Break root module docs into separate files (#432)

For 0.3 I'm thinking about some changes I wanna make to the docs. I
don't like how information is currently spread over so many places.
Still thinking about how I wanna re-organize it.

However I do think it makes sense to break the root module docs into
separate files that get included with `#![doc = include_str!("file")]`.
Makes working on a single section easier and more focused. It looks the
same for the user reading the docs.

This means axum's MSRV is now 1.54 but since thats two releases ago I'm
fine with that.
This commit is contained in:
David Pedersen 2021-10-31 20:37:56 +01:00 committed by GitHub
parent 9145c0e396
commit 857ecd7314
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
17 changed files with 1170 additions and 1169 deletions

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@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
rust: [stable, beta, nightly, 1.51]
rust: [stable, beta, nightly, 1.54]
- uses: actions/checkout@master
- uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1

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@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ This crate uses `#![forbid(unsafe_code)]` to ensure everything is implemented in
## Minimum supported Rust version
axum's MSRV is 1.51.
axum 0.2's MSRV is 1.51. axum 0.3's (still work-in-progress) MSRV will be 1.54.
## Examples

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@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
# Applying middleware
axum is designed to take full advantage of the tower and tower-http
ecosystem of middleware.
If you're new to tower we recommend you read its [guides][tower-guides] for
a general introduction to tower and its concepts.
## To individual handlers
A middleware can be applied to a single handler like so:
use axum::{
use tower::limit::ConcurrencyLimitLayer;
let app = Router::new()
async fn handler() {}
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
## To groups of routes
Middleware can also be applied to a group of routes like so:
use axum::{
routing::{get, post},
use tower::limit::ConcurrencyLimitLayer;
async fn handler() {}
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(handler))
.route("/foo", post(handler))
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
Note that [`Router::layer`] applies the middleware to all previously added
routes, of that particular `Router`. If you need multiple groups of routes
with different middleware build them separately and combine them with
use axum::{
routing::{get, post},
use tower::limit::ConcurrencyLimitLayer;
# type MyAuthLayer = tower::layer::util::Identity;
async fn handler() {}
let foo = Router::new()
.route("/", get(handler))
.route("/foo", post(handler))
let bar = Router::new()
.route("/requires-auth", get(handler))
let app = foo.merge(bar);
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
## Applying multiple middleware
[`tower::ServiceBuilder`] can be used to combine multiple middleware:
use axum::{
http::{Request, StatusCode},
Router, BoxError,
use tower::ServiceBuilder;
use tower_http::compression::CompressionLayer;
use std::{borrow::Cow, time::Duration};
let middleware_stack = ServiceBuilder::new()
// Handle errors from middleware
// This middleware most be added above any fallible
// ones if you're using `ServiceBuilder`, due to how ordering works
// Return an error after 30 seconds
// Shed load if we're receiving too many requests
// Process at most 100 requests concurrently
// Compress response bodies
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|_: Request<Body>| async { /* ... */ }))
fn handle_error(error: BoxError) -> impl IntoResponse {
format!("Something went wrong: {}", error),
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
See [Error handling](#error-handling) for more details on general error handling in axum.
## Commonly used middleware
[`tower::util`] and [`tower_http`] have a large collection of middleware that are compatible
with axum. Some commonly used are:
use axum::{
body::{Body, BoxBody},
http::{Request, Response},
use tower::{
use std::convert::Infallible;
use tower_http::trace::TraceLayer;
# fn handle_error<T>(error: T) -> axum::http::StatusCode {
# axum::http::StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
# }
let middleware_stack = ServiceBuilder::new()
// Handle errors from middleware
// This middleware most be added above any fallible
// ones if you're using `ServiceBuilder`, due to how ordering works
// `TraceLayer` adds high level tracing and logging
// `AsyncFilterLayer` lets you asynchronously transform the request
// `AndThenLayer` lets you asynchronously transform the response
async fn map_request(req: Request<Body>) -> Result<Request<Body>, Infallible> {
async fn map_response(res: Response<BoxBody>) -> Result<Response<BoxBody>, Infallible> {
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|| async { /* ... */ }))
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
Additionally axum provides [`extract::extractor_middleware()`] for converting any extractor into
a middleware. Among other things, this can be useful for doing authorization. See
[`extract::extractor_middleware()`] for more details.
See [Error handling](#error-handling) for more details on general error handling in axum.
## Writing your own middleware
You can also write you own middleware by implementing [`tower::Service`]:
use axum::{
body::{Body, BoxBody},
http::{Request, Response},
use futures::future::BoxFuture;
use tower::{Service, layer::layer_fn};
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
struct MyMiddleware<S> {
inner: S,
impl<S, ReqBody, ResBody> Service<Request<ReqBody>> for MyMiddleware<S>
S: Service<Request<ReqBody>, Response = Response<ResBody>> + Clone + Send + 'static,
S::Future: Send + 'static,
ReqBody: Send + 'static,
ResBody: Send + 'static,
type Response = S::Response;
type Error = S::Error;
type Future = BoxFuture<'static, Result<Self::Response, Self::Error>>;
fn poll_ready(&mut self, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
fn call(&mut self, mut req: Request<ReqBody>) -> Self::Future {
println!("`MyMiddleware` called!");
// best practice is to clone the inner service like this
// see for details
let clone = self.inner.clone();
let mut inner = std::mem::replace(&mut self.inner, clone);
Box::pin(async move {
let res: Response<ResBody> =;
println!("`MyMiddleware` received the response");
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|| async { /* ... */ }))
.layer(layer_fn(|inner| MyMiddleware { inner }));
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };

