use std::{collections::HashSet, fmt}; use crate::{ attr_parsing::{parse_assignment_attribute, second}, with_position::{Position, WithPosition}, }; use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream}; use quote::{format_ident, quote, quote_spanned}; use syn::{parse::Parse, spanned::Spanned, FnArg, ItemFn, ReturnType, Token, Type}; pub(crate) fn expand(attr: Attrs, item_fn: ItemFn, kind: FunctionKind) -> TokenStream { let Attrs { state_ty } = attr; let mut state_ty =; let check_extractor_count = check_extractor_count(&item_fn, kind); let check_path_extractor = check_path_extractor(&item_fn, kind); let check_output_tuples = check_output_tuples(&item_fn); let check_output_impls_into_response = if check_output_tuples.is_empty() { check_output_impls_into_response(&item_fn) } else { check_output_tuples }; // If the function is generic, we can't reliably check its inputs or whether the future it // returns is `Send`. Skip those checks to avoid unhelpful additional compiler errors. let check_inputs_and_future_send = if item_fn.sig.generics.params.is_empty() { let mut err = None; if state_ty.is_none() { let state_types_from_args = state_types_from_args(&item_fn); #[allow(clippy::comparison_chain)] if state_types_from_args.len() == 1 { state_ty = state_types_from_args.into_iter().next(); } else if state_types_from_args.len() > 1 { err = Some( syn::Error::new( Span::call_site(), format!( "can't infer state type, please add set it explicitly, as in \ `#[axum_macros::debug_{kind}(state = MyStateType)]`" ), ) .into_compile_error(), ); } } err.unwrap_or_else(|| { let state_ty = state_ty.unwrap_or_else(|| syn::parse_quote!(())); let check_future_send = check_future_send(&item_fn, kind); if let Some(check_input_order) = check_input_order(&item_fn, kind) { quote! { #check_input_order #check_future_send } } else { let check_inputs_impls_from_request = check_inputs_impls_from_request(&item_fn, state_ty, kind); quote! { #check_inputs_impls_from_request #check_future_send } } }) } else { syn::Error::new_spanned( &item_fn.sig.generics, format!("`#[axum_macros::debug_{kind}]` doesn't support generic functions"), ) .into_compile_error() }; let middleware_takes_next_as_last_arg = matches!(kind, FunctionKind::Middleware).then(|| next_is_last_input(&item_fn)); quote! { #item_fn #check_extractor_count #check_path_extractor #check_output_impls_into_response #check_inputs_and_future_send #middleware_takes_next_as_last_arg } } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] pub(crate) enum FunctionKind { Handler, Middleware, } impl fmt::Display for FunctionKind { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { match self { FunctionKind::Handler => f.write_str("handler"), FunctionKind::Middleware => f.write_str("middleware"), } } } impl FunctionKind { fn name_uppercase_plural(&self) -> &'static str { match self { FunctionKind::Handler => "Handlers", FunctionKind::Middleware => "Middleware", } } } mod kw { syn::custom_keyword!(body); syn::custom_keyword!(state); } pub(crate) struct Attrs { state_ty: Option<(kw::state, Type)>, } impl Parse for Attrs { fn parse(input: syn::parse::ParseStream) -> syn::Result { let mut state_ty = None; while !input.is_empty() { let lh = input.lookahead1(); if lh.peek(kw::state) { parse_assignment_attribute(input, &mut state_ty)?; } else { return Err(lh.error()); } let _ = input.parse::(); } Ok(Self { state_ty }) } } fn check_extractor_count(item_fn: &ItemFn, kind: FunctionKind) -> Option { let max_extractors = 16; let inputs = item_fn .sig .inputs .iter() .filter(|arg| skip_next_arg(arg, kind)) .count(); if inputs <= max_extractors { None } else { let error_message = format!