/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and misskey-project * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import * as Redis from 'ioredis'; import _Ajv from 'ajv'; import { ModuleRef } from '@nestjs/core'; import { In } from 'typeorm'; import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js'; import type { Config } from '@/config.js'; import type { Packed } from '@/misc/json-schema.js'; import type { Promiseable } from '@/misc/prelude/await-all.js'; import { awaitAll } from '@/misc/prelude/await-all.js'; import { USER_ACTIVE_THRESHOLD, USER_ONLINE_THRESHOLD } from '@/const.js'; import type { MiLocalUser, MiPartialLocalUser, MiPartialRemoteUser, MiRemoteUser, MiUser } from '@/models/User.js'; import { birthdaySchema, descriptionSchema, listenbrainzSchema, localUsernameSchema, locationSchema, nameSchema, passwordSchema, } from '@/models/User.js'; import type { BlockingsRepository, DriveFilesRepository, FollowingsRepository, FollowRequestsRepository, MiFollowing, MiUserNotePining, MiUserProfile, MutingsRepository, NoteUnreadsRepository, RenoteMutingsRepository, UserMemoRepository, UserNotePiningsRepository, UserProfilesRepository, UserSecurityKeysRepository, UsersRepository, } from '@/models/_.js'; import { bindThis } from '@/decorators.js'; import { RoleService } from '@/core/RoleService.js'; import { ApPersonService } from '@/core/activitypub/models/ApPersonService.js'; import { FederatedInstanceService } from '@/core/FederatedInstanceService.js'; import { IdService } from '@/core/IdService.js'; import type { AnnouncementService } from '@/core/AnnouncementService.js'; import type { CustomEmojiService } from '@/core/CustomEmojiService.js'; import { AvatarDecorationService } from '@/core/AvatarDecorationService.js'; import type { OnModuleInit } from '@nestjs/common'; import type { NoteEntityService } from './NoteEntityService.js'; import type { DriveFileEntityService } from './DriveFileEntityService.js'; import type { PageEntityService } from './PageEntityService.js'; import { isSystemAccount } from '@/misc/is-system-account.js'; const Ajv = _Ajv.default; const ajv = new Ajv(); function isLocalUser(user: MiUser): user is MiLocalUser; function isLocalUser(user: T): user is (T & { host: null; }); function isLocalUser(user: MiUser | { host: MiUser['host'] }): boolean { return user.host == null; } function isRemoteUser(user: MiUser): user is MiRemoteUser; function isRemoteUser(user: T): user is (T & { host: string; }); function isRemoteUser(user: MiUser | { host: MiUser['host'] }): boolean { return !isLocalUser(user); } export type UserRelation = { id: MiUser['id'] following: MiFollowing | null, isFollowing: boolean isFollowed: boolean hasPendingFollowRequestFromYou: boolean hasPendingFollowRequestToYou: boolean isBlocking: boolean isBlocked: boolean isMuted: boolean isRenoteMuted: boolean } @Injectable() export class UserEntityService implements OnModuleInit { private apPersonService: ApPersonService; private noteEntityService: NoteEntityService; private driveFileEntityService: DriveFileEntityService; private pageEntityService: PageEntityService; private customEmojiService: CustomEmojiService; private announcementService: AnnouncementService; private roleService: RoleService; private federatedInstanceService: FederatedInstanceService; private idService: IdService; private avatarDecorationService: AvatarDecorationService; constructor( private moduleRef: ModuleRef, @Inject(DI.config) private config: Config, @Inject(DI.redis) private redisClient: Redis.Redis, @Inject(DI.usersRepository) private usersRepository: UsersRepository, @Inject(DI.userSecurityKeysRepository) private userSecurityKeysRepository: UserSecurityKeysRepository, @Inject(DI.followingsRepository) private followingsRepository: FollowingsRepository, @Inject(DI.followRequestsRepository) private followRequestsRepository: FollowRequestsRepository, @Inject(DI.blockingsRepository) private