#include "GroupInstanceImpl.h" #include #include "api/scoped_refptr.h" #include "rtc_base/thread.h" #include "rtc_base/logging.h" #include "api/peer_connection_interface.h" #include "api/task_queue/default_task_queue_factory.h" #include "media/engine/webrtc_media_engine.h" #include "api/audio_codecs/audio_decoder_factory_template.h" #include "api/audio_codecs/audio_encoder_factory_template.h" #include "api/audio_codecs/opus/audio_decoder_opus.h" #include "api/audio_codecs/opus/audio_encoder_opus.h" #include "api/audio_codecs/builtin_audio_encoder_factory.h" #include "api/audio_codecs/builtin_audio_decoder_factory.h" #include "api/rtc_event_log/rtc_event_log_factory.h" #include "api/peer_connection_interface.h" #include "api/video_track_source_proxy.h" #include "system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h" #include "api/stats/rtcstats_objects.h" #include "modules/audio_processing/audio_buffer.h" #include "modules/audio_device/include/audio_device_factory.h" #include "common_audio/include/audio_util.h" #include "common_audio/vad/include/webrtc_vad.h" #include "modules/audio_processing/agc2/vad_with_level.h" #include "ThreadLocalObject.h" #include "Manager.h" #include "NetworkManager.h" #include "VideoCaptureInterfaceImpl.h" #include "platform/PlatformInterface.h" #include "LogSinkImpl.h" #include #include #include namespace tgcalls { namespace { static std::vector splitSdpLines(std::string const &sdp) { std::vector result; std::istringstream sdpStream(sdp); std::string s; while (std::getline(sdpStream, s, '\n')) { if (s.size() == 0) { continue; } if (s[s.size() - 1] == '\r') { s.resize(s.size() - 1); } result.push_back(s); } return result; } static std::vector splitFingerprintLines(std::string const &line) { std::vector result; std::istringstream sdpStream(line); std::string s; while (std::getline(sdpStream, s, ' ')) { if (s.size() == 0) { continue; } result.push_back(s); } return result; } static std::vector getLines(std::vector const &lines, std::string prefix) { std::vector result; for (auto &line : lines) { if (line.find(prefix) == 0) { auto cleanLine = line; cleanLine.replace(0, prefix.size(), ""); result.push_back(cleanLine); } } return result; } static absl::optional parseSdpIntoJoinPayload(std::string const &sdp) { GroupJoinPayload result; auto lines = splitSdpLines(sdp); std::vector audioLines; bool isAudioLine = false; for (auto &line : lines) { if (line.find("m=audio") == 0) { isAudioLine = true; } if (isAudioLine) { audioLines.push_back(line); } } /*std::vector audioSources; for (auto &line : getLines(audioLines, "a=ssrc:")) { std::istringstream iss(line); uint32_t value = 0; iss >> value; if (std::find(audioSources.begin(), audioSources.end(), value) == audioSources.end()) { audioSources.push_back(value); } } if (audioSources.size() != 1) { return absl::nullopt; } result.ssrc = audioSources[0];*/ result.ssrc = 0; auto ufragLines = getLines(lines, "a=ice-ufrag:"); if (ufragLines.size() != 1) { return absl::nullopt; } result.ufrag = ufragLines[0]; auto pwdLines = getLines(lines, "a=ice-pwd:"); if (pwdLines.size() != 1) { return absl::nullopt; } result.pwd = pwdLines[0]; for (auto &line : getLines(lines, "a=fingerprint:")) { auto fingerprintComponents = splitFingerprintLines(line); if (fingerprintComponents.size() != 2) { continue; } GroupJoinPayloadFingerprint fingerprint; fingerprint.hash = fingerprintComponents[0]; fingerprint.fingerprint = fingerprintComponents[1]; fingerprint.setup = "active"; result.fingerprints.push_back(fingerprint); } return result; } struct StreamSpec { bool isMain = false; uint32_t streamId = 0; uint32_t audioSsrcOrZero = 0; bool isRemoved = false; }; static void appendSdp(std::vector &lines, std::string const &line) { lines.push_back(line); } static std::string createSdp(uint32_t sessionId, GroupJoinResponsePayload const &payload, bool isAnswer, std::vector const &bundleStreams) { std::vector sdp; appendSdp(sdp, "v=0"); std::ostringstream sessionIdString; sessionIdString << "o=- "; sessionIdString << sessionId; sessionIdString << " 2 IN IP4"; appendSdp(sdp, sessionIdString.str()); appendSdp(sdp, "s=-"); appendSdp(sdp, "t=0 0"); std::ostringstream bundleString; bundleString << "a=group:BUNDLE"; for (auto &stream : bundleStreams) { bundleString << " "; if (stream.isMain) { bundleString << "0"; } else { bundleString << "audio"; bundleString << stream.streamId; } } appendSdp(sdp, bundleString.str()); appendSdp(sdp, "a=ice-lite"); for (auto &stream : bundleStreams) { std::ostringstream audioMidString; if (stream.isMain) { audioMidString << "0"; } else { audioMidString << "audio"; audioMidString << stream.streamId; } std::ostringstream mLineString; mLineString << "m=audio "; if (stream.isMain) { mLineString << "1"; } else { mLineString << "0"; } mLineString << " RTP/SAVPF 111 126"; appendSdp(sdp, mLineString.str()); if (stream.isMain) { appendSdp(sdp, "c=IN IP4"); } std::ostringstream mLineMidString; mLineMidString << "a=mid:"; mLineMidString << audioMidString.str(); appendSdp(sdp, mLineMidString.str()); if (stream.isMain) { std::ostringstream ufragString; ufragString << "a=ice-ufrag:"; ufragString << payload.ufrag; appendSdp(sdp, ufragString.str()); std::ostringstream pwdString; pwdString << "a=ice-pwd:"; pwdString << payload.pwd; appendSdp(sdp, pwdString.str()); for (auto &fingerprint : payload.fingerprints) { std::ostringstream fingerprintString; fingerprintString << "a=fingerprint:"; fingerprintString << fingerprint.hash; fingerprintString << " "; fingerprintString << fingerprint.fingerprint; appendSdp(sdp, fingerprintString.str()); appendSdp(sdp, "a=setup:passive"); } for (auto &candidate : payload.candidates) { std::ostringstream candidateString; candidateString << "a=candidate:"; candidateString << candidate.foundation; candidateString << " "; candidateString << candidate.component; candidateString << " "; candidateString << candidate.protocol; candidateString << " "; candidateString << candidate.priority; candidateString << " "; candidateString << candidate.ip; candidateString << " "; candidateString << candidate.port; candidateString << " "; candidateString << "typ "; candidateString << candidate.type; candidateString << " "; if (candidate.type == "srflx" || candidate.type == "prflx" || candidate.type == "relay") { if (candidate.relAddr.size() != 0 && candidate.relPort.size() != 0) { candidateString << "raddr "; candidateString << candidate.relAddr; candidateString << " "; candidateString << "rport "; candidateString << candidate.relPort; candidateString << " "; } } if (candidate.protocol == "tcp") { if (candidate.tcpType.size() != 0) { candidateString << "tcptype "; candidateString << candidate.tcpType; candidateString << " "; } } candidateString << "generation "; candidateString << candidate.generation; appendSdp(sdp, candidateString.str()); } } appendSdp(sdp, "a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2"); appendSdp(sdp, "a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000"); appendSdp(sdp, "a=fmtp:111 minptime=10; useinbandfec=1"); appendSdp(sdp, "a=rtcp:1 IN IP4"); appendSdp(sdp, "a=rtcp-mux"); appendSdp(sdp, "a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level"); appendSdp(sdp, "a=extmap:3 http://www.webrtc.org/experiments/rtp-hdrext/abs-send-time"); appendSdp(sdp, "a=extmap:5 http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-holmer-rmcat-transport-wide-cc-extensions-01"); appendSdp(sdp, "a=rtcp-fb:111 transport-cc"); if (isAnswer && stream.isMain) { appendSdp(sdp, "a=recvonly"); } else { if (stream.isMain) { appendSdp(sdp, "a=sendrecv"); } else { appendSdp(sdp, "a=sendonly"); appendSdp(sdp, "a=bundle-only"); } /*std::ostringstream ssrcGroupString; ssrcGroupString << "a=ssrc-group:FID "; ssrcGroupString << stream.audioSsrc; appendSdp(sdp, ssrcGroupString.str());*/ if (stream.isRemoved) { appendSdp(sdp, "a=inactive"); } else { std::ostringstream cnameString; cnameString << "a=ssrc:"; cnameString << stream.audioSsrcOrZero; cnameString << " cname:stream"; cnameString << stream.streamId; appendSdp(sdp, cnameString.str()); std::ostringstream msidString; msidString << "a=ssrc:"; msidString << stream.audioSsrcOrZero; msidString << " msid:stream"; msidString << stream.streamId; msidString << " audio" << stream.streamId; appendSdp(sdp, msidString.str()); std::ostringstream mslabelString; mslabelString << "a=ssrc:"; mslabelString << stream.audioSsrcOrZero; mslabelString << " mslabel:audio"; mslabelString << stream.streamId; appendSdp(sdp, mslabelString.str()); std::ostringstream labelString; labelString << "a=ssrc:"; labelString << stream.audioSsrcOrZero; labelString << " label:audio"; labelString << stream.streamId; appendSdp(sdp, labelString.str()); } } } std::ostringstream result; for (auto &line : sdp) { result << line << "\n"; } return result.str(); } static std::string parseJoinResponseIntoSdp(uint32_t sessionId, uint32_t mainStreamAudioSsrc, GroupJoinResponsePayload const &payload, bool isAnswer, std::vector const &allOtherSsrcs, std::set const &activeOtherSsrcs) { std::vector bundleStreams; StreamSpec mainStream; mainStream.isMain = true; mainStream.streamId = 0; mainStream.audioSsrcOrZero = mainStreamAudioSsrc; mainStream.isRemoved = false; bundleStreams.push_back(mainStream); uint32_t numStreamsToAllocate = (uint32_t)allOtherSsrcs.size(); /*if (numStreamsToAllocate < 10) { numStreamsToAllocate = 10; }*/ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < numStreamsToAllocate; i++) { StreamSpec stream; stream.isMain = false; if (i < allOtherSsrcs.size()) { uint32_t ssrc = allOtherSsrcs[i]; stream.audioSsrcOrZero = ssrc; stream.isRemoved = activeOtherSsrcs.find(ssrc) == activeOtherSsrcs.end(); stream.streamId = ssrc; } else { stream.audioSsrcOrZero = 0; stream.isRemoved = true; stream.streamId = 1 + (uint32_t)i; } bundleStreams.push_back(stream); } return createSdp(sessionId, payload, isAnswer, bundleStreams); } rtc::Thread *makeNetworkThread() { static std::unique_ptr value = rtc::Thread::CreateWithSocketServer(); value->SetName("WebRTC-Group-Network", nullptr); value->Start(); return value.get(); } rtc::Thread *getNetworkThread() { static rtc::Thread *value = makeNetworkThread(); return value; } rtc::Thread *makeWorkerThread() { static std::unique_ptr value = rtc::Thread::Create(); value->SetName("WebRTC-Group-Worker", nullptr); value->Start(); return value.get(); } rtc::Thread *getWorkerThread() { static rtc::Thread *value = makeWorkerThread(); return value; } rtc::Thread *getSignalingThread() { return Manager::getMediaThread(); } rtc::Thread *getMediaThread() { return Manager::getMediaThread(); } class FrameEncryptorImpl : public webrtc::FrameEncryptorInterface { public: FrameEncryptorImpl() { } virtual int Encrypt(cricket::MediaType media_type, uint32_t ssrc, rtc::ArrayView additional_data, rtc::ArrayView frame, rtc::ArrayView encrypted_frame, size_t* bytes_written) override { memcpy(encrypted_frame.data(), frame.data(), frame.size()); for (auto it = encrypted_frame.begin(); it != encrypted_frame.end(); it++) { *it ^= 123; } *bytes_written = frame.size(); return 0; } virtual size_t GetMaxCiphertextByteSize(cricket::MediaType media_type, size_t frame_size) override { return frame_size; } }; class FrameDecryptorImpl : public webrtc::FrameDecryptorInterface { public: FrameDecryptorImpl() { } virtual webrtc::FrameDecryptorInterface::Result Decrypt(cricket::MediaType media_type, const std::vector& csrcs, rtc::ArrayView additional_data, rtc::ArrayView encrypted_frame, rtc::ArrayView frame) override { memcpy(frame.data(), encrypted_frame.data(), encrypted_frame.size()); for (auto it = frame.begin(); it != frame.end(); it++) { *it ^= 123; } return webrtc::FrameDecryptorInterface::Result(webrtc::FrameDecryptorInterface::Status::kOk, encrypted_frame.size()); } virtual size_t GetMaxPlaintextByteSize(cricket::MediaType media_type, size_t encrypted_frame_size) override { return encrypted_frame_size; } }; class PeerConnectionObserverImpl : public webrtc::PeerConnectionObserver { private: std::function _discoveredIceCandidate; std::function _connectionStateChanged; std::function)> _onTrackAdded; std::function)> _onTrackRemoved; std::function _onMissingSsrc; public: PeerConnectionObserverImpl( std::function discoveredIceCandidate, std::function connectionStateChanged, std::function)> onTrackAdded, std::function)> onTrackRemoved, std::function onMissingSsrc ) : _discoveredIceCandidate(discoveredIceCandidate), _connectionStateChanged(connectionStateChanged), _onTrackAdded(onTrackAdded), _onTrackRemoved(onTrackRemoved), _onMissingSsrc(onMissingSsrc) { } virtual void OnSignalingChange(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::SignalingState new_state) override { } virtual void OnAddStream(rtc::scoped_refptr stream) override { } virtual void OnRemoveStream(rtc::scoped_refptr stream) override { } virtual void OnDataChannel(rtc::scoped_refptr data_channel) override { } virtual void OnRenegotiationNeeded() override { } virtual void OnIceConnectionChange(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState new_state) override { bool isConnected = false; switch (new_state) { case webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState::kIceConnectionConnected: case webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState::kIceConnectionCompleted: isConnected = true; break; default: break; } _connectionStateChanged(isConnected); } virtual void OnStandardizedIceConnectionChange(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceConnectionState new_state) override { } virtual void OnConnectionChange(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::PeerConnectionState new_state) override { } virtual void OnIceGatheringChange(webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::IceGatheringState new_state) override { } virtual void OnIceCandidate(const webrtc::IceCandidateInterface* candidate) override { std::string sdp; candidate->ToString(&sdp); _discoveredIceCandidate(sdp, candidate->sdp_mline_index(), candidate->sdp_mid()); } virtual void OnIceCandidateError(const std::string& host_candidate, const std::string& url, int error_code, const std::string& error_text) override { } virtual void OnIceCandidateError(const std::string& address, int port, const std::string& url, int error_code, const std::string& error_text) override { } virtual void OnIceCandidatesRemoved(const std::vector& candidates) override { } virtual void OnIceConnectionReceivingChange(bool receiving) override { } virtual void OnIceSelectedCandidatePairChanged(const cricket::CandidatePairChangeEvent& event) override { } virtual void OnAddTrack(rtc::scoped_refptr receiver, const std::vector>& streams) override { } virtual void OnTrack(rtc::scoped_refptr transceiver) override { /*if (transceiver->receiver()) { rtc::scoped_refptr decryptor(new rtc::RefCountedObject()); transceiver->receiver()->SetFrameDecryptor(decryptor); }*/ _onTrackAdded(transceiver); } virtual