#include "CodecSelectHelper.h" #include "platform/PlatformInterface.h" #include "media/base/media_constants.h" #include "media/base/codec.h" #include "absl/strings/match.h" #include "rtc_base/logging.h" #include "system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h" namespace tgcalls { namespace { using VideoFormat = webrtc::SdpVideoFormat; bool CompareFormats(const VideoFormat &a, const VideoFormat &b) { if (a.name < b.name) { return true; } else if (b.name < a.name) { return false; } else { return a.parameters < b.parameters; } } int FormatPriority(const VideoFormat &format, const std::vector &preferredCodecs, std::shared_ptr platformContext) { static const auto kCodecs = { std::string(cricket::kAv1CodecName), std::string(cricket::kVp9CodecName), #ifndef WEBRTC_DISABLE_H265 std::string(cricket::kH265CodecName), #endif std::string(cricket::kH264CodecName), std::string(cricket::kVp8CodecName), }; static const auto kSupported = [platformContext] { const auto platform = PlatformInterface::SharedInstance(); auto result = std::vector(); result.reserve(kCodecs.size()); for (const auto &codec : kCodecs) { if (platform->supportsEncoding(codec, platformContext)) { result.push_back(codec); } } return result; }(); for (int i = 0; i < preferredCodecs.size(); i++) { for (const auto &name : kSupported) { if (absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(format.name, preferredCodecs[i]) && absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(format.name, name)) { return i; } } } auto result = (int)preferredCodecs.size(); for (const auto &name : kSupported) { if (absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(format.name, name)) { return result; } ++result; } return -1; } bool ComparePriorities(const VideoFormat &a, const VideoFormat &b, const std::vector &preferredCodecs, std::shared_ptr platformContext) { return FormatPriority(a, preferredCodecs, platformContext) < FormatPriority(b, preferredCodecs, platformContext); } std::vector FilterAndSortEncoders(std::vector list, const std::vector &preferredCodecs, std::shared_ptr platformContext) { const auto listBegin = begin(list); const auto listEnd = end(list); std::sort(listBegin, listEnd, [&preferredCodecs, platformContext](const VideoFormat &lhs, const VideoFormat &rhs) { return ComparePriorities(lhs, rhs, preferredCodecs, platformContext); }); auto eraseFrom = listBegin; auto eraseTill = eraseFrom; while (eraseTill != listEnd && FormatPriority(*eraseTill, preferredCodecs, platformContext) == -1) { ++eraseTill; } if (eraseTill != eraseFrom) { list.erase(eraseFrom, eraseTill); } return list; } std::vector AppendUnique( std::vector list, std::vector other) { if (list.empty()) { return other; } list.reserve(list.size() + other.size()); const auto oldBegin = &list[0]; const auto oldEnd = oldBegin + list.size(); for (auto &format : other) { if (std::find(oldBegin, oldEnd, format) == oldEnd) { list.push_back(std::move(format)); } } return list; } std::vector::const_iterator FindEqualFormat( const std::vector &list, const VideoFormat &format) { return std::find_if(list.begin(), list.end(), [&](const VideoFormat &other) { return cricket::IsSameCodec( format.name, format.parameters, other.name, other.parameters); }); } bool ContainsEqualFormat( const std::vector &list, const VideoFormat &format) { return FindEqualFormat(list, format) != list.end(); } void AddDefaultFeedbackParams(cricket::VideoCodec *codec) { // Don't add any feedback params for RED and ULPFEC. if (codec->name == cricket::kRedCodecName || codec->name == cricket::kUlpfecCodecName) return; codec->AddFeedbackParam(cricket::FeedbackParam(cricket::kRtcpFbParamRemb, cricket::kParamValueEmpty)); codec->AddFeedbackParam( cricket::FeedbackParam(cricket::kRtcpFbParamTransportCc, cricket::kParamValueEmpty)); // Don't add any more feedback params for FLEXFEC. if (codec->name == cricket::kFlexfecCodecName) return; codec->AddFeedbackParam(cricket::FeedbackParam(cricket::kRtcpFbParamCcm, cricket::kRtcpFbCcmParamFir)); codec->AddFeedbackParam(cricket::FeedbackParam(cricket::kRtcpFbParamNack, cricket::kParamValueEmpty)); codec->AddFeedbackParam(cricket::FeedbackParam(cricket::kRtcpFbParamNack, cricket::kRtcpFbNackParamPli)); if (codec->name == cricket::kVp8CodecName && webrtc::field_trial::IsEnabled("WebRTC-RtcpLossNotification")) { codec->AddFeedbackParam(cricket::FeedbackParam(cricket::kRtcpFbParamLntf, cricket::kParamValueEmpty)); } } } // namespace VideoFormatsMessage ComposeSupportedFormats( std::vector encoders, std::vector decoders, const std::vector &preferredCodecs, std::shared_ptr platformContext) { encoders = FilterAndSortEncoders(std::move(encoders), preferredCodecs, platformContext); auto result = VideoFormatsMessage(); result.encodersCount = (int)encoders.size(); result.formats = AppendUnique(std::move(encoders), std::move(decoders)); for (const auto &format : result.formats) { RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Format: " << format.ToString(); } RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "First " << result.encodersCount << " formats are supported encoders."; return result; } CommonFormats ComputeCommonFormats( const VideoFormatsMessage &my, VideoFormatsMessage their) { assert(my.encodersCount <= my.formats.size()); assert(their.encodersCount <= their.formats.size()); for (const auto &format : their.formats) { RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Their format: " << format.ToString(); } RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Their first " << their.encodersCount << " formats are supported encoders."; const auto myEncodersBegin = begin(my.formats); const auto myEncodersEnd = myEncodersBegin + my.encodersCount; const auto theirEncodersBegin = begin(their.formats); const auto theirEncodersEnd = theirEncodersBegin + their.encodersCount; auto result = CommonFormats(); const auto addUnique = [&](const VideoFormat &format) { const auto already = std::find( result.list.begin(), result.list.end(), format); if (already == result.list.end()) { result.list.push_back(format); } }; const auto addCommonAndFindFirst = [&]( std::vector::const_iterator begin, std::vector::const_iterator end, const std::vector &decoders) { auto first = VideoFormat(std::string()); for (auto i = begin; i != end; ++i) { const auto &format = *i; const auto j = FindEqualFormat(decoders, format); if (j != decoders.end()) { if (first.name.empty()) { first = format; } addUnique(format); addUnique(*j); }; } return first; }; result.list.reserve(my.formats.size() + their.formats.size()); auto myEncoderFormat = addCommonAndFindFirst( myEncodersBegin, myEncodersEnd, their.formats); auto theirEncoderFormat = addCommonAndFindFirst( theirEncodersBegin, theirEncodersEnd, my.formats); std::sort(begin(result.list), end(result.list), CompareFormats); if (!myEncoderFormat.name.empty()) { const auto i = std::find(begin(result.list), end(result.list), myEncoderFormat); assert(i != end(result.list)); result.myEncoderIndex = (i - begin(result.list)); } for (const auto &format : result.list) { RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Common format: " << format.ToString(); } RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "My encoder: " << (result.myEncoderIndex >= 0 ? result.list[result.myEncoderIndex].ToString() : "(null)"); RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Their encoder: " << (!theirEncoderFormat.name.empty() ? theirEncoderFormat.ToString() : "(null)"); return result; } CommonCodecs AssignPayloadTypesAndDefaultCodecs(CommonFormats &&formats) { if (formats.list.empty()) { return CommonCodecs(); } constexpr int kFirstDynamicPayloadType = 96; constexpr int kLastDynamicPayloadType = 127; int payload_type = kFirstDynamicPayloadType; formats.list.push_back(webrtc::SdpVideoFormat(cricket::kRedCodecName)); formats.list.push_back(webrtc::SdpVideoFormat(cricket::kUlpfecCodecName)); if (true) { webrtc::SdpVideoFormat flexfec_format(cricket::kFlexfecCodecName); // This value is currently arbitrarily set to 10 seconds. (The unit // is microseconds.) This parameter MUST be present in the SDP, but // we never use the actual value anywhere in our code however. // TODO(brandtr): Consider honouring this value in the sender and receiver. flexfec_format.parameters = { {cricket::kFlexfecFmtpRepairWindow, "10000000"} }; formats.list.push_back(flexfec_format); } auto inputIndex = 0; auto result = CommonCodecs(); result.list.reserve(2 * formats.list.size() - 2); for (const auto &format : formats.list) { cricket::VideoCodec codec(format); codec.id = payload_type; AddDefaultFeedbackParams(&codec); if (inputIndex++ == formats.myEncoderIndex) { result.myEncoderIndex = result.list.size(); } result.list.push_back(codec); // Increment payload type. ++payload_type; if (payload_type > kLastDynamicPayloadType) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Out of dynamic payload types, skipping the rest."; break; } // Add associated RTX codec for non-FEC codecs. if (!absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(codec.name, cricket::kUlpfecCodecName) && !absl::EqualsIgnoreCase(codec.name, cricket::kFlexfecCodecName)) { result.list.push_back(cricket::VideoCodec::CreateRtxCodec(payload_type, codec.id)); // Increment payload type. ++payload_type; if (payload_type > kLastDynamicPayloadType) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "Out of dynamic payload types, skipping the rest."; break; } } } return result; } } // namespace tgcalls