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@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
# Building responses
Anything that implements [`IntoResponse`](response::IntoResponse) can be
returned from a handler:
use axum::{
http::{Request, header::{HeaderMap, HeaderName, HeaderValue}},
response::{IntoResponse, Html, Json, Headers},
use http::{StatusCode, Response, Uri};
use serde_json::{Value, json};
// We've already seen returning &'static str
async fn plain_text() -> &'static str {
// String works too and will get a `text/plain` content-type
async fn plain_text_string(uri: Uri) -> String {
format!("Hi from {}", uri.path())
// Bytes will get a `application/octet-stream` content-type
async fn bytes() -> Vec<u8> {
vec![1, 2, 3, 4]
// `()` gives an empty response
async fn empty() {}
// `StatusCode` gives an empty response with that status code
async fn empty_with_status() -> StatusCode {
// A tuple of `StatusCode` and something that implements `IntoResponse` can
// be used to override the status code
async fn with_status() -> (StatusCode, &'static str) {
(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Something went wrong")
// A tuple of `HeaderMap` and something that implements `IntoResponse` can
// be used to override the headers
async fn with_headers() -> (HeaderMap, &'static str) {
let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
(headers, "foo")
// You can also override both status and headers at the same time
async fn with_headers_and_status() -> (StatusCode, HeaderMap, &'static str) {
let mut headers = HeaderMap::new();
(StatusCode::INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, headers, "foo")
// `Headers` makes building the header map easier and `impl Trait` is easier
// so you don't have to write the whole type
async fn with_easy_headers() -> impl IntoResponse {
Headers(vec![("x-foo", "foo")])
// `Html` gives a content-type of `text/html`
async fn html() -> Html<&'static str> {
Html("<h1>Hello, World!</h1>")
// `Json` gives a content-type of `application/json` and works with any type
// that implements `serde::Serialize`
async fn json() -> Json<Value> {
Json(json!({ "data": 42 }))
// `Result<T, E>` where `T` and `E` implement `IntoResponse` is useful for
// returning errors
async fn result() -> Result<&'static str, StatusCode> {
Ok("all good")
// `Response` gives full control
async fn response() -> Response<Body> {
let app = Router::new()
.route("/plain_text", get(plain_text))
.route("/plain_text_string", get(plain_text_string))
.route("/bytes", get(bytes))
.route("/empty", get(empty))
.route("/empty_with_status", get(empty_with_status))
.route("/with_status", get(with_status))
.route("/with_headers", get(with_headers))
.route("/with_headers_and_status", get(with_headers_and_status))
.route("/with_easy_headers", get(with_easy_headers))
.route("/html", get(html))
.route("/json", get(json))
.route("/result", get(result))
.route("/response", get(response));
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Compatibility
axum is designed to work with [tokio] and [hyper]. Runtime and
transport layer independence is not a goal, at least for the time being.