void OnRemoveTrack(rtc::scoped_refptr receiver) override { _onTrackRemoved(receiver); } virtual void OnInterestingUsage(int usage_pattern) override { } virtual void OnErrorDemuxingPacket(uint32_t ssrc) override { _onMissingSsrc(ssrc); } }; class RTCStatsCollectorCallbackImpl : public webrtc::RTCStatsCollectorCallback { public: RTCStatsCollectorCallbackImpl(std::function &)> completion) : _completion(completion) { } virtual void OnStatsDelivered(const rtc::scoped_refptr &report) override { _completion(report); } private: std::function &)> _completion; }; static const int kVadResultHistoryLength = 8; class CombinedVad { private: webrtc::VadLevelAnalyzer _vadWithLevel; float _vadResultHistory[kVadResultHistoryLength]; public: CombinedVad() { for (int i = 0; i < kVadResultHistoryLength; i++) { _vadResultHistory[i] = 0.0f; } } ~CombinedVad() { } bool update(webrtc::AudioBuffer *buffer) { webrtc::AudioFrameView frameView(buffer->channels(), buffer->num_channels(), buffer->num_frames()); auto result = _vadWithLevel.AnalyzeFrame(frameView); for (int i = 1; i < kVadResultHistoryLength; i++) { _vadResultHistory[i - 1] = _vadResultHistory[i]; } _vadResultHistory[kVadResultHistoryLength - 1] = result.speech_probability; float movingAverage = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < kVadResultHistoryLength; i++) { movingAverage += _vadResultHistory[i]; } movingAverage /= (float)kVadResultHistoryLength; bool vadResult = false; if (movingAverage > 0.8f) { vadResult = true; } return vadResult; } }; class AudioTrackSinkInterfaceImpl: public webrtc::AudioTrackSinkInterface { private: std::function _update; int _peakCount = 0; uint16_t _peak = 0; CombinedVad _vad; public: AudioTrackSinkInterfaceImpl(std::function update) : _update(update) { } virtual ~AudioTrackSinkInterfaceImpl() { } virtual void OnData(const void *audio_data, int bits_per_sample, int sample_rate, size_t number_of_channels, size_t number_of_frames) override { if (bits_per_sample == 16 && number_of_channels == 1) { int16_t *samples = (int16_t *)audio_data; int numberOfSamplesInFrame = (int)number_of_frames; webrtc::AudioBuffer buffer(sample_rate, 1, 48000, 1, 48000, 1); webrtc::StreamConfig config(sample_rate, 1); buffer.CopyFrom(samples, config); bool vadResult = _vad.update(&buffer); for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSamplesInFrame; i++) { int16_t sample = samples[i]; if (sample < 0) { sample = -sample; } if (_peak < sample) { _peak = sample; } _peakCount += 1; } if (_peakCount >= 1200) { float level = ((float)(_peak)) / 4000.0f; _peak = 0; _peakCount = 0; _update(level, vadResult); } } } }; class CreateSessionDescriptionObserverImpl : public webrtc::CreateSessionDescriptionObserver { private: std::function _completion; public: CreateSessionDescriptionObserverImpl(std::function completion) : _completion(completion) { } virtual void OnSuccess(webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface* desc) override { if (desc) { std::string sdp; desc->ToString(&sdp); _completion(sdp, desc->type()); } } virtual void OnFailure(webrtc::RTCError error) override { } }; class SetSessionDescriptionObserverImpl : public webrtc::SetSessionDescriptionObserver { private: std::function _completion; std::function _error; public: SetSessionDescriptionObserverImpl(std::function completion, std::function error) : _completion(completion), _error(error) { } virtual void OnSuccess() override { _completion(); } virtual void OnFailure(webrtc::RTCError error) override { _error(error); } }; class AudioCaptureAnalyzer : public webrtc::CustomAudioAnalyzer { private: void Initialize(int sample_rate_hz, int num_channels) override { } // Analyzes the given capture or render signal. void Analyze(const webrtc::AudioBuffer* audio) override { _analyze(audio); } // Returns a string representation of the module state. std::string ToString() const override { return "analyzing"; } std::function _analyze; public: AudioCaptureAnalyzer(std::function analyze) : _analyze(analyze) { } virtual ~AudioCaptureAnalyzer() = default; }; class WrappedAudioDeviceModule : public webrtc::AudioDeviceModule { private: rtc::scoped_refptr _impl; public: WrappedAudioDeviceModule(rtc::scoped_refptr impl) : _impl(impl) { } virtual ~WrappedAudioDeviceModule() { } virtual int32_t ActiveAudioLayer(AudioLayer *audioLayer) const override { return _impl->ActiveAudioLayer(audioLayer); } virtual int32_t RegisterAudioCallback(webrtc::AudioTransport *audioCallback) override { return _impl->RegisterAudioCallback(audioCallback); } virtual int32_t Init() override { return _impl->Init(); } virtual int32_t Terminate() override { return _impl->Terminate(); } virtual bool Initialized() const override { return _impl->Initialized(); } virtual int16_t PlayoutDevices() override { return _impl->PlayoutDevices(); } virtual int16_t RecordingDevices() override { return _impl->RecordingDevices(); } virtual int32_t PlayoutDeviceName(uint16_t index, char name[webrtc::kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize], char guid[webrtc::kAdmMaxGuidSize]) override { return _impl->PlayoutDeviceName(index, name, guid); } virtual int32_t RecordingDeviceName(uint16_t index, char name[webrtc::kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize], char guid[webrtc::kAdmMaxGuidSize]) override { return _impl->RecordingDeviceName(index, name, guid); } virtual int32_t SetPlayoutDevice(uint16_t index) override { return _impl->SetPlayoutDevice(index); } virtual int32_t SetPlayoutDevice(WindowsDeviceType device) override { return _impl->SetPlayoutDevice(device); } virtual int32_t SetRecordingDevice(uint16_t index) override { return _impl->SetRecordingDevice(index); } virtual int32_t SetRecordingDevice(WindowsDeviceType device) override { return _impl->SetRecordingDevice(device); } virtual int32_t PlayoutIsAvailable(bool *available) override { return _impl->PlayoutIsAvailable(available); } virtual int32_t InitPlayout() override { return _impl->InitPlayout(); } virtual bool PlayoutIsInitialized() const override { return _impl->PlayoutIsInitialized(); } virtual int32_t RecordingIsAvailable(bool *available) override { return _impl->RecordingIsAvailable(available); } virtual int32_t InitRecording() override { return _impl->InitRecording(); } virtual bool RecordingIsInitialized() const override { return _impl->RecordingIsInitialized(); } virtual int32_t StartPlayout() override { return _impl->StartPlayout(); } virtual int32_t StopPlayout() override { return _impl->StopPlayout(); } virtual bool Playing() const override { return _impl->Playing(); } virtual int32_t StartRecording() override { return _impl->StartRecording(); } virtual int32_t StopRecording() override { return _impl->StopRecording(); } virtual bool Recording() const override { return _impl->Recording(); } virtual int32_t InitSpeaker() override { return _impl->InitSpeaker(); } virtual bool SpeakerIsInitialized() const override { return _impl->SpeakerIsInitialized(); } virtual int32_t InitMicrophone() override { return _impl->InitMicrophone(); } virtual bool MicrophoneIsInitialized() const override { return _impl->MicrophoneIsInitialized(); } virtual int32_t SpeakerVolumeIsAvailable(bool *available) override { return _impl->SpeakerVolumeIsAvailable(available); } virtual int32_t SetSpeakerVolume(uint32_t volume) override { return _impl->SetSpeakerVolume(volume); } virtual int32_t SpeakerVolume(uint32_t* volume) const override { return _impl->SpeakerVolume(volume); } virtual