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synced 2025-03-22 12:45:45 +01:00
New Crowdin Translations (automated) (#32121)
Co-authored-by: GitHub Actions <noreply@github.com>
This commit is contained in:
55 changed files with 364 additions and 6 deletions
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Límit de freqüència",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Límit de freqüència",
"alert.unexpected.message": "S'ha produït un error inesperat.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "S'ha produït un error inesperat.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Vaja!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Vaja!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Text alternatiu",
"announcement.announcement": "Anunci",
"announcement.announcement": "Anunci",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(sense processar)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(sense processar)",
"audio.hide": "Amaga l'àudio",
"audio.hide": "Amaga l'àudio",
@ -222,6 +223,7 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "No sabran que són blocats.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "No sabran que són blocats.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Bloquem el domini?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Bloquem el domini?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Perdreu {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} seguidor} other {{followersCountDisplay} seguidors}} i {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persona} other {{followingCountDisplay} persones}} que seguiu.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Perdreu {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} seguidor} other {{followersCountDisplay} seguidors}} i {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persona} other {{followingCountDisplay} persones}} que seguiu.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Perdreu seguidors i gent a qui seguiu d'aquest servidor.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "No veureu ni les publicacions ni les notificacions dels usuaris d'aquest servidor.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "No veureu ni les publicacions ni les notificacions dels usuaris d'aquest servidor.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Us permet connectar i interactuar amb persones a Mastodon i també a d'altres apps socials.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Us permet connectar i interactuar amb persones a Mastodon i també a d'altres apps socials.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub és el llenguatge que Mastodon parla amb altres xarxes socials.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub és el llenguatge que Mastodon parla amb altres xarxes socials.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Hastighedsbegrænset",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Hastighedsbegrænset",
"alert.unexpected.message": "En uventet fejl opstod.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "En uventet fejl opstod.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Ups!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Ups!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Alt text",
"announcement.announcement": "Bekendtgørelse",
"announcement.announcement": "Bekendtgørelse",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(ubehandlet)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(ubehandlet)",
"audio.hide": "Skjul lyd",
"audio.hide": "Skjul lyd",
@ -222,6 +223,7 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Vedkommende ser ikke den aktive blokering.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Vedkommende ser ikke den aktive blokering.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Blokér domæne?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Blokér domæne?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Man vil miste {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} følger} other {{followersCountDisplay} følgere}} og {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} person, man følger} other {{followingCountDisplay} personer, man følger}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Man vil miste {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} følger} other {{followersCountDisplay} følgere}} og {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} person, man følger} other {{followingCountDisplay} personer, man følger}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Alle følgere og personer som følges på denne server mistes.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Indlæg eller notifikationer fra brugere på denne server vises ikke.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Indlæg eller notifikationer fra brugere på denne server vises ikke.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Det muliggør at komme i forbindelse og interagere med folk ikke kun på Mastodon, men også på tværs af forskellige sociale apps.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Det muliggør at komme i forbindelse og interagere med folk ikke kun på Mastodon, men også på tværs af forskellige sociale apps.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub er \"sproget\", Mastodon taler med andre sociale netværk.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub er \"sproget\", Mastodon taler med andre sociale netværk.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Anfragelimit überschritten",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Anfragelimit überschritten",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Oha!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Oha!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Bildbeschreibung",
"announcement.announcement": "Ankündigung",
"announcement.announcement": "Ankündigung",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(ausstehend)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(ausstehend)",
"audio.hide": "Audio ausblenden",
"audio.hide": "Audio ausblenden",
@ -222,6 +223,7 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Es wird nicht erkennbar sein, dass diese Domain blockiert wurde.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Es wird nicht erkennbar sein, dass diese Domain blockiert wurde.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Domain blockieren?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Domain blockieren?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Du wirst {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} Follower} other {{followersCountDisplay} Follower}} verlieren und {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} Profil} other {{followingCountDisplay} Profilen}} entfolgen.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Du wirst {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} Follower} other {{followersCountDisplay} Follower}} verlieren und {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} Profil} other {{followingCountDisplay} Profilen}} entfolgen.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Du wirst von diesem Server alle Follower und Profile, denen du dort folgst, verlieren.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Du wirst keine Beiträge oder Benachrichtigungen von Profilen auf diesem Server sehen.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Du wirst keine Beiträge oder Benachrichtigungen von Profilen auf diesem Server sehen.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Somit kannst du dich nicht nur auf Mastodon mit Leuten verbinden und mit ihnen interagieren, sondern über alle sozialen Apps hinweg.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Somit kannst du dich nicht nur auf Mastodon mit Leuten verbinden und mit ihnen interagieren, sondern über alle sozialen Apps hinweg.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub ist sozusagen die Sprache, die Mastodon mit anderen sozialen Netzwerken spricht.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub ist sozusagen die Sprache, die Mastodon mit anderen sozialen Netzwerken spricht.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Rate limited",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Rate limited",
"alert.unexpected.message": "An unexpected error occurred.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "An unexpected error occurred.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Oops!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Oops!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Alt text",
"announcement.announcement": "Announcement",
"announcement.announcement": "Announcement",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(unprocessed)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(unprocessed)",
"audio.hide": "Hide audio",
"audio.hide": "Hide audio",
@ -221,6 +222,8 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Nobody from this server can follow you.",
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Nobody from this server can follow you.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "They won't know they've been blocked.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "They won't know they've been blocked.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Block domain?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Block domain?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "You will lose {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} follower} other {{followersCountDisplay} followers}} and {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} person you follow} other {{followingCountDisplay} people you follow}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "You will lose all followers and people you follow from this server.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "You won't see posts or notifications from users on this server.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "You won't see posts or notifications from users on this server.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "It lets you connect and interact with people not just on Mastodon, but across different social apps too.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "It lets you connect and interact with people not just on Mastodon, but across different social apps too.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub is like the language Mastodon speaks with other social networks.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub is like the language Mastodon speaks with other social networks.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Mesaĝkvante limigita",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Mesaĝkvante limigita",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Neatendita eraro okazis.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Neatendita eraro okazis.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Aj!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Aj!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Alt-teksto",
"announcement.announcement": "Anoncoj",
"announcement.announcement": "Anoncoj",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(neprilaborita)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(neprilaborita)",
"audio.hide": "Kaŝi aŭdion",
"audio.hide": "Kaŝi aŭdion",
@ -222,6 +223,7 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Ili ne scios, ke ili estas blokitaj.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Ili ne scios, ke ili estas blokitaj.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Ĉu bloki la domajnon?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Ĉu bloki la domajnon?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Vi perdos {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} sekvanton} other {{followersCountDisplay} sekvantojn}} kaj {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} homon, kiu vi sekvas} other {{followingCountDisplay} homojn, kiuj vi sekvas}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Vi perdos {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} sekvanton} other {{followersCountDisplay} sekvantojn}} kaj {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} homon, kiu vi sekvas} other {{followingCountDisplay} homojn, kiuj vi sekvas}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Vi perdos ĉiujn sekvantojn kaj homojn, kiujn vi sekvas de ĉi tiu servilo.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Vi ne vidos afiŝojn aŭ sciigojn de uzantoj sur ĉi tiu servilo.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Vi ne vidos afiŝojn aŭ sciigojn de uzantoj sur ĉi tiu servilo.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Ĝi ebligas vin konekti kaj interagi kun homoj ne nur sur Mastodon, sed ankaŭ tra diversaj sociaj apoj.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Ĝi ebligas vin konekti kaj interagi kun homoj ne nur sur Mastodon, sed ankaŭ tra diversaj sociaj apoj.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub estas kiel la lingvo kiun Mastodon parolas kun aliaj sociaj retoj.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub estas kiel la lingvo kiun Mastodon parolas kun aliaj sociaj retoj.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Acción limitada",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Acción limitada",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Ocurrió un error.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Ocurrió un error.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "¡Epa!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "¡Epa!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Texto alternativo",
"announcement.announcement": "Anuncio",
"announcement.announcement": "Anuncio",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "[sin procesar]",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "[sin procesar]",
"audio.hide": "Ocultar audio",
"audio.hide": "Ocultar audio",
@ -222,6 +223,7 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "No sabrán que fueron bloqueados.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "No sabrán que fueron bloqueados.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "¿Bloquear dominio?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "¿Bloquear dominio?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Perderás {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} seguidor} other {{followersCountDisplay} seguidores}} y {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persona a la que sigues} other {{followingCountDisplay} personas a las que sigues}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Perderás {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} seguidor} other {{followersCountDisplay} seguidores}} y {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persona a la que sigues} other {{followingCountDisplay} personas a las que sigues}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Perderás a todos los seguidores y gente a la que sigas de este servidor.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "No verás mensajes ni notificaciones de usuarios en este servidor.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "No verás mensajes ni notificaciones de usuarios en este servidor.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Te permite conectar e interactuar con cuentas no solo en Mastodon, sino también a través de diferentes aplicaciones sociales.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Te permite conectar e interactuar con cuentas no solo en Mastodon, sino también a través de diferentes aplicaciones sociales.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub es como el idioma que Mastodon habla con otras redes sociales.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub es como el idioma que Mastodon habla con otras redes sociales.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Tarifa limitada",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Tarifa limitada",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Hubo un error inesperado.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Hubo un error inesperado.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "¡Ups!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "¡Ups!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Texto alternativo",
