/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and misskey-project * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import { URL } from 'node:url'; import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import * as parse5 from 'parse5'; import { Window, XMLSerializer } from 'happy-dom'; import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js'; import type { Config } from '@/config.js'; import { intersperse } from '@/misc/prelude/array.js'; import { normalizeForSearch } from '@/misc/normalize-for-search.js'; import type { IMentionedRemoteUsers } from '@/models/Note.js'; import { bindThis } from '@/decorators.js'; import type { DefaultTreeAdapterMap } from 'parse5'; import type * as mfm from '@transfem-org/sfm-js'; const treeAdapter = parse5.defaultTreeAdapter; type Node = DefaultTreeAdapterMap['node']; type ChildNode = DefaultTreeAdapterMap['childNode']; const urlRegex = /^https?:\/\/[\w\/:%#@$&?!()\[\]~.,=+\-]+/; const urlRegexFull = /^https?:\/\/[\w\/:%#@$&?!()\[\]~.,=+\-]+$/; @Injectable() export class MfmService { constructor( @Inject(DI.config) private config: Config, ) { } @bindThis public fromHtml(html: string, hashtagNames?: string[]): string { // some AP servers like Pixelfed use br tags as well as newlines html = html.replace(/\r?\n/gi, '\n'); const normalizedHashtagNames = hashtagNames == null ? undefined : new Set(hashtagNames.map(x => normalizeForSearch(x))); const dom = parse5.parseFragment(html); let text = ''; for (const n of dom.childNodes) { analyze(n); } return text.trim(); function getText(node: Node): string { if (treeAdapter.isTextNode(node)) return node.value; if (!treeAdapter.isElementNode(node)) return ''; if (node.nodeName === 'br') return '\n'; if (node.childNodes) { return node.childNodes.map(n => getText(n)).join(''); } return ''; } function appendChildren(childNodes: ChildNode[]): void { if (childNodes) { for (const n of childNodes) { analyze(n); } } } function analyze(node: Node) { if (treeAdapter.isTextNode(node)) { text += node.value; return; } // Skip comment or document type node if (!treeAdapter.isElementNode(node)) { return; } switch (node.nodeName) { case 'br': { text += '\n'; break; } case 'a': { const txt = getText(node); const rel = node.attrs.find(x => x.name === 'rel'); const href = node.attrs.find(x => x.name === 'href'); // ハッシュタグ if (normalizedHashtagNames && href && normalizedHashtagNames.has(normalizeForSearch(txt))) { text += txt; // メンション } else if (txt.startsWith('@') && !(rel && rel.value.startsWith('me '))) { const part = txt.split('@'); if (part.length === 2 && href) { //#region ホスト名部分が省略されているので復元する const acct = `${txt}@${(new URL(href.value)).hostname}`; text += acct; //#endregion } else if (part.length === 3) { text += txt; } // その他 } else { const generateLink = () => { if (!href && !txt) { return ''; } if (!href) { return txt; } if (!txt || txt === href.value) { // #6383: Missing text node if (href.value.match(urlRegexFull)) { return href.value; } else { return `<${href.value}>`; } } if (href.value.match(urlRegex) && !href.value.match(urlRegexFull)) { return `[${txt}](<${href.value}>)`; // #6846 } else { return `[${txt}](${href.value})`; } }; text += generateLink(); } break; } case 'h1': { text += '**【'; appendChildren(node.childNodes); text += '】**\n'; break; } case 'h2': case 'h3': { text += '**'; appendChildren(node.childNodes); text += '**\n'; break; } case 'b': case 'strong': { text += '**'; appendChildren(node.childNodes); text += '**'; break; } case 'small': { text += ''; appendChildren(node.childNodes); text += ''; break; } case 's': case 'del': { text += '~~'; appendChildren(node.childNodes); text += '~~'; break; } case 'i': case 'em': { text += ''; appendChildren(node.childNodes); text += ''; break; } // block code (
				case 'pre': {
					if (node.childNodes.length === 1 && node.childNodes[0].nodeName === 'code') {
						text += '\n```\n';
						text += getText(node.childNodes[0]);
						text += '\n```\n';
					} else {

				// inline code ()
				case 'code': {
					text += '`';
					text += '`';

				case 'blockquote': {
					const t = getText(node);
					if (t) {
						text += '\n> ';
						text += t.split('\n').join('\n> ');

				case 'p':
				case 'h4':
				case 'h5':
				case 'h6': {
					text += '\n\n';

