# Contribution guide We're glad you're interested in contributing to Sharkey! In this document you will find the information you need to contribute to the project. ## Roadmap See [ROADMAP.md](./ROADMAP.md) for the upstream Misskey roadmap. ## Issues Before creating an issue, please check the following: - To avoid duplication, please search for similar issues before creating a new issue. - Do not use Issues to ask questions or troubleshooting. - Issues should only be used to feature requests, suggestions, and bug tracking. - Please ask questions or troubleshooting in [Discord](https://discord.gg/6VgKmEqHNk). > [!WARNING] > Do not close issues that are about to be resolved. It should remain open until a commit that actually resolves it is merged. ### Recommended discussing before implementation We welcome your proposal. When you want to add a feature or fix a bug, *please open an issue*, don't just start writing code. We may suggest different approaches, or show that the "bug" is actually intended behaviour (and offer work-arounds), or maybe we won't be able to merge your new feature because it would make it too hard to incorporate future changes from Misskey. Each of these examples have actually happened! On the other hand, it's very likely that we'll tell you "go ahead!". We try our best to incorporate improvements from our users! Also, when you start implementation, assign yourself to the Issue (if you cannot do it yourself, ask Committer to assign you). By expressing your intention to work on the Issue, you can prevent conflicts in the work. To the Committers: you should not assign someone on it before the Final Decision. ### How issues are triaged The Committers may: * close an issue that is not reproducible on latest stable release, * merge an issue into another issue, * split an issue into multiple issues, * or re-open that has been closed for some reason which is not applicable anymore. @syuilo reserves the Final Decision rights including whether the project will implement feature and how to implement, these rights are not always exercised. ## Well-known branches - **`stable`** branch is tracking the latest release and used for production purposes. - **`develop`** branch is where we work for the next release. - When you create a PR, basically target it to this branch. ## Creating a PR Thank you for your PR! Before creating a PR, please check the following: - If possible, prefix the title with a keyword that identifies the type of this PR, as shown below. - `fix` / `refactor` / `feat` / `enhance` / `perf` / `chore` etc - Also, make sure that the granularity of this PR is appropriate. Please do not include more than one type of change or interest in a single PR. - If there is an Issue which will be resolved by this PR, please include a reference to the Issue in the text. - Please add the summary of the changes to [`CHANGELOG.md`](CHANGELOG.md). However, this is not necessary for changes that do not affect the users, such as refactoring. - Check if there are any documents that need to be created or updated due to this change. - If you have added a feature or fixed a bug, please add a test case if possible. - Please make sure that tests and Lint are passed in advance. - You can run it with `pnpm test` and `pnpm lint`. [See more info](#testing) - If this PR includes UI changes, please attach a screenshot in the text. Thanks for your cooperation 🤗 ## Reviewers guide Be willing to comment on the good points and not just the things you want fixed 💯 ### Review perspective - Scope - Are the goals of the PR clear? - Is the granularity of the PR appropriate? - Security - Does merging this PR create a vulnerability? - Performance - Will merging this PR cause unexpected performance degradation? - Is there a more efficient way? - Testing - Does the test ensure the expected behavior? - Are there any omissions or gaps? - Does it check for anomalies? ## Merge ## Release ### Release Instructions 1. Commit version changes in the `develop` branch ([package.json](package.json)) 2. Create a release PR. - Into `stable` from `develop` branch. - The title must be in the format `Release: x.y.z`. - `x.y.z` is the new version you are trying to release. 