[](http://makeapullrequest.com) [](https://greenkeeper.io/)
**Microblogging. Redefined.**
**[Misskey](https://misskey.xyz)** is a completely open source,
ultimately sophisticated professional microblogging software.

:sparkles: Features
* Rich text contents
* Reactions
* User lists
* Customizable column view (called MisskeyDeck)
* and widgets!
* Private messages
* ActivityPub support
and more! You can see it with your own eyes at [misskey.xyz](https://misskey.xyz).
:package: Create your instance
If you want to run your own instance of Misskey,
please see [Setup and installation guide](./docs/setup.en.md).
:wrench: Contribute
**[PR](https://github.com/syuilo/misskey/pulls)s welcome!**
If you want to...
* i18n ... please see [Translation guide](./docs/translate.en.md).
* l10n ... please visit https://crowdin.com/project/misskey
:heart: Backers & Sponsors