**Note: The source code to this project is rarely updated and it may never be updated anymore. It's not a true FOSS project and you shouldn't depend on it, just switch to Riot already.**
We welcome all developers to use our API and source code to create applications on our platform.
There are several things we require from **all developers** for the moment.
1. [**Obtain your own api_id**](https://core.telegram.org/api/obtaining_api_id) for your application.
2. Please **do not** use the name Telegram for your app — or make sure your users understand that it is unofficial.
3. Kindly **do not** use our standard logo (white paper plane in a blue circle) as your app's logo.
3. Please study our [**security guidelines**](https://core.telegram.org/mtproto/security_guidelines) and take good care of your users' data and privacy.
4. Please remember to publish **your** code too in order to comply with the licences.