				// other block elements
				case 'div':
				case 'header':
				case 'footer':
				case 'article':
				case 'li':
				case 'dt':
				case 'dd': {
					text += '\n';

				default:	// includes inline elements

	public toHtml(nodes: mfm.MfmNode[] | null, mentionedRemoteUsers: IMentionedRemoteUsers = []) {
		if (nodes == null) {
			return null;

		const { happyDOM, window } = new Window();

		const doc = window.document;

		const body = doc.createElement('p');

		function appendChildren(children: mfm.MfmNode[], targetElement: any): void {
			if (children) {
				for (const child of children.map(x => (handlers as any)[x.type](x))) targetElement.appendChild(child);

		function fnDefault(node: mfm.MfmFn) {
			const el = doc.createElement('i');
			appendChildren(node.children, el);
			return el;

		const handlers: { [K in mfm.MfmNode['type']]: (node: mfm.NodeType) => any } = {
			bold: (node) => {
				const el = doc.createElement('b');
				appendChildren(node.children, el);
				return el;

			small: (node) => {
				const el = doc.createElement('small');
				appendChildren(node.children, el);
				return el;

			strike: (node) => {
				const el = doc.createElement('del');
				appendChildren(node.children, el);
				return el;

			italic: (node) => {
				const el = doc.createElement('i');
				appendChildren(node.children, el);
				return el;

			fn: (node) => {
				switch (node.props.name) {
					case 'unixtime': {
						const text = node.children[0].type === 'text' ? node.children[0].props.text : '';
						try {
							const date = new Date(parseInt(text, 10) * 1000);
							const el = doc.createElement('time');
							el.setAttribute('datetime', date.toISOString());
							el.textContent = date.toISOString();
							return el;
						} catch (err) {
							return fnDefault(node);

					case 'ruby': {
						if (node.children.length === 1) {
							const child = node.children[0];
							const text = child.type === 'text' ? child.props.text : '';
							const rubyEl = doc.createElement('ruby');
							const rtEl = doc.createElement('rt');

							// ruby未対応のHTMLサニタイザーを通したときにルビが「劉備(りゅうび)」となるようにする
							const rpStartEl = doc.createElement('rp');
							const rpEndEl = doc.createElement('rp');

							rubyEl.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(text.split(' ')[0]));
							rtEl.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(text.split(' ')[1]));
							return rubyEl;
						} else {
							const rt = node.children.at(-1);

							if (!rt) {
								return fnDefault(node);

							const text = rt.type === 'text' ? rt.props.text : '';
							const rubyEl = doc.createElement('ruby');
							const rtEl = doc.createElement('rt');

							// ruby未対応のHTMLサニタイザーを通したときにルビが「劉備(りゅうび)」となるようにする
							const rpStartEl = doc.createElement('rp');
							const rpEndEl = doc.createElement('rp');

							appendChildren(node.children.slice(0, node.children.length - 1), rubyEl);
							return rubyEl;

					default: {
						return fnDefault(node);

			blockCode: (node) => {
				const pre = doc.createElement('pre');
				const inner = doc.createElement('code');
				inner.textContent = node.props.code;
				return pre;

			center: (node) => {
				const el = doc.createElement('div');
				appendChildren(node.children, el);
				return el;

			emojiCode: (node) => {
				return doc.createTextNode(`\u200B:${node.props.name}:\u200B`);

			unicodeEmoji: (node) => {
				return doc.createTextNode(node.props.emoji);

			hashtag: (node) => {
				const a = doc.createElement('a');
				a.setAttribute('href', `${this.config.url}/tags/${node.props.hashtag}`);
				a.textContent = `#${node.props.hashtag}`;
				a.setAttribute('rel', 'tag');
				return a;

			inlineCode: (node) => {
				const el = doc.createElement('code');
				el.textContent = node.props.code;
				return el;

			mathInline: (node) => {
				const el = doc.createElement('code');
				el.textContent = node.props.formula;
				return el;

			mathBlock: (node) => {
				const el = doc.createElement('code');
				el.textContent = node.props.formula;
				return el;

			link: (node) => {
				const a = doc.createElement('a');
				a.setAttribute('href', node.props.url);
				appendChildren(node.children, a);
				return a;

			mention: (node) => {
				const a = doc.createElement('a');
				const { username, host, acct } = node.props;
				const remoteUserInfo = mentionedRemoteUsers.find(remoteUser => remoteUser.username === username && remoteUser.host === host);
				a.setAttribute('href', remoteUserInfo ? (remoteUserInfo.url ? remoteUserInfo.url : remoteUserInfo.uri) : `${this.config.url}/${acct}`);
				a.className = 'u-url mention';
				a.textContent = acct;
				return a;

			quote: (node) => {
				const el = doc.createElement('blockquote');
				appendChildren(node.children, el);
				return el;

			text: (node) => {
				if (!node.props.text.match(/[\r\n]/)) {
					return doc.createTextNode(node.props.text);

				const el = doc.createElement('span');
				const nodes = node.props.text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/).map(x => doc.createTextNode(x));

				for (const x of intersperse('br', nodes)) {
					el.appendChild(x === 'br' ? doc.createElement('br') : x);

				return el;

			url: (node) => {
				const a = doc.createElement('a');
				a.setAttribute('href', node.props.url);
				a.textContent = node.props.url;
				return a;

			search: (node) => {
				const a = doc.createElement('a');
				a.setAttribute('href', `https://www.google.com/search?q=${node.props.query}`);
				a.textContent = node.props.content;
				return a;

			plain: (node) => {
				const el = doc.createElement('span');
				appendChildren(node.children, el);
				return el;

		appendChildren(nodes, body);

		const serialized = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(body);

		happyDOM.close().catch(err => {});

		return serialized;

