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// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
namespace base {
// TODO(gab): thread_pool.h should include task_traits.h but it can't during the
// migration because task_traits.h has to include thread_pool.h to get the old
// base::ThreadPool() trait constructor and that would create a circular
// dependency. Some of the includes below result in an extended version of this
// circular dependency. These forward-declarations are temporarily required for
// the duration of the migration.
enum class TaskPriority : uint8_t;
enum class TaskShutdownBehavior : uint8_t;
enum class ThreadPolicy : uint8_t;
struct MayBlock;
struct WithBaseSyncPrimitives;
class TaskTraits;
// UpdateableSequencedTaskRunner is part of this dance too because
// updateable_sequenced_task_runner.h includes task_traits.h
class UpdateableSequencedTaskRunner;
} // namespace base
#include "base/base_export.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/callback_helpers.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/post_task_and_reply_with_result_internal.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner_thread_mode.h"
#include "base/task_runner.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace base {
// This is the interface to post tasks to base's thread pool.
// To post a simple one-off task with default traits:
// base::ThreadPool::PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(...));
// To post a high priority one-off task to respond to a user interaction:
// base::ThreadPool::PostTask(
// {base::TaskPriority::USER_BLOCKING},
// base::BindOnce(...));
// To post tasks that must run in sequence with default traits:
// scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner =
// base::ThreadPool::CreateSequencedTaskRunner();
// task_runner->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(...));
// task_runner->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(...));
// To post tasks that may block, must run in sequence and can be skipped on
// shutdown:
// scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner =
// base::ThreadPool::CreateSequencedTaskRunner(
// {MayBlock(), TaskShutdownBehavior::SKIP_ON_SHUTDOWN});
// task_runner->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(...));
// task_runner->PostTask(FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(...));
// The default traits apply to tasks that:
// (1) don't block (ref. MayBlock() and WithBaseSyncPrimitives()),
// (2) prefer inheriting the current priority to specifying their own, and
// (3) can either block shutdown or be skipped on shutdown
// (implementation is free to choose a fitting default).
// Explicit traits must be specified for tasks for which these loose
// requirements are not sufficient.
// Prerequisite: A ThreadPoolInstance must have been registered for the current
// process via ThreadPoolInstance::Set() before the API below can be invoked.
// This is typically done during the initialization phase in each process. If
// your code is not running in that phase, you most likely don't have to worry
// about this. You will encounter DCHECKs or nullptr dereferences if this is
// violated. For tests, use base::test::TaskEnvironment.
class BASE_EXPORT ThreadPool {
// base::ThreadPool is meant to be a static API. Do not use this constructor
// in new code! It is a temporary hack to support the old base::ThreadPool()
// trait during the migration to static base::ThreadPool:: APIs.
// Tasks and task runners with this trait will run in the thread pool,
// concurrently with tasks on other task runners. If you need mutual exclusion
// between tasks, see base::ThreadPool::CreateSequencedTaskRunner.
ThreadPool() = default;
// Equivalent to calling PostTask with default TaskTraits.
static bool PostTask(const Location& from_here, OnceClosure task);
inline static bool PostTask(OnceClosure task,
const Location& from_here = Location::Current()) {
return PostTask(from_here, std::move(task));
// Equivalent to calling PostDelayedTask with default TaskTraits.
// Use PostDelayedTask to specify a BEST_EFFORT priority if the task doesn't
// have to run as soon as |delay| expires.
static bool PostDelayedTask(const Location& from_here,
OnceClosure task,
TimeDelta delay);
// Equivalent to calling PostTaskAndReply with default TaskTraits.
static bool PostTaskAndReply(const Location& from_here,
OnceClosure task,
OnceClosure reply);
// Equivalent to calling PostTaskAndReplyWithResult with default TaskTraits.
// Though RepeatingCallback is convertible to OnceCallback, we need a
// CallbackType template since we can not use template deduction and object
// conversion at once on the overload resolution.
// TODO(crbug.com/714018): Update all callers of the RepeatingCallback version
// to use OnceCallback and remove the CallbackType template.
template <template <typename> class CallbackType,
typename TaskReturnType,
typename ReplyArgType,
typename = EnableIfIsBaseCallback<CallbackType>>
static bool PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
const Location& from_here,
CallbackType<TaskReturnType()> task,
CallbackType<void(ReplyArgType)> reply) {
return ThreadPool::PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(from_here, std::move(task),
// Posts |task| with specific |traits|. Returns false if the task definitely
// won't run because of current shutdown state.
static bool PostTask(const Location& from_here,
const TaskTraits& traits,
OnceClosure task);
// Posts |task| with specific |traits|. |task| will not run before |delay|
// expires. Returns false if the task definitely won't run because of current
// shutdown state.