3. Deploy and perform a simple QA check. Also verify that the tests passed. 4. Merge it. (Do not squash commit) 5. Create a [release](https://activitypub.software/TransFem-org/Sharkey/-/releases) - The target branch must be `stable` - The tag name must be the version > [!NOTE] > Why this instruction is necessary: > - To perform final QA checks > - To distribute responsibility > - To check direct commits to develop > - To celebrate the release together 🎉 ## Localization (l10n) Misskey uses [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/misskey) for localization management. You can improve our translations with your Crowdin account. Your changes in Crowdin are automatically submitted as a PR (with the title "New Crowdin translations") to the repository. The owner [@syuilo](https://github.com/syuilo) merges the PR into the develop branch before the next release. If your language is not listed in Crowdin, please open an issue. ![Crowdin](https://d322cqt584bo4o.cloudfront.net/misskey/localized.svg) ## Icon Font (Shark Font) Sharkey has its own Icon Font called Shark Font which can be found at https://activitypub.software/TransFem-org/shark-font Build Instructions can all be found over there in the `README`. If you have an Icon Suggestion or want to add an Icon please open an issue/merge request over at that repo. When Updating the Font make sure to copy **all generated files** from the `dest` folder into `packages/backend/assets/fonts/sharkey-icons` For the CSS simply copy the file content and replace the old content in `style.css` and for the WOFF, TTF and SVG simply replace them. ## Development ### Setup Before developing, you have to set up environment. Misskey requires Redis, PostgreSQL, and FFmpeg. You would want to install Meilisearch to experiment related features. Technically, meilisearch is not strict requirement, but some features and tests require it. There are a few ways to proceed. #### Use system-wide software You could install them in system-wide (such as from package manager). #### Use `docker compose` You could obtain middleware container by typing `docker compose -f $PROJECT_ROOT/compose.local-db.yml up -d`. #### Use Devcontainer Devcontainer also has necessary setting. This method can be done by connecting from VSCode. Instead of running `pnpm` locally, you can use Dev Container to set up your development environment. To use Dev Container, open the project directory on VSCode with Dev Containers installed. **Note:** If you are using Windows, please clone the repository with WSL. Using Git for Windows will result in broken files due to the difference in how newlines are handled. It will run the following command automatically inside the container. ``` bash git submodule update --init pnpm install --frozen-lockfile cp .devcontainer/devcontainer.yml .config/default.yml pnpm build pnpm migrate ``` After finishing the migration, you can proceed. ### Start developing During development, it is useful to use the ``` pnpm dev ``` command. - Server-side source files and automatically builds them if they are modified. Automatically start the server process(es). - Vite HMR (just the `vite` command) is available. The behavior may be different from production. - Service Worker is watched by esbuild. - The front end can be viewed by accessing `http://localhost:5173`. - The backend listens on the port configured with `port` in .config/default.yml. If you have not changed it from the default, it will be "http://localhost:3000". If "port" in .config/default.yml is set to something other than 3000, you need to change the proxy settings in packages/frontend/vite.config.local-dev.ts. ### `MK_DEV_PREFER=backend pnpm dev` pnpm dev has another mode with `MK_DEV_PREFER=backend`. ``` MK_DEV_PREFER=backend pnpm dev ``` - This mode is closer to the production environment than the default mode. - Vite runs behind the backend (the backend will proxy Vite at /vite). - You can see