Mth.frac(fromYAdj)) : Mth.frac(fromYAdj));
+ double normalizedCurrZ = normalizedDiffZ * (diffZ > 0.0 ? (1.0 - Mth.frac(fromZAdj)) : Mth.frac(fromZAdj));
+ for (;;) {
+ currPos.set(currX, currY, currZ);
+ // ClipContext.Block.COLLIDER -> BlockBehaviour.BlockStateBase::getCollisionShape
+ // ClipContext.Fluid.NONE -> ignore fluids
+ // read block from cache
+ final long key = BlockPos.asLong(currX, currY, currZ);
+ final int cacheKey =
+ ExplosionBlockCache cachedBlock = blockCache[cacheKey];
+ if (cachedBlock == null || cachedBlock.key != key) {
+ blockCache[cacheKey] = cachedBlock = this.getOrCacheExplosionBlock(currX, currY, currZ, key, false);
+ }
+ final BlockState blockState = cachedBlock.blockState;
+ if (blockState != null && !blockState.emptyCollisionShape()) {
+ net.minecraft.world.phys.shapes.VoxelShape collision = cachedBlock.cachedCollisionShape;
+ if (collision == null) {
+ collision = blockState.getConstantCollisionShape();
+ if (collision == null) {
+ collision = blockState.getCollisionShape(this.level, currPos, context);
+ if (!context.isDelegated()) {
+ // if it was not delegated during this call, assume that for any future ones it will not be delegated
+ // again, and cache the result
+ cachedBlock.cachedCollisionShape = collision;
+ }
+ } else {
+ cachedBlock.cachedCollisionShape = collision;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!collision.isEmpty() && collision.clip(from, to, currPos) != null) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (normalizedCurrX > 1.0 && normalizedCurrY > 1.0 && normalizedCurrZ > 1.0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // inc the smallest normalized coordinate
+ if (normalizedCurrX < normalizedCurrY) {
+ if (normalizedCurrX < normalizedCurrZ) {
+ currX += dx;
+ normalizedCurrX += normalizedDiffX;
+ } else {
+ // x < y && x >= z <--> z < y && z <= x
+ currZ += dz;
+ normalizedCurrZ += normalizedDiffZ;
+ }
+ } else if (normalizedCurrY < normalizedCurrZ) {
+ // y <= x && y < z
+ currY += dy;
+ normalizedCurrY += normalizedDiffY;
+ } else {
+ // y <= x && z <= y <--> z <= y && z <= x
+ currZ += dz;
+ normalizedCurrZ += normalizedDiffZ;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private float getSeenFraction(final Vec3 source, final Entity target,
+ final ExplosionBlockCache[] blockCache,
+ final BlockPos.MutableBlockPos blockPos) {
+ final AABB boundingBox = target.getBoundingBox();
+ final double diffX = boundingBox.maxX - boundingBox.minX;
+ final double diffY = boundingBox.maxY - boundingBox.minY;
+ final double diffZ = boundingBox.maxZ - boundingBox.minZ;
+ final double incX = 1.0 / (diffX * 2.0 + 1.0);
+ final double incY = 1.0 / (diffY * 2.0 + 1.0);
+ final double incZ = 1.0 / (diffZ * 2.0 + 1.0);
+ if (incX < 0.0 || incY < 0.0 || incZ < 0.0) {
+ return 0.0f;
+ }
+ final double offX = (1.0 - Math.floor(1.0 / incX) * incX) * 0.5 + boundingBox.minX;
+ final double offY = boundingBox.minY;
+ final double offZ = (1.0 - Math.floor(1.0 / incZ) * incZ) * 0.5 + boundingBox.minZ;
+ final io.papermc.paper.util.CollisionUtil.LazyEntityCollisionContext context = new io.papermc.paper.util.CollisionUtil.LazyEntityCollisionContext(target);
+ int totalRays = 0;
+ int missedRays = 0;
+ for (double dx = 0.0; dx <= 1.0; dx += incX) {
+ final double fromX = Math.fma(dx, diffX, offX);
+ for (double dy = 0.0; dy <= 1.0; dy += incY) {
+ final double fromY = Math.fma(dy, diffY, offY);
+ for (double dz = 0.0; dz <= 1.0; dz += incZ) {
+ ++totalRays;
+ final Vec3 from = new Vec3(
+ fromX,
+ fromY,
+ Math.fma(dz, diffZ, offZ)
+ );
+ if (!this.clipsAnything(from, source, context, blockCache, blockPos)) {
+ ++missedRays;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (float)missedRays / (float)totalRays;
+ }
+ // Paper end - optimise collisions
private ExplosionDamageCalculator makeDamageCalculator(@Nullable Entity entity) {
return (ExplosionDamageCalculator) (entity == null ? Explosion.EXPLOSION_DAMAGE_CALCULATOR : new EntityBasedExplosionDamageCalculator(entity));