int32_t MaxSpeakerVolume(uint32_t *maxVolume) const override { return _impl->MaxSpeakerVolume(maxVolume); } virtual int32_t MinSpeakerVolume(uint32_t *minVolume) const override { return _impl->MinSpeakerVolume(minVolume); } virtual int32_t MicrophoneVolumeIsAvailable(bool *available) override { return _impl->MicrophoneVolumeIsAvailable(available); } virtual int32_t SetMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t volume) override { return _impl->SetMicrophoneVolume(volume); } virtual int32_t MicrophoneVolume(uint32_t *volume) const override { return _impl->MicrophoneVolume(volume); } virtual int32_t MaxMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t *maxVolume) const override { return _impl->MaxMicrophoneVolume(maxVolume); } virtual int32_t MinMicrophoneVolume(uint32_t *minVolume) const override { return _impl->MinMicrophoneVolume(minVolume); } virtual int32_t SpeakerMuteIsAvailable(bool *available) override { return _impl->SpeakerMuteIsAvailable(available); } virtual int32_t SetSpeakerMute(bool enable) override { return _impl->SetSpeakerMute(enable); } virtual int32_t SpeakerMute(bool *enabled) const override { return _impl->SpeakerMute(enabled); } virtual int32_t MicrophoneMuteIsAvailable(bool *available) override { return _impl->MicrophoneMuteIsAvailable(available); } virtual int32_t SetMicrophoneMute(bool enable) override { return _impl->SetMicrophoneMute(enable); } virtual int32_t MicrophoneMute(bool *enabled) const override { return _impl->MicrophoneMute(enabled); } virtual int32_t StereoPlayoutIsAvailable(bool *available) const override { return _impl->StereoPlayoutIsAvailable(available); } virtual int32_t SetStereoPlayout(bool enable) override { return _impl->SetStereoPlayout(enable); } virtual int32_t StereoPlayout(bool *enabled) const override { return _impl->StereoPlayout(enabled); } virtual int32_t StereoRecordingIsAvailable(bool *available) const override { return _impl->StereoRecordingIsAvailable(available); } virtual int32_t SetStereoRecording(bool enable) override { return _impl->SetStereoRecording(enable); } virtual int32_t StereoRecording(bool *enabled) const override { return _impl->StereoRecording(enabled); } virtual int32_t PlayoutDelay(uint16_t* delayMS) const override { return _impl->PlayoutDelay(delayMS); } virtual bool BuiltInAECIsAvailable() const override { return _impl->BuiltInAECIsAvailable(); } virtual bool BuiltInAGCIsAvailable() const override { return _impl->BuiltInAGCIsAvailable(); } virtual bool BuiltInNSIsAvailable() const override { return _impl->BuiltInNSIsAvailable(); } virtual int32_t EnableBuiltInAEC(bool enable) override { return _impl->EnableBuiltInAEC(enable); } virtual int32_t EnableBuiltInAGC(bool enable) override { return _impl->EnableBuiltInAGC(enable); } virtual int32_t EnableBuiltInNS(bool enable) override { return _impl->EnableBuiltInNS(enable); } virtual int32_t GetPlayoutUnderrunCount() const override { return _impl->GetPlayoutUnderrunCount(); } #if defined(WEBRTC_IOS) virtual int GetPlayoutAudioParameters(webrtc::AudioParameters *params) const override { return _impl->GetPlayoutAudioParameters(params); } virtual int GetRecordAudioParameters(webrtc::AudioParameters *params) const override { return _impl->GetRecordAudioParameters(params); } #endif // WEBRTC_IOS }; template void split(const std::string &s, char delim, Out result) { std::istringstream iss(s); std::string item; while (std::getline(iss, item, delim)) { *result++ = item; } } std::vector split(const std::string &s, char delim) { std::vector elems; split(s, delim, std::back_inserter(elems)); return elems; } std::string adjustLocalDescription(const std::string &sdp) { std::vector lines = split(sdp, '\n'); std::string pattern = "c=IN "; bool foundAudio = false; std::stringstream result; for (const auto &it : lines) { result << it << "\n"; if (!foundAudio && it.compare(0, pattern.size(), pattern) == 0) { foundAudio = true; result << "b=AS:" << 32 << "\n"; } } return result.str(); } } // namespace class GroupInstanceManager : public std::enable_shared_from_this { public: GroupInstanceManager(GroupInstanceDescriptor &&descriptor) : _networkStateUpdated(descriptor.networkStateUpdated), _audioLevelsUpdated(descriptor.audioLevelsUpdated), _initialInputDeviceId(descriptor.initialInputDeviceId), _initialOutputDeviceId(descriptor.initialOutputDeviceId), _platformContext(descriptor.platformContext) { auto generator = std::mt19937(std::random_device()()); auto distribution = std::uniform_int_distribution(); do { _mainStreamAudioSsrc = distribution(generator); } while (!_mainStreamAudioSsrc); } ~GroupInstanceManager() { assert(getMediaThread()->IsCurrent()); destroyAudioDeviceModule(); if (_peerConnection) { _peerConnection->Close(); } } void generateAndInsertFakeIncomingSsrc() { // At least on Windows recording can't be started without playout. // We keep a fake incoming stream, so that playout is always started. auto generator = std::mt19937(std::random_device()()); auto distribution = std::uniform_int_distribution(); while (true) { _fakeIncomingSsrc = distribution(generator); if (_fakeIncomingSsrc != 0 && _fakeIncomingSsrc != _mainStreamAudioSsrc && std::find(_allOtherSsrcs.begin(), _allOtherSsrcs.end(), _fakeIncomingSsrc) == _allOtherSsrcs.end()) { break; } } _activeOtherSsrcs.emplace(_fakeIncomingSsrc); _allOtherSsrcs.emplace_back(_fakeIncomingSsrc); } bool createAudioDeviceModule( const webrtc::PeerConnectionFactoryDependencies &dependencies) { _adm_thread = dependencies.worker_thread; if (!_adm_thread) { return false; } _adm_thread->Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE, [&] { const auto check = [&](webrtc::AudioDeviceModule::AudioLayer layer) { auto result = webrtc::AudioDeviceModule::Create( layer, dependencies.task_queue_factory.get()); return (result && (result->Init() == 0)) ? result : nullptr; }; #ifdef WEBRTC_WIN if (auto result = webrtc::CreateWindowsCoreAudioAudioDeviceModule(dependencies.task_queue_factory.get())) { if (result->Init() == 0) { _adm_use_withAudioDeviceModule = new rtc::RefCountedObject(result); return; } } #endif // WEBRTC_WIN if (auto result = check(webrtc::AudioDeviceModule::kPlatformDefaultAudio)) { _adm_use_withAudioDeviceModule = new rtc::RefCountedObject(result); #ifdef WEBRTC_LINUX } else if (auto result = check(webrtc::AudioDeviceModule::kLinuxAlsaAudio)) { _adm_use_withAudioDeviceModule = new rtc::RefCountedObject(result); #endif // WEBRTC_LINUX } }); return (_adm_use_withAudioDeviceModule != nullptr); } void destroyAudioDeviceModule() { if (!