Misskey by accessing `http://localhost:3000` (Replace `3000` with the port configured with `port` in .config/default.yml). - To change the port of Vite, specify with `VITE_PORT` environment variable. - HMR may not work in some environments such as Windows. ## Testing - Test codes are located in [`/packages/backend/test`](packages/backend/test). ### Run test Create a config file. ``` cp .github/misskey/test.yml .config/ ``` Prepare DB/Redis for testing. ``` docker compose -f packages/backend/test/compose.yml up ``` Alternatively, prepare an empty (data can be erased) DB and edit `.config/test.yml`. Run all test. ``` pnpm test ``` #### Run specify test ``` pnpm jest -- foo.ts ``` ### e2e tests TODO ## Environment Variable - `MISSKEY_CONFIG_YML`: Specify the file path of config.yml instead of default.yml (e.g. `2nd.yml`). - `MISSKEY_WEBFINGER_USE_HTTP`: If it's set true, WebFinger requests will be http instead of https, useful for testing federation between servers in localhost. NEVER USE IN PRODUCTION. ## Continuous integration Sharkey uses GitLab CI for executing automated tests. Configuration files are located in [`/.gitlab-ci.yml`](.gitlab-ci.yml). ## Vue Misskey uses Vue(v3) as its front-end framework. - Use TypeScript. - **When creating a new component, please use the Composition API (with [setup sugar](https://v3.vuejs.org/api/sfc-script-setup.html) and [ref sugar](https://github.com/vuejs/rfcs/discussions/369)) instead of the Options API.** - Some of the existing components are implemented in the Options API, but it is an old implementation. Refactors that migrate those components to the Composition API are also welcome. ## nirax niraxは、Misskeyで使用しているオリジナルのフロントエンドルーティングシステムです。 **vue-routerから影響を多大に受けているので、まずはvue-routerについて学ぶことをお勧めします。** ### ルート定義 ルート定義は、以下の形式のオブジェクトの配列です。 ```ts { name?: string; path: string; component: Component; query?: Record; loginRequired?: boolean; hash?: string; globalCacheKey?: string; children?: RouteDef[]; } ``` > [!WARNING] > 現状、ルートは定義された順に評価されます。 > たとえば、`/foo/:id`ルート定義の次に`/foo/bar`ルート定義がされていた場合、後者がマッチすることはありません。 ### 複数のルーター vue-routerとの最大の違いは、niraxは複数のルーターが存在することを許可している点です。 これにより、アプリ内ウィンドウでブラウザとは個別にルーティングすることなどが可能になります。 ## Storybook Misskey uses [Storybook](https://storybook.js.org/) for UI development. ### Setup & Run #### Setup ```bash pnpm --filter misskey-js build ``` #### Run ```bash pnpm --filter frontend storybook-dev ``` ### Usage When you create a new component (in this example, `MyComponent.vue`), the story file (`MyComponent.stories.ts`) will be automatically generated by the `.storybook/generate.js` script. You can override the default story by creating a impl story file (`MyComponent.stories.impl.ts`). ```ts /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/explicit-function-return-type */ import { StoryObj } from '@storybook/vue3'; import MyComponent from './MyComponent.vue'; export const Default = { render(args) { return { components: { MyComponent, }, setup() { return { args, }; }, computed: { props() { return { ...this.args, }; }, }, template: '', }; }, args: { foo: 'bar', }, parameters: { layout: 'centered', }, } satisfies StoryObj; ``` If you want to opt-out from the automatic generation, create a `MyComponent.stories.impl.ts` file and add the following line to the file. ```ts import MyComponent from './MyComponent.vue'; void MyComponent; ``` You can override the component meta by creating a meta story file (`MyComponent.stories.meta.ts`). ```ts export const argTypes = { scale: { control: { type: 'range', min: 1, max: 4, }, }, }; ``` Also, you can use msw to mock API requests in the storybook. Creating a `MyComponent.stories.msw.ts` file to define the mock handlers. ```ts import { HttpResponse, http } from 'msw'; export const handlers = [ http.post('/api/notes/timeline', ({ request }) => { return HttpResponse.json([]); }), ]; ``` Don't forget to re-run the `.storybook/generate.js` script after adding, editing, or removing the above files. ## Nest ### Nest Service Circular dependency / Nestでサービスの循環参照でエラーが起きた場合 #### forwardRef まずは簡単に`forwardRef`を試してみる ```typescript export class FooService { constructor( @Inject(forwardRef(() => BarService)) private barService: BarService ) { } } ``` #### OnModuleInit できなければ`OnModuleInit`を使う ```typescript import { Injectable, OnModuleInit } from '@nestjs/common'; import { ModuleRef } from '@nestjs/core'; import { BarService } from '@/core/BarService'; @Injectable() export class FooService implements OnModuleInit { private barService: BarService // constructorから移動してくる constructor( private moduleRef: ModuleRef, ) { } async onModuleInit() { this.barService = this.moduleRef.get(BarService.name); } public async niceMethod() { return await this.barService.incredibleMethod({ hoge: 'fuga' }); } } ``` ##### Service Unit Test テストで`onModuleInit`を呼び出す必要がある ```typescript // import ... describe('test', () => { let app: TestingModule; let fooService: FooService; // for test case let barService: BarService; // for test case beforeEach(async () => { app = await Test.createTestingModule({ imports: ..., providers: [ FooService, { // mockする (mockは必須ではないかもしれない) provide: BarService, useFactory: () => ({ incredibleMethod: jest.fn(), }), }, { // Provideにする provide: BarService.name, useExisting: BarService, }, ], }) .useMocker(... .compile(); fooService = app.get(FooService); barService = app.get(BarService) as jest.Mocked; // onModuleInitを実行する await fooService.onModuleInit(); }); test('nice', () => { await fooService.niceMethod(); expect(barService.incredibleMethod).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(barService.incredibleMethod.mock.lastCall![0]) .toEqual({ hoge: 'fuga' }); }); }) ``` ## Notes ### Misskeyのドメイン固有の概念は`Mi`をprefixする 例えばGoogleが自社サービスをMap、Earth、DriveではなくGoogle Map、Google Earth、Google Driveのように命名するのと同じ コード上でMisskeyのドメイン固有の概念には`Mi`をprefixすることで、他のドメインの同様の概念と区別できるほか、名前の衝突を防ぐ。 ただし、文脈上Misskeyのものを指すことが明らかであり、名前の衝突の恐れがない場合は、一時的なローカル変数に限って`Mi`を省略してもよい。 ### How to resolve conflictions occurred at pnpm-lock.yaml? Just execute `pnpm` to fix it. ### INSERTするときにはsaveではなくinsertを使用する #6441 ### placeholder SQLをクエリビルダで組み立てる際、使用するプレースホルダは重複してはならない 例えば ``` ts query.andWhere(new Brackets(qb => { for (const type of ps.fileType) { qb.orWhere(`:type = ANY(note.attachedFileTypes)`, { type: type }); } })); ``` と書くと、ループ中で`type`というプレースホルダが複数回使われてしまいおかしくなる だから次のようにする必要がある ```ts query.andWhere(new Brackets(qb => { for (const type of ps.fileType) { const i = ps.fileType.indexOf(type); qb.orWhere(`:type${i} = ANY(note.attachedFileTypes)`, { [`type${i}`]: type }); } })); ``` ### Not `null` in TypeORM ```ts const foo = await Foos.findOne({ bar: Not(null) }); ``` のようなクエリ(`bar`が`null`ではない)は期待通りに動作しない。 次のようにします: ```ts const foo = await Foos.findOne({ bar: Not(IsNull()) }); ``` ### `null` in SQL SQLを発行する際、パラメータが`null`になる可能性のある場合はSQL文を出し分けなければならない 例えば ``` ts query.where('file.folderId = :folderId', { folderId: ps.folderId }); ``` という処理で、`ps.folderId`が`null`だと結果的に`file.folderId = null`のようなクエリが発行されてしまい、これは正しいSQLではないので期待した結果が得られない だから次のようにする必要がある ``` ts if (ps.folderId) { query.where('file.folderId = :folderId', { folderId: ps.folderId }); } else { query.where('file.folderId IS NULL'); } ``` ### `[]` in SQL SQLを発行する際、`IN`のパラメータが`[]`(空の配列)になる可能性のある場合はSQL文を出し分けなければならない 例えば ``` ts const users = await Users.find({ id: In(userIds) }); ``` という処理で、`userIds`が`[]`だと結果的に`user.id IN ()`のようなクエリが発行されてしまい、これは正しいSQLではないので期待した結果が得られない だから次のようにする必要がある ``` ts const users = userIds.length > 0 ? await Users.find({ id: In(userIds) }) : []; ``` ### 配列のインデックス in SQL SQLでは配列のインデックスは**1始まり**。 `[a, b, c]`の `a`にアクセスしたいなら`[0]`ではなく`[1]`と書く ### null IN nullが含まれる可能性のあるカラムにINするときは、そのままだとおかしくなるのでORなどでnullのハンドリングをしよう。 ### enumの削除は気をつける enumの列挙の内容の削除は、その値をもつレコードを全て削除しないといけない 削除が重たかったり不可能だったりする場合は、削除しないでおく ### Migration作成方法 packages/backendで: ```sh pnpm run build pnpm dlx typeorm migration:generate -d ormconfig.js -o migration/ ``` - 生成後、ファイルをmigration下に移してください - 作成されたスクリプトは不必要な変更を含むため除去してください ### JSON SchemaのobjectでanyOfを使うとき JSON Schemaで、objectに対してanyOfを使う場合、anyOfの中でpropertiesを定義しないこと。 バリデーションが効かないため。