"announcement.announcement": "Anuncio",
"announcement.announcement": "Anuncio",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(sin procesar)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(sin procesar)",
"audio.hide": "Ocultar audio",
"audio.hide": "Ocultar audio",
@ -221,7 +222,8 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Nadie de este servidor puede seguirte.",
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Nadie de este servidor puede seguirte.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "No sabrán que han sido bloqueados.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "No sabrán que han sido bloqueados.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "¿Bloquear dominio?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "¿Bloquear dominio?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Perderás {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} seguidor} other {{followersCountDisplay} seguidores}} y {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persona a la que sigues} other {{followingCountDisplay} personas a las que sigues}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Vas a perder {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} seguidor} other {{followersCountDisplay} seguidores}} y {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persona a la que sigues} other {{followingCountDisplay} personas a las que sigas}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Perderás todos los seguidores y las personas que sigues de este servidor.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "No verás publicaciones ni notificaciones de usuarios en este servidor.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "No verás publicaciones ni notificaciones de usuarios en este servidor.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Te permite conectar e interactuar con personas no sólo en Mastodon, sino también a través de diferentes aplicaciones sociales.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Te permite conectar e interactuar con personas no sólo en Mastodon, sino también a través de diferentes aplicaciones sociales.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub es como el idioma que Mastodon habla con otras redes sociales.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub es como el idioma que Mastodon habla con otras redes sociales.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Tráfico limitado",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Tráfico limitado",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Hubo un error inesperado.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Hubo un error inesperado.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "¡Ups!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "¡Ups!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Texto alternativo",
"announcement.announcement": "Anuncio",
"announcement.announcement": "Anuncio",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(sin procesar)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(sin procesar)",
"audio.hide": "Ocultar audio",
"audio.hide": "Ocultar audio",
@ -222,6 +223,7 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "No sabrán que han sido bloqueados.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "No sabrán que han sido bloqueados.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "¿Bloquear dominio?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "¿Bloquear dominio?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Perderás {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} seguidor} other {{followersCountDisplay} seguidores}} y {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persona a la que sigues} other {{followingCountDisplay} personas a las que sigues}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Perderás {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} seguidor} other {{followersCountDisplay} seguidores}} y {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persona a la que sigues} other {{followingCountDisplay} personas a las que sigues}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Perderás a todos los seguidores y gente a la que sigas de este servidor.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "No verás mensajes ni notificaciones de usuarios en este servidor.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "No verás mensajes ni notificaciones de usuarios en este servidor.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Te permite conectar e interactuar con personas no sólo en Mastodon, sino también a través de diferentes aplicaciones sociales.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Te permite conectar e interactuar con personas no sólo en Mastodon, sino también a través de diferentes aplicaciones sociales.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub es como el idioma que Mastodon habla con otras redes sociales.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub es como el idioma que Mastodon habla con otras redes sociales.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Abiadura mugatua",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Abiadura mugatua",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Ustekabeko errore bat gertatu da.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Ustekabeko errore bat gertatu da.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Ene!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Ene!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Testu alternatiboa",
"announcement.announcement": "Iragarpena",
"announcement.announcement": "Iragarpena",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(prozesatu gabe)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(prozesatu gabe)",
"audio.hide": "Ezkutatu audioa",
"audio.hide": "Ezkutatu audioa",
@ -85,9 +85,11 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "محدودیت تعداد",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "محدودیت تعداد",
"alert.unexpected.message": "خطایی غیرمنتظره رخ داد.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "خطایی غیرمنتظره رخ داد.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "ای وای!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "ای وای!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "متن جایگزین",
"announcement.announcement": "اعلامیه",
"announcement.announcement": "اعلامیه",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(پردازش نشده)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(پردازش نشده)",
"audio.hide": "نهفتن صدا",
"audio.hide": "نهفتن صدا",
"block_modal.remote_users_caveat": "ما از کارساز {domain} خواهیم خواست که به تصمیم شما احترام بگذارد. با این حال، تضمینی برای رعایت آن وجود ندارد زیرا برخی کارسازها ممکن است بلوکها را بهطور متفاوتی مدیریت کنند. فرستههای عمومی ممکن است همچنان برای کاربران که وارد نشده قابل مشاهده باشند.",
"block_modal.show_less": "نمایش کمتر",
"block_modal.show_less": "نمایش کمتر",
"block_modal.show_more": "نمایش بیشتر",
"block_modal.show_more": "نمایش بیشتر",
"block_modal.they_cant_mention": "نمیتوانند نامتان را برده یا پیتان بگیرند.",
"block_modal.they_cant_mention": "نمیتوانند نامتان را برده یا پیتان بگیرند.",
@ -220,7 +222,10 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "هیچکسی از این کارساز نمیتواند پیتان بگیرد.",
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "هیچکسی از این کارساز نمیتواند پیتان بگیرد.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "نخواهند دانست که مسدود شدهاند.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "نخواهند دانست که مسدود شدهاند.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "انسداد دامنه؟",
"domain_block_modal.title": "انسداد دامنه؟",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "شما تمام پیگیرکنندگان و افرادی که از این کارساز پیگیری میکنید را از دست خواهید داد.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "فرستهها یا آگاهیها از کاربران روی این کارساز را نخواهید دید.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "فرستهها یا آگاهیها از کاربران روی این کارساز را نخواهید دید.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "این به شما اجازه میدهد تا نه تنها در ماستودون، بلکه در برنامههای اجتماعی مختلف نیز با افراد ارتباط برقرار کرده و تعامل داشته باشید.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub مانند زبانی است که ماستودون با دیگر شبکههای اجتماعی صحبت میکند.",
"domain_pill.server": "کارساز",
"domain_pill.server": "کارساز",
"domain_pill.their_handle": "شناسهاش:",
"domain_pill.their_handle": "شناسهاش:",
"domain_pill.their_server": "خانهٔ رقمیش. جایی که همهٔ فرستههایش میزیند.",
"domain_pill.their_server": "خانهٔ رقمیش. جایی که همهٔ فرستههایش میزیند.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Pyyntömäärää rajoitettu",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Pyyntömäärää rajoitettu",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Tapahtui odottamaton virhe.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Tapahtui odottamaton virhe.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Hups!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Hups!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Vaihtoehtoinen teksti",
"announcement.announcement": "Tiedote",
"announcement.announcement": "Tiedote",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(käsittelemätön)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(käsittelemätön)",
"audio.hide": "Piilota ääni",
"audio.hide": "Piilota ääni",
@ -221,6 +222,8 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Kukaan tältä palvelimelta ei voi seurata sinua.",
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Kukaan tältä palvelimelta ei voi seurata sinua.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Hän ei saa tietää tulleensa estetyksi.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Hän ei saa tietää tulleensa estetyksi.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Estetäänkö verkkotunnus?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Estetäänkö verkkotunnus?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Menetät {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} seuraajasi} other {{followersCountDisplay} seuraajaasi}} ja {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} seurattusi} other {{followingCountDisplay} seurattuasi}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Menetät kaikki tämän palvelimen seuraajasi ja seurattusi.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Et enää näe julkaisuja etkä ilmoituksia tämän palvelimen käyttäjiltä.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Et enää näe julkaisuja etkä ilmoituksia tämän palvelimen käyttäjiltä.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Sen avulla voit muodostaa yhteyden ja olla vuorovaikutuksessa ihmisten kanssa, ei vain Mastodonissa vaan myös muissa sosiaalisissa sovelluksissa.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Sen avulla voit muodostaa yhteyden ja olla vuorovaikutuksessa ihmisten kanssa, ei vain Mastodonissa vaan myös muissa sosiaalisissa sovelluksissa.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub on kuin kieli, jota Mastodon puhuu muiden sosiaalisten verkostojen kanssa.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub on kuin kieli, jota Mastodon puhuu muiden sosiaalisten verkostojen kanssa.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Avmarkaður títtleiki",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Avmarkaður títtleiki",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Ein óvæntaður feilur kom fyri.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Ein óvæntaður feilur kom fyri.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Ups!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Ups!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Annar tekstur",
"announcement.announcement": "Kunngerð",
"announcement.announcement": "Kunngerð",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(óviðgjørt)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(óviðgjørt)",
"audio.hide": "Fjal ljóð",
"audio.hide": "Fjal ljóð",
@ -222,6 +223,7 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Tey vita ikki, at tey eru bannað.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Tey vita ikki, at tey eru bannað.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Banna økisnavni?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Banna økisnavni?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Tú missir {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} fylgjara} other {{followersCountDisplay} fylgjarar}} og {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persón, sum tú fylgir} other {{followingCountDisplay} persónar, sum tú fylgir}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Tú missir {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} fylgjara} other {{followersCountDisplay} fylgjarar}} og {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persón, sum tú fylgir} other {{followingCountDisplay} persónar, sum tú fylgir}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Tú fer at missa allar fylgjarar og øll tey, tú fylgir á hesum ambætaranum.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Tú sært ongar postar ella boð frá brúkarum á hesum ambætara.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Tú sært ongar postar ella boð frá brúkarum á hesum ambætara.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Tað letur teg fáa samband og samvirka við fólki ikki bara á Mastodon, men á øðrum sosialum appum eisini.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Tað letur teg fáa samband og samvirka við fólki ikki bara á Mastodon, men á øðrum sosialum appum eisini.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub er málið, sum Mastodon tosar við onnur sosial netverk.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub er málið, sum Mastodon tosar við onnur sosial netverk.",
@ -221,6 +221,7 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Ní féidir le duine ar bith ón bhfreastalaí seo tú a leanúint.",
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Ní féidir le duine ar bith ón bhfreastalaí seo tú a leanúint.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Ní bheidh a fhios acu go bhfuil bac orthu.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Ní bheidh a fhios acu go bhfuil bac orthu.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Blocáil fearann?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Blocáil fearann?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Caillfidh tú {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} leantóir} two {{followersCountDisplay} leantóirí} few {{followersCountDisplay} leantóirí} many {{followersCountDisplay} leantóirí} other {{followersCountDisplay} leantóirí}} agus {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} duine atá á leanúint agat} two {{followingCountDisplay} daoine atá á leanúint agat} few {{followingCountDisplay} daoine atá á leanúint agat} many {{followingCountDisplay} daoine atá á leanúint agat} other {{followingCountDisplay} daoine atá á leanúint agat}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Ní fheicfidh tú postálacha nó fógraí ó úsáideoirí ar an bhfreastalaí seo.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Ní fheicfidh tú postálacha nó fógraí ó úsáideoirí ar an bhfreastalaí seo.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Ligeann sé duit ceangal agus idirghníomhú le daoine, ní hamháin ar Mastodon, ach thar aipeanna sóisialta éagsúla freisin.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Ligeann sé duit ceangal agus idirghníomhú le daoine, ní hamháin ar Mastodon, ach thar aipeanna sóisialta éagsúla freisin.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "Tá GníomhaíochtPub cosúil leis an teanga a labhraíonn Mastodon le líonraí sóisialta eile.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "Tá GníomhaíochtPub cosúil leis an teanga a labhraíonn Mastodon le líonraí sóisialta eile.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Límite de intentos",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Límite de intentos",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Aconteceu un fallo non agardado.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Aconteceu un fallo non agardado.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Vaites!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Vaites!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Texto Alt",