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@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Error handling
In the context of axum an "error" specifically means if a [`Service`]'s
response future resolves to `Err(Service::Error)`. That means async handler
functions can _never_ fail since they always produce a response and their
`Service::Error` type is [`Infallible`]. Returning statuses like 404 or 500
are _not_ errors.
axum works this way because hyper will close the connection, without sending
a response, if an error is encountered. This is not desireable so axum makes
it impossible to forget to handle errors.
Sometimes you need to route to fallible services or apply fallible
middleware in which case you need to handle the errors. That can be done
using things from [`error_handling`].
You can find examples here:
- [Routing to fallible services](#routing-to-fallible-services)
- [Applying fallible middleware](#applying-multiple-middleware)

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Example
The "Hello, World!" of axum is:
use axum::{
async fn main() {
// build our application with a single route
let app = Router::new().route("/", get(|| async { "Hello, World!" }));
// run it with hyper on localhost:3000

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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Examples
The axum repo contains [a number of examples][examples] that show how to put all the
pieces together.

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@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
# Extractors
An extractor is a type that implements [`FromRequest`]. Extractors is how
you pick apart the incoming request to get the parts your handler needs.
For example, [`extract::Json`] is an extractor that consumes the request
body and deserializes it as JSON into some target type:
use axum::{
use serde::Deserialize;
let app = Router::new().route("/users", post(create_user));
struct CreateUser {
email: String,
password: String,
async fn create_user(Json(payload): Json<CreateUser>) {
// ...
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
See the [`extract`] module for everything that can be used as an extractor.
## Common extractors
Some commonly used extractors are:
use axum::{
extract::{Json, TypedHeader, Path, Extension, Query},
http::{Request, header::HeaderMap},
body::{Bytes, Body},
use serde_json::Value;
use headers::UserAgent;
use std::collections::HashMap;
// `Path` gives you the path parameters and deserializes them. See its docs for
// more details
async fn path(Path(user_id): Path<u32>) {}
// `Query` gives you the query parameters and deserializes them.
async fn query(Query(params): Query<HashMap<String, String>>) {}
// `HeaderMap` gives you all the headers
async fn headers(headers: HeaderMap) {}
// `TypedHeader` can be used to extract a single header
// note this requires you've enabled axum's `headers`
async fn user_agent(TypedHeader(user_agent): TypedHeader<UserAgent>) {}
// `String` consumes the request body and ensures it is valid utf-8
async fn string(body: String) {}
// `Bytes` gives you the raw request body
async fn bytes(body: Bytes) {}
// We've already seen `Json` for parsing the request body as json
async fn json(Json(payload): Json<Value>) {}
// `Request` gives you the whole request for maximum control
async fn request(request: Request<Body>) {}
// `Extension` extracts data from "request extensions"
// See the "Sharing state with handlers" section for more details
async fn extension(Extension(state): Extension<State>) {}
struct State { /* ... */ }
let app = Router::new()
.route("/path", post(path))
.route("/query", post(query))
.route("/user_agent", post(user_agent))
.route("/headers", post(headers))
.route("/string", post(string))
.route("/bytes", post(bytes))
.route("/json", post(json))
.route("/request", post(request))
.route("/extension", post(extension));
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
## Applying multiple extractors
You can also apply multiple extractors:
use axum::{
use uuid::Uuid;
use serde::Deserialize;
let app = Router::new().route("/users/:id/things", get(get_user_things));
struct Pagination {
page: usize,
per_page: usize,
impl Default for Pagination {
fn default() -> Self {
Self { page: 1, per_page: 30 }
async fn get_user_things(
extract::Path(user_id): extract::Path<Uuid>,
pagination: Option<extract::Query<Pagination>>,
) {
let pagination: Pagination = pagination.unwrap_or_default().0;
// ...
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
Take care of the order in which you apply extractors as some extractors
mutate the request.
For example using [`HeaderMap`] as an extractor will make the headers
inaccessible for other extractors on the handler. If you need to extract
individual headers _and_ a [`HeaderMap`] make sure to apply the extractor of
individual headers first:
use axum::{
use headers::UserAgent;
async fn handler(
TypedHeader(user_agent): TypedHeader<UserAgent>,
all_headers: HeaderMap,
) {
// ...
let app = Router::new().route("/", get(handler));
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
Extractors that consume the request body can also only be applied once as
well as [`Request`], which consumes the entire request:
use axum::{
async fn handler(request: Request<Body>) {
// ...
let app = Router::new().route("/", get(handler));
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
Extractors always run in the order of the function parameters that is from
left to right.
## Optional extractors
All extractors defined in axum will reject the request if it doesn't match.
If you wish to make an extractor optional you can wrap it in `Option`:
use axum::{
use serde_json::Value;
async fn create_user(payload: Option<Json<Value>>) {
if let Some(payload) = payload {
// We got a valid JSON payload
} else {
// Payload wasn't valid JSON
let app = Router::new().route("/users", post(create_user));
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
Wrapping extractors in `Result` makes them optional and gives you the reason
the extraction failed:
use axum::{
extract::{Json, rejection::JsonRejection},
use serde_json::Value;
async fn create_user(payload: Result<Json<Value>, JsonRejection>) {
match payload {
Ok(payload) => {
// We got a valid JSON payload
Err(JsonRejection::MissingJsonContentType(_)) => {
// Request didn't have `Content-Type: application/json`
// header
Err(JsonRejection::InvalidJsonBody(_)) => {
// Couldn't deserialize the body into the target type
Err(JsonRejection::BodyAlreadyExtracted(_)) => {
// Another extractor had already consumed the body
Err(_) => {
// `JsonRejection` is marked `#[non_exhaustive]` so match must
// include a catch-all case.
let app = Router::new().route("/users", post(create_user));
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
## Customizing extractor responses
If an extractor fails it will return a response with the error and your
handler will not be called. To customize the error response you have a two
1. Use `Result<T, T::Rejection>` as your extractor like shown in ["Optional
extractors"](#optional-extractors). This works well if you're only using
the extractor in a single handler.
2. Create your own extractor that in its [`FromRequest`] implemention calls
one of axum's built in extractors but returns a different response for
rejections. See the [customize-extractor-error] example for more details.