(SchemaTypeもそのように作られており、objectのanyOf内のpropertiesは捨てられます) https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey/pull/10082 テキストhogeおよびfugaについて、片方を必須としつつ両方の指定もありうる場合: ```ts export const paramDef = { type: 'object', properties: { hoge: { type: 'string', minLength: 1 }, fuga: { type: 'string', minLength: 1 }, }, anyOf: [ { required: ['hoge'] }, { required: ['fuga'] }, ], } as const; ``` ### コネクションには`markRaw`せよ **Vueのコンポーネントのdataオプションとして**misskey.jsのコネクションを設定するとき、必ず`markRaw`でラップしてください。インスタンスが不必要にリアクティブ化されることで、misskey.js内の処理で不具合が発生するとともに、パフォーマンス上の問題にも繋がる。なお、Composition APIを使う場合はこの限りではない(リアクティブ化はマニュアルなため)。 ### JSONのimportに気を付けよう TypeScriptでjsonをimportすると、tscでコンパイルするときにそのjsonファイルも一緒にdistディレクトリに吐き出されてしまう。この挙動により、意図せずファイルの書き換えが発生することがあるので、jsonをimportするときは書き換えられても良いものかどうか確認すること。書き換えされて欲しくない場合は、importで読み込むのではなく、`fs.readFileSync`などの関数を使って読み込むようにすればよい。 ### コンポーネントのスタイル定義でmarginを持たせない コンポーネント自身がmarginを設定するのは問題の元となることはよく知られている marginはそのコンポーネントを使う側が設定する ## その他 ### HTMLのクラス名で follow という単語は使わない 広告ブロッカーで誤ってブロックされる ### indexというファイル名を使うな ESMではディレクトリインポートは廃止されているのと、ディレクトリインポートせずともファイル名が index だと何故か一部のライブラリ?でディレクトリインポートだと見做されてエラーになる ## CSS Recipe ### Lighten CSS vars ``` css color: hsl(from var(--accent) h s calc(l + 10)); ``` ### Darken CSS vars ``` css color: hsl(from var(--accent) h s calc(l - 10)); ``` ### Add alpha to CSS vars ``` css color: color(from var(--accent) srgb r g b / 0.5); ``` ## Merging from Misskey into Sharkey Make sure you have both remotes in the same clone (`git remote add misskey https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey.git`), then: git remote update git checkout develop # this is Sharkey's develop git checkout -m merge/$(date +%Y-%m-%d) # or whatever git merge --no-ff misskey/develop fix conflicts and *commit*! (conflicts in `pnpm-lock.yaml` can usually be fixed by running `pnpm install`, it detects conflict markers and seems to do a decent job) *after that commit*, do all the extra work, on the same branch: * copy all changes (commit after each step): * in `packages/backend/src/core/activitypub/models/ApNoteService.ts`, from `createNote` to `updateNote` * from `packages/backend/src/core/NoteCreateService.ts` to `packages/backend/src/core/NoteEditService.vue` * from `packages/backend/src/server/api/endpoints/notes/create.ts` to `packages/backend/src/server/api/endpoints/notes/edit.ts` * from `packages/frontend/src/components/MkNote*.vue` to `packages/frontend/src/components/SkNote*.vue` (if sensible) * from the global timeline to the bubble timeline (`packages/backend/src/server/api/stream/channels/global-timeline.ts`, `packages/backend/src/server/api/stream/channels/bubble-timeline.ts`, `packages/frontend/src/timelines.ts`, `packages/frontend/src/components/MkTimeline.vue`, `packages/frontend/src/pages/timeline.vue`, `packages/frontend/src/ui/deck/tl-column.vue`, `packages/frontend/src/widgets/WidgetTimeline.vue`) * check the changes against our `develop` (`git diff develop`) and against Misskey (`git diff misskey/develop`) * re-generate `misskey-js` (`pnpm build-misskey-js-with-types`) and commit * build the frontend: `rm -rf built/; NODE_ENV=development pnpm --filter=frontend --filter=frontend-embed build` (the `development` tells it to keep some of the original filenames in the built files) * make sure there aren't any new `ti-*` classes (Tabler Icons), and replace them with appropriate `ph-*` ones (Phosphor Icons): `grep -rP '["'\'']ti[ -](?!fw)' -- built/` should show you what to change. NOTE: `ti-fw` is a special class that's defined by Misskey, leave it alone after every change, re-build the frontend and check again, until there are no more `ti-*` classes in the built files commit! * double-check the new migration, that they won't conflict with our db changes: `git diff develop -- packages/backend/migration/` * `pnpm clean; pnpm build` * run tests `pnpm --filter='!megalodon' test` (requires a test database, [see above](#testing)) and fix as much as you can * right now `megalodon` doesn't pass its tests, so we skip them * run lint `pnpm --filter=backend lint` + `pnpm --filter=frontend eslint` and fix as much as you can Then push and open a Merge Request.