"announcement.announcement": "Anuncio",
"announcement.announcement": "Anuncio",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(sen procesar)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(sen procesar)",
"audio.hide": "Agochar audio",
"audio.hide": "Agochar audio",
@ -222,6 +223,7 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Non saberá que a bloqueaches.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Non saberá que a bloqueaches.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Bloquear dominio?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Bloquear dominio?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Vas perder {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} seguidora} other {{followersCountDisplay} seguidoras}} e {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persoa que segues} other {{followingCountDisplay} persoas que segues}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Vas perder {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} seguidora} other {{followersCountDisplay} seguidoras}} e {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persoa que segues} other {{followingCountDisplay} persoas que segues}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Vas perder todas as seguidoras e seguimentos a persoas deste servidor.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Non verás publicacións ou notificacións das usuarias deste servidor.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Non verás publicacións ou notificacións das usuarias deste servidor.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Permíteche conectar e interactuar con persoas non só de Mastodon, se non tamén con outras sociais.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Permíteche conectar e interactuar con persoas non só de Mastodon, se non tamén con outras sociais.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub é algo así como o idioma que Mastodon fala con outras redes sociais.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub é algo así como o idioma que Mastodon fala con outras redes sociais.",
@ -221,6 +221,8 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Erről a kiszolgálóról senki sem követhet.",
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Erről a kiszolgálóról senki sem követhet.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Nem fogja tudni, hogy letiltották.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Nem fogja tudni, hogy letiltották.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Letiltsuk a domaint?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Letiltsuk a domaint?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "El fogsz veszíteni {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} követőt} other {{followersCountDisplay} követőt}} és {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} követett személyt} other {{followingCountDisplay} követett személyt}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Minden követőt és követett személyt el fogsz veszíteni erről a kiszolgálóról.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Nem látsz majd bejegyzéseket vagy értesítéseket ennek a kiszolgálónak a felhasználóitól.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Nem látsz majd bejegyzéseket vagy értesítéseket ennek a kiszolgálónak a felhasználóitól.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Lehetővé teszi, hogy kapcsolatba lépj nem csak a Mastodonon, hanem a más közösségi alkalmazásokon lévő emberekkel is.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Lehetővé teszi, hogy kapcsolatba lépj nem csak a Mastodonon, hanem a más közösségi alkalmazásokon lévő emberekkel is.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "Az ActivityPub olyan mint egy nyelv, amelyet a Mastodon a más közösségi hálózatokkal való kommunikációra használ.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "Az ActivityPub olyan mint egy nyelv, amelyet a Mastodon a más közösségi hálózatokkal való kommunikációra használ.",
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
"about.blocks": "Jerata servili",
"about.blocks": "Jerata servili",
"about.contact": "Kontaktajo:",
"about.contact": "Kontaktajo:",
"about.disclaimer": "Mastodon esas libera, publikfonta e komercmarko di Mastodon gGmbH.",
"about.domain_blocks.no_reason_available": "Expliko nedisponebla",
"about.domain_blocks.no_reason_available": "Expliko nedisponebla",
"about.domain_blocks.preamble": "Mastodon generale permisas on vidar kontenajo e interagar kun uzanti de irga altra servilo en fediverso. Existas eceptioni quo facesis che ca partikulara servilo.",
"about.domain_blocks.preamble": "Mastodon generale permisas on vidar kontenajo e interagar kun uzanti de irga altra servilo en fediverso. Existas eceptioni quo facesis che ca partikulara servilo.",
"about.domain_blocks.silenced.explanation": "On generale ne vidar profili e kontenajo de ca servilo, se on ne reale trovar o voluntale juntar per sequar.",
"about.domain_blocks.silenced.explanation": "On generale ne vidar profili e kontenajo de ca servilo, se on ne reale trovar o voluntale juntar per sequar.",
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@
"about.not_available": "Ca informo ne igesis che ca servilo.",
"about.not_available": "Ca informo ne igesis che ca servilo.",
"about.powered_by": "Necentraligita sociala ret quo povigesas da {mastodon}",
"about.powered_by": "Necentraligita sociala ret quo povigesas da {mastodon}",
"about.rules": "Servilreguli",
"about.rules": "Servilreguli",
"account.account_note_header": "Personala noto",
"account.add_or_remove_from_list": "Insertez o removez de listi",
"account.add_or_remove_from_list": "Insertez o removez de listi",
"account.badges.bot": "Boto",
"account.badges.bot": "Boto",
"account.badges.group": "Grupo",
"account.badges.group": "Grupo",
@ -29,9 +31,12 @@
"account.featured_tags.last_status_never": "Nula posti",
"account.featured_tags.last_status_never": "Nula posti",
"account.featured_tags.title": "Estalita hashtagi di {name}",
"account.featured_tags.title": "Estalita hashtagi di {name}",
"account.follow": "Sequar",
"account.follow": "Sequar",
"account.follow_back": "Anke sequez",
"account.followers": "Sequanti",
"account.followers": "Sequanti",
"account.followers.empty": "Nulu sequas ca uzanto til nun.",
"account.followers.empty": "Nulu sequas ca uzanto til nun.",
"account.followers_counter": "{count, plural,one {{counter} sequanto} other {{counter} sequanti}}",
"account.following": "Sequata",
"account.following": "Sequata",
"account.following_counter": "{count, plural,one {{counter} sequato} other {{counter} sequati}}",
"account.follows.empty": "Ca uzanto ne sequa irgu til nun.",
"account.follows.empty": "Ca uzanto ne sequa irgu til nun.",
"account.go_to_profile": "Irez al profilo",
"account.go_to_profile": "Irez al profilo",
"account.hide_reblogs": "Celez repeti de @{name}",
"account.hide_reblogs": "Celez repeti de @{name}",
@ -47,6 +52,7 @@
"account.mute_notifications_short": "Silencigez avizi",
"account.mute_notifications_short": "Silencigez avizi",
"account.mute_short": "Silencigez",
"account.mute_short": "Silencigez",
"account.muted": "Silencigata",
"account.muted": "Silencigata",
"account.mutual": "Mutuala",
"account.no_bio": "Deskriptajo ne provizesis.",
"account.no_bio": "Deskriptajo ne provizesis.",
"account.open_original_page": "Apertez originala pagino",
"account.open_original_page": "Apertez originala pagino",
"account.posts": "Mesaji",
"account.posts": "Mesaji",
@ -56,6 +62,7 @@
"account.requested_follow": "{name} demandis sequar tu",
"account.requested_follow": "{name} demandis sequar tu",
"account.share": "Partigez profilo di @{name}",
"account.share": "Partigez profilo di @{name}",
"account.show_reblogs": "Montrez repeti de @{name}",
"account.show_reblogs": "Montrez repeti de @{name}",
"account.statuses_counter": "{count, plural,one {{counter} mesajo} other {{counter} mesaji}}",
"account.unblock": "Desblokusar @{name}",
"account.unblock": "Desblokusar @{name}",
"account.unblock_domain": "Desblokusar {domain}",
"account.unblock_domain": "Desblokusar {domain}",
"account.unblock_short": "Desblokusar",
"account.unblock_short": "Desblokusar",
@ -78,10 +85,21 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Demandi limitizita",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Demandi limitizita",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Neexpektita eroro eventis.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Neexpektita eroro eventis.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Problemo!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Problemo!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Alternativa texto",
"announcement.announcement": "Anunco",
"announcement.announcement": "Anunco",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(neprocedita)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(neprocedita)",
"audio.hide": "Celez audio",
"audio.hide": "Celez audio",
"block_modal.remote_users_caveat": "Ni questionos {domain} di la servilo por respektar vua decido. Publika posti forsan ankore estas videbla a neenirinta uzanti.",
"block_modal.show_less": "Montrar mine",
"block_modal.show_more": "Montrar plue",
"block_modal.they_cant_mention": "Oli ne povas mencionar o sequar vu.",
"block_modal.they_cant_see_posts": "Oli ne povas vidar vua mesaji e vu ne vidos vidar olia.",
"block_modal.they_will_know": "Oli povas vidar ke oli esas blokusita.",
"block_modal.title": "Blokusar uzanto?",
"block_modal.you_wont_see_mentions": "Vu ne vidos mesaji qua mencionas oli.",
"boost_modal.combo": "Vu povas pulsar {combo} por omisar co venontafoye",
"boost_modal.combo": "Vu povas pulsar {combo} por omisar co venontafoye",
"boost_modal.reblog": "Ka repetar posto?",
"boost_modal.undo_reblog": "Ka retrorepetar posto?",
"bundle_column_error.copy_stacktrace": "Kopierorraporto",
"bundle_column_error.copy_stacktrace": "Kopierorraporto",
"bundle_column_error.error.body": "La demandita pagino ne povas strukturigesar. Forsan ol esas eroro en kodexo hike o vidilkoncilieblesproblemo.",
"bundle_column_error.error.body": "La demandita pagino ne povas strukturigesar. Forsan ol esas eroro en kodexo hike o vidilkoncilieblesproblemo.",
"bundle_column_error.error.title": "Ach!",
"bundle_column_error.error.title": "Ach!",
@ -138,30 +156,47 @@
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "klefagesas",
"compose_form.lock_disclaimer.lock": "klefagesas",
"compose_form.placeholder": "Quo esas en tua spirito?",
"compose_form.placeholder": "Quo esas en tua spirito?",
"compose_form.poll.duration": "Votpostoduro",
"compose_form.poll.duration": "Votpostoduro",
"compose_form.poll.multiple": "Multopla selekteso",
"compose_form.poll.option_placeholder": "Selektato {number}",
"compose_form.poll.single": "Selektez un",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_multiple": "Chanjez votposto por permisar multiselektaji",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_multiple": "Chanjez votposto por permisar multiselektaji",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "Chanjez votposto por permisar una selektajo",
"compose_form.poll.switch_to_single": "Chanjez votposto por permisar una selektajo",
"compose_form.poll.type": "Stilo",
"compose_form.publish": "Posto",
"compose_form.publish_form": "Publish",
"compose_form.publish_form": "Publish",
"compose_form.reply": "Respondez",
"compose_form.save_changes": "Aktualigez",
"compose_form.spoiler.marked": "Text is hidden behind warning",
"compose_form.spoiler.marked": "Text is hidden behind warning",
"compose_form.spoiler.unmarked": "Text is not hidden",
"compose_form.spoiler.unmarked": "Text is not hidden",
"compose_form.spoiler_placeholder": "Kontenajaverto (selektebla)",
"confirmation_modal.cancel": "Anulez",
"confirmation_modal.cancel": "Anulez",
"confirmations.block.confirm": "Restriktez",
"confirmations.block.confirm": "Restriktez",
"confirmations.delete.confirm": "Efacez",
"confirmations.delete.confirm": "Efacez",
"confirmations.delete.message": "Are you sure you want to delete this status?",
"confirmations.delete.message": "Are you sure you want to delete this status?",
"confirmations.delete.title": "Ka efacar posto?",
"confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "Efacez",
"confirmations.delete_list.confirm": "Efacez",
"confirmations.delete_list.message": "Ka vu certe volas netempale efacar ca listo?",
"confirmations.delete_list.message": "Ka vu certe volas netempale efacar ca listo?",
"confirmations.delete_list.title": "Ka efacar listo?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "Efacez",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.confirm": "Efacez",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "Vu havas nesparita chanji di mediodeskript o prevido, vu volas jus efacar?",
"confirmations.discard_edit_media.message": "Vu havas nesparita chanji di mediodeskript o prevido, vu volas jus efacar?",
"confirmations.edit.confirm": "Modifikez",
"confirmations.edit.confirm": "Modifikez",
"confirmations.edit.message": "Modifikar nun remplasos la mesajo quon vu nune skribas. Ka vu certe volas procedar?",
"confirmations.edit.message": "Modifikar nun remplasos la mesajo quon vu nune skribas. Ka vu certe volas procedar?",
"confirmations.edit.title": "Ka remplasar posto?",
"confirmations.logout.confirm": "Ekirez",
"confirmations.logout.confirm": "Ekirez",
"confirmations.logout.message": "Ka tu certe volas ekirar?",
"confirmations.logout.message": "Ka tu certe volas ekirar?",
"confirmations.logout.title": "Ka ekirar?",
"confirmations.mute.confirm": "Silencigez",
"confirmations.mute.confirm": "Silencigez",
"confirmations.redraft.confirm": "Efacez e riskisez",
"confirmations.redraft.confirm": "Efacez e riskisez",
"confirmations.redraft.message": "Ka vu certe volas efacar ca posto e riskisigar ol? Favoriziti e repeti esos perdita, e respondi al posto originala esos orfanigita.",
"confirmations.redraft.message": "Ka vu certe volas efacar ca posto e riskisigar ol? Favoriziti e repeti esos perdita, e respondi al posto originala esos orfanigita.",
"confirmations.redraft.title": "Ka efacar & riskisar posto?",
"confirmations.reply.confirm": "Respondez",
"confirmations.reply.confirm": "Respondez",
"confirmations.reply.message": "Respondar nun remplos mesajo quon vu nun igas. Ka vu certe volas durar?",
"confirmations.reply.message": "Respondar nun remplos mesajo quon vu nun igas. Ka vu certe volas durar?",
"confirmations.reply.title": "Ka remplasar posto?",
"confirmations.unfollow.confirm": "Desequez",
"confirmations.unfollow.confirm": "Desequez",
"confirmations.unfollow.message": "Ka vu certe volas desequar {name}?",
"confirmations.unfollow.message": "Ka vu certe volas desequar {name}?",
"confirmations.unfollow.title": "Ka retrosequar uzanto?",
"content_warning.hide": "Celez posto",
"content_warning.show": "Montrez nur",
"conversation.delete": "Efacez konverso",
"conversation.delete": "Efacez konverso",
"conversation.mark_as_read": "Markizez quale lektita",
"conversation.mark_as_read": "Markizez quale lektita",
"conversation.open": "Videz konverso",
"conversation.open": "Videz konverso",
@ -181,6 +216,28 @@
"dismissable_banner.explore_statuses": "Yen posti del tota reto sociala qui esas populara hodie. Posti plu nova kun plu repeti e favoriziti esas rangizita plu alte.",
"dismissable_banner.explore_statuses": "Yen posti del tota reto sociala qui esas populara hodie. Posti plu nova kun plu repeti e favoriziti esas rangizita plu alte.",
