/* * This is the source code of tgnet library v. 1.1 * It is licensed under GNU GPL v. 2 or later. * You should have received a copy of the license in this archive (see LICENSE). * * Copyright Nikolai Kudashov, 2015-2018. */ #include #include #include #include #include "Connection.h" #include "ConnectionsManager.h" #include "BuffersStorage.h" #include "FileLog.h" #include "Timer.h" #include "Datacenter.h" #include "NativeByteBuffer.h" #include "ByteArray.h" thread_local static uint32_t lastConnectionToken = 1; Connection::Connection(Datacenter *datacenter, ConnectionType type, int8_t num) : ConnectionSession(datacenter->instanceNum), ConnectionSocket(datacenter->instanceNum) { currentDatacenter = datacenter; connectionNum = num; connectionType = type; genereateNewSessionId(); connectionState = TcpConnectionStageIdle; reconnectTimer = new Timer(datacenter->instanceNum, [&] { reconnectTimer->stop(); waitForReconnectTimer = false; connect(); }); } Connection::~Connection() { if (reconnectTimer != nullptr) { reconnectTimer->stop(); delete reconnectTimer; reconnectTimer = nullptr; } } void Connection::suspendConnection() { suspendConnection(false); } void Connection::suspendConnection(bool idle) { reconnectTimer->stop(); waitForReconnectTimer = false; if (connectionState == TcpConnectionStageIdle || connectionState == TcpConnectionStageSuspended) { return; } DEBUG_D("connection(%p, account%u, dc%u, type %d) suspend", this, currentDatacenter->instanceNum, currentDatacenter->getDatacenterId(), connectionType); connectionState = idle ? TcpConnectionStageIdle : TcpConnectionStageSuspended; dropConnection(); ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).onConnectionClosed(this, 0); firstPacketSent = false; if (restOfTheData != nullptr) { restOfTheData->reuse(); restOfTheData = nullptr; } lastPacketLength = 0; connectionToken = 0; wasConnected = false; } void Connection::onReceivedData(NativeByteBuffer *buffer) { AES_ctr128_encrypt(buffer->bytes(), buffer->bytes(), buffer->limit(), &decryptKey, decryptIv, decryptCount, &decryptNum); failedConnectionCount = 0; NativeByteBuffer *parseLaterBuffer = nullptr; if (restOfTheData != nullptr) { if (lastPacketLength == 0) { if (restOfTheData->capacity() - restOfTheData->position() >= buffer->limit()) { restOfTheData->limit(restOfTheData->position() + buffer->limit()); restOfTheData->writeBytes(buffer); buffer = restOfTheData; } else { NativeByteBuffer *newBuffer = BuffersStorage::getInstance().getFreeBuffer(restOfTheData->limit() + buffer->limit()); restOfTheData->rewind(); newBuffer->writeBytes(restOfTheData); newBuffer->writeBytes(buffer); buffer = newBuffer; restOfTheData->reuse(); restOfTheData = newBuffer; } } else { uint32_t len; if (lastPacketLength - restOfTheData->position() <= buffer->limit()) { len = lastPacketLength - restOfTheData->position(); } else { len = buffer->limit(); } uint32_t oldLimit = buffer->limit(); buffer->limit(len); restOfTheData->writeBytes(buffer); buffer->limit(oldLimit); if (restOfTheData->position() == lastPacketLength) { parseLaterBuffer = buffer->hasRemaining() ? buffer : nullptr; buffer = restOfTheData; } else { return; } } } buffer->rewind(); while (buffer->hasRemaining()) { if (!hasSomeDataSinceLastConnect) { currentDatacenter->storeCurrentAddressAndPortNum(); isTryingNextPort = false; if (connectionType == ConnectionTypeProxy) { setTimeout(5); } else if (connectionType == ConnectionTypePush) { setTimeout(60 * 15); } else if (connectionType == ConnectionTypeUpload) { if (ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).networkSlow) { setTimeout(40); } else { setTimeout(25); } } else { setTimeout(25); } } hasSomeDataSinceLastConnect = true; uint32_t