@@ -171,40 +436,88 @@ public class Explosion {
int i;
int j;
- for (int k = 0; k < 16; ++k) {
- for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
- for (j = 0; j < 16; ++j) {
- if (k == 0 || k == 15 || i == 0 || i == 15 || j == 0 || j == 15) {
- double d0 = (double) ((float) k / 15.0F * 2.0F - 1.0F);
- double d1 = (double) ((float) i / 15.0F * 2.0F - 1.0F);
- double d2 = (double) ((float) j / 15.0F * 2.0F - 1.0F);
- double d3 = Math.sqrt(d0 * d0 + d1 * d1 + d2 * d2);
- d0 /= d3;
- d1 /= d3;
- d2 /= d3;
+ // Paper start - optimise explosions
+ this.blockCache = new it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<>();
+ this.chunkPosCache = new long[CHUNK_CACHE_WIDTH * CHUNK_CACHE_WIDTH];
+ java.util.Arrays.fill(this.chunkPosCache, ChunkPos.INVALID_CHUNK_POS);
+ this.chunkCache = new net.minecraft.world.level.chunk.LevelChunk[CHUNK_CACHE_WIDTH * CHUNK_CACHE_WIDTH];
+ // use initial cache value that is most likely to be used: the source position
+ final ExplosionBlockCache initialCache;
+ {
+ final int blockX = Mth.floor(this.x);
+ final int blockY = Mth.floor(this.y);
+ final int blockZ = Mth.floor(this.z);
+ final long key = BlockPos.asLong(blockX, blockY, blockZ);
+ initialCache = this.getOrCacheExplosionBlock(blockX, blockY, blockZ, key, true);
+ }
+ // only ~1/3rd of the loop iterations in vanilla will result in a ray, as it is iterating the perimeter of
+ // a 16x16x16 cube
+ // we can cache the rays and their normals as well, so that we eliminate the excess iterations / checks and
+ // calculations in one go
+ // additional aggressive caching of block retrieval is very significant, as at low power (i.e tnt) most
+ // block retrievals are not unique
+ for (int ray = 0, len = CACHED_RAYS.length; ray < len;) {
+ {
+ {
+ {
+ ExplosionBlockCache cachedBlock = initialCache;
+ double d0 = CACHED_RAYS[ray];
+ double d1 = CACHED_RAYS[ray + 1];
+ double d2 = CACHED_RAYS[ray + 2];
+ ray += 3;
+ // Paper end - optimise explosions
float f = this.radius * (0.7F + this.level.random.nextFloat() * 0.6F);
double d4 = this.x;
double d5 = this.y;
double d6 = this.z;
for (float f1 = 0.3F; f > 0.0F; f -= 0.22500001F) {
- BlockPos blockposition = BlockPos.containing(d4, d5, d6);
- BlockState iblockdata = this.level.getBlockState(blockposition);
- if (!iblockdata.isDestroyable()) continue; // Paper - Protect Bedrock and End Portal/Frames from being destroyed
- FluidState fluid = iblockdata.getFluidState(); // Paper - Perf: Optimize call to getFluid for explosions
+ // Paper start - optimise explosions
+ final int blockX = Mth.floor(d4);
+ final int blockY = Mth.floor(d5);
+ final int blockZ = Mth.floor(d6);
+ final long key = BlockPos.asLong(blockX, blockY, blockZ);
+ if (cachedBlock.key != key) {
+ final int cacheKey =
+ cachedBlock = blockCache[cacheKey];
+ if (cachedBlock == null || cachedBlock.key != key) {
+ blockCache[cacheKey] = cachedBlock = this.getOrCacheExplosionBlock(blockX, blockY, blockZ, key, true);
+ }
+ }
- if (!this.level.isInWorldBounds(blockposition)) {
+ if (cachedBlock.outOfWorld) {
- Optional<Float> optional = this.damageCalculator.getBlockExplosionResistance(this, this.level, blockposition, iblockdata, fluid);
+ BlockPos blockposition = cachedBlock.immutablePos;
+ BlockState iblockdata = cachedBlock.blockState;
+ // Paper end - optimise explosions
- if (optional.isPresent()) {
- f -= ((Float) optional.get() + 0.3F) * 0.3F;
- }
+ if (!iblockdata.isDestroyable()) continue; // Paper
+ // Paper - optimise explosions
- if (f > 0.0F && this.damageCalculator.shouldBlockExplode(this, this.level, blockposition, iblockdata, f)) {
+ f -= cachedBlock.resistance; // Paper - optimise explosions
+ if (f > 0.0F && cachedBlock.shouldExplode == null) { // Paper - optimise explosions
+ // Paper start - optimise explosions
+ // note: we expect shouldBlockExplode to be pure with respect to power, as Vanilla currently is.