"dismissable_banner.explore_tags": "Ca hashtagi bezonas plu famoza inter personi che ca e altra servili di la necentraligita situo nun.",
"dismissable_banner.explore_tags": "Ca hashtagi bezonas plu famoza inter personi che ca e altra servili di la necentraligita situo nun.",
"dismissable_banner.public_timeline": "Yen la posti maxim recenta da personi che la reto sociala quin personi che {domain} sequas.",
"dismissable_banner.public_timeline": "Yen la posti maxim recenta da personi che la reto sociala quin personi che {domain} sequas.",
"domain_block_modal.block": "Blokusez servilo",
"domain_block_modal.block_account_instead": "Blokusez @{name} vice",
"domain_block_modal.they_can_interact_with_old_posts": "Personi de ca servilo povas interagar kun vua desnova posti.",
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Nulu de ca servilo povas sequar vu.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Lu ne savos ke lu blokusesis.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Ka blokusar domeno?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Vu desganos {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} sequanto} other {{followersCountDisplay} sequanti}} e {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persono quan vu sequas} other {{followingCountDisplay} personi quan vu sequas}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Vu desganos omna sequanti e sequati de ca servilo.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Vu ne vidos postoi o savigi de uzanti en ca servilo.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Ol povigas vu kuneskas e interagar kun personi ne nur sur Mastodon, o anke kun dessama socia softwari.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub esas kam linguo quan Mastodon parolas kun altra socia reti.",
"domain_pill.server": "Servilo",
"domain_pill.their_handle": "Lua nomo:",
"domain_pill.their_server": "Lua komputala hemo, e havas omna lua posti.",
"domain_pill.their_username": "Lua unika identesilo sur lua servilo. Posible trovar uzanti kun sama uzantonomo sur dessama servili.",
"domain_pill.username": "Uzantonomo",
"domain_pill.whats_in_a_handle": "Quo esas nomo?",
"domain_pill.who_they_are": "Pro ke nomo esas deskripto di ulu, vu povas interagar kun personi tra socia interreto kun <button>ActivityPub-povizo</button>.",
"domain_pill.who_you_are": "Pro ke vua nomo esas deskripto pri vu e vua situo, personi povas interagar kun vu tra socia interreto kun <button>ActivityPub-povizo</button>.",
"domain_pill.your_handle": "Vua nomo:",
"domain_pill.your_server": "Vua komputerala hemo qua havas omna vua posti. On povas transferar a altra servili ulatempe e anke adportar vua sequanti.",
"domain_pill.your_username": "Vua unika identesilo sur lua servilo. Posible trovar uzanti kun sama uzantonomo sur dessama servili.",
"embed.instructions": "Embed this status on your website by copying the code below.",
"embed.instructions": "Embed this status on your website by copying the code below.",
"embed.preview": "Co esas quon ol semblos tale:",
"embed.preview": "Co esas quon ol semblos tale:",
"emoji_button.activity": "Ago",
"emoji_button.activity": "Ago",
@ -217,6 +274,7 @@
"empty_column.list": "There is nothing in this list yet.",
"empty_column.list": "There is nothing in this list yet.",
"empty_column.lists": "Vu ne havas irga listi til nun. Kande vu kreas talo, ol montresos hike.",
"empty_column.lists": "Vu ne havas irga listi til nun. Kande vu kreas talo, ol montresos hike.",
"empty_column.mutes": "Vu ne silencigis irga uzanti til nun.",
"empty_column.mutes": "Vu ne silencigis irga uzanti til nun.",
"empty_column.notification_requests": "Finis. Kande vu recevas nova savigi, oli aparos hike segun vua preferaji.",
"empty_column.notifications": "Tu havas ankore nula savigo. Komunikez kun altri por debutar la konverso.",
"empty_column.notifications": "Tu havas ankore nula savigo. Komunikez kun altri por debutar la konverso.",
"empty_column.public": "Esas nulo hike! Skribez ulo publike, o manuale sequez uzeri de altra instaluri por plenigar ol.",
"empty_column.public": "Esas nulo hike! Skribez ulo publike, o manuale sequez uzeri de altra instaluri por plenigar ol.",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation": "Pro eroro en nia kodexo o vidilkonciliebloproblemo, ca pagino ne povas korekte montresar.",
"error.unexpected_crash.explanation": "Pro eroro en nia kodexo o vidilkonciliebloproblemo, ca pagino ne povas korekte montresar.",
@ -247,12 +305,30 @@
"filter_modal.select_filter.subtitle": "Usez disponebla grupo o kreez novajo",
"filter_modal.select_filter.subtitle": "Usez disponebla grupo o kreez novajo",
"filter_modal.select_filter.title": "Filtragez ca posto",
"filter_modal.select_filter.title": "Filtragez ca posto",
"filter_modal.title.status": "Filtragez posto",
"filter_modal.title.status": "Filtragez posto",
"filter_warning.matches_filter": "Sama kam filtrilo \"{title}\"",
"filtered_notifications_banner.pending_requests": "De {count, plural,=0 {nulu} one {1 persono} other {# personi}} quan vu forsan konocas",
"filtered_notifications_banner.title": "Filtrilita savigi",
"firehose.all": "Omno",
"firehose.all": "Omno",
"firehose.local": "Ca servilo",
"firehose.local": "Ca servilo",
"firehose.remote": "Altra servili",
"firehose.remote": "Altra servili",
"follow_request.authorize": "Yurizar",
"follow_request.authorize": "Yurizar",
"follow_request.reject": "Refuzar",
"follow_request.reject": "Refuzar",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Quankam vua konto ne klefklozesis, la {domain} laborero pensas ke vu forsan volas kontralar sequodemandi de ca konti manuale.",
"follow_requests.unlocked_explanation": "Quankam vua konto ne klefklozesis, la {domain} laborero pensas ke vu forsan volas kontralar sequodemandi de ca konti manuale.",
"follow_suggestions.curated_suggestion": "Selektato de jeranto",
"follow_suggestions.dismiss": "Ne montrez pluse",
"follow_suggestions.featured_longer": "Selektesis da la grupo di {domain}",
"follow_suggestions.friends_of_friends_longer": "Populara inter personi quan vu sequas",
"follow_suggestions.hints.featured": "Ca profilo selektesis da la grupo di {domain}.",
"follow_suggestions.hints.friends_of_friends": "Ca profilo esas populara inter personi quan vu sequas.",
"follow_suggestions.hints.most_followed": "Vua profilo esas un de maxim sequita sur {domain}.",
"follow_suggestions.hints.most_interactions": "Ca profilo recente populareskis sur {domain}.",
"follow_suggestions.hints.similar_to_recently_followed": "Ca profilo esas simila a la profili quan vu recente sequis.",
"follow_suggestions.personalized_suggestion": "Personalita sugestato",
"follow_suggestions.popular_suggestion": "Populara sugestato",
"follow_suggestions.popular_suggestion_longer": "Populara sur {domain}",
"follow_suggestions.similar_to_recently_followed_longer": "Simila a profili quan vu recente sequis",
"follow_suggestions.view_all": "Videz omno",
"follow_suggestions.who_to_follow": "Sequindo",
"followed_tags": "Hashtagi sequita",
"followed_tags": "Hashtagi sequita",
"footer.about": "Pri co",
"footer.about": "Pri co",
"footer.directory": "Profilcheflisto",
"footer.directory": "Profilcheflisto",
@ -279,6 +355,14 @@
"hashtag.follow": "Sequez hashtago",
"hashtag.follow": "Sequez hashtago",
"hashtag.unfollow": "Desequez hashtago",
"hashtag.unfollow": "Desequez hashtago",
"hashtags.and_other": "…e {count, plural, one {# plusa}other {# plusa}}",
"hashtags.and_other": "…e {count, plural, one {# plusa}other {# plusa}}",
"hints.profiles.followers_may_be_missing": "Sequanti di ca profilo forsan ne esas hike.",
"hints.profiles.follows_may_be_missing": "Sequati di ca profilo forsan ne esas hike.",
"hints.profiles.posts_may_be_missing": "Kelka posti sur ca profilo forsan ne esas hike.",
"hints.profiles.see_more_followers": "Vidar plu multa sequanti sur {domain}",
"hints.profiles.see_more_follows": "Vidar plu multa sequati sur {domain}",
"hints.profiles.see_more_posts": "Vidar plu multa posti sur {domain}",
"hints.threads.replies_may_be_missing": "Respondi de altra servili forsan ne esas hike.",
"hints.threads.see_more": "Vidar plu multa demandi sur {domain}",
"home.column_settings.show_reblogs": "Montrar repeti",
"home.column_settings.show_reblogs": "Montrar repeti",
"home.column_settings.show_replies": "Montrar respondi",
"home.column_settings.show_replies": "Montrar respondi",
"home.hide_announcements": "Celez anunci",
"home.hide_announcements": "Celez anunci",
@ -286,6 +370,17 @@
"home.pending_critical_update.link": "Vidar aktualigaji",
"home.pending_critical_update.link": "Vidar aktualigaji",
"home.pending_critical_update.title": "Sekuresala aktualigajo gravega disponebla!",
"home.pending_critical_update.title": "Sekuresala aktualigajo gravega disponebla!",
"home.show_announcements": "Montrez anunci",
"home.show_announcements": "Montrez anunci",
"ignore_notifications_modal.disclaimer": "Mastodon ne povas savigar uzanti ke vu ignoris olia savigi. Ignorar savigi ne cesos ipse mesaji sendesar.",
"ignore_notifications_modal.filter_instead": "Filtrar vice",
"ignore_notifications_modal.filter_to_act_users": "Vu povos aceptar, refuzar o raportar uzanti",
"ignore_notifications_modal.filter_to_avoid_confusion": "Filtro helpas evitar posibla konfuzo",
"ignore_notifications_modal.filter_to_review_separately": "Vu povas kontrolar filtrita savigi separe",
"ignore_notifications_modal.ignore": "Ignorez savigi",
"ignore_notifications_modal.limited_accounts_title": "Ka ignorar savigi de jerita konti?",
"ignore_notifications_modal.new_accounts_title": "Ka ignorar savigi de nova konti?",
"ignore_notifications_modal.not_followers_title": "Ka ignorar savigi de personi qua ne sequas vu?",
"ignore_notifications_modal.not_following_title": "Ka ignorar savigi de personi quan vu ne sequas?",
"ignore_notifications_modal.private_mentions_title": "Ka ignorar savigi de nekonocita privata mencionii?",
"interaction_modal.description.favourite": "Kun konto che Mastodon, vu povas favorizar ca posto por savigar la autoro ke vu prizas ol e sparar ol por pose.",
"interaction_modal.description.favourite": "Kun konto che Mastodon, vu povas favorizar ca posto por savigar la autoro ke vu prizas ol e sparar ol por pose.",
"interaction_modal.description.follow": "Per konto che Mastodon, vu povas sequar {name} por ganar ola posti en vua hemniuzeto.",
"interaction_modal.description.follow": "Per konto che Mastodon, vu povas sequar {name} por ganar ola posti en vua hemniuzeto.",
"interaction_modal.description.reblog": "Per konto che Mastodon, vu povas repetar ca posti por dissemar lo a vua propra sequati.",
"interaction_modal.description.reblog": "Per konto che Mastodon, vu povas repetar ca posti por dissemar lo a vua propra sequati.",
@ -341,9 +436,13 @@
"lightbox.close": "Klozar",
"lightbox.close": "Klozar",
"lightbox.next": "Nexta",
"lightbox.next": "Nexta",
"lightbox.previous": "Antea",
"lightbox.previous": "Antea",
"lightbox.zoom_in": "Grandigez a reala grandeso",
"lightbox.zoom_out": "Grandigez por fitigar",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Jus montrez profilo",
"limited_account_hint.action": "Jus montrez profilo",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Ca profilo celesas dal jereri di {domain}.",
"limited_account_hint.title": "Ca profilo celesas dal jereri di {domain}.",
"link_preview.author": "Da {name}",
"link_preview.author": "Da {name}",
"link_preview.more_from_author": "Plua de {name}",
"link_preview.shares": "{count, plural,one {{counter} posto} other {{counter} posti}}",
"lists.account.add": "Insertez a listo",
"lists.account.add": "Insertez a listo",
"lists.account.remove": "Efacez de listo",
"lists.account.remove": "Efacez de listo",
"lists.delete": "Efacez listo",
"lists.delete": "Efacez listo",
@ -360,8 +459,19 @@
"lists.subheading": "Vua listi",
"lists.subheading": "Vua listi",
"load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# nova kozo} other {# nova kozi}}",
"load_pending": "{count, plural, one {# nova kozo} other {# nova kozi}}",
"loading_indicator.label": "Kargante…",
"loading_indicator.label": "Kargante…",
"media_gallery.hide": "Celez",
"moved_to_account_banner.text": "Vua konto {disabledAccount} es nune desaktiva pro ke vu movis a {movedToAccount}.",
"moved_to_account_banner.text": "Vua konto {disabledAccount} es nune desaktiva pro ke vu movis a {movedToAccount}.",
"mute_modal.hide_from_notifications": "Celez de savigi",
"mute_modal.hide_options": "Celez preferaji",
"mute_modal.indefinite": "Til me retrosilencigas lu",
"mute_modal.show_options": "Montrez preferaji",
"mute_modal.they_can_mention_and_follow": "Lu povas mencionar e sequar vu, ma vu ne vidos lu.",
"mute_modal.they_wont_know": "Lu ne savos ke lu silencigesis.",
"mute_modal.title": "Ka silencigar uzanto?",
"mute_modal.you_wont_see_mentions": "Vu ne vidos posti qua mencionas lu.",
"mute_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Lu ankore povas vidar vua posti, ma vu ne vidos lua.",
"navigation_bar.about": "Pri co",
"navigation_bar.about": "Pri co",
"navigation_bar.administration": "Administro",
"navigation_bar.advanced_interface": "Apertez per retintervizajo",
"navigation_bar.advanced_interface": "Apertez per retintervizajo",
"navigation_bar.blocks": "Blokusita uzeri",
"navigation_bar.blocks": "Blokusita uzeri",
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Libromarki",
"navigation_bar.bookmarks": "Libromarki",
@ -378,6 +488,7 @@
"navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Sequati e sequanti",
"navigation_bar.follows_and_followers": "Sequati e sequanti",
"navigation_bar.lists": "Listi",
"navigation_bar.lists": "Listi",
"navigation_bar.logout": "Ekirar",
"navigation_bar.logout": "Ekirar",
"navigation_bar.moderation": "Jero",
"navigation_bar.mutes": "Celita uzeri",
"navigation_bar.mutes": "Celita uzeri",
"navigation_bar.opened_in_classic_interface": "Posti, konti e altra pagini specifika apertesas en la retovidilo klasika.",
"navigation_bar.opened_in_classic_interface": "Posti, konti e altra pagini specifika apertesas en la retovidilo klasika.",
"navigation_bar.personal": "Personala",
"navigation_bar.personal": "Personala",
@ -388,20 +499,71 @@
"navigation_bar.security": "Sekureso",
"navigation_bar.security": "Sekureso",
"not_signed_in_indicator.not_signed_in": "Vu mustas enirar por acesar ca moyeno.",
"not_signed_in_indicator.not_signed_in": "Vu mustas enirar por acesar ca moyeno.",
"notification.admin.report": "{name} raportizis {target}",
"notification.admin.report": "{name} raportizis {target}",
"notification.admin.report_account": "{name} raportis {count, plural,one {1 posto} other {# posti}} de {target} pro {category}",
"notification.admin.report_account_other": "{name} raportis {count, plural,one {1 posto} other {# posti}} de {target}",
"notification.admin.report_statuses": "{name} raportis {target} pro {category}",
"notification.admin.report_statuses_other": "{name} raportis {target}",
"notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} registresis",
"notification.admin.sign_up": "{name} registresis",
"notification.admin.sign_up.name_and_others": "{name} e {count, plural,one {# altru} other {#altri}} enrejistris",
"notification.favourite": "{name} favorizis tua mesajo",
"notification.favourite": "{name} favorizis tua mesajo",
"notification.favourite.name_and_others_with_link": "{name} e <a>{count, plural,one {# altru} other {# altri}}</a> favorizis vua posto",
"notification.follow": "{name} sequeskis tu",
"notification.follow": "{name} sequeskis tu",
"notification.follow.name_and_others": "{name} e {count, plural,one {# altru} other {#altri}} sequis vu",
"notification.follow_request": "{name} demandas sequar vu",
"notification.follow_request": "{name} demandas sequar vu",
"notification.follow_request.name_and_others": "{name} e {count, plural,one {# altru} other {# altri}} volas sequar vu",
"notification.label.mention": "Mencionez",
"notification.label.private_mention": "Privata menciono",
"notification.label.private_reply": "Privata respondo",