( "{} cannot take more than {max_extractors} arguments. \ Use `(a, b): (ExtractorA, ExtractorA)` to further nest extractors", kind.name_uppercase_plural(), ); let error = syn::Error::new_spanned(&item_fn.sig.inputs, error_message).to_compile_error(); Some(error) } } fn extractor_idents( item_fn: &ItemFn, kind: FunctionKind, ) -> impl Iterator { item_fn .sig .inputs .iter() .filter(move |arg| skip_next_arg(arg, kind)) .enumerate() .filter_map(|(idx, fn_arg)| match fn_arg { FnArg::Receiver(_) => None, FnArg::Typed(pat_type) => { if let Type::Path(type_path) = &*pat_type.ty { type_path .path .segments .last() .map(|segment| (idx, fn_arg, &segment.ident)) } else { None } } }) } fn check_path_extractor(item_fn: &ItemFn, kind: FunctionKind) -> TokenStream { let path_extractors = extractor_idents(item_fn, kind) .filter(|(_, _, ident)| *ident == "Path") .collect::>(); if path_extractors.len() > 1 { path_extractors .into_iter() .map(|(_, arg, _)| { syn::Error::new_spanned( arg, "Multiple parameters must be extracted with a tuple \ `Path<(_, _)>` or a struct `Path`, not by applying \ multiple `Path<_>` extractors", ) .to_compile_error() }) .collect() } else { quote! {} } } fn is_self_pat_type(typed: &syn::PatType) -> bool { let ident = if let syn::Pat::Ident(ident) = &*typed.pat { &ident.ident } else { return false; }; ident == "self" } fn check_inputs_impls_from_request( item_fn: &ItemFn, state_ty: Type, kind: FunctionKind, ) -> TokenStream { let takes_self = item_fn.sig.inputs.first().map_or(false, |arg| match arg { FnArg::Receiver(_) => true, FnArg::Typed(typed) => is_self_pat_type(typed), }); WithPosition::new( item_fn .sig .inputs .iter() .filter(|arg| skip_next_arg(arg, kind)), ) .enumerate() .map(|(idx, arg)| { let must_impl_from_request_parts = match &arg { Position::First(_) | Position::Middle(_) => true, Position::Last(_) | Position::Only(_) => false, }; let arg = arg.into_inner(); let (span, ty) = match arg { FnArg::Receiver(receiver) => { if receiver.reference.is_some() { return syn::Error::new_spanned( receiver, "Handlers must only take owned values", ) .into_compile_error(); } let span = receiver.span(); (span, syn::parse_quote!(Self)) } FnArg::Typed(typed) => { let ty = &typed.ty; let span = ty.span(); if is_self_pat_type(typed) { (span, syn::parse_quote!(Self)) } else { (span, ty.clone()) } } }; let consumes_request = request_consuming_type_name(&ty).is_some(); let check_fn = format_ident!( "__axum_macros_check_{}_{}_from_request_check", item_fn.sig.ident, idx, span = span, ); let call_check_fn = format_ident!( "__axum_macros_check_{}_{}_from_request_call_check", item_fn.sig.ident, idx, span = span, ); let call_check_fn_body = if takes_self { quote_spanned! {span=> Self::#check_fn(); } } else { quote_spanned! {span=> #check_fn(); } }; let check_fn_generics = if must_impl_from_request_parts || consumes_request { quote! {} } else { quote! { } }; let from_request_bound = if must_impl_from_request_parts { quote_spanned! {span=> #ty: ::axum::extract::FromRequestParts<#state_ty> + Send } } else if consumes_request { quote_spanned! {span=> #ty: ::axum::extract::FromRequest<#state_ty> + Send } } else { quote_spanned! {span=> #ty: ::axum::extract::FromRequest<#state_ty, M> + Send } }; quote_spanned! {span=> #[allow(warnings)] #[doc(hidden)] fn #check_fn #check_fn_generics() where #from_request_bound, {} // we have to call the function to actually trigger a compile error // since the function is generic, just defining it is not enough #[allow(warnings)] #[doc(hidden)] fn #call_check_fn() { #call_check_fn_body } } }) .collect::() } fn check_output_tuples(item_fn: &ItemFn) -> TokenStream { let elems = match &item_fn.sig.output { ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => match &**ty { Type::Tuple(tuple) => &tuple.elems, _ => return quote! {}, }, ReturnType::Default => return quote! {}, }; let handler_ident = &item_fn.sig.ident; match elems.len() { 0 => quote! {}, n if n > 17 => syn::Error::new_spanned( &item_fn.sig.output, "Cannot return tuples with more than 17 elements", ) .to_compile_error(), _ => WithPosition::new(elems) .enumerate() .map(|(idx, arg)| match arg { Position::First(ty) => match extract_clean_typename(ty).as_deref() { Some("StatusCode" | "Response") => quote! {}, Some("Parts") => check_is_response_parts(ty, handler_ident, idx), Some(_) | None => { if let Some(tn) = well_known_last_response_type(ty) { syn::Error::new_spanned( ty, format!( "`{tn}` must be the last element \ in a response tuple" ), ) .to_compile_error() } else { check_into_response_parts(ty, handler_ident, idx) } } }, Position::Middle(ty) => { if let Some(tn) = well_known_last_response_type(ty) { syn::Error::new_spanned( ty, format!("`{tn}` must be the last element in a response tuple"), ) .to_compile_error() } else { check_into_response_parts(ty, handler_ident, idx) } } Position::Last(ty) | Position::Only(ty) => check_into_response(handler_ident, ty), }) .collect::(), } } fn check_into_response(handler: &Ident, ty: &Type) -> TokenStream { let (span, ty) = (ty.span(), ty.clone()); let check_fn = format_ident!( "__axum_macros_check_{handler}_into_response_check", span = span, ); let call_check_fn = format_ident!( "__axum_macros_check_{handler}_into_response_call_check", span = span, ); let call_check_fn_body = quote_spanned! {span=> #check_fn(); }; let from_request_bound = quote_spanned! {span=> #ty: ::axum::response::IntoResponse }; quote_spanned! {span=> #[allow(warnings)] #[allow(unreachable_code)] #[doc(hidden)] fn #check_fn() where #from_request_bound, {} // we have to call the function to actually trigger a compile error // since the function is generic, just defining it is not enough #[allow(warnings)] #[allow(unreachable_code)] #[doc(hidden)] fn #call_check_fn() { #call_check_fn_body } } } fn check_is_response_parts(ty: &Type, ident: &Ident, index: usize) -> TokenStream { let (span, ty) = (ty.span(), ty.clone()); let check_fn = format_ident!( "__axum_macros_check_{}_is_response_parts_{index}_check", ident, span = span, ); quote_spanned! {span=> #[allow(warnings)] #[allow(unreachable_code)] #[doc(hidden)] fn #check_fn(parts: #ty) -> ::axum::http::response::Parts { parts } } } fn check_into_response_parts(ty: &Type, ident: &Ident, index: usize) -> TokenStream { let (span, ty) = (ty.span(), ty.clone()); let check_fn = format_ident!( "__axum_macros_check_{}_into_response_parts_{index}_check", ident, span = span, ); let call_check_fn = format_ident!( "__axum_macros_check_{}_into_response_parts_{index}_call_check", ident, span = span, ); let call_check_fn_body = quote_spanned! {span=> #check_fn(); }; let from_request_bound = quote_spanned! {span=> #ty: ::axum::response::IntoResponseParts }; quote_spanned! {span=> #[allow(warnings)] #[allow(unreachable_code)] #[doc(hidden)] fn #check_fn() where #from_request_bound, {} // we have to call the function to actually trigger a compile error // since the function is generic, just defining it is not enough #[allow(warnings)] #[allow(unreachable_code)] #[doc(hidden)] fn #call_check_fn() { #call_check_fn_body } } } fn check_input_order(item_fn: &ItemFn, kind: FunctionKind) -> Option { let number_of_inputs = item_fn .sig .inputs .iter() .filter(|arg| skip_next_arg(arg, kind)) .count(); let types_that_consume_the_request = item_fn .sig .inputs .iter() .filter(|arg| skip_next_arg(arg, kind)) .enumerate() .filter_map(|(idx, arg)| { let ty = match arg { FnArg::Typed(pat_type) => &*pat_type.ty, FnArg::Receiver(_) => return None, }; let type_name = request_consuming_type_name(ty)?; Some((idx, type_name, ty.span())) }) .collect::>(); if types_that_consume_the_request.is_empty() { return None; }; // exactly one type that consumes the request if types_that_consume_the_request.len() == 1 { // and that is not the last if types_that_consume_the_request[0].0 != number_of_inputs - 1 { let (_idx, type_name, span) = &types_that_consume_the_request[0]; let error = format!