mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 05:31:19 +01:00
Thanks to @alabiaga and @marcelpinto for help with improvements for Android 12. https://github.com/DrKLO/Telegram/pull/1633 https://github.com/DrKLO/Telegram/pull/1636 https://github.com/DrKLO/Telegram/pull/1630
576 lines
20 KiB
576 lines
20 KiB
#include "EncryptedConnection.h"
#include "CryptoHelper.h"
#include "rtc_base/logging.h"
#include "rtc_base/byte_buffer.h"
#include "rtc_base/time_utils.h"
namespace tgcalls {
namespace {
constexpr auto kSingleMessagePacketSeqBit = (uint32_t(1) << 31);
constexpr auto kMessageRequiresAckSeqBit = (uint32_t(1) << 30);
constexpr auto kMaxAllowedCounter = std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max()
& ~kSingleMessagePacketSeqBit
& ~kMessageRequiresAckSeqBit;
static_assert(kMaxAllowedCounter < kSingleMessagePacketSeqBit, "bad");
static_assert(kMaxAllowedCounter < kMessageRequiresAckSeqBit, "bad");
constexpr auto kAckSerializedSize = sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint8_t);
constexpr auto kNotAckedMessagesLimit = 64 * 1024;
constexpr auto kMaxIncomingPacketSize = 128 * 1024; // don't try decrypting more
constexpr auto kKeepIncomingCountersCount = 64;
constexpr auto kMaxFullPacketSize = 1500; // IP_PACKET_SIZE from webrtc.
// Max seen turn_overhead is around 36.
constexpr auto kMaxOuterPacketSize = kMaxFullPacketSize - 48;
constexpr auto kMaxSignalingPacketSize = 16 * 1024;
constexpr auto kServiceCauseAcks = 1;
constexpr auto kServiceCauseResend = 2;
static constexpr uint8_t kAckId = uint8_t(-1);
static constexpr uint8_t kEmptyId = uint8_t(-2);
void AppendSeq(rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer &buffer, uint32_t seq) {
const auto bytes = rtc::HostToNetwork32(seq);
buffer.AppendData(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&bytes), sizeof(bytes));
void WriteSeq(void *bytes, uint32_t seq) {
*reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(bytes) = rtc::HostToNetwork32(seq);
uint32_t ReadSeq(const void *bytes) {
return rtc::NetworkToHost32(*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(bytes));
uint32_t CounterFromSeq(uint32_t seq) {
return seq & ~kSingleMessagePacketSeqBit & ~kMessageRequiresAckSeqBit;
absl::nullopt_t LogError(
const char *message,
const std::string &additional = std::string()) {
RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) << "ERROR! " << message << additional;
return absl::nullopt;
bool ConstTimeIsDifferent(const void *a, const void *b, size_t size) {
auto ca = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(a);
auto cb = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(b);
volatile auto different = false;
for (const auto ce = ca + size; ca != ce; ++ca, ++cb) {
different |= (*ca != *cb);
return different;
} // namespace
Type type,
const EncryptionKey &key,
std::function<void(int delayMs, int cause)> requestSendService) :
_requestSendService(std::move(requestSendService)) {
assert(_key.value != nullptr);
absl::optional<rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer> EncryptedConnection::encryptRawPacket(rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer const &buffer) {
auto seq = ++_counter;
rtc::ByteBufferWriter writer;
auto result = rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer();
result.AppendData(writer.Data(), writer.Length());
auto encryptedPacket = encryptPrepared(result);
rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer encryptedBuffer;
encryptedBuffer.AppendData(encryptedPacket.bytes.data(), encryptedPacket.bytes.size());
return encryptedBuffer;
absl::optional<rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer> EncryptedConnection::decryptRawPacket(rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer const &buffer) {
if (buffer.size() < 21 || buffer.size() > kMaxIncomingPacketSize) {
return absl::nullopt;
const auto x = (_key.isOutgoing ? 8 : 0) + (_type == Type::Signaling ? 128 : 0);
const auto key = _key.value->data();
const auto msgKey = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(buffer.data());
const auto encryptedData = msgKey + 16;
const auto dataSize = buffer.size() - 16;
auto aesKeyIv = PrepareAesKeyIv(key, msgKey, x);
auto decryptionBuffer = rtc::Buffer(dataSize);
MemorySpan{ encryptedData, dataSize },
const auto msgKeyLarge = ConcatSHA256(
MemorySpan{ key + 88 + x, 32 },
MemorySpan{ decryptionBuffer.data(), decryptionBuffer.size() });
if (ConstTimeIsDifferent(msgKeyLarge.data() + 8, msgKey, 16)) {
return absl::nullopt;
const auto incomingSeq = ReadSeq(decryptionBuffer.data());
const auto incomingCounter = CounterFromSeq(incomingSeq);
if (!registerIncomingCounter(incomingCounter)) {
// We've received that packet already.