"notification.label.reply": "Respondez",
"notification.mention": "Mencionez",
"notification.moderation-warning.learn_more": "Lernez pluse",
"notification.moderation_warning": "Vu recevis jeraverto",
"notification.moderation_warning.action_delete_statuses": "Kelka vua posti efacesis.",
"notification.moderation_warning.action_disable": "Vua konto estas desaktivigita.",
"notification.moderation_warning.action_mark_statuses_as_sensitive": "Kelka vua posti markizesis quale sentoza.",
"notification.moderation_warning.action_none": "Vua konto recevis jeraverto.",
"notification.moderation_warning.action_sensitive": "Vua posti markizesos quale sentoza pos nun.",
"notification.moderation_warning.action_silence": "Vua konto limitizesis.",
"notification.moderation_warning.action_suspend": "Vua konto restriktesis.",
"notification.own_poll": "Vua votposto finigis",
"notification.own_poll": "Vua votposto finigis",
"notification.poll": "Votposto quan vu partoprenis finis",
"notification.reblog": "{name} repetis tua mesajo",
"notification.reblog": "{name} repetis tua mesajo",
"notification.reblog.name_and_others_with_link": "{name} e <a>{count, plural,one {# altru} other {#altri}}</a> repetis vua posto",
"notification.relationships_severance_event": "Desganis konekteso kun {name}",
"notification.relationships_severance_event.account_suspension": "Administranto de {from} restriktis {target}, do vu ne povas plue recevar novaji de lu o interagar kun lu.",
"notification.relationships_severance_event.domain_block": "Administranto de {from} blokusis {target}, e anke {followersCount} de vua sequanti e {followingCount, plural, one {# konto} other {# konti}} quan vu sequas.",
"notification.relationships_severance_event.learn_more": "Lernez pluse",
"notification.relationships_severance_event.user_domain_block": "Vu blokusis {target}, do efacis {followersCount} de vua sequanti e {followingCount, plural, one {# konto} other {#konti}} quan vu sequis.",
"notification.status": "{name} nove postigis",
"notification.status": "{name} nove postigis",
"notification.update": "{name} modifikis posto",
"notification.update": "{name} modifikis posto",
"notification_requests.accept": "Aceptez",
"notification_requests.accept_multiple": "{count, plural, one {Aceptar # demando…} other {Aceptar # demandi…}}",
"notification_requests.confirm_accept_multiple.button": "{count, plural, one {Aceptar demando} other {Aceptar demandi}}",
"notification_requests.confirm_accept_multiple.message": "Vu aceptos {count, plural, one {1 savigdemando} other {# savigdemandi}}. Ka vu certe volas durar?",
"notification_requests.confirm_accept_multiple.title": "Ka aceptar savigdemandi?",
"notification_requests.confirm_dismiss_multiple.button": "{count, plural, one {Ignorez demando} other {Ignorez demandi}}",
"notification_requests.confirm_dismiss_multiple.message": "Vu ignoros {count, plural, one {1 savigdemando} other {# savigdemandi}}. Vu ne povas facile ganar {count, plural, one {ol} other {oli}} pluse. Ka vu esas certe ke vu volas durar?",
"notification_requests.confirm_dismiss_multiple.title": "Ka ignorar savigdemandi?",
"notification_requests.dismiss": "Ignorez",
"notification_requests.dismiss_multiple": "{count, plural,one {Ignorez # demando…} other {Ignorez # demandi…}}",
"notification_requests.edit_selection": "Modifikez",
"notification_requests.exit_selection": "Finas",
"notification_requests.explainer_for_limited_account": "Savigi de ca konto filtresis pro ke la konto limitizesis da jeranto.",
"notification_requests.explainer_for_limited_remote_account": "Savigi de ca konto filtresis pro ke la konto o olua servilo limitizesis da jeranto.",
"notification_requests.maximize": "Parmontrez",
"notification_requests.minimize_banner": "Celez banero di filtrita savigi",
"notification_requests.notifications_from": "Savigi de {name}",
"notification_requests.title": "Filtrita savigi",
"notification_requests.view": "Videz savigi",
"notifications.clear": "Efacar savigi",
"notifications.clear": "Efacar savigi",
"notifications.clear_confirmation": "Ka tu esas certa, ke tu volas efacar omna tua savigi?",
"notifications.clear_confirmation": "Ka tu esas certa, ke tu volas efacar omna tua savigi?",
"notifications.clear_title": "Ka efacar savigi?",
"notifications.column_settings.admin.report": "Nova raporti:",
"notifications.column_settings.admin.report": "Nova raporti:",
"notifications.column_settings.admin.sign_up": "Nova registranti:",
"notifications.column_settings.admin.sign_up": "Nova registranti:",
"notifications.column_settings.alert": "Desktopavizi",
"notifications.column_settings.alert": "Desktopavizi",
"notifications.column_settings.favourite": "Favoriziti:",
"notifications.column_settings.favourite": "Favoriziti:",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.advanced": "Montrez omna kategorii",
"notifications.column_settings.filter_bar.category": "Rapidfiltrilbaro",
"notifications.column_settings.follow": "Nova sequanti:",
"notifications.column_settings.follow": "Nova sequanti:",
"notifications.column_settings.follow_request": "Nova sequodemandi:",
"notifications.column_settings.follow_request": "Nova sequodemandi:",
"notifications.column_settings.mention": "Mencioni:",
"notifications.column_settings.mention": "Mencioni:",
@ -427,6 +589,23 @@
"notifications.permission_denied": "Desktopavizi esas nedisplonebla pro antea refuzita vidilpermisdemando",
"notifications.permission_denied": "Desktopavizi esas nedisplonebla pro antea refuzita vidilpermisdemando",
"notifications.permission_denied_alert": "Desktopavizi ne povas aktivigesar pro ke vidilpermiso refuzesis",
"notifications.permission_denied_alert": "Desktopavizi ne povas aktivigesar pro ke vidilpermiso refuzesis",
"notifications.permission_required": "Desktopavizi esas nedisplonebla pro ke bezonata permiso ne donesis.",
"notifications.permission_required": "Desktopavizi esas nedisplonebla pro ke bezonata permiso ne donesis.",
"notifications.policy.accept": "Aceptez",
"notifications.policy.accept_hint": "Montrez en savigi",
"notifications.policy.drop": "Ignorez",
"notifications.policy.drop_hint": "Nihiligez lu",
"notifications.policy.filter": "Filtrez",
"notifications.policy.filter_hint": "Sendez a enbuxo di filtrita savigi",
"notifications.policy.filter_limited_accounts_hint": "Limitizesis da serviljeranti",
"notifications.policy.filter_limited_accounts_title": "Jerita konti",
"notifications.policy.filter_new_accounts.hint": "Kreesis depos {days, plural, one {1 dio} other {# dii}}",
"notifications.policy.filter_new_accounts_title": "Nova konti",
"notifications.policy.filter_not_followers_hint": "Inkluzanta personi qua sequas vu min kam {days, plural, one {1 dio} other {# dii}}",
"notifications.policy.filter_not_followers_title": "Nesequanti",
"notifications.policy.filter_not_following_hint": "Til vu manuale aprobas lu",
"notifications.policy.filter_not_following_title": "Nesequati",
"notifications.policy.filter_private_mentions_hint": "Filtrita se ol ne esas respondo a vua sua menciono o se vu sequas la sendanto",
"notifications.policy.filter_private_mentions_title": "Nekonocita privata mencioni",
"notifications.policy.title": "Regular savigi de…",
"notifications_permission_banner.enable": "Aktivigez desktopavizi",
"notifications_permission_banner.enable": "Aktivigez desktopavizi",
"notifications_permission_banner.how_to_control": "Por ganar avizi kande Mastodon ne esas apertita, aktivigez dekstopavizi. Vu povas precize regularar quale interakti facas deskstopavizi tra la supera {icon} butono pos oli aktivigesis.",
"notifications_permission_banner.how_to_control": "Por ganar avizi kande Mastodon ne esas apertita, aktivigez dekstopavizi. Vu povas precize regularar quale interakti facas deskstopavizi tra la supera {icon} butono pos oli aktivigesis.",
"notifications_permission_banner.title": "Irga kozo ne pasas vu",
"notifications_permission_banner.title": "Irga kozo ne pasas vu",
@ -464,6 +643,10 @@
"onboarding.steps.setup_profile.title": "Customize your profile",
"onboarding.steps.setup_profile.title": "Customize your profile",
"onboarding.steps.share_profile.body": "Let your friends know how to find you on Mastodon!",
"onboarding.steps.share_profile.body": "Let your friends know how to find you on Mastodon!",
"onboarding.steps.share_profile.title": "Share your profile",
"onboarding.steps.share_profile.title": "Share your profile",
"onboarding.tips.2fa": "<strong>Ka vu savas?</strong> Vu povas sekurigar vua konto per pozar 2-faktora verifiko en preferaji de vua konto. Telefonilnombro ne bezonesis!",
"onboarding.tips.accounts_from_other_servers": "<strong>Ka vu savas?</strong> Vu povas interagar kun profili sur altra servili senrupte!",
"onboarding.tips.migration": "<strong>Ka vu savas?</strong> Se vu sentas ke {domain} ne esas apta por vu en la futuro, vu povas transferar a altra servilo di Mastodon sen malganar vua sequanti!",
"onboarding.tips.verification": "<strong>Ka vu savas?</strong> Vu povas verifikar vua konto per pozi ligilo a vua profilo di Mastodon sur vua sua retsituo e adjuntar la retsituo a vua profilo. Senpage!",
"password_confirmation.exceeds_maxlength": "La konfirmo dil pasvorto superesas la limito pri longeso di pasvorti",
"password_confirmation.exceeds_maxlength": "La konfirmo dil pasvorto superesas la limito pri longeso di pasvorti",
"password_confirmation.mismatching": "La konfirmo dil pasvorto ne egalesas",
"password_confirmation.mismatching": "La konfirmo dil pasvorto ne egalesas",
"picture_in_picture.restore": "Retropozez",
"picture_in_picture.restore": "Retropozez",
@ -478,7 +661,15 @@
"poll_button.add_poll": "Insertez votposto",
"poll_button.add_poll": "Insertez votposto",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Efacez votposto",
"poll_button.remove_poll": "Efacez votposto",
"privacy.change": "Aranjar privateso di mesaji",
"privacy.change": "Aranjar privateso di mesaji",
"privacy.direct.long": "Omnu quan mencionesis en la posto",
"privacy.direct.short": "Specifika personi",
"privacy.private.long": "Nur vua sequanti",
"privacy.private.short": "Sequanti",
"privacy.public.long": "Ulu de e ne de Mastodon",
"privacy.public.short": "Publike",
"privacy.public.short": "Publike",
"privacy.unlisted.additional": "Co kondutas exakte kam publika, escepte la posto ne aparos en viva novajari o gretiketi, exploro, o sercho di Mastodon, mem se vu esas volunta totkonte.",
"privacy.unlisted.long": "Min multa algoritmoridikuli",
"privacy.unlisted.short": "Deslauta publiko",
"privacy_policy.last_updated": "Antea novajo ye {date}",
"privacy_policy.last_updated": "Antea novajo ye {date}",
"privacy_policy.title": "Privatesguidilo",
"privacy_policy.title": "Privatesguidilo",
"recommended": "Rekomendata",
"recommended": "Rekomendata",
@ -496,7 +687,9 @@
"relative_time.minutes": "{number}m",
"relative_time.minutes": "{number}m",
"relative_time.seconds": "{number}s",
"relative_time.seconds": "{number}s",
"relative_time.today": "hodie",
"relative_time.today": "hodie",
"reply_indicator.attachments": "{count, plural, one {# atachajo} other {# atachaji}}",
"reply_indicator.cancel": "Nihiligar",
"reply_indicator.cancel": "Nihiligar",
"reply_indicator.poll": "Votposto",
"report.block": "Restriktez",
"report.block": "Restriktez",
"report.block_explanation": "Vu ne vidos olia posti. Oli ne povas vidar vua posti o sequar vu. Oli savos ke oli restriktesis.",
"report.block_explanation": "Vu ne vidos olia posti. Oli ne povas vidar vua posti o sequar vu. Oli savos ke oli restriktesis.",
"report.categories.legal": "Legala",
"report.categories.legal": "Legala",
@ -539,9 +732,13 @@
"report.unfollow_explanation": "Vu sequas ca konto. Por ne vidar olia posti en vua hemniuzeto pluse, desequez oli.",
"report.unfollow_explanation": "Vu sequas ca konto. Por ne vidar olia posti en vua hemniuzeto pluse, desequez oli.",
"report_notification.attached_statuses": "{count, plural,one {{count} posti} other {{count} posti}} adjuntesas",
"report_notification.attached_statuses": "{count, plural,one {{count} posti} other {{count} posti}} adjuntesas",
"report_notification.categories.legal": "Legala",
"report_notification.categories.legal": "Legala",
"report_notification.categories.legal_sentence": "deslegala kontenajo",
"report_notification.categories.other": "Altra",
"report_notification.categories.other": "Altra",
"report_notification.categories.other_sentence": "altra",
"report_notification.categories.spam": "Spamo",
"report_notification.categories.spam": "Spamo",
"report_notification.categories.spam_sentence": "sendacho",
"report_notification.categories.violation": "Regulnesequo",
"report_notification.categories.violation": "Regulnesequo",
"report_notification.categories.violation_sentence": "regulviolaco",
"report_notification.open": "Apertez raporto",
"report_notification.open": "Apertez raporto",
"search.no_recent_searches": "Nula serchi recenta",
"search.no_recent_searches": "Nula serchi recenta",
"search.placeholder": "Serchez",
"search.placeholder": "Serchez",
@ -569,8 +766,11 @@
"server_banner.about_active_users": "Personi quo uzas ca servilo dum antea 30 dii (monate aktiva uzanti)",
"server_banner.about_active_users": "Personi quo uzas ca servilo dum antea 30 dii (monate aktiva uzanti)",
"server_banner.active_users": "aktiva uzanti",
"server_banner.active_users": "aktiva uzanti",
"server_banner.administered_by": "Administresis da:",
"server_banner.administered_by": "Administresis da:",
"server_banner.is_one_of_many": "{domain} esas 1 de multa sendependa servili di Mastodon quan vu povas uzar por partoprenar en la fediverso.",
"server_banner.server_stats": "Servilstatistiko:",
"server_banner.server_stats": "Servilstatistiko:",
"sign_in_banner.create_account": "Kreez konto",
"sign_in_banner.create_account": "Kreez konto",
"sign_in_banner.follow_anyone": "On povas sequar ulu sur tota fediverso e vidar omno ye kronologia ordino. Nula algoritmi, reklami o klikatrapo omnaloke.",
"sign_in_banner.mastodon_is": "Mastodon esas la maxim bona voyo por saveskar eventi.",
"sign_in_banner.sign_in": "Enirez",
"sign_in_banner.sign_in": "Enirez",
"sign_in_banner.sso_redirect": "Enirar o krear konto",
"sign_in_banner.sso_redirect": "Enirar o krear konto",
"status.admin_account": "Apertez jerintervizajo por @{name}",
"status.admin_account": "Apertez jerintervizajo por @{name}",
@ -580,14 +780,18 @@
"status.bookmark": "Libromarko",
"status.bookmark": "Libromarko",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "Desrepetez",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "Desrepetez",
"status.cannot_reblog": "Ca posto ne povas repetesar",
"status.cannot_reblog": "Ca posto ne povas repetesar",
"status.continued_thread": "Durigita postaro",
"status.copy": "Copy link to status",
"status.copy": "Copy link to status",
"status.delete": "Efacar",
"status.delete": "Efacar",
"status.detailed_status": "Detala konversvido",
"status.detailed_status": "Detala konversvido",
"status.direct": "Private mencionez @{name}",
"status.direct": "Private mencionez @{name}",
"status.direct_indicator": "Privata menciono",
"status.direct_indicator": "Privata menciono",
"status.edit": "Modifikez",
"status.edit": "Modifikez",
"status.edited": "Recente modifikesis ye {date}",
"status.edited_x_times": "Modifikesis {count, plural, one {{count} foyo} other {{count} foyi}}",
"status.edited_x_times": "Modifikesis {count, plural, one {{count} foyo} other {{count} foyi}}",
"status.embed": "Ganez adherkodexo",
"status.favourite": "Favorizar",
"status.favourite": "Favorizar",
"status.favourites": "{count, plural, one {favorizo} other {favorizi}}",
"status.filter": "Filtragez ca posto",
"status.filter": "Filtragez ca posto",
"status.history.created": "{name} kreis ye {date}",
"status.history.created": "{name} kreis ye {date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name} modifikis ye {date}",
"status.history.edited": "{name} modifikis ye {date}",
@ -606,9 +810,11 @@
"status.reblog": "Repetez",
"status.reblog": "Repetez",
"status.reblog_private": "Repetez kun originala videbleso",
"status.reblog_private": "Repetez kun originala videbleso",
"status.reblogged_by": "{name} repetis",
