#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "c_utils.h" #include "libavformat/avformat.h" typedef struct { int version; int channels; /* Number of channels: 1..255 */ int preskip; ogg_uint32_t input_sample_rate; int gain; /* in dB S7.8 should be zero whenever possible */ int channel_mapping; /* The rest is only used if channel_mapping != 0 */ int nb_streams; int nb_coupled; unsigned char stream_map[255]; } OpusHeader; typedef struct { unsigned char *data; int maxlen; int pos; } Packet; typedef struct { const unsigned char *data; int maxlen; int pos; } ROPacket; typedef struct { void *readdata; opus_int64 total_samples_per_channel; int rawmode; int channels; long rate; int gain; int samplesize; int endianness; char *infilename; int ignorelength; int skip; int extraout; char *comments; int comments_length; int copy_comments; } oe_enc_opt; typedef struct { ogg_int32_t _packetId; opus_int64 bytes_written; opus_int64 pages_out; opus_int64 total_samples; ogg_int64_t enc_granulepos; int size_segments; int last_segments; ogg_int64_t last_granulepos; opus_int32 min_bytes; int max_frame_bytes; int serialno; } resume_data; static int write_uint32(Packet *p, ogg_uint32_t val) { if (p->pos > p->maxlen - 4) { return 0; } p->data[p->pos ] = (val ) & 0xFF; p->data[p->pos+1] = (val>> 8) & 0xFF; p->data[p->pos+2] = (val>>16) & 0xFF; p->data[p->pos+3] = (val>>24) & 0xFF; p->pos += 4; return 1; } static int write_uint16(Packet *p, ogg_uint16_t val) { if (p->pos > p->maxlen-2) { return 0; } p->data[p->pos ] = (val ) & 0xFF; p->data[p->pos+1] = (val>> 8) & 0xFF; p->pos += 2; return 1; } static int write_chars(Packet *p, const unsigned char *str, int nb_chars) { int i; if (p->pos>p->maxlen-nb_chars) return 0; for (i=0;idata[p->pos++] = str[i]; return 1; } static int read_uint32(ROPacket *p, ogg_uint32_t *val) { if (p->pos>p->maxlen-4) return 0; *val = (ogg_uint32_t)p->data[p->pos ]; *val |= (ogg_uint32_t)p->data[p->pos+1]<< 8; *val |= (ogg_uint32_t)p->data[p->pos+2]<<16; *val |= (ogg_uint32_t)p->data[p->pos+3]<<24; p->pos += 4; return 1; } static int read_uint16(ROPacket *p, ogg_uint16_t *val) { if (p->pos>p->maxlen-2) return 0; *val = (ogg_uint16_t)p->data[p->pos ]; *val |= (ogg_uint16_t)p->data[p->pos+1]<<8; p->pos += 2; return 1; } static int read_chars(ROPacket *p, unsigned char *str, int nb_chars) { int i; if (p->pos>p->maxlen-nb_chars) return 0; for (i=0;idata[p->pos++]; return 1; } int opus_header_to_packet(const OpusHeader *h, unsigned char *packet, int len) { int i; Packet p; unsigned char ch; p.data = packet; p.maxlen = len; p.pos = 0; if (len < 19) { return 0; } if (!write_chars(&p, (const unsigned char *)"OpusHead", 8)) { return 0; } ch = 1; if (!write_chars(&p, &ch, 1)) { return 0; } ch = h->channels; if (!write_chars(&p, &ch, 1)) { return 0; } if (!write_uint16(&p, h->preskip)) { return 0; } if (!write_uint32(&p, h->input_sample_rate)) { return 0; } if (!write_uint16(&p, h->gain)) { return 0; } ch = h->channel_mapping; if (!write_chars(&p, &ch, 1)) { return 0; } if (h->channel_mapping != 0) { ch = h->nb_streams; if (!write_chars(&p, &ch, 1)) { return 0; } ch = h->nb_coupled; if (!write_chars(&p, &ch, 1)) { return 0; } /* Multi-stream support */ for (i = 0; i < h->channels; i++) { if (!write_chars(&p, &h->stream_map[i], 1)) { return 0; } } } return p.pos; } #define writeint(buf, base, val) do { buf[base + 3] = ((val) >> 24) & 0xff; \ buf[base + 2]=((val) >> 16) & 0xff; \ buf[base + 1]=((val) >> 8) & 0xff; \ buf[base] = (val) & 0xff; \ } while(0) static void comment_init(char **comments, int *length, const char *vendor_string) { // The 'vendor' field should be the actual encoding library used size_t vendor_length = strlen(vendor_string); int user_comment_list_length = 0; size_t len = 8 + 4 + vendor_length + 4; char *p = (char *)malloc(len); memcpy(p, "OpusTags", 8); writeint(p, 8, vendor_length); memcpy(p + 12, vendor_string, vendor_length); writeint(p, 12 + vendor_length, user_comment_list_length); *length = len; *comments = p; } static void comment_pad(char **comments, int* length, size_t amount) { if (amount > 0) { char *p = *comments; // Make sure there is at least amount worth of padding free, and round up to the maximum that fits in the current ogg segments size_t newlen = (*length + amount + 255) / 255 * 255 - 1; p = realloc(p, newlen); for (int32_t i = *length; i < newlen; i++) { p[i] = 0; } *comments = p; *length = newlen; } } static int writeOggPage(ogg_page *page, FILE *os) { int written = fwrite(page->header, sizeof(unsigned char), (size_t) page->header_len, os); written += fwrite(page->body, sizeof(unsigned char), (size_t) page->body_len, os); return written; } const opus_int32 bitrate = OPUS_BITRATE_MAX; const opus_int32 frame_size = 960; const int with_cvbr = 1; const int max_ogg_delay = 0; const int comment_padding = 512; opus_int32 rate = 48000; opus_int32 coding_rate = 48000; ogg_int32_t _packetId; OpusEncoder *_encoder = 0; uint8_t *_packet = 0; ogg_stream_state os; const char *_filePath; FILE *_fileOs = 0; oe_enc_opt inopt; OpusHeader header; opus_int32 min_bytes; int max_frame_bytes; ogg_packet op; ogg_page og; opus_int64 bytes_written; opus_int64 pages_out; opus_int64 total_samples; ogg_int64_t enc_granulepos; ogg_int64_t last_granulepos; int size_segments; int last_segments; int serialno; void cleanupRecorder() { ogg_stream_flush(&os, &og); if (_encoder) { opus_encoder_destroy(_encoder); _encoder = 0; } ogg_stream_clear(&os); if (_packet) { free(_packet); _packet = 0; } if (_fileOs) { fclose(_fileOs); _fileOs = 0; } _packetId = -1; bytes_written = 0; pages_out = 0; total_samples = 0; enc_granulepos = 0; size_segments = 0; last_segments = 0; last_granulepos = 0; if (_filePath) { free(_filePath); _filePath = 0; } memset(&os, 0, sizeof(ogg_stream_state)); memset(&inopt, 0, sizeof(oe_enc_opt)); memset(&header, 0, sizeof(OpusHeader)); memset(&op, 0, sizeof(ogg_packet)); memset(&og, 0, sizeof(ogg_page)); } int initRecorder(const char *path, opus_int32 sampleRate) { cleanupRecorder(); coding_rate = sampleRate; rate = sampleRate; if (!path) { LOGE("path is null"); return 0; } int length = strlen(path); _filePath = (char*) malloc(length + 1); strcpy(_filePath, path); _fileOs = fopen(path, "w"); if (!_fileOs) { LOGE("error cannot open file: %s", path); return 0; } inopt.rate = rate; inopt.gain = 0; inopt.endianness = 0; inopt.copy_comments = 0; inopt.rawmode = 0; inopt.ignorelength = 0; inopt.samplesize = 16; inopt.channels = 1; inopt.skip = 0; comment_init(&inopt.comments, &inopt.comments_length, opus_get_version_string()); if (rate != coding_rate) { LOGE("Invalid rate"); return 0; } header.channels = 1; header.channel_mapping = 0; header.input_sample_rate = rate; header.gain = inopt.gain; header.nb_streams = 1; int result = OPUS_OK; _encoder = opus_encoder_create(coding_rate, 1, OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP, &result); if (result != OPUS_OK) { LOGE("Error cannot create encoder: %s", opus_strerror(result)); return 0; } min_bytes = max_frame_bytes = (1275 * 3 + 7) * header.nb_streams; _packet = malloc(max_frame_bytes); result = opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_BITRATE(bitrate)); //result = opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_COMPLEXITY(10)); if (result != OPUS_OK) { LOGE("Error OPUS_SET_BITRATE returned: %s", opus_strerror(result)); return 0; } #ifdef OPUS_SET_LSB_DEPTH result = opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_LSB_DEPTH(MAX(8, MIN(24, inopt.samplesize)))); if (result != OPUS_OK) { LOGE("Warning OPUS_SET_LSB_DEPTH returned: %s", opus_strerror(result)); } #endif opus_int32 lookahead; result = opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_GET_LOOKAHEAD(&lookahead)); if (result != OPUS_OK) { LOGE("Error OPUS_GET_LOOKAHEAD returned: %s", opus_strerror(result)); return 0; } inopt.skip += lookahead; header.preskip = (int)(inopt.skip * (48000.0 / coding_rate)); inopt.extraout = (int)(header.preskip * (rate / 48000.0)); if (ogg_stream_init(&os, serialno = rand()) == -1) { LOGE("Error: stream init failed"); return 0; } unsigned char header_data[100]; int packet_size = opus_header_to_packet(&header, header_data, 100); op.packet = header_data; op.bytes = packet_size; op.b_o_s = 1; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = 0; ogg_stream_packetin(&os, &op); while ((result = ogg_stream_flush(&os, &og))) { if (!result) { break; } int pageBytesWritten = writeOggPage(&og, _fileOs); if (pageBytesWritten != og.header_len + og.body_len) { LOGE("Error: failed writing header to output stream"); return 0; } bytes_written += pageBytesWritten; pages_out++; } comment_pad(&inopt.comments, &inopt.comments_length, comment_padding); op.packet = (unsigned char *)inopt.comments; op.bytes = inopt.comments_length; op.b_o_s = 0; op.e_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = 0; op.packetno = 1; ogg_stream_packetin(&os, &op); while ((result = ogg_stream_flush(&os, &og))) { if (result == 0) { break; } int writtenPageBytes = writeOggPage(&og, _fileOs); if (writtenPageBytes != og.header_len + og.body_len) { LOGE("Error: failed writing header to output stream"); return 0; } bytes_written += writtenPageBytes; pages_out++; } free(inopt.comments); return 1; } void saveResumeData() { if (_filePath == NULL) { return; } const char* ext = ".resume"; char* _resumeFilePath = (char*) malloc(strlen(_filePath) + strlen(ext) + 1); strcpy(_resumeFilePath, _filePath); strcat(_resumeFilePath, ext); FILE* resumeFile = fopen(_resumeFilePath, "wb"); if (!resumeFile) { LOGE("error cannot open resume file to write: %s", _resumeFilePath); free(_resumeFilePath); return; } resume_data data; data._packetId = _packetId; data.bytes_written = bytes_written; data.pages_out = pages_out; data.total_samples = total_samples; data.enc_granulepos = enc_granulepos; data.size_segments = size_segments; data.last_segments = last_segments; data.last_granulepos = last_granulepos; data.min_bytes = min_bytes; data.max_frame_bytes = max_frame_bytes; data.serialno = serialno; if (fwrite(&data, sizeof(resume_data), 1, resumeFile) != 1) { LOGE("error writing resume data to file: %s", _resumeFilePath); } fclose(resumeFile); free(_resumeFilePath); } resume_data readResumeData(const char* filePath) { const char* ext = ".resume"; char* _resumeFilePath = (char*) malloc(strlen(filePath) + strlen(ext) + 1); strcpy(_resumeFilePath, filePath); strcat(_resumeFilePath, ext); resume_data data; FILE* resumeFile = fopen(_resumeFilePath, "rb"); if (!resumeFile) { LOGE("error cannot open resume file to read: %s", _resumeFilePath); memset(&data, 0, sizeof(resume_data)); return