return absl::nullopt;
rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer resultBuffer;
resultBuffer.AppendData(decryptionBuffer.data() + 4, decryptionBuffer.size() - 4);
return resultBuffer;
auto EncryptedConnection::prepareForSending(const Message &message)
-> absl::optional<EncryptedPacket> {
const auto messageRequiresAck = absl::visit([](const auto &data) {
return std::decay_t<decltype(data)>::kRequiresAck;
}, message.data);
// If message requires ack, then we can't serialize it as a single
// message packet, because later it may be sent as a part of big packet.
const auto singleMessagePacket = !haveAdditionalMessages() && !messageRequiresAck;
const auto maybeSeq = computeNextSeq(messageRequiresAck, singleMessagePacket);
if (!maybeSeq) {
return absl::nullopt;
const auto seq = *maybeSeq;
auto serialized = SerializeMessageWithSeq(message, seq, singleMessagePacket);
if (!enoughSpaceInPacket(serialized, 0)) {
return LogError("Too large packet: ", std::to_string(serialized.size()));
const auto notYetAckedCopy = messageRequiresAck
? serialized
: rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer();
if (!messageRequiresAck) {
return encryptPrepared(serialized);
const auto type = uint8_t(serialized.cdata()[4]);
const auto sendEnqueued = !_myNotYetAckedMessages.empty();
if (sendEnqueued) {
// All requiring ack messages should always be sent in order within
// one packet, starting with the least not-yet-acked one.
// So if we still have those, we send an empty message with all
// requiring ack messages that will fit in correct order.
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << logHeader()
<< "Enqueue SEND:type" << type << "#" << CounterFromSeq(seq);
} else {
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << logHeader()
<< "Add SEND:type" << type << "#" << CounterFromSeq(seq);
_myNotYetAckedMessages.push_back({ notYetAckedCopy, rtc::TimeMillis() });
if (!sendEnqueued) {
return encryptPrepared(serialized);
for (auto &queued : _myNotYetAckedMessages) {
queued.lastSent = 0;
return prepareForSendingService(0);
auto EncryptedConnection::prepareForSendingService(int cause)
-> absl::optional<EncryptedPacket> {
if (cause == kServiceCauseAcks) {
_sendAcksTimerActive = false;
} else if (cause == kServiceCauseResend) {
_resendTimerActive = false;
if (!haveAdditionalMessages()) {
return absl::nullopt;
const auto messageRequiresAck = false;
const auto singleMessagePacket = false;
const auto seq = computeNextSeq(messageRequiresAck, singleMessagePacket);
if (!seq) {
return absl::nullopt;
auto serialized = SerializeEmptyMessageWithSeq(*seq);
assert(enoughSpaceInPacket(serialized, 0));
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << logHeader()
<< "SEND:empty#" << CounterFromSeq(*seq);
return encryptPrepared(serialized);
bool EncryptedConnection::haveAdditionalMessages() const {
return !_myNotYetAckedMessages.empty() || !_acksToSendSeqs.empty();
absl::optional<uint32_t> EncryptedConnection::computeNextSeq(
bool messageRequiresAck,
bool singleMessagePacket) {
if (messageRequiresAck && _myNotYetAckedMessages.size() >= kNotAckedMessagesLimit) {
return LogError("Too many not ACKed messages.");
} else if (_counter == kMaxAllowedCounter) {
return LogError("Outgoing packet limit reached.");
return (++_counter)
| (singleMessagePacket ? kSingleMessagePacketSeqBit : 0)
| (messageRequiresAck ? kMessageRequiresAckSeqBit : 0);
size_t EncryptedConnection::packetLimit() const {
switch (_type) {
case Type::Signaling:
return kMaxSignalingPacketSize;
return kMaxOuterPacketSize;
bool EncryptedConnection::enoughSpaceInPacket(const rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer &buffer, size_t amount) const {
const auto limit = packetLimit();
return (amount < limit)
&& (16 + buffer.size() + amount <= limit);
void EncryptedConnection::appendAcksToSend(rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer &buffer) {
auto i = _acksToSendSeqs.begin();
while ((i != _acksToSendSeqs.end())
&& enoughSpaceInPacket(
kAckSerializedSize)) {
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << logHeader()
<< "Add ACK#" << CounterFromSeq(*i);
AppendSeq(buffer, *i);
buffer.AppendData(&kAckId, 1);
_acksToSendSeqs.erase(_acksToSendSeqs.begin(), i);
for (const auto seq : _acksToSendSeqs) {
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << logHeader()
<< "Skip ACK#" << CounterFromSeq(seq)
<< " (no space, length: " << kAckSerializedSize << ", already: " << buffer.size() << ")";
size_t EncryptedConnection::fullNotAckedLength() const {
assert(_myNotYetAckedMessages.size() < kNotAckedMessagesLimit);
auto result = size_t();