+ // basically, it is unused, which allows us to cache the result
+ final boolean shouldExplode = this.damageCalculator.shouldBlockExplode(this, this.level, cachedBlock.immutablePos, cachedBlock.blockState, f);
+ cachedBlock.shouldExplode = shouldExplode ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE;
+ if (shouldExplode && (this.fire || !cachedBlock.blockState.isAir())) {
+ // Paper end - optimise explosions
// Paper start - prevent headless pistons from forming
if (!io.papermc.paper.configuration.GlobalConfiguration.get().unsupportedSettings.allowHeadlessPistons && iblockdata.getBlock() == Blocks.MOVING_PISTON) {
@@ -215,11 +528,12 @@ public class Explosion {
// Paper end - prevent headless pistons from forming
+ } // Paper - optimise explosions
- d4 += d0 * 0.30000001192092896D;
- d5 += d1 * 0.30000001192092896D;
- d6 += d2 * 0.30000001192092896D;
+ d4 += d0; // Paper - optimise explosions
+ d5 += d1; // Paper - optimise explosions
+ d6 += d2; // Paper - optimise explosions
@@ -239,6 +553,8 @@ public class Explosion {
Vec3 vec3d = new Vec3(this.x, this.y, this.z);
Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
+ final BlockPos.MutableBlockPos blockPos = new BlockPos.MutableBlockPos(); // Paper - optimise explosions
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
Entity entity = (Entity) iterator.next();
@@ -274,11 +590,11 @@ public class Explosion {
for (EnderDragonPart entityComplexPart : ((EnderDragon) entity).subEntities) {
// Calculate damage separately for each EntityComplexPart
if (list.contains(entityComplexPart)) {
- entityComplexPart.hurt(this.damageSource, this.damageCalculator.getEntityDamageAmount(this, entity));
+ entityComplexPart.hurt(this.damageSource, this.damageCalculator.getEntityDamageAmount(this, entityComplexPart, getSeenFraction(vec3d, entityComplexPart, blockCache, blockPos))); // Paper - actually optimise explosions and use the right entity to calculate the damage
} else {
- entity.hurt(this.damageSource, this.damageCalculator.getEntityDamageAmount(this, entity));
+ entity.hurt(this.damageSource, this.damageCalculator.getEntityDamageAmount(this, entity, getSeenFraction(vec3d, entity, blockCache, blockPos))); // Paper - actually optimise explosions
if (entity.lastDamageCancelled) { // SPIGOT-5339, SPIGOT-6252, SPIGOT-6777: Skip entity if damage event was cancelled
@@ -287,7 +603,7 @@ public class Explosion {
// CraftBukkit end
- double d12 = (1.0D - d7) * this.getBlockDensity(vec3d, entity); // Paper - Optimize explosions
+ double d12 = (1.0D - d7) * this.getBlockDensity(vec3d, entity, blockCache, blockPos); // Paper - Optimize explosions
double d13;
if (entity instanceof LivingEntity) {
@@ -334,6 +650,9 @@ public class Explosion {
+ this.blockCache = null; // Paper - optimise explosions
+ this.chunkPosCache = null; // Paper - optimise explosions
+ this.chunkCache = null; // Paper - optimise explosions
public void finalizeExplosion(boolean particles) {
@@ -547,14 +866,14 @@ public class Explosion {
private BlockInteraction() {}
// Paper start - Optimize explosions
- private float getBlockDensity(Vec3 vec3d, Entity entity) {
+ private float getBlockDensity(Vec3 vec3d, Entity entity, ExplosionBlockCache[] blockCache, BlockPos.MutableBlockPos blockPos) { // Paper - optimise explosions
if (!this.level.paperConfig().environment.optimizeExplosions) {
- return getSeenPercent(vec3d, entity);
+ return this.getSeenFraction(vec3d, entity, blockCache, blockPos); // Paper - optimise explosions
CacheKey key = new CacheKey(this, entity.getBoundingBox());
Float blockDensity = this.level.explosionDensityCache.get(key);
if (blockDensity == null) {
- blockDensity = getSeenPercent(vec3d, entity);
+ blockDensity = this.getSeenFraction(vec3d, entity, blockCache, blockPos); // Paper - optimise explosions;
this.level.explosionDensityCache.put(key, blockDensity);
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/ExplosionDamageCalculator.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/ExplosionDamageCalculator.java
index 24dba1eb6f5dc71e5d1ce2d150930eaefc83f811..f529f5d0f28533ec89f3ee712e59745991d068ee 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/ExplosionDamageCalculator.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/level/ExplosionDamageCalculator.java
@@ -20,11 +20,17 @@ public class ExplosionDamageCalculator {
return true;
+ @io.papermc.paper.annotation.DoNotUse @Deprecated // Paper
public float getEntityDamageAmount(Explosion explosion, Entity entity) {
+ // Paper start - actually optimise explosions
+ return this.getEntityDamageAmount(explosion, entity, Explosion.getSeenPercent(explosion.center(), entity));
+ }
+ public float getEntityDamageAmount(Explosion explosion, Entity entity, double seenPercent) {
+ // Paper end - actually optimise explosions
float f = explosion.radius() * 2.0F;
Vec3 vec3 = explosion.center();
double d = Math.sqrt(entity.distanceToSqr(vec3)) / (double)f;
- double e = (1.0D - d) * (double)Explosion.getSeenPercent(vec3, entity);
+ double e = (1.0D - d) * seenPercent; // Paper - actually optimise explosions
return (float)((e * e + e) / 2.0D * 7.0D * (double)f + 1.0D);