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# Feature flags
axum uses a set of [feature flags] to reduce the amount of compiled and
optional dependencies.
The following optional features are available:
- `headers`: Enables extracting typed headers via [`extract::TypedHeader`].
- `http1`: Enables hyper's `http1` feature. Enabled by default.
- `http2`: Enables hyper's `http2` feature.
- `json`: Enables the [`Json`] type and some similar convenience functionality.
Enabled by default.
- `multipart`: Enables parsing `multipart/form-data` requests with [`extract::Multipart`].
- `tower-log`: Enables `tower`'s `log` feature. Enabled by default.
- `ws`: Enables WebSockets support via [`extract::ws`].

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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# Handlers
In axum a "handler" is an async function that accepts zero or more
["extractors"](#extractors) as arguments and returns something that
can be converted [into a response](#building-responses).
Handlers is where your custom domain logic lives and axum applications are
built by routing between handlers.
Some examples of handlers:
use bytes::Bytes;
use http::StatusCode;
// Handler that immediately returns an empty `200 OK` response.
async fn unit_handler() {}
// Handler that immediately returns an empty `200 OK` response with a plain
// text body.
async fn string_handler() -> String {
"Hello, World!".to_string()
// Handler that buffers the request body and returns it.
async fn echo(body: Bytes) -> Result<String, StatusCode> {
if let Ok(string) = String::from_utf8(body.to_vec()) {
} else {
## Debugging handler type errors
For a function to used as a handler it must implement the [`Handler`] trait.
axum provides blanket implementations for functions that:
- Are `async fn`s.
- Take no more than 16 arguments that all implement [`FromRequest`].
- Returns something that implements [`IntoResponse`].
- If a closure is used it must implement `Clone + Send + Sync` and be
- Returns a future that is `Send`. The most common way to accidentally make a
future `!Send` is to hold a `!Send` type across an await.
Unfortunately Rust gives poor error messages if you try to use a function
that doesn't quite match what's required by [`Handler`].
You might get an error like this:
error[E0277]: the trait bound `fn(bool) -> impl Future {handler}: Handler<_, _>` is not satisfied
--> src/
13 | let app = Router::new().route("/", get(handler));
| ^^^^^^^ the trait `Handler<_, _>` is not implemented for `fn(bool) -> impl Future {handler}`
::: axum/src/handler/
116 | H: Handler<B, T>,
| ------------- required by this bound in `axum::routing::get`
This error doesn't tell you _why_ your function doesn't implement
[`Handler`]. It's possible to improve the error with the [`debug_handler`]
proc-macro from the [axum-debug] crate.