( "`{type_name}` consumes the request body and thus must be \ the last argument to the handler function" ); return Some(quote_spanned! {*span=> compile_error!(#error); }); } else { return None; } } if types_that_consume_the_request.len() == 2 { let (_, first, _) = &types_that_consume_the_request[0]; let (_, second, _) = &types_that_consume_the_request[1]; let error = format!( "Can't have two extractors that consume the request body. \ `{first}` and `{second}` both do that.", ); let span = item_fn.sig.inputs.span(); Some(quote_spanned! {span=> compile_error!(#error); }) } else { let types = WithPosition::new(types_that_consume_the_request) .map(|pos| match pos { Position::First((_, type_name, _)) | Position::Middle((_, type_name, _)) => { format!("`{type_name}`, ") } Position::Last((_, type_name, _)) => format!("and `{type_name}`"), Position::Only(_) => unreachable!(), }) .collect::(); let error = format!( "Can't have more than one extractor that consume the request body. \ {types} all do that.", ); let span = item_fn.sig.inputs.span(); Some(quote_spanned! {span=> compile_error!(#error); }) } } fn extract_clean_typename(ty: &Type) -> Option { let path = match ty { Type::Path(type_path) => &type_path.path, _ => return None, }; path.segments.last().map(|p| p.ident.to_string()) } fn request_consuming_type_name(ty: &Type) -> Option<&'static str> { let typename = extract_clean_typename(ty)?; let type_name = match &*typename { "Json" => "Json<_>", "RawBody" => "RawBody<_>", "RawForm" => "RawForm", "Multipart" => "Multipart", "Protobuf" => "Protobuf", "JsonLines" => "JsonLines<_>", "Form" => "Form<_>", "Request" => "Request<_>", "Bytes" => "Bytes", "String" => "String", "Parts" => "Parts", _ => return None, }; Some(type_name) } fn well_known_last_response_type(ty: &Type) -> Option<&'static str> { let typename = match extract_clean_typename(ty) { Some(tn) => tn, None => return None, }; let type_name = match &*typename { "Json" => "Json<_>", "Protobuf" => "Protobuf", "JsonLines" => "JsonLines<_>", "Form" => "Form<_>", "Bytes" => "Bytes", "String" => "String", _ => return None, }; Some(type_name) } fn check_output_impls_into_response(item_fn: &ItemFn) -> TokenStream { let ty = match &item_fn.sig.output { syn::ReturnType::Default => return quote! {}, syn::ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => ty, }; let span = ty.span(); let declare_inputs = item_fn .sig .inputs .iter() .filter_map(|arg| match arg { FnArg::Receiver(_) => None, FnArg::Typed(pat_ty) => { let pat = &pat_ty.pat; let ty = &pat_ty.ty; Some(quote! { let #pat: #ty = panic!(); }) } }) .collect::(); let block = &item_fn.block; let make_value_name = format_ident!( "__axum_macros_check_{}_into_response_make_value", item_fn.sig.ident ); let make = if item_fn.sig.asyncness.is_some() { quote_spanned! {span=> #[allow(warnings)] #[allow(unreachable_code)] #[doc(hidden)] async fn #make_value_name() -> #ty { #declare_inputs #block } } } else { quote_spanned! {span=> #[allow(warnings)] #[allow(unreachable_code)] #[doc(hidden)] fn #make_value_name() -> #ty { #declare_inputs #block } } }; let name = format_ident!