"status.reblogged_by": "{name} repetis",
"status.reblogs": "{count, plural, one {repeto} other {repeti}}",
"status.reblogs.empty": "Nulu ja repetis ca posto. Kande ulu facas lo, lu montresos hike.",
"status.reblogs.empty": "Nulu ja repetis ca posto. Kande ulu facas lo, lu montresos hike.",
"status.redraft": "Efacez e riskisigez",
"status.redraft": "Efacez e riskisigez",
"status.remove_bookmark": "Efacez libromarko",
"status.remove_bookmark": "Efacez libromarko",
"status.replied_in_thread": "Respondesis en postaro",
"status.replied_to": "Respondis a {name}",
"status.replied_to": "Respondis a {name}",
"status.reply": "Respondar",
"status.reply": "Respondar",
"status.replyAll": "Respondar a filo",
"status.replyAll": "Respondar a filo",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Limitazione per eccesso di richieste",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Limitazione per eccesso di richieste",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Si è verificato un errore imprevisto.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Oops!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Oops!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Testo alternativo",
"announcement.announcement": "Annuncio",
"announcement.announcement": "Annuncio",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(non elaborato)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(non elaborato)",
"audio.hide": "Nascondi audio",
"audio.hide": "Nascondi audio",
@ -221,6 +222,8 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Nessuno da questo server può seguirti.",
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Nessuno da questo server può seguirti.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Non sapranno di essere stati bloccati.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Non sapranno di essere stati bloccati.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Bloccare il dominio?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Bloccare il dominio?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Perderai {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} seguace} other {{followersCountDisplay} seguaci}} e {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persona che segui} other {{followingCountDisplay} persone che segui}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Perderai tutti i seguaci e le persone che segui da questo server.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Non vedrai post o notifiche dagli utenti su questo server.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Non vedrai post o notifiche dagli utenti su questo server.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Ti consente di connetterti e interagire con le persone non solo su Mastodon, ma anche su diverse app social.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Ti consente di connetterti e interagire con le persone non solo su Mastodon, ma anche su diverse app social.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub è come la lingua che Mastodon parla con altri social network.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub è come la lingua che Mastodon parla con altri social network.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Sparta apribota.",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Sparta apribota.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Įvyko netikėta klaida.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Įvyko netikėta klaida.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Ups!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Ups!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Alternatyvus tekstas",
"announcement.announcement": "Skelbimas",
"announcement.announcement": "Skelbimas",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(neapdorotas)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(neapdorotas)",
"audio.hide": "Slėpti garsą",
"audio.hide": "Slėpti garsą",
@ -98,7 +99,7 @@
"block_modal.you_wont_see_mentions": "Nematysi įrašus, kuriuose jie paminimi.",
"block_modal.you_wont_see_mentions": "Nematysi įrašus, kuriuose jie paminimi.",
"boost_modal.combo": "Galima paspausti {combo}, kad praleisti tai kitą kartą",
"boost_modal.combo": "Galima paspausti {combo}, kad praleisti tai kitą kartą",
"boost_modal.reblog": "Pasidalinti įrašą?",
"boost_modal.reblog": "Pasidalinti įrašą?",
"boost_modal.undo_reblog": "Panaikinti pasidalintą įrašą?",
"boost_modal.undo_reblog": "Nebepasidalinti įrašo?",
"bundle_column_error.copy_stacktrace": "Kopijuoti klaidos ataskaitą",
"bundle_column_error.copy_stacktrace": "Kopijuoti klaidos ataskaitą",
"bundle_column_error.error.body": "Paprašytos puslapio nepavyko atvaizduoti. Tai gali būti dėl mūsų kodo klaidos arba naršyklės suderinamumo problemos.",
"bundle_column_error.error.body": "Paprašytos puslapio nepavyko atvaizduoti. Tai gali būti dėl mūsų kodo klaidos arba naršyklės suderinamumo problemos.",
"bundle_column_error.error.title": "O, ne!",
"bundle_column_error.error.title": "O, ne!",
@ -221,6 +222,8 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Niekas iš šio serverio negali tavęs sekti.",
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Niekas iš šio serverio negali tavęs sekti.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Jie nežinos, kad buvo užblokuoti.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Jie nežinos, kad buvo užblokuoti.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Blokuoti serverį?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Blokuoti serverį?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Prarasi {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} sekėją} few {{followersCountDisplay} sekėjus} many {{followersCountDisplay} sekėjo} other {{followersCountDisplay} sekėjų}} ir {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} žmogų, kurį seki} few {{followingCountDisplay} žmones, kuriuos seki} many {{followingCountDisplay} žmonės, kuriuos seki} other {{followingCountDisplay} žmonių, kurių seki}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Prarasi visus sekėjus ir žmones, kuriuos seki iš šio serverio.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Nematysi naudotojų įrašų ar pranešimų šiame serveryje.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Nematysi naudotojų įrašų ar pranešimų šiame serveryje.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Tai leidžia tau prisijungti ir bendrauti su žmonėmis ne tik „Mastodon“ platformoje, bet ir įvairiose socialinėse programėlėse.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Tai leidžia tau prisijungti ir bendrauti su žmonėmis ne tik „Mastodon“ platformoje, bet ir įvairiose socialinėse programėlėse.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "„ActivityPub“ – tai tarsi kalba, kuria „Mastodon“ kalba su kitais socialiniais tinklais.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "„ActivityPub“ – tai tarsi kalba, kuria „Mastodon“ kalba su kitais socialiniais tinklais.",
@ -765,7 +768,7 @@
"status.admin_status": "Atidaryti šį įrašą prižiūrėjimo sąsajoje",
"status.admin_status": "Atidaryti šį įrašą prižiūrėjimo sąsajoje",
"status.block": "Blokuoti @{name}",
"status.block": "Blokuoti @{name}",
"status.bookmark": "Pridėti į žymės",
"status.bookmark": "Pridėti į žymės",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "Nebepakelti",
"status.cancel_reblog_private": "Nebepasidalinti",
"status.cannot_reblog": "Šis įrašas negali būti pakeltas.",
"status.cannot_reblog": "Šis įrašas negali būti pakeltas.",
"status.continued_thread": "Tęsiama gijoje",
"status.continued_thread": "Tęsiama gijoje",
"status.copy": "Kopijuoti nuorodą į įrašą",
"status.copy": "Kopijuoti nuorodą į įrašą",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Dataverkeer beperkt",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Dataverkeer beperkt",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Er deed zich een onverwachte fout voor",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Er deed zich een onverwachte fout voor",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Oeps!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Oeps!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Alt-tekst",
"announcement.announcement": "Mededeling",
"announcement.announcement": "Mededeling",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(niet verwerkt)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(niet verwerkt)",
"audio.hide": "Audio verbergen",
"audio.hide": "Audio verbergen",
@ -216,12 +217,13 @@
"dismissable_banner.explore_tags": "Deze hashtags winnen aan populariteit op het sociale web (fediverse). Hashtags die door meer verschillende mensen worden gebruikt staan hoger.",
"dismissable_banner.explore_tags": "Deze hashtags winnen aan populariteit op het sociale web (fediverse). Hashtags die door meer verschillende mensen worden gebruikt staan hoger.",
"dismissable_banner.public_timeline": "Dit zijn de meest recente openbare berichten van accounts op het sociale web (fediverse) die door mensen op {domain} worden gevolgd.",
"dismissable_banner.public_timeline": "Dit zijn de meest recente openbare berichten van accounts op het sociale web (fediverse) die door mensen op {domain} worden gevolgd.",
"domain_block_modal.block": "Server blokkeren",
"domain_block_modal.block": "Server blokkeren",
"domain_block_modal.block_account_instead": "In plaats hiervan {name} blokkeren",
"domain_block_modal.block_account_instead": "Alleen {name} blokkeren",
"domain_block_modal.they_can_interact_with_old_posts": "Mensen op deze server kunnen interactie hebben met jouw oude berichten.",
"domain_block_modal.they_can_interact_with_old_posts": "Mensen op deze server kunnen interactie hebben met jouw oude berichten.",
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Niemand op deze server kan jou volgen.",
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Niemand op deze server kan jou volgen.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Ze krijgen niet te weten dat ze worden geblokkeerd.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Ze krijgen niet te weten dat ze worden geblokkeerd.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Server blokkeren?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Server blokkeren?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Je verliest {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} volger} other {{followersCountDisplay} volgers}} en {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persoon die jij volgt} other {{followingCountDisplay} personen die jij volgt}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Je verliest {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} volger} other {{followersCountDisplay} volgers}} en {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} persoon die jij volgt} other {{followingCountDisplay} personen die jij volgt}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Je verliest alle volgers en mensen die je volgt van deze server.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Je ziet geen berichten of meldingen meer van gebruikers op deze server.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Je ziet geen berichten of meldingen meer van gebruikers op deze server.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Het zorgt ervoor dat je niet alleen maar kunt verbinden en communiceren met mensen op Mastodon, maar ook met andere sociale apps.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Het zorgt ervoor dat je niet alleen maar kunt verbinden en communiceren met mensen op Mastodon, maar ook met andere sociale apps.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub is de taal die Mastodon met andere sociale netwerken spreekt.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub is de taal die Mastodon met andere sociale netwerken spreekt.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Ograniczenie liczby zapytań",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Ograniczenie liczby zapytań",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Wystąpił nieoczekiwany błąd.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Wystąpił nieoczekiwany błąd.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Ups!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Ups!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Tekst alternatywny",
"announcement.announcement": "Ogłoszenie",
"announcement.announcement": "Ogłoszenie",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(nieprzetworzone)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(nieprzetworzone)",
"audio.hide": "Ukryj dźwięk",
"audio.hide": "Ukryj dźwięk",
@ -222,6 +223,7 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Użytkownik nie dowie się, że został zablokowany.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Użytkownik nie dowie się, że został zablokowany.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Zablokować domenę?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Zablokować domenę?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Utracisz {followersCount, plural, one {jednego obserwującego} other {{followersCountDisplay} obserwujących}} i {followingCount, plural, one {jedną osobę którą obserwujesz} few {{followingCountDisplay} osoby które obserwujesz} other {{followingCountDisplay} osób które obserwujesz}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Utracisz {followersCount, plural, one {jednego obserwującego} other {{followersCountDisplay} obserwujących}} i {followingCount, plural, one {jedną osobę którą obserwujesz} few {{followingCountDisplay} osoby które obserwujesz} other {{followingCountDisplay} osób które obserwujesz}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Utracisz wszystkich obserwujących z tego serwera i wszystkie osoby które obserwujesz na tym serwerze.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Nie zobaczysz postów ani powiadomień od użytkowników na tym serwerze.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Nie zobaczysz postów ani powiadomień od użytkowników na tym serwerze.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Pozwala połączyć się z ludźmi na Mastodonie, jak i na innych serwisach społecznościowych.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Pozwala połączyć się z ludźmi na Mastodonie, jak i na innych serwisach społecznościowych.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub jest językiem używanym przez Mastodon do wymiany danych z innymi serwisami społecznościowymi.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub jest językiem używanym przez Mastodon do wymiany danych z innymi serwisami społecznościowymi.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Tentativas limitadas",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Tentativas limitadas",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Ocorreu um erro inesperado.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Ocorreu um erro inesperado.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Eita!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Eita!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Texto alternativo",
"announcement.announcement": "Comunicados",
"announcement.announcement": "Comunicados",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(não processado)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(não processado)",
"audio.hide": "Ocultar áudio",
"audio.hide": "Ocultar áudio",
@ -221,6 +222,8 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Ninguém deste servidor pode lhe seguir.",