_adm_thread) { return; } _adm_thread->Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE, [&] { _adm_use_withAudioDeviceModule = nullptr; }); } void start() { const auto weak = std::weak_ptr(shared_from_this()); webrtc::field_trial::InitFieldTrialsFromString( //"WebRTC-Audio-SendSideBwe/Enabled/" "WebRTC-Audio-Allocation/min:6kbps,max:32kbps/" "WebRTC-Audio-OpusMinPacketLossRate/Enabled-1/" //"WebRTC-FlexFEC-03/Enabled/" //"WebRTC-FlexFEC-03-Advertised/Enabled/" "WebRTC-PcFactoryDefaultBitrates/min:6kbps,start:32kbps,max:32kbps/" ); PlatformInterface::SharedInstance()->configurePlatformAudio(); webrtc::PeerConnectionFactoryDependencies dependencies; dependencies.network_thread = getNetworkThread(); dependencies.worker_thread = getWorkerThread(); dependencies.signaling_thread = getSignalingThread(); dependencies.task_queue_factory = webrtc::CreateDefaultTaskQueueFactory(); if (!createAudioDeviceModule(dependencies)) { return; } cricket::MediaEngineDependencies mediaDeps; mediaDeps.task_queue_factory = dependencies.task_queue_factory.get(); mediaDeps.audio_encoder_factory = webrtc::CreateAudioEncoderFactory(); mediaDeps.audio_decoder_factory = webrtc::CreateAudioDecoderFactory(); mediaDeps.video_encoder_factory = PlatformInterface::SharedInstance()->makeVideoEncoderFactory(_platformContext); mediaDeps.video_decoder_factory = PlatformInterface::SharedInstance()->makeVideoDecoderFactory(_platformContext); mediaDeps.adm = _adm_use_withAudioDeviceModule; std::shared_ptr myVad(new CombinedVad()); auto analyzer = new AudioCaptureAnalyzer([&, weak, myVad](const webrtc::AudioBuffer* buffer) { if (!buffer) { return; } if (buffer->num_channels() != 1) { return; } float peak = 0; int peakCount = 0; const float *samples = buffer->channels_const()[0]; for (int i = 0; i < buffer->num_frames(); i++) { float sample = samples[i]; if (sample < 0) { sample = -sample; } if (peak < sample) { peak = sample; } peakCount += 1; } bool vadStatus = myVad->update((webrtc::AudioBuffer *)buffer); getMediaThread()->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak, peak, peakCount, vadStatus](){ auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } strong->_myAudioLevelPeakCount += peakCount; if (strong->_myAudioLevelPeak < peak) { strong->_myAudioLevelPeak = peak; } if (strong->_myAudioLevelPeakCount >= 1200) { float level = strong->_myAudioLevelPeak / 4000.0f; if (strong->_isMuted) { level = 0.0f; } strong->_myAudioLevelPeak = 0; strong->_myAudioLevelPeakCount = 0; strong->_myAudioLevel = GroupLevelValue{ level, vadStatus, }; } }); }); webrtc::AudioProcessingBuilder builder; builder.SetCaptureAnalyzer(std::unique_ptr(analyzer)); webrtc::AudioProcessing *apm = builder.Create(); webrtc::AudioProcessing::Config audioConfig; webrtc::AudioProcessing::Config::NoiseSuppression noiseSuppression; noiseSuppression.enabled = true; noiseSuppression.level = webrtc::AudioProcessing::Config::NoiseSuppression::kHigh; audioConfig.noise_suppression = noiseSuppression; audioConfig.high_pass_filter.enabled = true; audioConfig.voice_detection.enabled = true; apm->ApplyConfig(audioConfig); mediaDeps.audio_processing = apm; mediaDeps.onUnknownAudioSsrc = [weak](uint32_t ssrc) { getMediaThread()->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak, ssrc](){ auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } strong->onMissingSsrc(ssrc); }); }; dependencies.media_engine = cricket::CreateMediaEngine(std::move(mediaDeps)); dependencies.call_factory = webrtc::CreateCallFactory(); dependencies.event_log_factory = std::make_unique(dependencies.task_queue_factory.get()); dependencies.network_controller_factory = nullptr; _nativeFactory = webrtc::CreateModularPeerConnectionFactory(std::move(dependencies)); webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::RTCConfiguration config; config.sdp_semantics = webrtc::SdpSemantics::kUnifiedPlan; //config.continual_gathering_policy = webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::ContinualGatheringPolicy::GATHER_CONTINUALLY; config.audio_jitter_buffer_fast_accelerate = true; config.prioritize_most_likely_ice_candidate_pairs = true; config.presume_writable_when_fully_relayed = true; //config.audio_jitter_buffer_enable_rtx_handling = true; /*webrtc::CryptoOptions cryptoOptions; webrtc::CryptoOptions::SFrame sframe; sframe.require_frame_encryption = true; cryptoOptions.sframe = sframe; config.crypto_options = cryptoOptions;*/ _observer.reset(new PeerConnectionObserverImpl( [weak](std::string sdp, int mid, std::string sdpMid) { /*getMediaThread()->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak, sdp, mid, sdpMid](){ auto strong = weak.lock(); if (strong) { //strong->emitIceCandidate(sdp, mid, sdpMid); } });*/ }, [weak](bool isConnected) { getMediaThread()->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak, isConnected](){ auto strong = weak.lock(); if (strong) { strong->updateIsConnected(isConnected); } }); }, [weak](rtc::scoped_refptr transceiver) { getMediaThread()->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak, transceiver](){ auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } strong->onTrackAdded(transceiver); }); }, [weak](rtc::scoped_refptr receiver) { getMediaThread()->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak, receiver](){ auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } strong->onTrackRemoved(receiver); }); }, [weak](uint32_t ssrc) { getMediaThread()->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak, ssrc](){ auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } strong->onMissingSsrc(ssrc); }); } )); _peerConnection = _nativeFactory->CreatePeerConnection(config, nullptr, nullptr, _observer.get()); assert(_peerConnection != nullptr); cricket::AudioOptions options; rtc::scoped_refptr audioSource = _nativeFactory->CreateAudioSource(options); std::stringstream name; name << "audio"; name << 0; std::vector streamIds; streamIds.push_back(name.str()); _localAudioTrack = _nativeFactory->CreateAudioTrack(name.str(), audioSource); _localAudioTrack->set_enabled(false); auto addedTrack = _peerConnection->AddTrack(_localAudioTrack, streamIds); if (addedTrack.ok()) { _localAudioTrackSender = addedTrack.value(); for (auto &it : _peerConnection->GetTransceivers()) { if (it->media_type() == cricket::MediaType::MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { if (_localAudioTrackSender.get() == it->sender().get()) { it->SetDirection(webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kRecvOnly); } break; } } } setAudioInputDevice(_initialInputDeviceId); setAudioOutputDevice(_initialOutputDeviceId); // At least on Windows recording doesn't work without started playout. withAudioDeviceModule([weak](webrtc::AudioDeviceModule *adm) { #ifdef WEBRTC_WIN // At least on Windows starting/stopping playout while recording // is active leads to errors in recording and assertion violation. adm->EnableBuiltInAEC(false); #endif // WEBRTC_WIN if (adm->InitPlayout() == 0) { adm->StartPlayout(); } else { getMediaThread()->PostDelayedTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak](){ auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } strong->withAudioDeviceModule([](webrtc::AudioDeviceModule *adm) { if (adm->InitPlayout() == 0) { adm->StartPlayout(); } }); }, 2000); } }); //beginStatsTimer(100); beginLevelsTimer(50); } void setAudioInputDevice(std::string id) { #if !defined(WEBRTC_IOS) && !defined(WEBRTC_ANDROID) withAudioDeviceModule([&](webrtc::AudioDeviceModule *adm) { const auto recording = adm->Recording(); if (recording) { adm->StopRecording(); } const auto finish = [&] { if (recording) { adm->InitRecording(); adm->StartRecording(); } }; if (id == "default" || id.empty()) { if (const auto result = adm->SetRecordingDevice(webrtc::AudioDeviceModule::kDefaultCommunicationDevice)) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "setAudioInputDevice(" << id << "): SetRecordingDevice(kDefaultCommunicationDevice) failed: " << result << "."; } else { RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "setAudioInputDevice(" << id << "): SetRecordingDevice(kDefaultCommunicationDevice) success."; } return finish(); } const auto count = adm ? adm->RecordingDevices() : int16_t(-666); if (count <= 0) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "setAudioInputDevice(" << id << "): Could not get recording devices count: " << count << "."; return finish(); } for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { char name[webrtc::kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize + 1] = { 0 }; char guid[webrtc::kAdmMaxGuidSize + 1] = { 0 }; adm->RecordingDeviceName(i, name, guid); if (id == guid) { const auto result = adm->SetRecordingDevice(i); if (result != 0) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "setAudioInputDevice(" << id << ") name '" << std::string(name) << "' failed: " << result << "."; } else { RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "setAudioInputDevice(" << id << ") name '" << std::string(name) << "' success."; } return finish(); } } RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "setAudioInputDevice(" << id << "): Could not find recording device."; return finish(); }); #endif } void setAudioOutputDevice(std::string id) { #if !defined(WEBRTC_IOS) && !defined(WEBRTC_ANDROID) withAudioDeviceModule([&](webrtc::AudioDeviceModule *adm) { const auto playing = adm->Playing(); if (playing) { adm->StopPlayout(); } const auto finish = [&] { if (playing) { adm->InitPlayout(); adm->StartPlayout(); } }; if (id == "default" || id.empty()) { if (const auto result = adm->SetPlayoutDevice(webrtc::AudioDeviceModule::kDefaultCommunicationDevice)) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "setAudioOutputDevice(" << id << "): SetPlayoutDevice(kDefaultCommunicationDevice) failed: " << result << "."; } else { RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "setAudioOutputDevice(" << id << "): SetPlayoutDevice(kDefaultCommunicationDevice) success."; } return finish(); } const auto count = adm ? adm->PlayoutDevices() : int16_t(-666); if (count <= 0) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "setAudioOutputDevice(" << id << "): Could not get playout devices count: " << count << "."; return finish(); } for (auto i = 0; i != count; ++i) { char name[webrtc::kAdmMaxDeviceNameSize + 1] = { 0 }; char guid[webrtc::kAdmMaxGuidSize + 1] = { 0 }; adm->PlayoutDeviceName(i, name, guid); if (id == guid) { const auto result = adm->SetPlayoutDevice(i); if (result != 0) { RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "setAudioOutputDevice(" << id << ") name '" << std::string(name) << "' failed: " << result << "."; } else { RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "setAudioOutputDevice(" << id << ") name '" << std::string(name) << "' success."; } return finish(); } } RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "setAudioOutputDevice(" << id << "): Could not find playout device."; return finish(); }); #endif } void setVolume(uint32_t ssrc, double volume) { auto current = _audioTrackVolumes.find(ssrc); bool updated = false; if (current != _audioTrackVolumes.end()) { if (abs(current->second - volume) > 0.001) { updated = true; } } else { if (volume < 1.0 - 0.001) { updated = true; } } if (updated) { _audioTrackVolumes[ssrc] = volume; auto track = _audioTracks.find(ssrc); if (track != _audioTracks.end()) { track->second->GetSource()->SetVolume(volume); } } } void updateIsConnected(bool isConnected) { _isConnected = isConnected; auto timestamp = rtc::TimeMillis(); _isConnectedUpdateValidTaskId++; if (!isConnected && _appliedOfferTimestamp > timestamp - 1000) { auto taskId = _isConnectedUpdateValidTaskId; const auto weak = std::weak_ptr(shared_from_this()); getMediaThread()->PostDelayedTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak, taskId]() { auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } if (strong->_isConnectedUpdateValidTaskId == taskId) { strong->_networkStateUpdated(strong->_isConnected); } }, 1000); } else { _networkStateUpdated(_isConnected); } } void stop() { _peerConnection->Close(); } void emitJoinPayload(std::function completion) { const auto weak = std::weak_ptr(shared_from_this()); webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions options; rtc::scoped_refptr observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject([weak, completion](std::string sdp, std::string type) { getMediaThread()->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak, sdp, type, completion](){ auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } auto lines = splitSdpLines(sdp); std::vector resultSdp; std::ostringstream generatedSsrcStringStream; generatedSsrcStringStream << strong->_mainStreamAudioSsrc; auto generatedSsrcString = generatedSsrcStringStream.str(); for (auto &line : lines) { auto adjustedLine = line; if (adjustedLine.find("a=ssrc:") == 0) { int startIndex = 7; int i = startIndex; while (i < adjustedLine.size()) { if (!isdigit(adjustedLine[i])) { break; } i++; } if (i >= startIndex) { adjustedLine.replace(startIndex, i - startIndex, generatedSsrcString); } } appendSdp(resultSdp, adjustedLine); } std::ostringstream result; for (auto &line : resultSdp) { result << line << "\n"; } auto adjustedSdp = result.str(); RTC_LOG(LoggingSeverity::WARNING) << "----- setLocalDescription join -----"; RTC_LOG(LoggingSeverity::WARNING) << adjustedSdp; RTC_LOG(LoggingSeverity::WARNING) << "-----"; webrtc::SdpParseError error; webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface *sessionDescription = webrtc::CreateSessionDescription(type, adjustLocalDescription(adjustedSdp), &error); if (sessionDescription != nullptr) { rtc::scoped_refptr observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject([weak, adjustedSdp, completion]() { auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } auto payload = parseSdpIntoJoinPayload(adjustedSdp); if (payload) { payload->ssrc = strong->_mainStreamAudioSsrc; completion(payload.value()); } }, [](webrtc::RTCError error) { })); strong->_peerConnection->SetLocalDescription(observer, sessionDescription); } else { return; } }); })); _peerConnection->CreateOffer(observer, options); } void setJoinResponsePayload(GroupJoinResponsePayload payload) { _joinPayload = payload; auto sdp = parseJoinResponseIntoSdp(_sessionId, _mainStreamAudioSsrc, payload, true, _allOtherSsrcs, _activeOtherSsrcs); setOfferSdp(sdp, true, true, false); } void removeSsrcs(std::vector ssrcs) { if (!_joinPayload) { return; } bool updated = false; for (auto ssrc : ssrcs) { if (std::find(_allOtherSsrcs.begin(), _allOtherSsrcs.end(), ssrc) != _allOtherSsrcs.end() && std::find(_activeOtherSsrcs.begin(), _activeOtherSsrcs.end(), ssrc) != _activeOtherSsrcs.end()) { if (!_fakeIncomingSsrc || ssrc == _fakeIncomingSsrc) { generateAndInsertFakeIncomingSsrc(); } _activeOtherSsrcs.erase(ssrc); updated = true; } } if (updated) { auto sdp = parseJoinResponseIntoSdp(_sessionId, _mainStreamAudioSsrc, _joinPayload.value(), false, _allOtherSsrcs, _activeOtherSsrcs); setOfferSdp(sdp, false, false, false); } } void addSsrcsInternal(std::vector const &ssrcs, bool completeMissingSsrcSetup) { if (!