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synced 2025-03-30 19:28:14 +02:00
Spigot still maintains some partial implementation of "tick skipping", a practice in which the MinecraftServer.currentTick field is updated not by an increment of one per actual tick, but instead set to System.currentTimeMillis() / 50. This behaviour means that the tracked tick may "skip" a tick value in case a previous tick took more than the expected 50ms. To compensate for this in important paths, spigot/craftbukkit implements "wall-time". Instead of incrementing/decrementing ticks on block entities/entities by one for each call to their tick() method, they instead increment/decrement important values, like an ItemEntity's age or pickupDelay, by the difference of `currentTick - lastTick`, where `lastTick` is the value of `currentTick` during the last tick() call. These "fixes" however do not play nicely with minecraft's simulation distance as entities/block entities implementing the above behaviour would "catch up" their values when moving from a non-ticking chunk to a ticking one as their `lastTick` value remains stuck on the last tick in a ticking chunk and hence lead to a large "catch up" once ticked again. Paper completely removes the "tick skipping" behaviour (See patch "Further-improve-server-tick-loop"), making the above precautions completely unnecessary, which also rids paper of the previous described incompatibility with non-ticking chunks.
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From 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: PepperCode1 <44146161+PepperCode1@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2020 14:25:07 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] Fix harming potion dupe
EntityLiving#applyInstantEffect() immediately kills the player and drops their inventory.
Before this patch, instant effects would be applied before the potion ItemStack is removed and replaced with a glass bottle. This caused the potion ItemStack to be dropped before it was supposed to be removed from the inventory. It also caused the glass bottle to be put into a dead player's inventory.
This patch makes it so that instant effects are applied after the potion ItemStack is removed, and the glass bottle is only put into the player's inventory if the player is not dead. Otherwise, the glass bottle is dropped on the ground.
diff --git a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/item/PotionItem.java b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/item/PotionItem.java
index 017b0745753ea1907bad7022405db9a5a487d069..92fa6523f2bba105a74fff228e36e58666ed56ae 100644
--- a/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/item/PotionItem.java
+++ b/src/main/java/net/minecraft/world/item/PotionItem.java
@@ -55,12 +55,13 @@ public class PotionItem extends Item {
CriteriaTriggers.CONSUME_ITEM.trigger((ServerPlayer) entityhuman, stack);
+ List<net.minecraft.world.effect.MobEffectInstance> instantLater = new java.util.ArrayList<>(); // Paper - Fix harming potion dupe
if (!world.isClientSide) {
PotionContents potioncontents = (PotionContents) stack.getOrDefault(DataComponents.POTION_CONTENTS, PotionContents.EMPTY);
potioncontents.forEachEffect((mobeffect) -> {
if (((MobEffect) mobeffect.getEffect().value()).isInstantenous()) {
- ((MobEffect) mobeffect.getEffect().value()).applyInstantenousEffect(entityhuman, entityhuman, user, mobeffect.getAmplifier(), 1.0D);
+ instantLater.add(mobeffect); // Paper
} else {
user.addEffect(mobeffect, org.bukkit.event.entity.EntityPotionEffectEvent.Cause.POTION_DRINK); // CraftBukkit
@@ -73,7 +74,18 @@ public class PotionItem extends Item {
stack.consume(1, entityhuman);
+ // Paper start - Fix harming potion dupe
+ for (net.minecraft.world.effect.MobEffectInstance mobeffect : instantLater) {
+ mobeffect.getEffect().value().applyInstantenousEffect(entityhuman, entityhuman, user, mobeffect.getAmplifier(), 1.0D);
+ }
+ // Paper end - Fix harming potion dupe
if (entityhuman == null || !entityhuman.hasInfiniteMaterials()) {
+ // Paper start - Fix harming potion dupe
+ if (user.getHealth() <= 0 && !user.level().getGameRules().getBoolean(net.minecraft.world.level.GameRules.RULE_KEEPINVENTORY)) {
+ user.spawnAtLocation(new ItemStack(Items.GLASS_BOTTLE), 0);
+ return ItemStack.EMPTY;
+ }
+ // Paper end - Fix harming potion dupe
if (stack.isEmpty()) {
return new ItemStack(Items.GLASS_BOTTLE);