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Ninguém deste servidor pode lhe seguir.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Eles não saberão que foram bloqueados.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Eles não saberão que foram bloqueados.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Dominio do bloco",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Dominio do bloco",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Você perderá {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} seguidor} other {{followersCountDisplay} seguidores}} e {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} pessoa que você segue} other {{followingCountDisplay} pessoas que você segue}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Você irá perder todos os seguidores e pessoas que você segue neste servidor.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Você não verá postagens ou notificações de usuários neste servidor.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Você não verá postagens ou notificações de usuários neste servidor.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Ele permite que você se conecte e interaja com pessoas não apenas no Mastodon, mas também em diferentes aplicativos sociais.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Ele permite que você se conecte e interaja com pessoas não apenas no Mastodon, mas também em diferentes aplicativos sociais.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub é como a linguagem que o Mastodon fala com outras redes sociais.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub é como a linguagem que o Mastodon fala com outras redes sociais.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Shpejtësi e kufizuar",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Shpejtësi e kufizuar",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Ndodhi një gabim të papritur.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Ndodhi një gabim të papritur.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Hëm!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Hëm!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Tekst alternativ",
"announcement.announcement": "Lajmërim",
"announcement.announcement": "Lajmërim",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(e papërpunuar)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(e papërpunuar)",
"audio.hide": "Fshihe audion",
"audio.hide": "Fshihe audion",
@ -222,6 +223,7 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "S’do ta dinë se janë bllokuar.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "S’do ta dinë se janë bllokuar.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Të bllokohet përkatësia?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Të bllokohet përkatësia?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Do të humbni {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} ndjekës} other {{followersCountDisplay} ndjekës}} dhe {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} person që ndiqni} other {{followingCountDisplay} vetë që ndiqni}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Do të humbni {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} ndjekës} other {{followersCountDisplay} ndjekës}} dhe {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} person që ndiqni} other {{followingCountDisplay} vetë që ndiqni}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Do të humbni krejt ndjekësit dhe personat që ndiqni nga ky shërbyes.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "S’do të shihni postime, apo njoftime nga përdorues në këtë shërbyes.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "S’do të shihni postime, apo njoftime nga përdorues në këtë shërbyes.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Ju lejon të lidheni dhe ndërveproni me persona jo thjesht në Mastodon, por edhe nëpër aplikacione të ndryshme shoqërore.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Ju lejon të lidheni dhe ndërveproni me persona jo thjesht në Mastodon, por edhe nëpër aplikacione të ndryshme shoqërore.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub është si gjuha me të cilën Mastodon-i komunikon me rrjete të tjerë shoqërorë.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub është si gjuha me të cilën Mastodon-i komunikon me rrjete të tjerë shoqërorë.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Aşırı istek gönderildi",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Aşırı istek gönderildi",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Beklenmedik bir hata oluştu.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Beklenmedik bir hata oluştu.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Hay aksi!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Hay aksi!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Alternatif metin",
"announcement.announcement": "Duyuru",
"announcement.announcement": "Duyuru",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(işlenmemiş)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(işlenmemiş)",
"audio.hide": "Sesi gizle",
"audio.hide": "Sesi gizle",
@ -222,6 +223,7 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Engellendiklerini bilmeyecekler.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Engellendiklerini bilmeyecekler.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Alan adını engelle?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Alan adını engelle?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "{followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} takipçi} other {{followersCountDisplay} takipçi}} ve {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} takip ettiğiniz kişi} other {{followingCountDisplay} takip ettiğiniz kişi}} kaybedeceksiniz.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "{followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} takipçi} other {{followersCountDisplay} takipçi}} ve {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} takip ettiğiniz kişi} other {{followingCountDisplay} takip ettiğiniz kişi}} kaybedeceksiniz.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Bu sunucudaki tüm takip edenleri ve takip ettiklerinizi kaybedeceksiniz.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Bu sunucudaki kullanıcılardan gelen gönderileri veya bildirimleri göremezsiniz.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Bu sunucudaki kullanıcılardan gelen gönderileri veya bildirimleri göremezsiniz.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Sadece Mastodon üzerindeki değil, diğer sosyal uygulamalardaki kişilerle de bağlantı kurmanıza ve etkileşmenize olanak sağlar.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Sadece Mastodon üzerindeki değil, diğer sosyal uygulamalardaki kişilerle de bağlantı kurmanıza ve etkileşmenize olanak sağlar.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub, Mastodon'un diğer sosyal ağlarla konuşmak için kullandığı dil gibidir.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub, Mastodon'un diğer sosyal ağlarla konuşmak için kullandığı dil gibidir.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Швидкість обмежена",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "Швидкість обмежена",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Сталася неочікувана помилка.",
"alert.unexpected.message": "Сталася неочікувана помилка.",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Ой!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "Ой!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "Альтернативний текст",
"announcement.announcement": "Оголошення",
"announcement.announcement": "Оголошення",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(не оброблено)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(не оброблено)",
"audio.hide": "Сховати аудіо",
"audio.hide": "Сховати аудіо",
@ -221,6 +222,8 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Ніхто з цього сервера не може слідкувати за вами.",
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "Ніхто з цього сервера не може слідкувати за вами.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Вони не знають, що їх заблоковано.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Вони не знають, що їх заблоковано.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Заблокувати домен?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Заблокувати домен?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Ви втратите {followersCount, plural, one {{followersCountDisplay} підписника} few {{followersCountDisplay} підписника} many {{followersCountDisplay} підписників} other {{followersCountDisplay} підписника}} та {followingCount, plural, one {{followingCountDisplay} особу, за якою ви стежите} few {{followingCountDisplay} особи, за якими ви стежите} many {{followingCountDisplay} осіб, за якими ви стежите} other {{followingCountDisplay} особу, за якою ви стежите}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Ви втратите всіх підписників і людей, на яких ви підписані.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Ви не бачитимете дописів і сповіщень від користувачів на цьому сервері.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Ви не бачитимете дописів і сповіщень від користувачів на цьому сервері.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Це дозволяє вам спілкуватися та взаємодіяти з людьми не лише на Mastodon, але й у різних соціальних застосунках.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Це дозволяє вам спілкуватися та взаємодіяти з людьми не лише на Mastodon, але й у різних соціальних застосунках.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub - це як мова, якою Mastodon розмовляє з іншими соціальними мережами.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub - це як мова, якою Mastodon розмовляє з іншими соціальними мережами.",
@ -222,6 +222,7 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Họ sẽ không biết đã bị bạn chặn.",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "Họ sẽ không biết đã bị bạn chặn.",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Chặn máy chủ?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "Chặn máy chủ?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Bạn sẽ mất {followersCount, plural, other {{followersCountDisplay} người theo dõi}} và {followingCount, plural, other {{followingCountDisplay} người bạn theo dõi}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "Bạn sẽ mất {followersCount, plural, other {{followersCountDisplay} người theo dõi}} và {followingCount, plural, other {{followingCountDisplay} người bạn theo dõi}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "Bạn sẽ mất tất cả người theo dõi và những người bạn theo dõi từ máy chủ này.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Bạn sẽ không thấy tút hoặc thông báo từ thành viên máy chủ này.",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "Bạn sẽ không thấy tút hoặc thông báo từ thành viên máy chủ này.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Nó cho phép bạn kết nối và tương tác với mọi người không chỉ trên Mastodon mà còn trên các ứng dụng xã hội khác.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "Nó cho phép bạn kết nối và tương tác với mọi người không chỉ trên Mastodon mà còn trên các ứng dụng xã hội khác.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub giống như ngôn ngữ Mastodon giao tiếp với các mạng xã hội khác.",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub giống như ngôn ngữ Mastodon giao tiếp với các mạng xã hội khác.",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "频率受限",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "频率受限",
"alert.unexpected.message": "发生了意外错误。",
"alert.unexpected.message": "发生了意外错误。",
"alert.unexpected.title": "哎呀!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "哎呀!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "替代文本",
"announcement.announcement": "公告",
"announcement.announcement": "公告",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(未处理)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(未处理)",
"audio.hide": "隐藏音频",
"audio.hide": "隐藏音频",
@ -221,6 +222,8 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "此服务器上没有人可以关注你。",
"domain_block_modal.they_cant_follow": "此服务器上没有人可以关注你。",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "他们不会知道自己被屏蔽。",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "他们不会知道自己被屏蔽。",
"domain_block_modal.title": "屏蔽该域名?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "屏蔽该域名?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "你将失去 {followersCount, plural, other {{followersCountDisplay} 名关注者}}和 {followingCount, plural, other {{followingCountDisplay} 名关注}}。",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "你将失去在此实例上的所有关注和关注者。",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "你将不会看到此服务器上用户的嘟文或通知。",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "你将不会看到此服务器上用户的嘟文或通知。",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "它让你不仅能与Mastodon上的人交流互动,还能与其它不同社交应用上的人联系。",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "它让你不仅能与Mastodon上的人交流互动,还能与其它不同社交应用上的人联系。",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub就像Mastodon与其它社交网络交流时使用的语言。",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub就像Mastodon与其它社交网络交流时使用的语言。",
@ -85,6 +85,7 @@
"alert.rate_limited.title": "已限速",
"alert.rate_limited.title": "已限速",
"alert.unexpected.message": "發生非預期的錯誤。",
"alert.unexpected.message": "發生非預期的錯誤。",
"alert.unexpected.title": "哎呀!",
"alert.unexpected.title": "哎呀!",
"alt_text_badge.title": "ALT 說明文字",
"announcement.announcement": "公告",
"announcement.announcement": "公告",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(未經處理)",
"attachments_list.unprocessed": "(未經處理)",
"audio.hide": "隱藏音訊",
"audio.hide": "隱藏音訊",
@ -222,6 +223,7 @@
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "他們不會知道他們已被封鎖。",
"domain_block_modal.they_wont_know": "他們不會知道他們已被封鎖。",
"domain_block_modal.title": "是否封鎖該網域?",
"domain_block_modal.title": "是否封鎖該網域?",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "您將會失去 {followersCount, plural, other {{followersCountDisplay} 個跟隨者}} 與 {followingCount, plural, other {{followingCountDisplay} 個您跟隨之帳號}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_num_followers": "您將會失去 {followersCount, plural, other {{followersCountDisplay} 個跟隨者}} 與 {followingCount, plural, other {{followingCountDisplay} 個您跟隨之帳號}}.",
"domain_block_modal.you_will_lose_relationships": "您將失去所有的跟隨者與您自此伺服器跟隨之帳號。",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "您不會見到來自此伺服器使用者之任何嘟文或推播通知。",
"domain_block_modal.you_wont_see_posts": "您不會見到來自此伺服器使用者之任何嘟文或推播通知。",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "它使您能於 Mastodon 及其他不同的社群應用程式與人連結及互動。",
"domain_pill.activitypub_lets_connect": "它使您能於 Mastodon 及其他不同的社群應用程式與人連結及互動。",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub 像是 Mastodon 與其他社群網路溝通時所用的語言。",
"domain_pill.activitypub_like_language": "ActivityPub 像是 Mastodon 與其他社群網路溝通時所用的語言。",
@ -15,6 +15,12 @@ io:
text: Rezono
text: Rezono
invalid: ne esas valida domennomo
invalid_domain_on_line: "%{value} ne esas valida domennomo"
too_many_lines: esas plu kam la limito qua esas %{limit} linei
@ -873,6 +873,9 @@ ca:
message_html: No has definit cap norma del servidor.
message_html: No has definit cap norma del servidor.
message_html: No hi ha cap procés de Sidekiq executant-se per a la cua (o cues) de %{value}. Reviseu la configuració de Sidekiq
message_html: No hi ha cap procés de Sidekiq executant-se per a la cua (o cues) de %{value}. Reviseu la configuració de Sidekiq
action: Veure les actualitzacions disponibles
message_html: Hi ha disponible una actualització de Mastodon.
action: Veure actualitzacions disponibles
action: Veure actualitzacions disponibles
message_html: Hi ha disponible una actualització crítica de Mastodon, si us plau, actualitza-la el més abans possible.
message_html: Hi ha disponible una actualització crítica de Mastodon, si us plau, actualitza-la el més abans possible.
@ -875,6 +875,9 @@ da:
message_html: Ingen serverregler defineret.
message_html: Ingen serverregler defineret.
message_html: Ingen Sidekiq-proces kører for %{value}-kø(er). Gennemgå Sidekiq-opsætningen
message_html: Ingen Sidekiq-proces kører for %{value}-kø(er). Gennemgå Sidekiq-opsætningen
action: Se tilgængelige opdateringer
message_html: En Mastodon-opdatering er tilgængelig.
action: Se tilgængelige opdateringer
action: Se tilgængelige opdateringer
message_html: En kritisk Mastodon-opdatering er tilgængelig. Opdatér hurtigst muligt.
message_html: En kritisk Mastodon-opdatering er tilgængelig. Opdatér hurtigst muligt.