data; } if (fread(&data, sizeof(resume_data), 1, resumeFile) != 1) { LOGE("error cannot read resume file: %s", _resumeFilePath); memset(&data, 0, sizeof(resume_data)); } fclose(resumeFile); free(_resumeFilePath); return data; } int resumeRecorder(const char *path, opus_int32 sampleRate) { cleanupRecorder(); coding_rate = sampleRate; rate = sampleRate; if (!path) { LOGE("path is null"); return 0; } int length = strlen(path); _filePath = (char*) malloc(length + 1); strcpy(_filePath, path); resume_data resumeData = readResumeData(path); _packetId = resumeData._packetId; bytes_written = resumeData.bytes_written; pages_out = resumeData.pages_out; total_samples = resumeData.total_samples; enc_granulepos = resumeData.enc_granulepos; size_segments = resumeData.size_segments; last_segments = resumeData.last_segments; last_granulepos = resumeData.last_granulepos; min_bytes = resumeData.min_bytes; max_frame_bytes = resumeData.max_frame_bytes; serialno = resumeData.serialno; _fileOs = fopen(path, "a"); if (!_fileOs) { LOGE("error cannot open resume file: %s", path); return 0; } int result = OPUS_OK; _encoder = opus_encoder_create(coding_rate, 1, OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP, &result); if (result != OPUS_OK) { LOGE("Error cannot create encoder: %s", opus_strerror(result)); return 0; } _packet = malloc(max_frame_bytes); result = opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_BITRATE(bitrate)); //result = opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_COMPLEXITY(10)); if (result != OPUS_OK) { LOGE("Error OPUS_SET_BITRATE returned: %s", opus_strerror(result)); return 0; } #ifdef OPUS_SET_LSB_DEPTH result = opus_encoder_ctl(_encoder, OPUS_SET_LSB_DEPTH(MAX(8, MIN(24, 16)))); if (result != OPUS_OK) { LOGE("Warning OPUS_SET_LSB_DEPTH returned: %s", opus_strerror(result)); } #endif if (ogg_stream_init(&os, serialno) == -1) { LOGE("Error: stream init failed"); return 0; } return 1; } int writeFrame(uint8_t *framePcmBytes, uint32_t frameByteCount) { size_t cur_frame_size = frame_size; _packetId++; opus_int32 nb_samples = frameByteCount / 2; total_samples += nb_samples; if (nb_samples < frame_size) { op.e_o_s = 1; } else { op.e_o_s = 0; } int nbBytes = 0; if (nb_samples != 0) { uint8_t *paddedFrameBytes = framePcmBytes; int freePaddedFrameBytes = 0; if (nb_samples < cur_frame_size) { paddedFrameBytes = malloc(cur_frame_size * 2); freePaddedFrameBytes = 1; memcpy(paddedFrameBytes, framePcmBytes, frameByteCount); memset(paddedFrameBytes + nb_samples * 2, 0, cur_frame_size * 2 - nb_samples * 2); } nbBytes = opus_encode(_encoder, (opus_int16 *)paddedFrameBytes, cur_frame_size, _packet, max_frame_bytes / 10); if (freePaddedFrameBytes) { free(paddedFrameBytes); } if (nbBytes < 0) { LOGE("Encoding failed: %s. Aborting.", opus_strerror(nbBytes)); return 0; } enc_granulepos += cur_frame_size * 48000 / coding_rate; size_segments = (nbBytes + 255) / 255; min_bytes = MIN(nbBytes, min_bytes); } while ((((size_segments <= 255) && (last_segments + size_segments > 255)) || (enc_granulepos - last_granulepos > max_ogg_delay)) && ogg_stream_flush_fill(&os, &og, 255 * 255)) { if (ogg_page_packets(&og) != 0) { last_granulepos = ogg_page_granulepos(&og); } last_segments -= og.header[26]; int writtenPageBytes = writeOggPage(&og, _fileOs); if (writtenPageBytes != og.header_len + og.body_len) { LOGE("Error: failed writing data to output stream"); return 0; } bytes_written += writtenPageBytes; pages_out++; } op.packet = _packet; op.bytes = nbBytes; op.b_o_s = 0; op.granulepos = enc_granulepos; if (op.e_o_s) { op.granulepos = ((total_samples * 48000 + rate - 1) / rate) + header.preskip; } op.packetno = 2 + _packetId; ogg_stream_packetin(&os, &op); last_segments += size_segments; while ((op.e_o_s || (enc_granulepos + (frame_size * 48000 / coding_rate) - last_granulepos > max_ogg_delay) || (last_segments >= 255)) ? ogg_stream_flush_fill(&os, &og, 255 * 255) : ogg_stream_pageout_fill(&os, &og, 255 * 255)) { if (ogg_page_packets(&og) != 0) { last_granulepos = ogg_page_granulepos(&og); } last_segments -= og.header[26]; int writtenPageBytes = writeOggPage(&og, _fileOs); if (writtenPageBytes != og.header_len + og.body_len) { LOGE("Error: failed writing data to output stream"); return 0; } bytes_written += writtenPageBytes; pages_out++; } return 1; } JNIEXPORT jint Java_org_telegram_messenger_MediaController_startRecord(JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jstring path, jint sampleRate) { const char *pathStr = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, path, 0); int32_t result = initRecorder(pathStr, sampleRate); if (pathStr != 0) { (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, path, pathStr); } return result; } JNIEXPORT jint Java_org_telegram_messenger_MediaController_resumeRecord(JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jstring path, jint sampleRate) { const char *pathStr = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, path, 0); int32_t result = resumeRecorder(pathStr, sampleRate); if (pathStr != 0) { (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, path, pathStr); } return result; } JNIEXPORT jint Java_org_telegram_messenger_MediaController_writeFrame(JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jobject frame, jint len) { jbyte *frameBytes = (*env)->GetDirectBufferAddress(env, frame); return writeFrame((uint8_t *) frameBytes, (uint32_t) len); } JNIEXPORT void Java_org_telegram_messenger_MediaController_stopRecord(JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jboolean allowResuming) { if (allowResuming && _filePath != NULL) { saveResumeData(); } cleanupRecorder(); } JNIEXPORT jint Java_org_telegram_messenger_MediaController_isOpusFile(JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jstring path) { const char *pathStr = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, path, 0); int32_t result = 0; int32_t error = OPUS_OK; OggOpusFile *file = op_test_file(pathStr, &error); if (file != NULL) { error = op_test_open(file); op_free(file); result = error == OPUS_OK; } if (pathStr != 0) { (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, path, pathStr); } return result; } static inline void set_bits(uint8_t *bytes, int32_t bitOffset, int32_t value) { bytes += bitOffset / 8; bitOffset %= 8; *((int32_t *) bytes) |= (value << bitOffset); } JNIEXPORT jbyteArray Java_org_telegram_messenger_MediaController_getWaveform2(JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jshortArray array, jint length) { jshort *sampleBuffer = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env, array, 0); const int32_t resultSamples = 100; uint16_t *samples = malloc(100 * 2); uint64_t sampleIndex = 0; uint16_t peakSample = 0; int32_t sampleRate = (int32_t) MAX(1, length / resultSamples); int32_t index = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) { uint16_t sample = (uint16_t) abs(sampleBuffer[i]); if (sample > peakSample) { peakSample = sample; } if (sampleIndex++ % sampleRate == 0) { if (index < resultSamples) { samples[index++] = peakSample; } peakSample = 0; } } int64_t