// Specify a BEST_EFFORT priority via |traits| if the task doesn't have to run
// as soon as |delay| expires.
static bool PostDelayedTask(const Location& from_here,
const TaskTraits& traits,
OnceClosure task,
TimeDelta delay);
// Posts |task| with specific |traits| and posts |reply| on the caller's
// execution context (i.e. same sequence or thread and same TaskTraits if
// applicable) when |task| completes. Returns false if the task definitely
// won't run because of current shutdown state. Can only be called when
// SequencedTaskRunnerHandle::IsSet().
static bool PostTaskAndReply(const Location& from_here,
const TaskTraits& traits,
OnceClosure task,
OnceClosure reply);
// Posts |task| with specific |traits| and posts |reply| with the return value
// of |task| as argument on the caller's execution context (i.e. same sequence
// or thread and same TaskTraits if applicable) when |task| completes. Returns
// false if the task definitely won't run because of current shutdown state.
// Can only be called when SequencedTaskRunnerHandle::IsSet().
// Though RepeatingCallback is convertible to OnceCallback, we need a
// CallbackType template since we can not use template deduction and object
// conversion at once on the overload resolution.
// TODO(crbug.com/714018): Update all callers of the RepeatingCallback version
// to use OnceCallback and remove the CallbackType template.
template <template <typename> class CallbackType,
typename TaskReturnType,
typename ReplyArgType,
typename = EnableIfIsBaseCallback<CallbackType>>
static bool PostTaskAndReplyWithResult(
const Location& from_here,
const TaskTraits& traits,
CallbackType<TaskReturnType()> task,
CallbackType<void(ReplyArgType)> reply) {
auto* result = new std::unique_ptr<TaskReturnType>();
return PostTaskAndReply(
from_here, traits,
std::move(task), result),
BindOnce(&internal::ReplyAdapter<TaskReturnType, ReplyArgType>,
std::move(reply), Owned(result)));
// Returns a TaskRunner whose PostTask invocations result in scheduling tasks
// using |traits|. Tasks may run in any order and in parallel.
static scoped_refptr<TaskRunner> CreateTaskRunner(const TaskTraits& traits);
// Returns a SequencedTaskRunner whose PostTask invocations result in
// scheduling tasks using |traits|. Tasks run one at a time in posting order.
static scoped_refptr<SequencedTaskRunner> CreateSequencedTaskRunner(
const TaskTraits& traits);
// Returns a task runner whose PostTask invocations result in scheduling tasks
// using |traits|. The priority in |traits| can be updated at any time via
// UpdateableSequencedTaskRunner::UpdatePriority(). An update affects all
// tasks posted to the task runner that aren't running yet. Tasks run one at a
// time in posting order.
// |traits| requirements:
// - base::ThreadPolicy must be specified if the priority of the task runner
// will ever be increased from BEST_EFFORT.
static scoped_refptr<UpdateableSequencedTaskRunner>
CreateUpdateableSequencedTaskRunner(const TaskTraits& traits);
// Returns a SingleThreadTaskRunner whose PostTask invocations result in
// scheduling tasks using |traits| on a thread determined by |thread_mode|.
// See base/task/single_thread_task_runner_thread_mode.h for |thread_mode|
// details. If |traits| identifies an existing thread,
// SingleThreadTaskRunnerThreadMode::SHARED must be used. Tasks run on a
// single thread in posting order.
// If all you need is to make sure that tasks don't run concurrently (e.g.
// because they access a data structure which is not thread-safe), use
// CreateSequencedTaskRunner(). Only use this if you rely on a thread-affine
// API (it might be safer to assume thread-affinity when dealing with
// under-documented third-party APIs, e.g. other OS') or share data across
// tasks using thread-local storage.
static scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> CreateSingleThreadTaskRunner(
const TaskTraits& traits,
SingleThreadTaskRunnerThreadMode thread_mode =
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// Returns a SingleThreadTaskRunner whose PostTask invocations result in
// scheduling tasks using |traits| in a COM Single-Threaded Apartment on a
// thread determined by |thread_mode|. See
// base/task/single_thread_task_runner_thread_mode.h for |thread_mode|
// details. If |traits| identifies an existing thread,
// SingleThreadTaskRunnerThreadMode::SHARED must be used. Tasks run in the
// same Single-Threaded Apartment in posting order for the returned
// SingleThreadTaskRunner. There is not necessarily a one-to-one
// correspondence between SingleThreadTaskRunners and Single-Threaded
// Apartments. The implementation is free to share apartments or create new
// apartments as necessary. In either case, care should be taken to make sure
// COM pointers are not smuggled across apartments.
static scoped_refptr<SingleThreadTaskRunner> CreateCOMSTATaskRunner(
const TaskTraits& traits,
SingleThreadTaskRunnerThreadMode thread_mode =
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
} // namespace base