for (const auto &message : _myNotYetAckedMessages) {
result += message.data.size();
return result;
void EncryptedConnection::appendAdditionalMessages(rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer &buffer) {
if (_myNotYetAckedMessages.empty()) {
const auto now = rtc::TimeMillis();
for (auto &resending : _myNotYetAckedMessages) {
const auto sent = resending.lastSent;
const auto when = sent
? (sent + _delayIntervals.minDelayBeforeMessageResend)
: 0;
assert(resending.data.size() >= 5);
const auto counter = CounterFromSeq(ReadSeq(resending.data.data()));
const auto type = uint8_t(resending.data.data()[4]);
if (when > now) {
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << logHeader()
<< "Skip RESEND:type" << type << "#" << counter
<< " (wait " << (when - now) << "ms).";
} else if (enoughSpaceInPacket(buffer, resending.data.size())) {
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << logHeader()
<< "Add RESEND:type" << type << "#" << counter;
resending.lastSent = now;
} else {
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << logHeader()
<< "Skip RESEND:type" << type << "#" << counter
<< " (no space, length: " << resending.data.size() << ", already: " << buffer.size() << ")";
if (!_resendTimerActive) {
_resendTimerActive = true;
auto EncryptedConnection::encryptPrepared(const rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer &buffer)
-> EncryptedPacket {
auto result = EncryptedPacket();
result.counter = CounterFromSeq(ReadSeq(buffer.data()));
result.bytes.resize(16 + buffer.size());
const auto x = (_key.isOutgoing ? 0 : 8) + (_type == Type::Signaling ? 128 : 0);
const auto key = _key.value->data();
const auto msgKeyLarge = ConcatSHA256(
MemorySpan{ key + 88 + x, 32 },
MemorySpan{ buffer.data(), buffer.size() });
const auto msgKey = result.bytes.data();
memcpy(msgKey, msgKeyLarge.data() + 8, 16);
auto aesKeyIv = PrepareAesKeyIv(key, msgKey, x);
MemorySpan{ buffer.data(), buffer.size() },
result.bytes.data() + 16,
return result;
bool EncryptedConnection::registerIncomingCounter(uint32_t incomingCounter) {
auto &list = _largestIncomingCounters;
const auto position = std::lower_bound(list.begin(), list.end(), incomingCounter);
const auto largest = list.empty() ? 0 : list.back();
if (position != list.end() && *position == incomingCounter) {
// The packet is in the list already.
return false;
} else if (incomingCounter + kKeepIncomingCountersCount <= largest) {
// The packet is too old.
return false;
const auto eraseTill = std::find_if(list.begin(), list.end(), [&](uint32_t counter) {
return (counter + kKeepIncomingCountersCount > incomingCounter);
const auto eraseCount = eraseTill - list.begin();
const auto positionIndex = (position - list.begin()) - eraseCount;
list.erase(list.begin(), eraseTill);
assert(positionIndex >= 0 && positionIndex <= list.size());
list.insert(list.begin() + positionIndex, incomingCounter);
return true;
auto EncryptedConnection::handleIncomingPacket(const char *bytes, size_t size)
-> absl::optional<DecryptedPacket> {
if (size < 21 || size > kMaxIncomingPacketSize) {
return LogError("Bad incoming packet size: ", std::to_string(size));
const auto x = (_key.isOutgoing ? 8 : 0) + (_type == Type::Signaling ? 128 : 0);
const auto key = _key.value->data();
const auto msgKey = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(bytes);
const auto encryptedData = msgKey + 16;
const auto dataSize = size - 16;
auto aesKeyIv = PrepareAesKeyIv(key, msgKey, x);
auto decryptionBuffer = rtc::Buffer(dataSize);
MemorySpan{ encryptedData, dataSize },
const auto msgKeyLarge = ConcatSHA256(
MemorySpan{ key + 88 + x, 32 },
MemorySpan{ decryptionBuffer.data(), decryptionBuffer.size() });
if (ConstTimeIsDifferent(msgKeyLarge.data() + 8, msgKey, 16)) {
return LogError("Bad incoming data hash.");
const auto incomingSeq = ReadSeq(decryptionBuffer.data());
const auto incomingCounter = CounterFromSeq(incomingSeq);
if (!registerIncomingCounter(incomingCounter)) {
// We've received that packet already.
return LogError("Already handled packet received.", std::to_string(incomingCounter));
return processPacket(decryptionBuffer, incomingSeq);
auto EncryptedConnection::processPacket(
const rtc::Buffer &fullBuffer,
uint32_t packetSeq)
-> absl::optional<DecryptedPacket> {
assert(fullBuffer.size() >= 5);
auto additionalMessage = false;
auto firstMessageRequiringAck = true;
auto newRequiringAckReceived = false;
auto currentSeq = packetSeq;
auto currentCounter = CounterFromSeq(currentSeq);
rtc::ByteBufferReader reader(
reinterpret_cast<const char*>(fullBuffer.data() + 4), // Skip seq.