	// the toMastoApiHtml function was taken from Iceshrimp and written by zotan and modified by marie to work with the current MK version

	public async toMastoApiHtml(nodes: mfm.MfmNode[] | null, mentionedRemoteUsers: IMentionedRemoteUsers = [], inline = false, quoteUri: string | null = null) {
		if (nodes == null) {
			return null;

		const { happyDOM, window } = new Window();

		const doc = window.document;

		const body = doc.createElement('p');

		async function appendChildren(children: mfm.MfmNode[], targetElement: any): Promise {
			if (children) {
				for (const child of await Promise.all(children.map(async (x) => await (handlers as any)[x.type](x)))) targetElement.appendChild(child);

		const handlers: {
			[K in mfm.MfmNode['type']]: (node: mfm.NodeType) => any;
		} = {
			async bold(node) {
				const el = doc.createElement('span');
				el.textContent = '**';
				await appendChildren(node.children, el);
				el.textContent += '**';
				return el;

			async small(node) {
				const el = doc.createElement('small');
				await appendChildren(node.children, el);
				return el;

			async strike(node) {
				const el = doc.createElement('span');
				el.textContent = '~~';
				await appendChildren(node.children, el);
				el.textContent += '~~';
				return el;

			async italic(node) {
				const el = doc.createElement('span');
				el.textContent = '*';
				await appendChildren(node.children, el);
				el.textContent += '*';
				return el;

			async fn(node) {
				const el = doc.createElement('span');
				el.textContent = '*';
				await appendChildren(node.children, el);
				el.textContent += '*';
				return el;

			blockCode(node) {
				const pre = doc.createElement('pre');
				const inner = doc.createElement('code');

				const nodes = node.props.code
					.map((x) => doc.createTextNode(x));

				for (const x of intersperse('br', nodes)) {
					inner.appendChild(x === 'br' ? doc.createElement('br') : x);

				return pre;

			async center(node) {
				const el = doc.createElement('div');
				await appendChildren(node.children, el);
				return el;

			emojiCode(node) {
				return doc.createTextNode(`\u200B:${node.props.name}:\u200B`);

			unicodeEmoji(node) {
				return doc.createTextNode(node.props.emoji);

			hashtag: (node) => {
				const a = doc.createElement('a');
				a.setAttribute('href', `${this.config.url}/tags/${node.props.hashtag}`);
				a.textContent = `#${node.props.hashtag}`;
				a.setAttribute('rel', 'tag');
				a.setAttribute('class', 'hashtag');
				return a;

			inlineCode(node) {
				const el = doc.createElement('code');
				el.textContent = node.props.code;
				return el;

			mathInline(node) {
				const el = doc.createElement('code');
				el.textContent = node.props.formula;
				return el;

			mathBlock(node) {
				const el = doc.createElement('code');
				el.textContent = node.props.formula;
				return el;

			async link(node) {
				const a = doc.createElement('a');
				a.setAttribute('rel', 'nofollow noopener noreferrer');
				a.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
				a.setAttribute('href', node.props.url);
				await appendChildren(node.children, a);
				return a;

			async mention(node) {
				const { username, host, acct } = node.props;
				const resolved = mentionedRemoteUsers.find(remoteUser => remoteUser.username === username && remoteUser.host === host);

				const el = doc.createElement('span');
				if (!resolved) {
					el.textContent = acct;
				} else {
					el.setAttribute('class', 'h-card');
					el.setAttribute('translate', 'no');
					const a = doc.createElement('a');
					a.setAttribute('href', resolved.url ? resolved.url : resolved.uri);
					a.className = 'u-url mention';
					const span = doc.createElement('span');
					span.textContent = resolved.username || username;
					a.textContent = '@';

				return el;

			async quote(node) {
				const el = doc.createElement('blockquote');
				await appendChildren(node.children, el);
				return el;

			text(node) {
				const el = doc.createElement('span');
				const nodes = node.props.text
					.map((x) => doc.createTextNode(x));

				for (const x of intersperse('br', nodes)) {
					el.appendChild(x === 'br' ? doc.createElement('br') : x);

				return el;

			url(node) {
				const a = doc.createElement('a');
				a.setAttribute('rel', 'nofollow noopener noreferrer');
				a.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
				a.setAttribute('href', node.props.url);
				a.textContent = node.props.url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '');
				return a;

			search: (node) => {
				const a = doc.createElement('a');
				a.setAttribute('href', `https://www.google.com/search?q=${node.props.query}`);
				a.textContent = node.props.content;
				return a;

			async plain(node) {
				const el = doc.createElement('span');
				await appendChildren(node.children, el);
				return el;

		await appendChildren(nodes, body);

		if (quoteUri !== null) {
			const a = doc.createElement('a');
			a.setAttribute('href', quoteUri);
			a.textContent = quoteUri.replace(/^https?:\/\//, '');

			const quote = doc.createElement('span');
			quote.setAttribute('class', 'quote-inline');
			quote.innerHTML += 'RE: ';


		let result = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(body);

		if (inline) {
			result = result.replace(/^

/, '').replace(/<\/p>$/, ''); } happyDOM.close().catch(e => {}); return result; } }