blockingsRepository: BlockingsRepository, @Inject(DI.mutingsRepository) private mutingsRepository: MutingsRepository, @Inject(DI.renoteMutingsRepository) private renoteMutingsRepository: RenoteMutingsRepository, @Inject(DI.driveFilesRepository) private driveFilesRepository: DriveFilesRepository, @Inject(DI.noteUnreadsRepository) private noteUnreadsRepository: NoteUnreadsRepository, @Inject(DI.userNotePiningsRepository) private userNotePiningsRepository: UserNotePiningsRepository, @Inject(DI.userProfilesRepository) private userProfilesRepository: UserProfilesRepository, @Inject(DI.userMemosRepository) private userMemosRepository: UserMemoRepository, ) { } onModuleInit() { this.apPersonService = this.moduleRef.get('ApPersonService'); this.noteEntityService = this.moduleRef.get('NoteEntityService'); this.driveFileEntityService = this.moduleRef.get('DriveFileEntityService'); this.pageEntityService = this.moduleRef.get('PageEntityService'); this.customEmojiService = this.moduleRef.get('CustomEmojiService'); this.announcementService = this.moduleRef.get('AnnouncementService'); this.roleService = this.moduleRef.get('RoleService'); this.federatedInstanceService = this.moduleRef.get('FederatedInstanceService'); this.idService = this.moduleRef.get('IdService'); this.avatarDecorationService = this.moduleRef.get('AvatarDecorationService'); } //#region Validators public validateLocalUsername = ajv.compile(localUsernameSchema); public validatePassword = ajv.compile(passwordSchema); public validateName = ajv.compile(nameSchema); public validateDescription = ajv.compile(descriptionSchema); public validateLocation = ajv.compile(locationSchema); public validateBirthday = ajv.compile(birthdaySchema); public validateListenBrainz = ajv.compile(listenbrainzSchema); //#endregion public isLocalUser = isLocalUser; public isRemoteUser = isRemoteUser; @bindThis public async getRelation(me: MiUser['id'], target: MiUser['id']): Promise { const [ following, isFollowed, hasPendingFollowRequestFromYou, hasPendingFollowRequestToYou, isBlocking, isBlocked, isMuted, isRenoteMuted, ] = await Promise.all([ this.followingsRepository.findOneBy({ followerId: me, followeeId: target, }), this.followingsRepository.exists({ where: { followerId: target, followeeId: me, }, }), this.followRequestsRepository.exists({ where: { followerId: me, followeeId: target, }, }), this.followRequestsRepository.exists({ where: { followerId: target, followeeId: me, }, }), this.blockingsRepository.exists({ where: { blockerId: me, blockeeId: target, }, }), this.blockingsRepository.exists({ where: { blockerId: target, blockeeId: me, }, }), this.mutingsRepository.exists({ where: { muterId: me, muteeId: target, }, }), this.renoteMutingsRepository.exists({ where: { muterId: me, muteeId: target, }, }), ]); return { id: target, following, isFollowing: following != null, isFollowed, hasPendingFollowRequestFromYou, hasPendingFollowRequestToYou, isBlocking, isBlocked, isMuted, isRenoteMuted, }; } @bindThis public async getRelations(me: MiUser['id'], targets: MiUser['id'][]): Promise> { const [ followers, followees, followersRequests, followeesRequests, blockers, blockees, muters, renoteMuters, ] = await Promise.all([ this.followingsRepository.findBy({ followerId: me }) .then(f => new Map(f.map(it => [it.followeeId, it]))), this.followingsRepository.createQueryBuilder('f') .select('f.followerId') .where('f.followeeId = :me', { me }) .getRawMany<{ f_followerId: string }>() .then(it => it.map(it => it.f_followerId)), this.followRequestsRepository.createQueryBuilder('f') .select('f.followeeId') .where('f.followerId = :me', { me }) .getRawMany<{ f_followeeId: string }>() .then(it => it.map(it => it.f_followeeId)), this.followRequestsRepository.createQueryBuilder('f') .select('f.followerId') .where('f.followeeId = :me', { me }) .getRawMany<{ f_followerId: string }>() .then(it => it.map(it => it.f_followerId)), this.blockingsRepository.createQueryBuilder('b') .select('b.blockeeId') .where('b.blockerId = :me', { me }) .getRawMany<{ b_blockeeId: string }>() .then(it => it.map(it => it.b_blockeeId)), this.blockingsRepository.createQueryBuilder('b') .select('b.blockerId') .where('b.blockeeId = :me', { me }) .getRawMany<{ b_blockerId: string }>() .then(it => it.map(it => it.b_blockerId)), this.mutingsRepository.createQueryBuilder('m') .select('m.muteeId') .where('m.muterId = :me', { me }) .getRawMany<{ m_muteeId: string }>() .then(it => it.map(it => it.m_muteeId)), this.renoteMutingsRepository.createQueryBuilder('m') .select('m.muteeId') .where('m.muterId = :me', { me }) .getRawMany<{ m_muteeId: string }>() .then(it => it.map(it => it.m_muteeId)), ]); return new Map( targets.map(target => { const following = followers.get(target) ?? null; return [ target, { id: target, following: following, isFollowing: following != null, isFollowed: followees.includes(target), hasPendingFollowRequestFromYou: followersRequests.includes(target), hasPendingFollowRequestToYou: followeesRequests.includes(target), isBlocking: blockers.includes(target), isBlocked: blockees.includes(target), isMuted: muters.includes(target), isRenoteMuted: renoteMuters.includes(target), }, ]; }), ); } @bindThis public async getHasUnreadAntenna(userId: MiUser['id']): Promise { /* const myAntennas = (await this.antennaService.getAntennas()).filter(a => a.userId === userId); const isUnread = (myAntennas.length > 0 ? await this.antennaNotesRepository.exists({ where: { antennaId: In(myAntennas.map(x => x.id)), read: false, }, }) : false); return isUnread; */ return false; // TODO } @bindThis public async getNotificationsInfo(userId: MiUser['id']): Promise<{ hasUnread: boolean; unreadCount: number; }> { const response = { hasUnread: false, unreadCount: 0, }; const latestReadNotificationId = await this.redisClient.get(`latestReadNotification:${userId}`); if (!latestReadNotificationId) { response.unreadCount = await this.redisClient.xlen(`notificationTimeline:${userId}`); } else { const latestNotificationIdsRes = await this.redisClient.xrevrange( `notificationTimeline:${userId}`, '+', latestReadNotificationId, ); response.unreadCount = (latestNotificationIdsRes.length - 1 >= 0) ? latestNotificationIdsRes.length - 1 : 0; } if (response.unreadCount > 0) { response.hasUnread = true; } return response; } @bindThis public async getHasPendingReceivedFollowRequest(userId: MiUser['id']): Promise { const count = await this.followRequestsRepository.countBy({ followeeId: userId, }); return count > 0; } @bindThis public getOnlineStatus(user: MiUser): 'unknown' | 'online' | 'active' | 'offline' { if (user.hideOnlineStatus) return 'unknown'; if (user.lastActiveDate == null) return 'unknown'; const elapsed = Date.now() - user.lastActiveDate.getTime(); return ( elapsed < USER_ONLINE_THRESHOLD ? 'online' : elapsed < USER_ACTIVE_THRESHOLD ? 'active' : 'offline' ); } @bindThis public getIdenticonUrl(user: MiUser): string { return `${this.config.url}/identicon/${user.username.toLowerCase()}@${user.host ?? this.config.host}`; } @bindThis public getUserUri(user: MiLocalUser | MiPartialLocalUser | MiRemoteUser | MiPartialRemoteUser): string { return this.isRemoteUser(user) ? user.uri : this.genLocalUserUri(user.id); } @bindThis public genLocalUserUri(userId: string): string { return `${this.config.url}/users/${userId}`; } public async pack( src: MiUser['id'] | MiUser, me?: { id: MiUser['id']; } | null | undefined, options?: { schema?: S, includeSecrets?: boolean, userProfile?: MiUserProfile, userRelations?: Map, userMemos?: Map, pinNotes?: Map, }, ): Promise> { const opts = Object.assign({ schema: 'UserLite', includeSecrets: false, }, options); const user = typeof src === 'object' ? src : await this.usersRepository.findOneByOrFail({ id: src }); // migration if (user.avatarId != null && user.avatarUrl === null) { const avatar = await this.driveFilesRepository.findOneByOrFail({ id: user.avatarId }); user.avatarUrl = this.driveFileEntityService.getPublicUrl(avatar, 'avatar'); this.usersRepository.update(user.id, { avatarUrl: user.avatarUrl, avatarBlurhash: avatar.blurhash, }); } if (user.bannerId != null && user.bannerUrl === null) { const banner = await this.driveFilesRepository.findOneByOrFail({ id: user.bannerId }); user.bannerUrl = this.driveFileEntityService.getPublicUrl(banner); this.usersRepository.update(user.id, { bannerUrl: user.bannerUrl, bannerBlurhash: banner.blurhash, }); } if (user.backgroundId != null && user.backgroundUrl === null) { const background = await this.driveFilesRepository.findOneByOrFail({ id: user.backgroundId }); user.backgroundUrl = this.driveFileEntityService.getPublicUrl(background); this.usersRepository.update(user.id, { backgroundUrl: user.backgroundUrl, backgroundBlurhash: background.blurhash, }); } const isDetailed = opts.schema !== 'UserLite'; const meId = me ? me.id : null; const isMe = meId === user.id; const iAmModerator = me ? await this.roleService.isModerator(me as MiUser) : false; const profile = isDetailed ? (opts.userProfile ?? await this.userProfilesRepository.findOneByOrFail({ userId: user.id })) : null; let relation: UserRelation | null = null; if (meId && !isMe && isDetailed) { if (opts.userRelations) { relation = opts.userRelations.get(user.id) ?? null; } else { relation = await this.getRelation(meId, user.id); } } let memo: string | null = null; if (isDetailed && meId) { if (opts.userMemos) { memo = opts.userMemos.get(user.id) ?? null; } else { memo = await this.userMemosRepository.findOneBy({ userId: meId, targetUserId: user.id }) .then(row => row?.memo ?? null); } } let pins: MiUserNotePining[] = []; if (isDetailed) { if (opts.pinNotes) { pins = opts.pinNotes.get(user.id) ?? []; } else { pins = await this.userNotePiningsRepository.createQueryBuilder('pin') .where('pin.userId = :userId', { userId: user.id }) .innerJoinAndSelect('pin.note', 'note') .orderBy('pin.id', 'DESC') .getMany(); } } const mastoapi = !isDetailed ? opts.userProfile ?? await this.userProfilesRepository.findOneByOrFail({ userId: user.id }) : null; const followingCount = profile == null ? null : (profile.followingVisibility === 'public') || isMe || iAmModerator ? user.followingCount : (profile.followingVisibility === 'followers') && (relation && relation.isFollowing) ? user.followingCount : null; const followersCount = profile == null ? null : (profile.followersVisibility === 'public') || isMe || iAmModerator ? user.followersCount : (profile.followersVisibility === 'followers') && (relation && relation.isFollowing) ? user.followersCount : null; const isModerator = isMe && isDetailed ? this.roleService.isModerator(user) : null; const isAdmin = isMe && isDetailed ? this.roleService.isAdministrator(user) : null; const unreadAnnouncements = isMe && isDetailed ? (await this.announcementService.getUnreadAnnouncements(user)).map((announcement) => ({ createdAt: this.idService.parse(announcement.id).date.toISOString(), ...announcement, })) : null; const checkHost = user.host == null ? this.config.host : user.host; const notificationsInfo = isMe && isDetailed ? await this.getNotificationsInfo(user.id) : null; const packed = { id: user.id, name: user.name, username: user.username, host: user.host, avatarUrl: user.avatarUrl ?? this.getIdenticonUrl(user), avatarBlurhash: user.avatarBlurhash, description: mastoapi ? mastoapi.description : profile ? profile.description : '', createdAt: this.idService.parse(user.id).date.toISOString(), avatarDecorations: user.avatarDecorations.length > 0 ? this.avatarDecorationService.getAll().then(decorations => user.avatarDecorations.filter(ud => decorations.some(d => d.id === ud.id)).map(ud => ({ id: ud.id, angle: ud.angle || undefined, flipH: ud.flipH || undefined, offsetX: ud.offsetX || undefined, offsetY: ud.offsetY || undefined, showBelow: ud.showBelow || undefined, url: decorations.find(d => d.id === ud.id)!.url, }))) : [], isBot: user.isBot, isCat: user.isCat, noindex: user.noindex, isSilenced: user.isSilenced || this.roleService.getUserPolicies(user.id).then(r => !r.canPublicNote), speakAsCat: user.speakAsCat ?? false, approved: user.approved, instance: user.host ? this.federatedInstanceService.federatedInstanceCache.fetch(user.host).then(instance => instance ? { name: instance.name, softwareName: instance.softwareName, softwareVersion: instance.softwareVersion, iconUrl: instance.iconUrl, faviconUrl: instance.faviconUrl, themeColor: instance.themeColor, } : undefined) : undefined, followersCount: followersCount ?? 0, followingCount: followingCount ?? 0, notesCount: user.notesCount, emojis: this.customEmojiService.populateEmojis(user.emojis, checkHost), onlineStatus: this.getOnlineStatus(user), // パフォーマンス上の理由でローカルユーザーのみ badgeRoles: user.host == null ? this.roleService.getUserBadgeRoles(user.id).then((rs) => rs .filter((r) => r.isPublic || iAmModerator) .sort((a, b) => b.displayOrder - a.displayOrder) .map((r) => ({ name: r.name, iconUrl: r.iconUrl, displayOrder: r.displayOrder, })), ) : undefined, ...(isDetailed ? { url: profile!.url, uri: user.uri, movedTo: user.movedToUri ? this.apPersonService.resolvePerson(user.movedToUri).then(user => user.id).catch(() => null) : null, alsoKnownAs: user.alsoKnownAs ? Promise.all(user.alsoKnownAs.map(uri => this.apPersonService.fetchPerson(uri).then(user => user?.id).catch(() => null))) .then(xs => xs.length === 0 ? null : xs.filter(x => x != null)) : null, updatedAt: user.updatedAt ? user.updatedAt.toISOString() : null, lastFetchedAt: user.lastFetchedAt ? user.lastFetchedAt.toISOString() : null, bannerUrl: user.bannerUrl, bannerBlurhash: user.bannerBlurhash, backgroundUrl: user.backgroundUrl, backgroundBlurhash: user.backgroundBlurhash, isLocked: user.isLocked, isSuspended: user.isSuspended, location: profile!.location, birthday: profile!.birthday, listenbrainz: profile!.listenbrainz, lang: profile!.lang, fields: profile!.fields, verifiedLinks: profile!.verifiedLinks, pinnedNoteIds: pins.map(pin => pin.noteId), pinnedNotes: this.noteEntityService.packMany(pins.map(pin => pin.note!), me, { detail: true, }), pinnedPageId: profile!.pinnedPageId, pinnedPage: profile!.pinnedPageId ? this.pageEntityService.pack(profile!.pinnedPageId, me) : null, publicReactions: this.isLocalUser(user) ? profile!.publicReactions : false, // https://github.com/misskey-dev/misskey/issues/12964 followersVisibility: profile!.followersVisibility, followingVisibility: profile!.followingVisibility, twoFactorEnabled: profile!.twoFactorEnabled, usePasswordLessLogin: profile!.usePasswordLessLogin, securityKeys: profile!.twoFactorEnabled ? this.userSecurityKeysRepository.countBy({ userId: user.id }).then(result => result >= 1) : false, roles: this.roleService.getUserRoles(user.id).then(roles => roles.filter(role => role.isPublic).sort((a, b) => b.displayOrder - a.displayOrder).map(role => ({ id: role.id, name: role.name, color: role.color, iconUrl: role.iconUrl, description: role.description, isModerator: role.isModerator, isAdministrator: role.isAdministrator, displayOrder: role.displayOrder, }))), memo: memo, moderationNote: iAmModerator ? (profile!.moderationNote ?? '') : undefined, } : {}), ...(isDetailed && isMe ? { avatarId: user.avatarId, bannerId: user.bannerId, backgroundId: user.backgroundId, followedMessage: profile!.followedMessage, isModerator: isModerator, isAdmin: isAdmin, isSystem: isSystemAccount(user), injectFeaturedNote: profile!.injectFeaturedNote, receiveAnnouncementEmail: profile!.receiveAnnouncementEmail, alwaysMarkNsfw: profile!.alwaysMarkNsfw, autoSensitive: profile!.autoSensitive, carefulBot: profile!.carefulBot, autoAcceptFollowed: profile!.autoAcceptFollowed, noCrawle: profile!.noCrawle, preventAiLearning: profile!.preventAiLearning, isExplorable: user.isExplorable, isDeleted: user.isDeleted, twoFactorBackupCodesStock: profile?.twoFactorBackupSecret?.length === 5 ? 