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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# High level features
- Route requests to handlers with a macro free API.
- Declaratively parse requests using extractors.
- Simple and predictable error handling model.
- Generate responses with minimal boilerplate.
- Take full advantage of the [`tower`] and [`tower-http`] ecosystem of
middleware, services, and utilities.
In particular the last point is what sets `axum` apart from other frameworks.
`axum` doesn't have its own middleware system but instead uses
[`tower::Service`]. This means `axum` gets timeouts, tracing, compression,
authorization, and more, for free. It also enables you to share middleware with
applications written using [`hyper`] or [`tonic`].

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Required dependencies
To use axum there are a few dependencies you have pull in as well:
axum = "<latest-version>"
hyper = { version = "<latest-version>", features = ["full"] }
tokio = { version = "<latest-version>", features = ["full"] }
tower = "<latest-version>"
The `"full"` feature for hyper and tokio isn't strictly necessary but its
the easiest way to get started.
Note that [`hyper::Server`] is re-exported by axum so if thats all you need
then you don't have to explicitly depend on hyper.
Tower isn't strictly necessary either but helpful for testing. See the
testing example in the repo to learn more about testing axum apps.

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# Routing
[`Router::route`] is the main way to add routes:
use axum::{
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(get_slash).post(post_slash))
.route("/foo", get(get_foo));
async fn get_slash() {
// `GET /` called
async fn post_slash() {
// `POST /` called
async fn get_foo() {
// `GET /foo` called
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
Routes can also be dynamic like `/users/:id`. See [extractors](#extractors)
for more details.
You can also define routes separately and merge them with [`Router::merge`].
Routes are not allowed to overlap and will panic if an overlapping route is
added. This also means the order in which routes are added doesn't matter.
## Wildcard routes
axum also supports wildcard routes:
use axum::{
let app = Router::new()
// this matches any request that starts with `/api`
.route("/api/*rest", get(|| async { /* ... */ }));
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
The matched path can be extracted via [`extract::Path`]:
use axum::{
let app = Router::new().route("/api/*rest", get(|Path(rest): Path<String>| async {
// `rest` will be everything after `/api`
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
## Nesting routes
Routes can be nested by calling [`Router::nest`](routing::Router::nest):
use axum::{
body::{Body, BoxBody},
use tower_http::services::ServeFile;
use http::Response;
fn api_routes() -> Router {
.route("/users", get(|_: Request<Body>| async { /* ... */ }))
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(|_: Request<Body>| async { /* ... */ }))
.nest("/api", api_routes());
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
Note that nested routes will not see the orignal request URI but instead
have the matched prefix stripped. This is necessary for services like static
file serving to work. Use [`OriginalUri`] if you need the original request
Nested routes are similar to wild card routes. The difference is that
wildcard routes still see the whole URI whereas nested routes will have
the prefix stripped.
use axum::{routing::get, http::Uri, Router};
let app = Router::new()
.route("/foo/*rest", get(|uri: Uri| async {
// `uri` will contain `/foo`
.nest("/bar", get(|uri: Uri| async {
// `uri` will _not_ contain `/bar`
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
## Fallback routes
By default axum will respond with an empty `404 Not Found` response to unhandled requests. To
override that you can use [`Router::fallback`]:
use axum::{
http::{StatusCode, Uri},
async fn fallback(uri: Uri) -> impl IntoResponse {
(StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, format!("No route for {}", uri))
let app = Router::new()
.route("/foo", get(|| async { /* ... */ }))
# async {
# hyper::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
See [`Router::fallback`] for more details.
## Routing to any [`Service`]
axum also supports routing to general [`Service`]s:
use axum::{
routing::service_method_router as service,
http::{Request, StatusCode},
use tower_http::services::ServeFile;
use http::Response;
use std::{convert::Infallible, io};
use tower::service_fn;
let app = Router::new()
// Any request to `/` goes to a service
// Services who's response body is not `axum::body::BoxBody`
// can be wrapped in `axum::service::any` (or one of the other routing filters)
// to have the response body mapped
service::any(service_fn(|_: Request<Body>| async {
let res = Response::new(Body::from("Hi from `GET /`"));
Ok::<_, Infallible>(res)
// This service's response body is `axum::body::BoxBody` so
// it can be routed to directly.
service_fn(|req: Request<Body>| async move {
let body = Body::from(format!("Hi from `{} /foo`", req.method()));
let body = axum::body::box_body(body);
let res = Response::new(body);
Ok::<_, Infallible>(res)
// GET `/static/Cargo.toml` goes to a service from tower-http
// though we must handle any potential errors
.handle_error(|error: io::Error| {
format!("Unhandled internal error: {}", error),
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
Routing to arbitrary services in this way has complications for backpressure
([`Service::poll_ready`]). See the [`service`] module for more details.
### Routing to fallible services
Note that routing to general services has a small gotcha when it comes to
errors. axum currently does not support mixing routes to fallible services
with infallible handlers. For example this does _not_ compile:
use axum::{
routing::{get, service_method_router as service},
http::{Request, Response},
use std::io;
use tower::service_fn;
let app = Router::new()
// this route cannot fail
.route("/foo", get(|| async {}))
// this route can fail with io::Error
service::get(service_fn(|_req: Request<Body>| async {
let contents = tokio::fs::read_to_string("some_file").await?;
Ok::<_, io::Error>(Response::new(Body::from(contents)))
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
The solution is to use [`handle_error`] and handle the error from the
use axum::{
routing::{get, service_method_router as service},
http::{Request, Response},
use std::{io, convert::Infallible};
use tower::service_fn;
let app = Router::new()
// this route cannot fail
.route("/foo", get(|| async {}))
// this route can fail with io::Error
service::get(service_fn(|_req: Request<Body>| async {
let contents = tokio::fs::read_to_string("some_file").await?;
Ok::<_, io::Error>(Response::new(Body::from(contents)))
fn handle_io_error(error: io::Error) -> impl IntoResponse {
// ...
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };
In this particular case you can also handle the error directly in
`service_fn` but that is not possible, if you're routing to a service which
you don't control.
See ["Error handling"](#error-handling) for more details on [`handle_error`]
and error handling in general.