("__axum_macros_check_{}_into_response", item_fn.sig.ident); if let Some(receiver) = self_receiver(item_fn) { quote_spanned! {span=> #make #[allow(warnings)] #[allow(unreachable_code)] #[doc(hidden)] async fn #name() { let value = #receiver #make_value_name().await; fn check(_: T) where T: ::axum::response::IntoResponse {} check(value); } } } else { quote_spanned! {span=> #[allow(warnings)] #[allow(unreachable_code)] #[doc(hidden)] async fn #name() { #make let value = #make_value_name().await; fn check(_: T) where T: ::axum::response::IntoResponse {} check(value); } } } } fn check_future_send(item_fn: &ItemFn, kind: FunctionKind) -> TokenStream { if item_fn.sig.asyncness.is_none() { match &item_fn.sig.output { syn::ReturnType::Default => { return syn::Error::new_spanned( item_fn.sig.fn_token, format!("{} must be `async fn`s", kind.name_uppercase_plural()), ) .into_compile_error(); } syn::ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => ty, }; } let span = item_fn.sig.ident.span(); let handler_name = &item_fn.sig.ident; let args = item_fn.sig.inputs.iter().map(|_| { quote_spanned! {span=> panic!() } }); let name = format_ident!("__axum_macros_check_{}_future", item_fn.sig.ident); let do_check = quote! { fn check(_: T) where T: ::std::future::Future + Send {} check(future); }; if let Some(receiver) = self_receiver(item_fn) { quote! { #[allow(warnings)] #[allow(unreachable_code)] #[doc(hidden)] fn #name() { let future = #receiver #handler_name(#(#args),*); #do_check } } } else { quote! { #[allow(warnings)] #[allow(unreachable_code)] #[doc(hidden)] fn #name() { #item_fn let future = #handler_name(#(#args),*); #do_check } } } } fn self_receiver(item_fn: &ItemFn) -> Option { let takes_self = item_fn.sig.inputs.iter().any(|arg| match arg { FnArg::Receiver(_) => true, FnArg::Typed(typed) => is_self_pat_type(typed), }); if takes_self { return Some(quote! { Self:: }); } if let syn::ReturnType::Type(_, ty) = &item_fn.sig.output { if let syn::Type::Path(path) = &**ty { let segments = &path.path.segments; if segments.len() == 1 { if let Some(last) = segments.last() { match &last.arguments { syn::PathArguments::None if last.ident == "Self" => { return Some(quote! { Self:: }); } _ => {} } } } } } None } /// Given a signature like /// /// ```skip /// #[debug_handler] /// async fn handler( /// _: axum::extract::State, /// _: State, /// ) {} /// ``` /// /// This will extract `AppState`. /// /// Returns `None` if there are no `State` args or multiple of different types. fn state_types_from_args(item_fn: &ItemFn) -> HashSet { let types = item_fn .sig .inputs .iter() .filter_map(|input| match input { FnArg::Receiver(_) => None, FnArg::Typed(pat_type) => Some(pat_type), }) .map(|pat_type| &*pat_type.ty); crate::infer_state_types(types).collect() } fn next_is_last_input(item_fn: &ItemFn) -> TokenStream { let next_args = item_fn .sig .inputs .iter() .enumerate() .filter(|(_, arg)| !skip_next_arg(arg, FunctionKind::Middleware)) .collect::>(); if next_args.is_empty() { return quote! { compile_error!( "Middleware functions must take `axum::middleware::Next` as the last argument", ); }; } if next_args.len() == 1 { let (idx, arg) = &next_args[0]; if *idx != item_fn.sig.inputs.len() - 1 { return quote_spanned! {arg.span()=> compile_error!("`axum::middleware::Next` must the last argument"); }; } } if next_args.len() >= 2 { return quote! { compile_error!( "Middleware functions can only take one argument of type `axum::middleware::Next`", ); }; } quote! {} } fn skip_next_arg(arg: &FnArg, kind: FunctionKind) -> bool { match kind { FunctionKind::Handler => true, FunctionKind::Middleware => match arg { FnArg::Receiver(_) => true, FnArg::Typed(pat_type) => { if let Type::Path(type_path) = &*pat_type.ty { type_path .path .segments .last() .map_or(true, |path_segment| path_segment.ident != "Next") } else { true } } }, } } #[test] fn ui_debug_handler() { crate::run_ui_tests("debug_handler"); } #[test] fn ui_debug_middleware() { crate::run_ui_tests("debug_middleware"); }