/* * This is the source code of tgnet library v. 1.1 * It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later. * You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE). * * Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2015-2018. */ #ifndef DEFINES_H #define DEFINES_H #include #include #include #include #include #include "ByteArray.h" #define USE_DEBUG_SESSION false #define READ_BUFFER_SIZE 1024 * 1024 * 2 //#define DEBUG_VERSION #define PFS_ENABLED 1 #define DEFAULT_DATACENTER_ID INT_MAX #define DC_UPDATE_TIME 60 * 60 #define TEMP_AUTH_KEY_EXPIRE_TIME 24 * 60 * 60 #define PROXY_CONNECTIONS_COUNT 4 #define DOWNLOAD_CONNECTIONS_COUNT 2 #define UPLOAD_CONNECTIONS_COUNT 4 #define CONNECTION_BACKGROUND_KEEP_TIME 10000 #define MAX_ACCOUNT_COUNT 5 #define USE_DELEGATE_HOST_RESOLVE #define USE_IPV4_ONLY 0 #define USE_IPV6_ONLY 1 #define USE_IPV4_IPV6_RANDOM 2 #define NETWORK_TYPE_MOBILE 0 #define NETWORK_TYPE_WIFI 1 #define NETWORK_TYPE_ROAMING 2 class TLObject; class TL_error; class Request; class TL_message; class TL_config; class NativeByteBuffer; class Handshake; class ConnectionSocket; typedef std::function onCompleteFunc; typedef std::function onQuickAckFunc; typedef std::function onWriteToSocketFunc; typedef std::function fillParamsFunc; typedef std::function onRequestTimeFunc; typedef std::list> requestsList; typedef requestsList::iterator requestsIter; typedef struct NetworkMessage { std::unique_ptr message; bool invokeAfter = false; bool needQuickAck = false; bool forceContainer = false; int32_t requestId; } NetworkMessage; enum ConnectionType { ConnectionTypeGeneric = 1, ConnectionTypeDownload = 2, ConnectionTypeUpload = 4, ConnectionTypePush = 8, ConnectionTypeTemp = 16, ConnectionTypeProxy = 32, ConnectionTypeGenericMedia = 64 }; enum TcpAddressFlag { TcpAddressFlagIpv6 = 1, TcpAddressFlagDownload = 2, TcpAddressFlagO = 4, TcpAddressFlagCdn = 8, TcpAddressFlagStatic = 16, TcpAddressFlagTemp = 2048 }; enum ConnectionState { ConnectionStateConnecting = 1, ConnectionStateWaitingForNetwork = 2, ConnectionStateConnected = 3, ConnectionStateConnectingViaProxy = 4 }; enum EventObjectType { EventObjectTypeConnection, EventObjectTypeTimer, EventObjectTypePipe, EventObjectTypeEvent }; enum FileLoadState { FileLoadStateIdle, FileLoadStateDownloading, FileLoadStateFailed, FileLoadStateFinished }; enum FileLoadFailReason { FileLoadFailReasonError, FileLoadFailReasonCanceled, FileLoadFailReasonRetryLimit }; enum HandshakeType { HandshakeTypePerm, HandshakeTypeTemp, HandshakeTypeMediaTemp, HandshakeTypeCurrent, HandshakeTypeAll }; class TcpAddress { public: std::string address; int32_t flags; int32_t port; std::string secret; TcpAddress(std::string addr, int32_t p, int32_t f, std::string s) { address = addr; port = p; flags = f; secret = s; } }; typedef std::function onFinishedFunc; typedef std::function onFailedFunc; typedef std::function onProgressChangedFunc; typedef struct ConnectiosManagerDelegate { virtual void onUpdate(int32_t instanceNum) = 0; virtual void onSessionCreated(int32_t instanceNum) = 0; virtual void onConnectionStateChanged(ConnectionState state, int32_t instanceNum) = 0; virtual void onUnparsedMessageReceived(int64_t reqMessageId, NativeByteBuffer *buffer, ConnectionType connectionType, int32_t instanceNum) = 0; virtual void onLogout(int32_t instanceNum) = 0; virtual void onUpdateConfig(TL_config *config, int32_t instanceNum) = 0; virtual void onInternalPushReceived(int32_t instanceNum) = 0; virtual void onBytesSent(int32_t amount, int32_t networkType, int32_t instanceNum) = 0; virtual void onBytesReceived(int32_t amount, int32_t networkType, int32_t instanceNum) = 0; virtual void onRequestNewServerIpAndPort(int32_t second, int32_t instanceNum) = 0; virtual void onProxyError(int32_t instanceNum) = 0; virtual void getHostByName(std::string domain, int32_t instanceNum, ConnectionSocket *socket) = 0; virtual int32_t getInitFlags(int32_t instanceNum) = 0; } ConnectiosManagerDelegate; typedef struct HandshakeDelegate { virtual void onHandshakeComplete(Handshake *handshake, int64_t keyId, ByteArray *authKey, int32_t timeDifference) = 0; } HandshakeDelegate; #define AllConnectionTypes ConnectionTypeGeneric | ConnectionTypeDownload | ConnectionTypeUpload enum RequestFlag { RequestFlagEnableUnauthorized = 1, RequestFlagFailOnServerErrors = 2, RequestFlagCanCompress = 4, RequestFlagWithoutLogin = 8, RequestFlagTryDifferentDc = 16, RequestFlagForceDownload = 32, RequestFlagInvokeAfter = 64, RequestFlagNeedQuickAck = 128, RequestFlagUseUnboundKey = 256, RequestFlagResendAfter = 512, RequestFlagIgnoreFloodWait = 1024, RequestFlagIsCancel = 32768 }; inline std::string to_string_int32(int32_t value) { char buf[30]; int len = sprintf(buf, "%d", value); return std::string(buf, (uint32_t) len); } inline std::string to_string_uint64(uint64_t value) { char buf[30]; int len = sprintf(buf, "%" PRIu64, value); return std::string(buf, (uint32_t) len); } inline int32_t char2int(char input) { if (input >= '0' && input <= '9') { return input - '0'; } else if (input >= 'A' && input <= 'F') { return (char) (input - 'A' + 10); } else if (input >= 'a' && input <= 'f') { return (char) (input - 'a' + 10); } return 0; } #endif