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Sharing state with handlers
It is common to share some state between handlers for example to share a
pool of database connections or clients to other services. That can be done
using the [`AddExtension`] middleware (applied with [`AddExtensionLayer`])
and the [`extract::Extension`] extractor:
use axum::{
use std::sync::Arc;
struct State {
// ...
let shared_state = Arc::new(State { /* ... */ });
let app = Router::new()
.route("/", get(handler))
async fn handler(
state: extract::Extension<Arc<State>>,
) {
let state: Arc<State> = state.0;
// ...
# async {
# axum::Server::bind(&"".parse().unwrap()).serve(app.into_make_service()).await.unwrap();
# };

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# Table of contents
- [High level features](#high-level-features)
- [Compatibility](#compatibility)
- [Handlers](#handlers)
- [Debugging handler type errors](#debugging-handler-type-errors)
- [Routing](#routing)
- [Wildcard routes](#wildcard-routes)
- [Nesting routes](#nesting-routes)
- [Fallback routes](#fallback-routes)
- [Routing to any `Service`](#routing-to-any-service)
- [Routing to fallible services](#routing-to-fallible-services)
- [Extractors](#extractors)
- [Common extractors](#common-extractors)
- [Applying multiple extractors](#applying-multiple-extractors)
- [Optional extractors](#optional-extractors)
- [Customizing extractor responses](#customizing-extractor-responses)
- [Building responses](#building-responses)
- [Error handling](#error-handling)
- [Applying middleware](#applying-middleware)
- [To individual handlers](#to-individual-handlers)
- [To groups of routes](#to-groups-of-routes)
- [Applying multiple middleware](#applying-multiple-middleware)
- [Commonly used middleware](#commonly-used-middleware)
- [Writing your own middleware](#writing-your-own-middleware)
- [Sharing state with handlers](#sharing-state-with-handlers)
- [Required dependencies](#required-dependencies)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Feature flags](#feature-flags)


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