import { deepStrictEqual, strictEqual } from 'assert'; import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'; import { dirname, join } from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js'; import { WebSocket } from 'ws'; const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = dirname(__filename); export const ADMIN_PARAMS = { username: 'admin', password: 'admin' }; const ADMIN_CACHE = new Map(); await Promise.all([ fetchAdmin('a.test'), fetchAdmin('b.test'), ]); type SigninResponse = Omit; export type LoginUser = SigninResponse & { client: Misskey.api.APIClient; username: string; password: string; } /** used for avoiding overload and some endpoints */ export type Request = < E extends keyof Misskey.Endpoints, P extends Misskey.Endpoints[E]['req'], >( endpoint: E, params: P, credential?: string | null, ) => Promise>; type Host = 'a.test' | 'b.test'; export async function sleep(ms = 200): Promise { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } async function signin( host: Host, params: Misskey.entities.SigninFlowRequest, ): Promise { // wait for a second to prevent hit rate limit await sleep(1000); return await (new Misskey.api.APIClient({ origin: `https://${host}` }).request as Request)('signin-flow', params) .then(res => { strictEqual(res.finished, true); if (params.username === ADMIN_PARAMS.username) ADMIN_CACHE.set(host, res); return res; }) .then(({ id, i }) => ({ id, i })) .catch(async err => { if (err.code === 'TOO_MANY_AUTHENTICATION_FAILURES') { await sleep(Math.random() * 2000); return await signin(host, params); } throw err; }); } async function createAdmin(host: Host): Promise { const client = new Misskey.api.APIClient({ origin: `https://${host}` }); return await client.request('admin/accounts/create', ADMIN_PARAMS).then(res => { ADMIN_CACHE.set(host, { id:, // @ts-expect-error FIXME: openapi-typescript generates incorrect response type for this endpoint, so ignore this i: res.token, }); return res as Misskey.entities.SignupResponse; }).then(async res => { await client.request('admin/roles/update-default-policies', { policies: { /** TODO: @see */ rateLimitFactor: 0 as never, }, }, res.token); return res; }).catch(err => { if ( === 'access denied') return undefined; throw err; }); } export async function fetchAdmin(host: Host): Promise { const admin = ADMIN_CACHE.get(host) ?? await signin(host, ADMIN_PARAMS) .catch(async err => { if ( === '6cc579cc-885d-43d8-95c2-b8c7fc963280') { await createAdmin(host); return await signin(host, ADMIN_PARAMS); } throw err; }); return { ...admin, client: new Misskey.api.APIClient({ origin: `https://${host}`, credential: admin.i }), ...ADMIN_PARAMS, }; } export async function createAccount(host: Host): Promise { const username = crypto.randomUUID().replaceAll('-', '').substring(0, 20); const password = crypto.randomUUID().replaceAll('-', ''); const admin = await fetchAdmin(host); await admin.client.request('admin/accounts/create', { username, password }); const signinRes = await signin(host, { username, password }); return { ...signinRes, client: new Misskey.api.APIClient({ origin: `https://${host}`, credential: signinRes.i }), username, password, }; } export async function createModerator(host: Host): Promise { const user = await createAccount(host); const role = await createRole(host, { name: 'Moderator', isModerator: true, }); const admin = await fetchAdmin(host); await admin.client.request('admin/roles/assign', { roleId:, userId: }); return user; } export async function createRole( host: Host, params: Partial = {}, ): Promise { const admin = await fetchAdmin(host); return await admin.client.request('admin/roles/create', { name: 'Some role', description: 'Role for testing', color: null, iconUrl: null, target: 'conditional', condFormula: {}, isPublic: true, isModerator: false, isAdministrator: false, isExplorable: true, asBadge: false, canEditMembersByModerator: false, displayOrder: 0, policies: {}, ...params, }); } export async function resolveRemoteUser( host: Host, id: string, from: LoginUser, ): Promise { const uri = `https://${host}/users/${id}`; return await from.client.request('ap/show', { uri }) .then(res => { strictEqual(res.type, 'User'); strictEqual(res.object.uri, uri); return res.object; }); } export async function resolveRemoteNote( host: Host, id: string, from: LoginUser, ): Promise { const uri = `https://${host}/notes/${id}`; return await from.client.request('ap/show', { uri }) .then(res => { strictEqual(res.type, 'Note'); strictEqual(res.object.uri, uri); return res.object; }); } export async function uploadFile( host: Host, user: { i: string }, path = '../../test/resources/192.jpg', ): Promise { const filename = path.split('/').pop() ?? 'untitled'; const blob = new Blob([await readFile(join(__dirname, path))]); const body = new FormData(); body.append('i', user.i); body.append('force', 'true'); body.append('file', blob); body.append('name', filename); return await fetch(`https://${host}/api/drive/files/create`, { method: 'POST', body }) .then(async res => await res.json()); } export async function addCustomEmoji( host: Host, param?: Partial, path?: string, ): Promise { const admin = await fetchAdmin(host); const name = crypto.randomUUID().replaceAll('-', ''); const file = await uploadFile(host, admin, path); return await admin.client.request('admin/emoji/add', { name, fileId:, ...param }); } export function deepStrictEqualWithExcludedFields(actual: T, expected: T, excludedFields: (keyof T)[]) { const _actual = structuredClone(actual); const _expected = structuredClone(expected); for (const obj of [_actual, _expected]) { for (const field of excludedFields) { delete obj[field]; } } deepStrictEqual(_actual, _expected); } export async function isFired( host: Host, user: { i: string }, channel: C, trigger: () => Promise, type: T, // @ts-expect-error TODO: why getting error here? cond: (msg: Parameters[0]) => boolean, params?: Misskey.Channels[C]['params'], ): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const stream = new Misskey.Stream(`wss://${host}`, { token: user.i }, { WebSocket }); const connection = stream.useChannel(channel, params); connection.on(type as any, ((msg: any) => { if (cond(msg)) { stream.close(); clearTimeout(timer); resolve(true); } }) as any); let timer: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined; await trigger().then(() => { timer = setTimeout(() => { stream.close(); resolve(false); }, 500); }).catch(err => { stream.close(); clearTimeout(timer); reject(err); }); }); } export async function isNoteUpdatedEventFired( host: Host, user: { i: string }, noteId: string, trigger: () => Promise, cond: (msg: Parameters[0]) => boolean, ): Promise { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const stream = new Misskey.Stream(`wss://${host}`, { token: user.i }, { WebSocket }); stream.send('s', { id: noteId }); stream.on('noteUpdated', msg => { if (cond(msg)) { stream.close(); clearTimeout(timer); resolve(true); } }); let timer: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined; await trigger().then(() => { timer = setTimeout(() => { stream.close(); resolve(false); }, 500); }).catch(err => { stream.close(); clearTimeout(timer); reject(err); }); }); } export async function assertNotificationReceived( receiverHost: Host, receiver: LoginUser, trigger: () => Promise, cond: (notification: Misskey.entities.Notification) => boolean, expect: boolean, ) { const streamingFired = await isFired(receiverHost, receiver, 'main', trigger, 'notification', cond); strictEqual(streamingFired, expect); const endpointFired = await receiver.client.request('i/notifications', {}) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-condition .then(([notification]) => notification != null ? cond(notification) : false); strictEqual(endpointFired, expect); }