Correct spelling. "Unsuppoted -> Unsupported"

This commit is contained in:
Spagy 2016-01-09 17:40:23 +00:00
parent 6033ee2f5c
commit dcd7f75d15
10 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions

View file

@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ public class MessageObject {
} else if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaContact) {
messageText = LocaleController.getString("AttachContact", R.string.AttachContact);
} else if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaUnsupported) {
messageText = LocaleController.getString("UnsuppotedMedia", R.string.UnsuppotedMedia);
messageText = LocaleController.getString("UnsupportedMedia", R.string.UnsupportedMedia);
} else if ( instanceof TLRPC.TL_messageMediaDocument) {
if (isSticker()) {
String sch = getStrickerChar();

View file

@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
<string name="ActionAddUserYou">un1 قام بإضافتك</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelf">un1 عاد إلى المجموعة</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelfYou">لقد عدت إلى المجموعة</string>
<string name="UnsuppotedMedia">نسخة تيليجرام الموجودة لديك لا تدعم هذه الرسالة. الرجاء التحديث لأحدث نسخة لاستعراضها:</string>
<string name="UnsupportedMedia">نسخة تيليجرام الموجودة لديك لا تدعم هذه الرسالة. الرجاء التحديث لأحدث نسخة لاستعراضها:</string>
<string name="AttachPhoto">صورة</string>
<string name="AttachVideo">مقطع مرئي</string>
<string name="AttachLocation">موقع</string>

View file

@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
<string name="ActionAddUserYou">un1 hat dich hinzugefügt</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelf">un1 ist in die Gruppe zurückgekehrt</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelfYou">Du bist in die Gruppe zurückgekehrt</string>
<string name="UnsuppotedMedia">Diese Nachricht wird von deiner Telegram-Version nicht unterstützt. Bitte aktualisiere Telegram um sie zu sehen:</string>
<string name="UnsupportedMedia">Diese Nachricht wird von deiner Telegram-Version nicht unterstützt. Bitte aktualisiere Telegram um sie zu sehen:</string>
<string name="AttachPhoto">Foto</string>
<string name="AttachVideo">Video</string>
<string name="AttachLocation">Standort</string>

View file

@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
<string name="ActionAddUserYou">un1 te añadió</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelf">un1 volvió al grupo</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelfYou">Volviste al grupo</string>
<string name="UnsuppotedMedia">Este mensaje no está soportado en tu versión de Telegram. Actualiza la aplicación para verlo:</string>
<string name="UnsupportedMedia">Este mensaje no está soportado en tu versión de Telegram. Actualiza la aplicación para verlo:</string>
<string name="AttachPhoto">Foto</string>
<string name="AttachVideo">Vídeo</string>
<string name="AttachLocation">Ubicación</string>

View file

@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
<string name="ActionAddUserYou">un1 ti ha aggiunto</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelf">un1 è tornato nel gruppo</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelfYou">Sei tornato nel gruppo</string>
<string name="UnsuppotedMedia">Questo messaggio non è supportato sulla tua versione di Telegram. Aggiorna l\'applicazione per visualizzarlo:</string>
<string name="UnsupportedMedia">Questo messaggio non è supportato sulla tua versione di Telegram. Aggiorna l\'applicazione per visualizzarlo:</string>
<string name="AttachPhoto">Foto</string>
<string name="AttachVideo">Video</string>
<string name="AttachLocation">Posizione</string>

View file

@ -759,7 +759,7 @@
<string name="ActionAddUserYou">un1님이 그룹에 초대했습니다</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelf">un1 님께서 그룹에 돌아오셨습니다</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelfYou">그룹에 돌아오셨습니다.</string>
<string name="UnsuppotedMedia">이 메시지는 현재 사용 중인 버전의 Telegram에서 지원되지 않습니다. 메시지를 보려면 에서 앱을 업데이트하세요.</string>
<string name="UnsupportedMedia">이 메시지는 현재 사용 중인 버전의 Telegram에서 지원되지 않습니다. 메시지를 보려면 에서 앱을 업데이트하세요.</string>
<string name="AttachPhoto">사진</string>
<string name="AttachVideo">동영상</string>
<string name="AttachLocation">위치</string>

View file

@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
<string name="ActionAddUserYou">un1 heeft je toegevoegd</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelf">un1 is terug in de groep</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelfYou">Je keerde terug naar de groep</string>
<string name="UnsuppotedMedia">Dit bericht wordt niet ondersteund door jouw versie van Telegram. Werk Telegram bij om dit bericht te bekijken:</string>
<string name="UnsupportedMedia">Dit bericht wordt niet ondersteund door jouw versie van Telegram. Werk Telegram bij om dit bericht te bekijken:</string>
<string name="AttachPhoto">Foto</string>
<string name="AttachVideo">Video</string>
<string name="AttachLocation">Locatie</string>

View file

@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
<string name="ActionAddUserYou">un1 adicionou você</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelf">un1 retornou ao grupo</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelfYou">Você retornou ao grupo</string>
<string name="UnsuppotedMedia">Esta mensagem não é suportada na sua versão do Telegram. Para visualiza-la atualize seu aplicativo em</string>
<string name="UnsupportedMedia">Esta mensagem não é suportada na sua versão do Telegram. Para visualiza-la atualize seu aplicativo em</string>
<string name="AttachPhoto">Foto</string>
<string name="AttachVideo">Vídeo</string>
<string name="AttachLocation">Localização</string>

View file

@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
<string name="ActionAddUserYou">un1 adicionou você</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelf">un1 retornou ao grupo</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelfYou">Você retornou ao grupo</string>
<string name="UnsuppotedMedia">Esta mensagem não é suportada na sua versão do Telegram. Para visualiza-la atualize seu aplicativo em</string>
<string name="UnsupportedMedia">Esta mensagem não é suportada na sua versão do Telegram. Para visualiza-la atualize seu aplicativo em</string>
<string name="AttachPhoto">Foto</string>
<string name="AttachVideo">Vídeo</string>
<string name="AttachLocation">Localização</string>

View file

@ -756,7 +756,7 @@
<string name="ActionAddUserYou">un1 added you</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelf">un1 returned to the group</string>
<string name="ActionAddUserSelfYou">You returned to the group</string>
<string name="UnsuppotedMedia">This message is not supported on your version of Telegram. Update the app to view:</string>
<string name="UnsupportedMedia">This message is not supported on your version of Telegram. Update the app to view:</string>
<string name="AttachPhoto">Photo</string>
<string name="AttachVideo">Video</string>
<string name="AttachLocation">Location</string>