/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and misskey-project * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ type ScrollBehavior = 'auto' | 'smooth' | 'instant'; export function getScrollContainer(el: HTMLElement | null): HTMLElement | null { if (el == null || el.tagName === 'HTML') return null; const overflow = window.getComputedStyle(el).getPropertyValue('overflow-y'); if (overflow === 'scroll' || overflow === 'auto') { return el; } else { return getScrollContainer(el.parentElement); } } export function getStickyTop(el: HTMLElement, container: HTMLElement | null = null, top = 0) { if (!el.parentElement) return top; const data = el.dataset.stickyContainerHeaderHeight; const newTop = data ? Number(data) + top : top; if (el === container) return newTop; return getStickyTop(el.parentElement, container, newTop); } export function getStickyBottom(el: HTMLElement, container: HTMLElement | null = null, bottom = 0) { if (!el.parentElement) return bottom; const data = el.dataset.stickyContainerFooterHeight; const newBottom = data ? Number(data) + bottom : bottom; if (el === container) return newBottom; return getStickyBottom(el.parentElement, container, newBottom); } export function getScrollPosition(el: HTMLElement | null): number { const container = getScrollContainer(el); return container == null ? window.scrollY : container.scrollTop; } export function onScrollTop(el: HTMLElement, cb: (topVisible: boolean) => unknown, tolerance = 1, once = false) { // とりあえず評価してみる const firstTopVisible = isTopVisible(el); if (el.isConnected && firstTopVisible) { cb(firstTopVisible); if (once) return null; } const container = getScrollContainer(el) ?? window; // 以下のケースにおいて、cbが何度も呼び出されてしまって具合が悪いので1回呼んだら以降は無視するようにする // - スクロールイベントは1回のスクロールで複数回発生することがある // - toleranceの範囲内に収まる程度の微量なスクロールが発生した let prevTopVisible = firstTopVisible; const onScroll = () => { if (!document.body.contains(el)) return; const topVisible = isTopVisible(el, tolerance); if (topVisible !== prevTopVisible) { prevTopVisible = topVisible; cb(topVisible); if (once) removeListener(); } }; function removeListener() { container.removeEventListener('scroll', onScroll); } container.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll, { passive: true }); return removeListener; } export function onScrollBottom(el: HTMLElement, cb: () => unknown, tolerance = 1, once = false) { const container = getScrollContainer(el); // とりあえず評価してみる if (el.isConnected && isBottomVisible(el, tolerance, container)) { cb(); if (once) return null; } const containerOrWindow = container ?? window; const onScroll = () => { if (!document.body.contains(el)) return; if (isBottomVisible(el, 1, container)) { cb(); if (once) removeListener(); } }; function removeListener() { containerOrWindow.removeEventListener('scroll', onScroll); } containerOrWindow.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll, { passive: true }); return removeListener; } export function scroll(el: HTMLElement, options: ScrollToOptions | undefined) { const container = getScrollContainer(el); if (container == null) { window.scroll(options); } else { container.scroll(options); } } /** * Scroll to Top * @param el Scroll container element * @param options Scroll options */ export function scrollToTop(el: HTMLElement, options: { behavior?: ScrollBehavior; } = {}) { scroll(el, { top: 0, ...options }); } /** * Scroll to Bottom * @param el Content element * @param options Scroll options * @param container Scroll container element */ export function scrollToBottom( el: HTMLElement, options: ScrollToOptions = {}, container = getScrollContainer(el), ) { if (container) { container.scroll({ top: el.scrollHeight - container.clientHeight + getStickyTop(el, container) || 0, ...options }); } else { window.scroll({ top: (el.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight + getStickyTop(el, container) + (window.innerWidth <= 500 ? 96 : 0)) || 0, ...options, }); } } export function isTopVisible(el: HTMLElement, tolerance = 1): boolean { const scrollTop = getScrollPosition(el); if (_DEV_) console.log(scrollTop, tolerance, scrollTop <= tolerance); return scrollTop <= tolerance; } export function isBottomVisible(el: HTMLElement, tolerance = 1, container = getScrollContainer(el)) { if (container) return el.scrollHeight <= container.clientHeight + Math.abs(container.scrollTop) + tolerance; return el.scrollHeight <= window.innerHeight + window.scrollY + tolerance; } // https://ja.javascript.info/size-and-scroll-window#ref-932 export function getBodyScrollHeight() { return Math.max( document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.body.offsetHeight, document.documentElement.offsetHeight, document.body.clientHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight, ); }