'full' : (profile?.twoFactorBackupSecret?.length ?? 0) > 0 ? 'partial' : 'none', hideOnlineStatus: user.hideOnlineStatus, hasUnreadSpecifiedNotes: this.noteUnreadsRepository.count({ where: { userId: user.id, isSpecified: true }, take: 1, }).then(count => count > 0), hasUnreadMentions: this.noteUnreadsRepository.count({ where: { userId: user.id, isMentioned: true }, take: 1, }).then(count => count > 0), hasUnreadAnnouncement: unreadAnnouncements!.length > 0, unreadAnnouncements, hasUnreadAntenna: this.getHasUnreadAntenna(user.id), hasUnreadChannel: false, // 後方互換性のため hasUnreadNotification: notificationsInfo?.hasUnread, // 後方互換性のため hasPendingReceivedFollowRequest: this.getHasPendingReceivedFollowRequest(user.id), unreadNotificationsCount: notificationsInfo?.unreadCount, mutedWords: profile!.mutedWords, hardMutedWords: profile!.hardMutedWords, mutedInstances: profile!.mutedInstances, mutingNotificationTypes: [], // 後方互換性のため notificationRecieveConfig: profile!.notificationRecieveConfig, emailNotificationTypes: profile!.emailNotificationTypes, achievements: profile!.achievements, loggedInDays: profile!.loggedInDates.length, policies: this.roleService.getUserPolicies(user.id), } : {}), ...(opts.includeSecrets ? { email: profile!.email, emailVerified: profile!.emailVerified, signupReason: user.signupReason, securityKeysList: profile!.twoFactorEnabled ? this.userSecurityKeysRepository.find({ where: { userId: user.id, }, select: { id: true, name: true, lastUsed: true, }, }) : [], } : {}), ...(relation ? { isFollowing: relation.isFollowing, isFollowed: relation.isFollowed, hasPendingFollowRequestFromYou: relation.hasPendingFollowRequestFromYou, hasPendingFollowRequestToYou: relation.hasPendingFollowRequestToYou, isBlocking: relation.isBlocking, isBlocked: relation.isBlocked, isMuted: relation.isMuted, isRenoteMuted: relation.isRenoteMuted, notify: relation.following?.notify ?? 'none', withReplies: relation.following?.withReplies ?? false, followedMessage: relation.isFollowing ? profile!.followedMessage : undefined, } : {}), } as Promiseable>; return await awaitAll(packed); } public async packMany( users: (MiUser['id'] | MiUser)[], me?: { id: MiUser['id'] } | null | undefined, options?: { schema?: S, includeSecrets?: boolean, }, ): Promise[]> { // -- IDのみの要素を補完して完全なエンティティ一覧を作る const _users = users.filter((user): user is MiUser => typeof user !== 'string'); if (_users.length !== users.length) { _users.push( ...await this.usersRepository.findBy({ id: In(users.filter((user): user is string => typeof user === 'string')), }), ); } const _userIds = _users.map(u => u.id); // -- 実行者の有無や指定スキーマの種別によって要否が異なる値群を取得 let profilesMap: Map = new Map(); let userRelations: Map = new Map(); let userMemos: Map = new Map(); let pinNotes: Map = new Map(); if (options?.schema !== 'UserLite') { profilesMap = await this.userProfilesRepository.findBy({ userId: In(_userIds) }) .then(profiles => new Map(profiles.map(p => [p.userId, p]))); const meId = me ? me.id : null; if (meId) { userMemos = await this.userMemosRepository.findBy({ userId: meId }) .then(memos => new Map(memos.map(memo => [memo.targetUserId, memo.memo]))); if (_userIds.length > 0) { userRelations = await this.getRelations(meId, _userIds); pinNotes = await this.userNotePiningsRepository.createQueryBuilder('pin') .where('pin.userId IN (:...userIds)', { userIds: _userIds }) .innerJoinAndSelect('pin.note', 'note') .getMany() .then(pinsNotes => { const map = new Map(); for (const note of pinsNotes) { const notes = map.get(note.userId) ?? []; notes.push(note); map.set(note.userId, notes); } for (const [, notes] of map.entries()) { // pack側ではDESCで取得しているので、それに合わせて降順に並び替えておく notes.sort((a, b) => b.id.localeCompare(a.id)); } return map; }); } } } return Promise.all( _users.map(u => this.pack( u, me, { ...options, userProfile: profilesMap.get(u.id), userRelations: userRelations, userMemos: userMemos, pinNotes: pinNotes, }, )), ); } }