sumSamples = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < resultSamples; i++) { sumSamples += samples[i]; } uint16_t peak = (uint16_t) (sumSamples * 1.8f / resultSamples); if (peak < 2500) { peak = 2500; } for (int32_t i = 0; i < resultSamples; i++) { uint16_t sample = (uint16_t) ((int64_t) samples[i]); if (sample > peak) { samples[i] = peak; } } (*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(env, array, sampleBuffer, 0); uint32_t bitstreamLength = resultSamples * 5 / 8 + 1; jbyteArray *result = (*env)->NewByteArray(env, bitstreamLength); if (result) { uint8_t *bytes = malloc(bitstreamLength + 4); memset(bytes, 0, bitstreamLength + 4); for (int32_t i = 0; i < resultSamples; i++) { int32_t value = MIN(31, abs((int32_t) samples[i]) * 31 / peak); set_bits(bytes, i * 5, value & 31); } (*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, result, 0, bitstreamLength, (jbyte *) bytes); } free(samples); return result; } int16_t *sampleBuffer = NULL; JNIEXPORT jbyteArray Java_org_telegram_messenger_MediaController_getWaveform(JNIEnv *env, jclass class, jstring path) { const char *pathStr = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, path, 0); jbyteArray result = 0; int error = OPUS_OK; OggOpusFile *opusFile = op_open_file(pathStr, &error); if (opusFile != NULL && error == OPUS_OK) { int64_t totalSamples = op_pcm_total(opusFile, -1); const uint32_t resultSamples = 100; int32_t sampleRate = MAX(1, (int32_t) (totalSamples / resultSamples)); uint16_t *samples = malloc(100 * 2); size_t bufferSize = 1024 * 128; if (sampleBuffer == NULL) { sampleBuffer = malloc(bufferSize); } uint64_t sampleIndex = 0; uint16_t peakSample = 0; int32_t index = 0; while (1) { int readSamples = op_read(opusFile, sampleBuffer, bufferSize / 2, NULL); for (int32_t i = 0; i < readSamples; i++) { uint16_t sample = (uint16_t) abs(sampleBuffer[i]); if (sample > peakSample) { peakSample = sample; } if (sampleIndex++ % sampleRate == 0) { if (index < resultSamples) { samples[index++] = peakSample; } peakSample = 0; } } if (readSamples == 0) { break; } } int64_t sumSamples = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < resultSamples; i++) { sumSamples += samples[i]; } uint16_t peak = (uint16_t) (sumSamples * 1.8f / resultSamples); if (peak < 2500) { peak = 2500; } for (int32_t i = 0; i < resultSamples; i++) { uint16_t sample = (uint16_t) ((int64_t) samples[i]); if (sample > peak) { samples[i] = peak; } } //free(sampleBuffer); op_free(opusFile); uint32_t bitstreamLength = (resultSamples * 5) / 8 + 1; result = (*env)->NewByteArray(env, bitstreamLength); if (result) { uint8_t *bytes = malloc(bitstreamLength + 4); memset(bytes, 0, bitstreamLength + 4); for (int32_t i = 0; i < resultSamples; i++) { int32_t value = MIN(31, abs((int32_t) samples[i]) * 31 / peak); set_bits(bytes, i * 5, value & 31); } (*env)->SetByteArrayRegion(env, result, 0, bitstreamLength, (jbyte *) bytes); } free(samples); } if (pathStr != 0) { (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, path, pathStr); } return result; } JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_telegram_ui_Stories_recorder_FfmpegAudioWaveformLoader_init(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring pathJStr, jint count) { const char *path = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, pathJStr, 0); // Initialize FFmpeg components av_register_all(); AVFormatContext *formatContext = avformat_alloc_context(); if (!formatContext) { // Handle error return; } int res; if ((res = avformat_open_input(&formatContext, path, NULL, NULL)) != 