_joinPayload) { if (completeMissingSsrcSetup) { completeProcessingMissingSsrcs(); } return; } for (auto ssrc : ssrcs) { if (std::find(_allOtherSsrcs.begin(), _allOtherSsrcs.end(), ssrc) == _allOtherSsrcs.end()) { _allOtherSsrcs.push_back(ssrc); _activeOtherSsrcs.insert(ssrc); } } auto sdp = parseJoinResponseIntoSdp(_sessionId, _mainStreamAudioSsrc, _joinPayload.value(), false, _allOtherSsrcs, _activeOtherSsrcs); setOfferSdp(sdp, false, false, completeMissingSsrcSetup); } void applyLocalSdp() { const auto weak = std::weak_ptr(shared_from_this()); webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions options; rtc::scoped_refptr observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject([weak](std::string sdp, std::string type) { getMediaThread()->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak, sdp, type](){ auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } auto lines = splitSdpLines(sdp); std::vector resultSdp; std::ostringstream generatedSsrcStringStream; generatedSsrcStringStream << strong->_mainStreamAudioSsrc; auto generatedSsrcString = generatedSsrcStringStream.str(); for (auto &line : lines) { auto adjustedLine = line; if (adjustedLine.find("a=ssrc:") == 0) { int startIndex = 7; int i = startIndex; while (i < adjustedLine.size()) { if (!isdigit(adjustedLine[i])) { break; } i++; } if (i >= startIndex) { adjustedLine.replace(startIndex, i - startIndex, generatedSsrcString); } } appendSdp(resultSdp, adjustedLine); } std::ostringstream result; for (auto &line : resultSdp) { result << line << "\n"; } auto adjustedSdp = result.str(); RTC_LOG(LoggingSeverity::WARNING) << "----- setLocalDescription applyLocalSdp -----"; RTC_LOG(LoggingSeverity::WARNING) << adjustedSdp; RTC_LOG(LoggingSeverity::WARNING) << "-----"; webrtc::SdpParseError error; webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface *sessionDescription = webrtc::CreateSessionDescription(type, adjustLocalDescription(adjustedSdp), &error); if (sessionDescription != nullptr) { rtc::scoped_refptr observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject([weak, adjustedSdp]() { auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } if (!strong->_joinPayload) { return; } auto sdp = parseJoinResponseIntoSdp(strong->_sessionId, strong->_mainStreamAudioSsrc, strong->_joinPayload.value(), true, strong->_allOtherSsrcs, strong->_activeOtherSsrcs); strong->setOfferSdp(sdp, false, true, false); }, [](webrtc::RTCError error) { })); strong->_peerConnection->SetLocalDescription(observer, sessionDescription); } else { return; } }); })); _peerConnection->CreateOffer(observer, options); } void setOfferSdp(std::string const &offerSdp, bool isInitialJoinAnswer, bool isAnswer, bool completeMissingSsrcSetup) { if (!isAnswer && _appliedRemoteRescription == offerSdp) { if (completeMissingSsrcSetup) { completeProcessingMissingSsrcs(); } return; } _appliedRemoteRescription = offerSdp; RTC_LOG(LoggingSeverity::WARNING) << "----- setOfferSdp " << (isAnswer ? "answer" : "offer") << " -----"; RTC_LOG(LoggingSeverity::WARNING) << offerSdp; RTC_LOG(LoggingSeverity::WARNING) << "-----"; webrtc::SdpParseError error; webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface *sessionDescription = webrtc::CreateSessionDescription(isAnswer ? "answer" : "offer", adjustLocalDescription(offerSdp), &error); if (!sessionDescription) { if (completeMissingSsrcSetup) { completeProcessingMissingSsrcs(); } return; } if (!isAnswer) { _appliedOfferTimestamp = rtc::TimeMillis(); } const auto weak = std::weak_ptr(shared_from_this()); rtc::scoped_refptr observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject([weak, isInitialJoinAnswer, isAnswer, completeMissingSsrcSetup]() { getMediaThread()->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak, isInitialJoinAnswer, isAnswer, completeMissingSsrcSetup](){ auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } if (!isAnswer) { strong->emitAnswer(completeMissingSsrcSetup); } else { if (isInitialJoinAnswer) { strong->completedInitialSetup(); } if (completeMissingSsrcSetup) { strong->completeProcessingMissingSsrcs(); } } }); }, [weak, completeMissingSsrcSetup](webrtc::RTCError error) { getMediaThread()->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak, completeMissingSsrcSetup](){ auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } if (completeMissingSsrcSetup) { strong->completeProcessingMissingSsrcs(); } }); })); _peerConnection->SetRemoteDescription(observer, sessionDescription); } void beginStatsTimer(int timeoutMs) { const auto weak = std::weak_ptr(shared_from_this()); getMediaThread()->PostDelayedTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak]() { getMediaThread()->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak](){ auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } strong->collectStats(); }); }, timeoutMs); } void beginLevelsTimer(int timeoutMs) { const auto weak = std::weak_ptr(shared_from_this()); getMediaThread()->PostDelayedTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak]() { auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } GroupLevelsUpdate levelsUpdate; levelsUpdate.updates.reserve(strong->_audioLevels.size() + 1); for (auto &it : strong->_audioLevels) { if (it.second.level > 0.001f) { levelsUpdate.updates.push_back(GroupLevelUpdate{ it.first, it.second, }); } } levelsUpdate.updates.push_back(GroupLevelUpdate{ 0, strong->_myAudioLevel }); strong->_audioLevels.clear(); strong->_audioLevelsUpdated(levelsUpdate); strong->beginLevelsTimer(50); }, timeoutMs); } void collectStats() { const auto weak = std::weak_ptr(shared_from_this()); rtc::scoped_refptr observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject([weak](const rtc::scoped_refptr &stats) { getMediaThread()->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak, stats](){ auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } strong->reportStats(stats); strong->beginStatsTimer(100); }); })); _peerConnection->GetStats(observer); } void reportStats(const rtc::scoped_refptr &stats) { } void onTrackAdded(rtc::scoped_refptr transceiver) { if (transceiver->direction() == webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kRecvOnly && transceiver->media_type() == cricket::MediaType::MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { if (transceiver->mid()) { auto streamId = transceiver->mid().value(); if (streamId.find("audio") != 0) { return; } streamId.replace(0, 5, ""); std::istringstream iss(streamId); uint32_t ssrc = 0; iss >> ssrc; rtc::scoped_refptr remoteAudioTrack(static_cast(transceiver->receiver()->track().get())); if (_audioTracks.find(ssrc) == _audioTracks.end()) { _audioTracks.insert(std::make_pair(ssrc, remoteAudioTrack)); } auto currentVolume = _audioTrackVolumes.find(ssrc); if (currentVolume != _audioTrackVolumes.end()) { remoteAudioTrack->GetSource()->SetVolume(currentVolume->second); } if (_audioTrackSinks.find(ssrc) == _audioTrackSinks.end()) { const auto weak = std::weak_ptr(shared_from_this()); std::shared_ptr sink(new AudioTrackSinkInterfaceImpl([weak, ssrc](float level, bool hasSpeech) { getMediaThread()->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak, ssrc, level, hasSpeech]() { auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } auto current = strong->_audioLevels.find(ssrc); if (current != strong->_audioLevels.end()) { if (current->second.level < level) { strong->_audioLevels[ssrc] = GroupLevelValue{ level, hasSpeech, }; } } else { strong->_audioLevels.emplace( ssrc, GroupLevelValue{ level, hasSpeech, }); } }); })); _audioTrackSinks[ssrc] = sink; remoteAudioTrack->AddSink(sink.get()); //remoteAudioTrack->GetSource()->SetVolume(0.01); } } } } void onTrackRemoved(rtc::scoped_refptr receiver) { } void onMissingSsrc(uint32_t ssrc) { if (_processedMissingSsrcs.find(ssrc) == _processedMissingSsrcs.end()) { _processedMissingSsrcs.insert(ssrc); _missingSsrcQueue.insert(ssrc); if (!