currentPacketLength = 0; uint32_t mark = buffer->position(); uint32_t len; if (currentProtocolType == ProtocolTypeEF) { uint8_t fByte = buffer->readByte(nullptr); if ((fByte & (1 << 7)) != 0) { buffer->position(mark); if (buffer->remaining() < 4) { NativeByteBuffer *reuseLater = restOfTheData; restOfTheData = BuffersStorage::getInstance().getFreeBuffer(16384); restOfTheData->writeBytes(buffer); restOfTheData->limit(restOfTheData->position()); lastPacketLength = 0; if (reuseLater != nullptr) { reuseLater->reuse(); } break; } int32_t ackId = buffer->readBigInt32(nullptr) & (~(1 << 31)); ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).onConnectionQuickAckReceived(this, ackId); continue; } if (fByte != 0x7f) { currentPacketLength = ((uint32_t) fByte) * 4; } else { buffer->position(mark); if (buffer->remaining() < 4) { if (restOfTheData == nullptr || (restOfTheData != nullptr && restOfTheData->position() != 0)) { NativeByteBuffer *reuseLater = restOfTheData; restOfTheData = BuffersStorage::getInstance().getFreeBuffer(16384); restOfTheData->writeBytes(buffer); restOfTheData->limit(restOfTheData->position()); lastPacketLength = 0; if (reuseLater != nullptr) { reuseLater->reuse(); } } else { restOfTheData->position(restOfTheData->limit()); } break; } currentPacketLength = ((uint32_t) buffer->readInt32(nullptr) >> 8) * 4; } len = currentPacketLength + (fByte != 0x7f ? 1 : 4); } else { if (buffer->remaining() < 4) { if (restOfTheData == nullptr || (restOfTheData != nullptr && restOfTheData->position() != 0)) { NativeByteBuffer *reuseLater = restOfTheData; restOfTheData = BuffersStorage::getInstance().getFreeBuffer(16384); restOfTheData->writeBytes(buffer); restOfTheData->limit(restOfTheData->position()); lastPacketLength = 0; if (reuseLater != nullptr) { reuseLater->reuse(); } } else { restOfTheData->position(restOfTheData->limit()); } break; } uint32_t fInt = buffer->readUint32(nullptr); if ((fInt & (0x80000000)) != 0) { ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).onConnectionQuickAckReceived(this, fInt & (~(1 << 31))); continue; } currentPacketLength = fInt; len = currentPacketLength + 4; } if (currentProtocolType != ProtocolTypeDD && currentPacketLength % 4 != 0 || currentPacketLength > 2 * 1024 * 1024) { DEBUG_D("connection(%p, account%u, dc%u, type %d) received invalid packet length", this, currentDatacenter->instanceNum, currentDatacenter->getDatacenterId(), connectionType); reconnect(); return; } if (currentPacketLength < buffer->remaining()) { DEBUG_D("connection(%p, account%u, dc%u, type %d) received message len %u but packet larger %u", this, currentDatacenter->instanceNum, currentDatacenter->getDatacenterId(), connectionType, currentPacketLength, buffer->remaining()); } else if (currentPacketLength == buffer->remaining()) { DEBUG_D("connection(%p, account%u, dc%u, type %d) received message len %u equal to packet size", this, currentDatacenter->instanceNum, currentDatacenter->getDatacenterId(), connectionType, currentPacketLength); } else { DEBUG_D("connection(%p, account%u, dc%u, type %d) received packet size less(%u) then message size(%u)", this, currentDatacenter->instanceNum, currentDatacenter->getDatacenterId(), connectionType, buffer->remaining(), currentPacketLength); NativeByteBuffer *reuseLater = nullptr; if (restOfTheData != nullptr && restOfTheData->capacity() < len) { reuseLater = restOfTheData; restOfTheData = nullptr; } if (restOfTheData == nullptr) { buffer->position(mark); restOfTheData = BuffersStorage::getInstance().getFreeBuffer(len); restOfTheData->writeBytes(buffer); } else { restOfTheData->position(restOfTheData->limit()); restOfTheData->limit(len); } lastPacketLength = len; if (reuseLater != nullptr) { reuseLater->reuse(); } return; } uint32_t old = buffer->limit(); buffer->limit(buffer->position() + currentPacketLength); ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).onConnectionDataReceived(this, buffer, currentPacketLength); buffer->position(buffer->limit()); buffer->limit(old); if (restOfTheData != nullptr) { if ((lastPacketLength != 0 && restOfTheData->position() == lastPacketLength) || (lastPacketLength == 0 && !restOfTheData->hasRemaining())) { restOfTheData->reuse(); restOfTheData = nullptr; } else { restOfTheData->compact(); restOfTheData->limit(restOfTheData->position()); restOfTheData->position(0); } } if (parseLaterBuffer != nullptr) { buffer = parseLaterBuffer; parseLaterBuffer = nullptr; } } } void Connection::connect() { if (waitForReconnectTimer) { return; } if (!ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).isNetworkAvailable()) { ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).onConnectionClosed(this, 0); return; } if (connectionState == TcpConnectionStageConnected || connectionState == TcpConnectionStageConnecting) { return; } connectionState = TcpConnectionStageConnecting; isMediaConnection = false; uint32_t ipv6 = ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).isIpv6Enabled() ? TcpAddressFlagIpv6 : 0; uint32_t isStatic = connectionType == ConnectionTypeProxy || !ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).proxyAddress.empty() ? TcpAddressFlagStatic : 0; TcpAddress *tcpAddress = nullptr; if (isMediaConnectionType(connectionType)) { currentAddressFlags = TcpAddressFlagDownload | isStatic; tcpAddress = currentDatacenter->getCurrentAddress(currentAddressFlags | ipv6); if (tcpAddress == nullptr) { currentAddressFlags = isStatic; tcpAddress = currentDatacenter->getCurrentAddress(currentAddressFlags | ipv6); } else { isMediaConnection = true; } if (tcpAddress == nullptr && ipv6) { ipv6 = 0; currentAddressFlags = TcpAddressFlagDownload | isStatic; tcpAddress = currentDatacenter->getCurrentAddress(currentAddressFlags); if (tcpAddress == nullptr) { currentAddressFlags = isStatic; tcpAddress = currentDatacenter->getCurrentAddress(currentAddressFlags); } else { isMediaConnection = true; } } } else if (connectionType == ConnectionTypeTemp) { currentAddressFlags = TcpAddressFlagTemp; tcpAddress = currentDatacenter->getCurrentAddress(currentAddressFlags); } else { currentAddressFlags = isStatic; tcpAddress = currentDatacenter->getCurrentAddress(currentAddressFlags | ipv6); if (tcpAddress == nullptr && ipv6) { ipv6 = 0; tcpAddress = currentDatacenter->getCurrentAddress(currentAddressFlags); } } if (tcpAddress == nullptr) { hostAddress = ""; } else { hostAddress = tcpAddress->address; secret = tcpAddress->secret; } if (tcpAddress != nullptr && isStatic) { hostPort = (uint16_t) tcpAddress->port; } else { hostPort = (uint16_t) currentDatacenter->getCurrentPort(currentAddressFlags); } reconnectTimer->stop(); DEBUG_D("connection(%p, account%u, dc%u, type %d) connecting (%s:%hu)", this, currentDatacenter->instanceNum, currentDatacenter->getDatacenterId(), connectionType, hostAddress.c_str(), hostPort); firstPacketSent = false; if (restOfTheData != nullptr) { restOfTheData->reuse(); restOfTheData = nullptr; } lastPacketLength = 0; wasConnected = false; hasSomeDataSinceLastConnect = false; openConnection(hostAddress, hostPort, ipv6 != 0, ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).currentNetworkType); if (connectionType == ConnectionTypeProxy) { setTimeout(5); } else if (connectionType == ConnectionTypePush) { if (isTryingNextPort) { setTimeout(20); } else { setTimeout(30); } } else if (connectionType == ConnectionTypeUpload) { if (ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).networkSlow) { setTimeout(40); } else { setTimeout(25); } } else { if (isTryingNextPort) { setTimeout(8); } else { setTimeout(12); } } } void Connection::reconnect() { if (connectionType == ConnectionTypeProxy) { suspendConnection(false); } else { forceNextPort = true; suspendConnection(true); connect(); } } bool Connection::hasUsefullData() { int64_t time = ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).getCurrentTimeMonotonicMillis(); if (usefullData && llabs(time - usefullDataReceiveTime) < 4 * 1000L) { return false; } return usefullData; } bool Connection::isSuspended() { return connectionState == TcpConnectionStageSuspended; } bool Connection::isMediaConnectionType(ConnectionType type) { return (type & ConnectionTypeGenericMedia) != 0 || (type & ConnectionTypeDownload) != 0; } void Connection::setHasUsefullData() { if (!usefullData) { usefullDataReceiveTime = ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).getCurrentTimeMonotonicMillis(); usefullData = true; lastReconnectTimeout = 50; } } bool Connection::allowsCustomPadding() { return currentProtocolType == ProtocolTypeDD || currentProtocolType == ProtocolTypeEF; } void Connection::sendData(NativeByteBuffer *buff, bool reportAck, bool encrypted) { if (buff == nullptr) { return; } buff->rewind(); if (connectionState == TcpConnectionStageIdle || connectionState == TcpConnectionStageReconnecting || connectionState == TcpConnectionStageSuspended) { connect(); } if (isDisconnected()) { buff->reuse(); DEBUG_D("connection(%p, account%u, dc%u, type %d) disconnected, don't send data", this, currentDatacenter->instanceNum, currentDatacenter->getDatacenterId(), connectionType); return; } uint32_t bufferLen = 0; uint32_t packetLength; uint8_t useSecret = 0; if (!firstPacketSent) { if (!overrideProxyAddress.empty()) { if (!overrideProxySecret.empty()) { useSecret = 1; } else if (!secret.empty()) { useSecret = 2; } } else if (!ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).proxyAddress.empty() && !ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).proxySecret.empty()) { useSecret = 1; } else if (!secret.empty()) { useSecret = 2; } if (useSecret != 0) { std::string *currentSecret = getCurrentSecret(useSecret); if (currentSecret->length() == 34 && (*currentSecret)[0] == 'd' && (*currentSecret)[1] == 'd') { currentProtocolType = ProtocolTypeDD; } else { currentProtocolType = ProtocolTypeEF; } } else { currentProtocolType = ProtocolTypeEF; } } uint32_t additinalPacketSize = 0; if (currentProtocolType == ProtocolTypeEF) { packetLength = buff->limit() / 4; if (packetLength < 0x7f) { bufferLen++; } else { bufferLen += 4; } } else { packetLength = buff->limit(); if (currentProtocolType == ProtocolTypeDD) { RAND_bytes((uint8_t *) &additinalPacketSize, 4); if (!encrypted) { additinalPacketSize = additinalPacketSize % 257; } else { additinalPacketSize = additinalPacketSize % 16; } packetLength += additinalPacketSize; } else { RAND_bytes((uint8_t *) &additinalPacketSize, 4); if (!encrypted) { additinalPacketSize = additinalPacketSize % 257; uint32_t additionalSize = additinalPacketSize % 4; if (additionalSize != 0) { additinalPacketSize += (4 - additionalSize); } } packetLength += additinalPacketSize; } bufferLen += 4; } if (!firstPacketSent) { bufferLen += 64; } NativeByteBuffer *buffer = BuffersStorage::getInstance().getFreeBuffer(bufferLen); NativeByteBuffer *buffer2; if (additinalPacketSize > 0) { buffer2 = BuffersStorage::getInstance().getFreeBuffer(additinalPacketSize); RAND_bytes(buffer2->bytes(), additinalPacketSize); } else { buffer2 = nullptr; } uint8_t *bytes = buffer->bytes(); if (!firstPacketSent) { buffer->position(64); while (true) { RAND_bytes(bytes, 64); uint32_t val = (bytes[3] << 24) | (bytes[2] << 16) | (bytes[1] << 8) | (bytes[0]); uint32_t val2 = (bytes[7] << 24) | (bytes[6] << 16) | (bytes[5] << 8) | (bytes[4]); if (bytes[0] != 0xef && val != 0x44414548 && val != 0x54534f50 && val != 0x20544547 && val != 0x4954504f && val != 0xeeeeeeee && val != 0xdddddddd && val2 != 0x00000000) { if (currentProtocolType == ProtocolTypeEF) { bytes[56] = bytes[57] = bytes[58] = bytes[59] = 0xef; } else if (currentProtocolType == ProtocolTypeDD) { bytes[56] = bytes[57] = bytes[58] = bytes[59] = 0xdd; } else if (currentProtocolType == ProtocolTypeEE) { bytes[56] = bytes[57] = bytes[58] = bytes[59] = 0xee; } if (useSecret != 0) { int16_t datacenterId; if (isMediaConnection && connectionType != ConnectionTypeGenericMedia) { if (ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).testBackend) { datacenterId = -(int16_t) (10000 + currentDatacenter->getDatacenterId()); } else { datacenterId = -(int16_t) currentDatacenter->getDatacenterId(); } } else { if (ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).testBackend) { datacenterId = (int16_t) (10000 + currentDatacenter->getDatacenterId()); } else { datacenterId = (int16_t) currentDatacenter->getDatacenterId(); } } bytes[60] = (uint8_t) (datacenterId & 0xff); bytes[61] = (uint8_t) ((datacenterId >> 8) & 0xff); } break; } } encryptNum = decryptNum = 0; memset(encryptCount, 0, 16); memset(decryptCount, 0, 16); for (int32_t a = 0; a < 48; a++) { temp[a] = bytes[a + 8]; } encryptKeyWithSecret(temp, useSecret); if (AES_set_encrypt_key(temp, 256, &encryptKey) < 0) { DEBUG_E("unable to set encryptKey"); exit(1); } memcpy(encryptIv, temp + 32, 16); for (int32_t a = 0; a < 48; a++) { temp[a] = bytes[55 - a]; } encryptKeyWithSecret(temp, useSecret); if (AES_set_encrypt_key(temp, 256, &decryptKey) < 0) { DEBUG_E("unable to set decryptKey"); exit(1); } memcpy(decryptIv, temp + 32, 16); AES_ctr128_encrypt(bytes, temp, 64, &encryptKey, encryptIv, encryptCount, &encryptNum); memcpy(bytes + 56, temp + 56, 8); firstPacketSent = true; } if (currentProtocolType == ProtocolTypeEF) { if (packetLength < 0x7f) { if (reportAck) { packetLength |= (1 << 7); } buffer->writeByte((uint8_t) packetLength); bytes += (buffer->limit() - 1); AES_ctr128_encrypt(bytes, bytes, 1, &encryptKey, encryptIv, encryptCount, &encryptNum); } else { packetLength = (packetLength << 8) + 0x7f; if (reportAck) { packetLength |= (1 << 7); } buffer->writeInt32(packetLength); bytes += (buffer->limit() - 4); AES_ctr128_encrypt(bytes, bytes, 4, &encryptKey, encryptIv, encryptCount, &encryptNum); } } else { if (reportAck) { packetLength |= 0x80000000; } buffer->writeInt32(packetLength); bytes += (buffer->limit() - 4); AES_ctr128_encrypt(bytes, bytes, 4, &encryptKey, encryptIv, encryptCount, &encryptNum); } buffer->rewind(); writeBuffer(buffer); buff->rewind(); AES_ctr128_encrypt(buff->bytes(), buff->bytes(), buff->limit(), &encryptKey, encryptIv, encryptCount, &encryptNum); writeBuffer(buff); if (buffer2 != nullptr) { AES_ctr128_encrypt(buffer2->bytes(), buffer2->bytes(), buffer2->limit(), &encryptKey, encryptIv, encryptCount, &encryptNum); writeBuffer(buffer2); } } inline char char2int(char input) { if (input >= '0' && input <= '9') { return input - '0'; } else if (input >= 'A' && input <= 'F') { return (char) (input - 'A' + 10); } else if (input >= 'a' && input <= 'f') { return (char) (input - 'a' + 10); } return 0; } inline std::string *Connection::getCurrentSecret(uint8_t secretType) { if (secretType == 2) { return &secret; } else if (!overrideProxySecret.empty()) { return &overrideProxySecret; } else { return &ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).proxySecret; } } inline void Connection::encryptKeyWithSecret(uint8_t *bytes, uint8_t secretType) { if (secretType == 0) { return; } std::string *currentSecret = getCurrentSecret(secretType); size_t a = 0; if (currentSecret->length() == 34 && (*currentSecret)[0] == 'd' && (*currentSecret)[1] == 'd') { a = 1; } SHA256_CTX sha256Ctx; SHA256_Init(&sha256Ctx); SHA256_Update(&sha256Ctx, bytes, 32); char b[1]; for (; a < currentSecret->size() / 2; a++) { b[0] = (char) (char2int((*currentSecret)[a * 2]) * 16 + char2int((*currentSecret)[a * 2 + 1])); SHA256_Update(&sha256Ctx, b, 1); } SHA256_Final(bytes, &sha256Ctx); } void Connection::onDisconnected(int32_t reason, int32_t error) { reconnectTimer->stop(); DEBUG_D("connection(%p, account%u, dc%u, type %d) disconnected with reason %d", this, currentDatacenter->instanceNum, currentDatacenter->getDatacenterId(), connectionType, reason); bool switchToNextPort = wasConnected && !hasSomeDataSinceLastConnect && reason == 2 || forceNextPort; firstPacketSent = false; if (restOfTheData != nullptr) { restOfTheData->reuse(); restOfTheData = nullptr; } lastPacketLength = 0; wasConnected = false; if (connectionState != TcpConnectionStageSuspended && connectionState != TcpConnectionStageIdle) { connectionState = TcpConnectionStageIdle; } ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).onConnectionClosed(this, reason); connectionToken = 0; uint32_t datacenterId = currentDatacenter->getDatacenterId(); if (connectionState == TcpConnectionStageIdle) { connectionState = TcpConnectionStageReconnecting; failedConnectionCount++; if (failedConnectionCount == 1) { if (hasUsefullData()) { willRetryConnectCount = 3; } else { willRetryConnectCount = 1; } } if (ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).isNetworkAvailable()) { isTryingNextPort = true; if (failedConnectionCount > willRetryConnectCount || switchToNextPort) { currentDatacenter->nextAddressOrPort(currentAddressFlags); failedConnectionCount = 0; } } if (error == 0x68 || error == 0x71) { if (connectionType != ConnectionTypeProxy) { waitForReconnectTimer = true; reconnectTimer->setTimeout(lastReconnectTimeout, false); lastReconnectTimeout *= 2; if (lastReconnectTimeout > 400) { lastReconnectTimeout = 400; } reconnectTimer->start(); } } else { waitForReconnectTimer = false; if (connectionType == ConnectionTypeGenericMedia && currentDatacenter->isHandshaking(true) || connectionType == ConnectionTypeGeneric && (currentDatacenter->isHandshaking(false) || datacenterId == ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).currentDatacenterId || datacenterId == ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).movingToDatacenterId)) { DEBUG_D("connection(%p, account%u, dc%u, type %d) reconnect %s:%hu", this, currentDatacenter->instanceNum, currentDatacenter->getDatacenterId(), connectionType, hostAddress.c_str(), hostPort); reconnectTimer->setTimeout(1000, false); reconnectTimer->start(); } } } usefullData = false; } void Connection::onConnected() { connectionState = TcpConnectionStageConnected; connectionToken = lastConnectionToken++; wasConnected = true; DEBUG_D("connection(%p, account%u, dc%u, type %d) connected to %s:%hu", this, currentDatacenter->instanceNum, currentDatacenter->getDatacenterId(), connectionType, hostAddress.c_str(), hostPort); ConnectionsManager::getInstance(currentDatacenter->instanceNum).onConnectionConnected(this); } Datacenter *Connection::getDatacenter() { return currentDatacenter; } ConnectionType Connection::getConnectionType() { return connectionType; } int8_t Connection::getConnectionNum() { return connectionNum; } uint32_t Connection::getConnectionToken() { return connectionToken; }