0) { LOGD("avformat_open_input error %s", av_err2str(res)); // Handle error avformat_free_context(formatContext); return; } if (avformat_find_stream_info(formatContext, NULL) < 0) { // Handle error avformat_close_input(&formatContext); return; } AVCodec *codec = NULL; int audioStreamIndex = av_find_best_stream(formatContext, AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO, -1, -1, &codec, 0); if (audioStreamIndex < 0) { LOGD("av_find_best_stream error %s", av_err2str(audioStreamIndex)); // Handle error avformat_close_input(&formatContext); return; } AVCodecContext *codecContext = avcodec_alloc_context3(codec); avcodec_parameters_to_context(codecContext, formatContext->streams[audioStreamIndex]->codecpar); int64_t duration_in_microseconds = formatContext->duration; double duration_in_seconds = (double)duration_in_microseconds / AV_TIME_BASE; if (avcodec_open2(codecContext, codec, NULL) < 0) { // Handle error avcodec_free_context(&codecContext); avformat_close_input(&formatContext); return; } // Obtain the class and method to callback jclass cls = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, obj); jmethodID mid = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls, "receiveChunk", "([SI)V"); AVFrame *frame = av_frame_alloc(); AVPacket packet; int sampleRate = codecContext->sample_rate; // Sample rate from FFmpeg's codec context int skip = 4; int barWidth = (int) round((double) duration_in_seconds * sampleRate / count / (1 + skip)); // Assuming you have 'duration' and 'count' defined somewhere short peak = 0; int currentCount = 0; int index = 0; int chunkIndex = 0; short waveformChunkData[32]; // Allocate the chunk array while (av_read_frame(formatContext, &packet) >= 0) { if (packet.stream_index == audioStreamIndex) { // Decode the audio packet int response = avcodec_send_packet(codecContext, &packet); while (response >= 0) { response = avcodec_receive_frame(codecContext, frame); if (response == AVERROR(EAGAIN) || response == AVERROR_EOF) { break; } else if (response < 0) { // Handle error break; } int16_t* samples = (int16_t*) frame->data[0]; for (int i = 0; i < frame->nb_samples; i++) { short value = samples[i]; // Read the 16-bit PCM sample if (currentCount >= barWidth) { waveformChunkData[index - chunkIndex] = peak; index++; if (index - chunkIndex >= sizeof(waveformChunkData) / sizeof(short) || index >= count) { jshortArray waveformData = (*env)->NewShortArray(env, sizeof(waveformChunkData) / sizeof(short)); (*env)->SetShortArrayRegion(env, waveformData, 0, sizeof(waveformChunkData) / sizeof(short), waveformChunkData); (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, obj, mid, waveformData, sizeof(waveformChunkData) / sizeof(short)); // Reset the chunk data memset(waveformChunkData, 0, sizeof(waveformChunkData)); chunkIndex = index; // Delete local reference to avoid memory leak (*env)->DeleteLocalRef(env, waveformData); } peak = 0; currentCount = 0; if (index >= count) { break; } } if (peak < value) { peak = value; } currentCount++; // Skip logic i += skip; if (i >= frame->nb_samples) { break; } } } } av_packet_unref(&packet); if (index >= count) { break; } // Check for stopping flag jfieldID fid = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, cls, "running", "Z"); jboolean running = (*env)->GetBooleanField(env, obj, fid); if (running == JNI_FALSE) { break; } } av_frame_free(&frame); avcodec_free_context(&codecContext); avformat_close_input(&formatContext); (*env)->ReleaseStringUTFChars(env, pathJStr, path); }