fullBuffer.size() - 4);
auto result = absl::optional<DecryptedPacket>();
while (true) {
const auto type = uint8_t(*reader.Data());
const auto singleMessagePacket = ((currentSeq & kSingleMessagePacketSeqBit) != 0);
if (singleMessagePacket && additionalMessage) {
return LogError("Single message packet bit in not first message.");
if (type == kEmptyId) {
if (additionalMessage) {
return LogError("Empty message should be only the first one in the packet.");
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << logHeader()
<< "Got RECV:empty" << "#" << currentCounter;
} else if (type == kAckId) {
if (!additionalMessage) {
return LogError("Ack message must not be the first one in the packet.");
} else if (auto message = DeserializeMessage(reader, singleMessagePacket)) {
const auto messageRequiresAck = ((currentSeq & kMessageRequiresAckSeqBit) != 0);
const auto skipMessage = messageRequiresAck
? !registerSentAck(currentCounter, firstMessageRequiringAck)
: (additionalMessage && !registerIncomingCounter(currentCounter));
if (messageRequiresAck) {
firstMessageRequiringAck = false;
if (!skipMessage) {
newRequiringAckReceived = true;
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << logHeader()
<< (skipMessage ? "Repeated RECV:type" : "Got RECV:type") << type << "#" << currentCounter;
if (!skipMessage) {
appendReceivedMessage(result, std::move(*message), currentSeq);
} else {
return LogError("Could not parse message from packet, type: ", std::to_string(type));
if (!reader.Length()) {
} else if (singleMessagePacket) {
return LogError("Single message didn't fill the entire packet.");
} else if (reader.Length() < 5) {
return LogError("Bad remaining data size: ", std::to_string(reader.Length()));
const auto success = reader.ReadUInt32(¤tSeq);
currentCounter = CounterFromSeq(currentSeq);
additionalMessage = true;
if (!_acksToSendSeqs.empty()) {
if (newRequiringAckReceived) {
_requestSendService(0, 0);
} else if (!_sendAcksTimerActive) {
_sendAcksTimerActive = true;
return result;
void EncryptedConnection::appendReceivedMessage(
absl::optional<DecryptedPacket> &to,
Message &&message,
uint32_t incomingSeq) {
auto decrypted = DecryptedMessage{
if (to) {
} else {
to = DecryptedPacket{ std::move(decrypted) };
const char *EncryptedConnection::logHeader() const {
return (_type == Type::Signaling) ? "(signaling) " : "(transport) ";
bool EncryptedConnection::registerSentAck(uint32_t counter, bool firstInPacket) {
auto &list = _acksSentCounters;
const auto position = std::lower_bound(list.begin(), list.end(), counter);
const auto already = (position != list.end()) && (*position == counter);
const auto was = list;
if (firstInPacket) {
list.erase(list.begin(), position);
if (!already) {
list.insert(list.begin(), counter);
} else if (!already) {
list.insert(position, counter);
return !already;
void EncryptedConnection::sendAckPostponed(uint32_t incomingSeq) {
auto &list = _acksToSendSeqs;
const auto already = std::find(list.begin(), list.end(), incomingSeq);
if (already == list.end()) {
void EncryptedConnection::ackMyMessage(uint32_t seq) {
auto type = uint8_t(0);
auto &list = _myNotYetAckedMessages;
for (auto i = list.begin(), e = list.end(); i != e; ++i) {
assert(i->data.size() >= 5);
if (ReadSeq(i->data.cdata()) == seq) {
type = uint8_t(i->data.cdata()[4]);
RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << logHeader()
<< (type ? "Got ACK:type" + std::to_string(type) + "#" : "Repeated ACK#")
<< CounterFromSeq(seq);
auto EncryptedConnection::DelayIntervalsByType(Type type) -> DelayIntervals {
auto result = DelayIntervals();
const auto signaling = (type == Type::Signaling);
// Don't resend faster than min delay even if we have a packet we can attach to.
result.minDelayBeforeMessageResend = signaling ? 3000 : 300;
// When max delay elapsed we resend anyway, in a dedicated packet.
result.maxDelayBeforeMessageResend = signaling ? 5000 : 1000;
result.maxDelayBeforeAckResend = signaling ? 5000 : 1000;
return result;
rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer EncryptedConnection::SerializeEmptyMessageWithSeq(uint32_t seq) {
auto result = rtc::CopyOnWriteBuffer(5);
auto bytes = result.MutableData();
WriteSeq(bytes, seq);
bytes[4] = kEmptyId;
return result;
} // namespace tgcalls