_isProcessingMissingSsrcs) { beginProcessingMissingSsrcs(); } } } void beginProcessingMissingSsrcs() { if (_isProcessingMissingSsrcs) { return; } _isProcessingMissingSsrcs = true; auto timestamp = rtc::TimeMillis(); if (timestamp > _missingSsrcsProcessedTimestamp + 200) { applyMissingSsrcs(); } else { const auto weak = std::weak_ptr(shared_from_this()); getMediaThread()->PostDelayedTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak]() { auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } strong->applyMissingSsrcs(); }, 200); } } void applyMissingSsrcs() { assert(_isProcessingMissingSsrcs); if (_missingSsrcQueue.size() == 0) { completeProcessingMissingSsrcs(); return; } std::vector addSsrcs; for (auto ssrc : _missingSsrcQueue) { addSsrcs.push_back(ssrc); } _missingSsrcQueue.clear(); const auto weak = std::weak_ptr(shared_from_this()); addSsrcsInternal(addSsrcs, true); } void completeProcessingMissingSsrcs() { assert(_isProcessingMissingSsrcs); _isProcessingMissingSsrcs = false; _missingSsrcsProcessedTimestamp = rtc::TimeMillis(); if (_missingSsrcQueue.size() != 0) { beginProcessingMissingSsrcs(); } } void completedInitialSetup() { //beginDebugSsrcTimer(1000); } uint32_t _nextTestSsrc = 100; void beginDebugSsrcTimer(int timeout) { const auto weak = std::weak_ptr(shared_from_this()); getMediaThread()->PostDelayedTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak]() { auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } if (strong->_nextTestSsrc >= 100 + 50) { return; } strong->_nextTestSsrc++; strong->onMissingSsrc(strong->_nextTestSsrc); strong->beginDebugSsrcTimer(20); }, timeout); } void setIsMuted(bool isMuted) { if (!_localAudioTrackSender) { return; } if (_isMuted == isMuted) { return; } for (auto &it : _peerConnection->GetTransceivers()) { if (it->media_type() == cricket::MediaType::MEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO) { if (_localAudioTrackSender.get() == it->sender().get()) { if (isMuted) { /*if (it->direction() == webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv) { it->SetDirection(webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kRecvOnly); applyLocalSdp(); break; }*/ } else { if (it->direction() == webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kRecvOnly) { it->SetDirection(webrtc::RtpTransceiverDirection::kSendRecv); applyLocalSdp(); break; } } } break; } } _isMuted = isMuted; _localAudioTrack->set_enabled(!isMuted); RTC_LOG(LoggingSeverity::WARNING) << "setIsMuted: " << isMuted; } void emitAnswer(bool completeMissingSsrcSetup) { const auto weak = std::weak_ptr(shared_from_this()); webrtc::PeerConnectionInterface::RTCOfferAnswerOptions options; rtc::scoped_refptr observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject([weak, completeMissingSsrcSetup](std::string sdp, std::string type) { getMediaThread()->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, [weak, sdp, type, completeMissingSsrcSetup](){ auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } RTC_LOG(LoggingSeverity::WARNING) << "----- setLocalDescription answer -----"; RTC_LOG(LoggingSeverity::WARNING) << sdp; RTC_LOG(LoggingSeverity::WARNING) << "-----"; webrtc::SdpParseError error; webrtc::SessionDescriptionInterface *sessionDescription = webrtc::CreateSessionDescription(type, adjustLocalDescription(sdp), &error); if (sessionDescription != nullptr) { rtc::scoped_refptr observer(new rtc::RefCountedObject([weak, sdp, completeMissingSsrcSetup]() { auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } if (completeMissingSsrcSetup) { strong->completeProcessingMissingSsrcs(); } }, [weak, completeMissingSsrcSetup](webrtc::RTCError error) { auto strong = weak.lock(); if (!strong) { return; } if (completeMissingSsrcSetup) { strong->completeProcessingMissingSsrcs(); } })); strong->_peerConnection->SetLocalDescription(observer, sessionDescription); } else { if (completeMissingSsrcSetup) { strong->completeProcessingMissingSsrcs(); } } }); })); _peerConnection->CreateAnswer(observer, options); } private: void withAudioDeviceModule(std::function callback) { _adm_thread->Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE, [&] { callback(_adm_use_withAudioDeviceModule.get()); }); } std::function _networkStateUpdated; std::function _audioLevelsUpdated; int32_t _myAudioLevelPeakCount = 0; float _myAudioLevelPeak = 0; GroupLevelValue _myAudioLevel; std::string _initialInputDeviceId; std::string _initialOutputDeviceId; uint32_t _sessionId = 6543245; uint32_t _mainStreamAudioSsrc = 0; uint32_t _fakeIncomingSsrc = 0; absl::optional _joinPayload; int64_t _appliedOfferTimestamp = 0; bool _isConnected = false; int _isConnectedUpdateValidTaskId = 0; bool _isMuted = true; std::vector _allOtherSsrcs; std::set _activeOtherSsrcs; std::set _processedMissingSsrcs; int64_t _missingSsrcsProcessedTimestamp = 0; bool _isProcessingMissingSsrcs = false; std::set _missingSsrcQueue; std::string _appliedRemoteRescription; rtc::scoped_refptr _nativeFactory; std::unique_ptr _observer; rtc::scoped_refptr _peerConnection; std::unique_ptr _localAudioTrackSink; rtc::scoped_refptr _localAudioTrack; rtc::scoped_refptr _localAudioTrackSender; rtc::Thread *_adm_thread = nullptr; rtc::scoped_refptr _adm_use_withAudioDeviceModule; std::map> _audioTracks; std::map> _audioTrackSinks; std::map _audioLevels; std::map _audioTrackVolumes; std::shared_ptr _platformContext; }; GroupInstanceImpl::GroupInstanceImpl(GroupInstanceDescriptor &&descriptor) : _logSink(std::make_unique(descriptor.config.logPath)) { rtc::LogMessage::LogToDebug(rtc::LS_INFO); rtc::LogMessage::SetLogToStderr(true); if (_logSink) { rtc::LogMessage::AddLogToStream(_logSink.get(), rtc::LS_INFO); } _manager.reset(new ThreadLocalObject(getMediaThread(), [descriptor = std::move(descriptor)]() mutable { return new GroupInstanceManager(std::move(descriptor)); })); _manager->perform(RTC_FROM_HERE, [](GroupInstanceManager *manager) { manager->start(); }); } GroupInstanceImpl::~GroupInstanceImpl() { if (_logSink) { rtc::LogMessage::RemoveLogToStream(_logSink.get()); } _manager = nullptr; // Wait until _manager is destroyed, otherwise there is a race condition // in destruction of PeerConnection on media thread and network thread. getMediaThread()->Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE, [] {}); } void GroupInstanceImpl::stop() { _manager->perform(RTC_FROM_HERE, [](GroupInstanceManager *manager) { manager->stop(); }); } void GroupInstanceImpl::emitJoinPayload(std::function completion) { _manager->perform(RTC_FROM_HERE, [completion](GroupInstanceManager *manager) { manager->emitJoinPayload(completion); }); } void GroupInstanceImpl::setJoinResponsePayload(GroupJoinResponsePayload payload) { _manager->perform(RTC_FROM_HERE, [payload](GroupInstanceManager *manager) { manager->setJoinResponsePayload(payload); }); } void GroupInstanceImpl::removeSsrcs(std::vector ssrcs) { _manager->perform(RTC_FROM_HERE, [ssrcs](GroupInstanceManager *manager) { manager->removeSsrcs(ssrcs); }); } void GroupInstanceImpl::setIsMuted(bool isMuted) { _manager->perform(RTC_FROM_HERE, [isMuted](GroupInstanceManager *manager) { manager->setIsMuted(isMuted); }); } void GroupInstanceImpl::setAudioInputDevice(std::string id) { _manager->perform(RTC_FROM_HERE, [id](GroupInstanceManager *manager) { manager->setAudioInputDevice(id); }); } void GroupInstanceImpl::setAudioOutputDevice(std::string id) { _manager->perform(RTC_FROM_HERE, [id](GroupInstanceManager *manager) { manager->setAudioOutputDevice(id); }); } void GroupInstanceImpl::setVolume(uint32_t ssrc, double volume) { _manager->perform(RTC_FROM_HERE, [ssrc, volume](GroupInstanceManager *manager) { manager->setVolume(ssrc, volume); }); } } // namespace tgcalls