@ -875,6 +875,9 @@ de:
message_html: Du hast keine Serverregeln festgelegt.
message_html: Du hast keine Serverregeln festgelegt.
message_html: Kein Sidekiq-Prozess läuft für die %{value} Warteschlange(n). Bitte überprüfe deine Sidekiq-Konfiguration
message_html: Kein Sidekiq-Prozess läuft für die %{value} Warteschlange(n). Bitte überprüfe deine Sidekiq-Konfiguration
action: Verfügbare Updates ansehen
message_html: Ein Update für Mastodon ist verfügbar.
action: Verfügbare Updates ansehen
action: Verfügbare Updates ansehen
message_html: Ein kritisches Mastodon-Update ist verfügbar – bitte aktualisiere so schnell wie möglich.
message_html: Ein kritisches Mastodon-Update ist verfügbar – bitte aktualisiere so schnell wie möglich.
@ -1692,6 +1695,7 @@ de:
delete: Kontolöschung
delete: Kontolöschung
development: Entwicklung
development: Entwicklung
edit_profile: Profil bearbeiten
edit_profile: Profil bearbeiten
export: Exportieren
featured_tags: Vorgestellte Hashtags
featured_tags: Vorgestellte Hashtags
import: Importieren
import: Importieren
import_and_export: Importieren und exportieren
import_and_export: Importieren und exportieren
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ io:
last_attempt: Tu ankore povas probar unfoye ante ke tua konto esos extingita.
last_attempt: Tu ankore povas probar unfoye ante ke tua konto esos extingita.
locked: Tua konto esas extingita.
locked: Tua konto esas extingita.
not_found_in_database: Nejusta %{authentication_keys}.
not_found_in_database: Nejusta %{authentication_keys}.
omniauth_user_creation_failure: Eroro dum ke kreas konto por ca identeso.
pending: Vua konti ankore kontrolesas.
pending: Vua konti ankore kontrolesas.
timeout: Vua kunsido expiris. Voluntez rienirar por avancar.
timeout: Vua kunsido expiris. Voluntez rienirar por avancar.
unauthenticated: Tu devas enirar o membreskar por durar.
unauthenticated: Tu devas enirar o membreskar por durar.
@ -47,14 +48,19 @@ io:
subject: Instrucioni por chanjar la pasvorto
subject: Instrucioni por chanjar la pasvorto
title: Richanjo di pasvorto
title: Richanjo di pasvorto
explanation: Eniro esas nun posibla per nur retpostoadreso e pasvorto.
subject: 'Mastodon: 2-faktorverifiko deaktivigesis'
subject: 'Mastodon: 2-faktorverifiko deaktivigesis'
subtitle: 2-faktora verifiko por vua konto desaktivigesis.
title: 2FA deaktivigesis
title: 2FA deaktivigesis
explanation: Ficho facesis da parigita softwaro TOTP bezonesos por eniro.
subject: 'Mastodon: 2-faktorverifiko aktivigesis'
subject: 'Mastodon: 2-faktorverifiko aktivigesis'
subtitle: 2-faktora verifiko aktivigesis por vua konto.
title: 2FA aktivigesis
title: 2FA aktivigesis
explanation: Antea rigankodexi devalidesis e novo facesis.
explanation: Antea rigankodexi devalidesis e novo facesis.
subject: 'Mastodon: 2-faktorrigankodexi rifacesis'
subject: 'Mastodon: 2-faktorrigankodexi rifacesis'
subtitle: Antea rigankodexi desvalidesis e novo facesis.
title: 2FA-rigankodexi chanjesis
title: 2FA-rigankodexi chanjesis
subject: Instructioni por riacendar la konto
subject: Instructioni por riacendar la konto
@ -68,9 +74,13 @@ io:
subject: 'Mastodon: Sekurklefo efacesis'
subject: 'Mastodon: Sekurklefo efacesis'
title: 1 de vua sekurklefi efacesis
title: 1 de vua sekurklefi efacesis
explanation: Verifiko per sekuresklefi desaktivigesis por vua konto.
extra: Eniro esas nun posibla per nur ficho qua facesis da parigita softwaro TOTP.
subject: 'Mastodon: Verifiko per sekurklefi deaktivigesis'
subject: 'Mastodon: Verifiko per sekurklefi deaktivigesis'
title: Sekurklefi deaktivigesis
title: Sekurklefi deaktivigesis
explanation: Sekuresklefoa verifiko aktivigesis por vua konto.
extra: Vua sekuresklefo povas nun uzesar por eniro.
subject: 'Mastodon: Sekurklefverifiko aktivigesis'
subject: 'Mastodon: Sekurklefverifiko aktivigesis'
title: Sekurklefi aktivigesis
title: Sekurklefi aktivigesis
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ ga:
title: Tharla earráid
title: Tharla earráid
prompt_html: Ba mhaith le %{client_name} cead rochtain a fháil ar do chuntas. <strong>Ní cheadaigh an t-iarratas seo ach amháin má aithníonn tú an fhoinse seo agus go bhfuil muinín agat as.</strong>
review_permissions: Ceadanna a athbhreithniú
review_permissions: Ceadanna a athbhreithniú
title: Tá údarú ag teastáil
title: Tá údarú ag teastáil
@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ pt-BR:
title: Ocorreu um erro
title: Ocorreu um erro
prompt_html: "%{client_name} gostaria de permissão para acessar sua conta. <strong>Aprove esta solicitação apenas se você reconhecer e confiar nesta fonte.</strong>"
review_permissions: Rever permissões
review_permissions: Rever permissões
title: Autorização necessária
title: Autorização necessária
@ -1692,6 +1692,7 @@ en-GB:
delete: Account deletion
delete: Account deletion
development: Development
development: Development
edit_profile: Edit profile
edit_profile: Edit profile
export: Export
featured_tags: Featured hashtags
featured_tags: Featured hashtags
import: Import
import: Import
import_and_export: Import and export
import_and_export: Import and export
@ -1692,6 +1692,7 @@ es-AR:
delete: Eliminación de la cuenta
delete: Eliminación de la cuenta
development: Desarrollo
development: Desarrollo
edit_profile: Editar perfil
edit_profile: Editar perfil
export: Exportar
featured_tags: Etiquetas destacadas
featured_tags: Etiquetas destacadas
import: Importar
import: Importar
import_and_export: Importación y exportación
import_and_export: Importación y exportación
@ -1692,6 +1692,7 @@ es-MX:
delete: Borrar cuenta
delete: Borrar cuenta
development: Desarrollo
development: Desarrollo
edit_profile: Editar perfil
edit_profile: Editar perfil
export: Exportar
featured_tags: Hashtags destacados
featured_tags: Hashtags destacados
import: Importar
import: Importar
import_and_export: Importar y exportar
import_and_export: Importar y exportar
@ -1692,6 +1692,7 @@ es:
delete: Borrar cuenta
delete: Borrar cuenta
development: Desarrollo
development: Desarrollo
edit_profile: Editar perfil
edit_profile: Editar perfil
export: Exportar
featured_tags: Hashtags destacados
featured_tags: Hashtags destacados
import: Importar
import: Importar
import_and_export: Importar y exportar
import_and_export: Importar y exportar
@ -1692,6 +1692,7 @@ fi:
delete: Tilin poisto
delete: Tilin poisto
development: Kehitys
development: Kehitys
edit_profile: Muokkaa profiilia
edit_profile: Muokkaa profiilia
export: Vie
featured_tags: Suositellut aihetunnisteet
featured_tags: Suositellut aihetunnisteet
import: Tuo tietoja
import: Tuo tietoja
import_and_export: Tuonti ja vienti
import_and_export: Tuonti ja vienti
@ -1692,6 +1692,7 @@ fo:
delete: Striking av kontu
delete: Striking av kontu
development: Menning
development: Menning
edit_profile: Rætta vanga
edit_profile: Rætta vanga
export: Flyt út
featured_tags: Varpaði frámerki
featured_tags: Varpaði frámerki
import: Innflyt
import: Innflyt
import_and_export: Innflyt og útflyt
import_and_export: Innflyt og útflyt
@ -1770,6 +1770,7 @@ ga:
delete: Scriosadh cuntais
delete: Scriosadh cuntais
development: Forbairt
development: Forbairt
edit_profile: Cuir an phróifíl in eagar
edit_profile: Cuir an phróifíl in eagar
export: Easpórtáil
featured_tags: Haischlib faoi thrácht
featured_tags: Haischlib faoi thrácht
import: Iompórtáil
import: Iompórtáil
import_and_export: Iompórtáil agus easpórtáil
import_and_export: Iompórtáil agus easpórtáil
@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ gl:
total_reported: Denuncias sobre eles
total_reported: Denuncias sobre eles
total_storage: Adxuntos multimedia
total_storage: Adxuntos multimedia
totals_time_period_hint_html: Os totais aquí mostrados inclúen todo o historial de datos.
totals_time_period_hint_html: Os totais aquí mostrados inclúen todo o historial de datos.
unknown_instance: Actualmente non temos constancia deste rexistro no servidor.
unknown_instance: Actualmente non hai rexistro deste dominio no servidor.
deactivate_all: Desactivar todo
deactivate_all: Desactivar todo
@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ gl:
resolve_description_html: Non se van tomar accións contra a conta denunciada, nin se gardarán avisos, e pecharase a denuncia.
resolve_description_html: Non se van tomar accións contra a conta denunciada, nin se gardarán avisos, e pecharase a denuncia.
silence_description_html: A conta será visible só para quen xa a está a seguir ou quen a buscou manualmente, limitando moito o seu alcance. Pódese cambiar. Isto pecha tódalas denuncias acerca desta conta.
silence_description_html: A conta será visible só para quen xa a está a seguir ou quen a buscou manualmente, limitando moito o seu alcance. Pódese cambiar. Isto pecha tódalas denuncias acerca desta conta.
suspend_description_html: A conta e todo o seu contido non serán accesible e finalmente eliminaranse, será imposible interactuar con ela. A decisión é reversible durante 30 días. Isto pecha tódalas denuncias sobre esta conta.
suspend_description_html: A conta e todo o seu contido non serán accesible e finalmente eliminaranse, será imposible interactuar con ela. A decisión é reversible durante 30 días. Isto pecha tódalas denuncias sobre esta conta.
actions_description_html: Decide a acción a tomar para resolver esta denuncia. Se tomas accións punitivas contra a conta denunciada enviaraselle un correo, excepto se está indicada a categoría <strong>Spam</strong>.
actions_description_html: Decide a acción a tomar para resolver esta denuncia. Se tomas accións punitivas contra a conta denunciada enviaráselle un correo, excepto se está indicada a categoría <strong>Spam</strong>.
actions_description_remote_html: Decide a acción a tomar para resolver a denuncia. Isto só lle afecta ao xeito en que o <strong>teu</strong> servidor se comunica con esta conta remota e xestiona o seu contido.
actions_description_remote_html: Decide a acción a tomar para resolver a denuncia. Isto só lle afecta ao xeito en que o <strong>teu</strong> servidor se comunica con esta conta remota e xestiona o seu contido.
actions_no_posts: Esta denuncia non ten publicacións asociadas para eliminar
actions_no_posts: Esta denuncia non ten publicacións asociadas para eliminar
add_to_report: Engadir máis á denuncia
add_to_report: Engadir máis á denuncia
@ -875,6 +875,9 @@ gl:
message_html: Non tes definidas regras para o servidor.
message_html: Non tes definidas regras para o servidor.
message_html: Non hai procesos Sidekiq a funcionar para a cola(s) %{value}. Revisa a túa configuración para Sidekiq
message_html: Non hai procesos Sidekiq a funcionar para a cola(s) %{value}. Revisa a túa configuración para Sidekiq
action: Ver as actualizacións dispoñibles
message_html: Hai dispoñible unha actualización para Mastodon.
action: Mira as actualizacións dispoñibles
action: Mira as actualizacións dispoñibles
message_html: Hai unha actualización crítica de Mastodon dispoñible, actualiza axiña.
message_html: Hai unha actualización crítica de Mastodon dispoñible, actualiza axiña.
@ -1692,6 +1692,7 @@ hu:
delete: Fiók törlése
delete: Fiók törlése
development: Fejlesztőknek
development: Fejlesztőknek
edit_profile: Profil szerkesztése
edit_profile: Profil szerkesztése
export: Exportálás
featured_tags: Kiemelt hashtagek
featured_tags: Kiemelt hashtagek
import: Importálás
import: Importálás
import_and_export: Import és export
import_and_export: Import és export
@ -875,6 +875,9 @@ it:
message_html: Non hai definito alcuna regola del server.
message_html: Non hai definito alcuna regola del server.
message_html: Nessun processo di Sidekiq in esecuzione per le code di %{value}. Sei pregato di revisionare la tua configurazione di Sidekiq
message_html: Nessun processo di Sidekiq in esecuzione per le code di %{value}. Sei pregato di revisionare la tua configurazione di Sidekiq
action: Visualizza gli aggiornamenti disponibili
message_html: È disponibile un aggiornamento per Mastodon.
action: Visualizza gli aggiornamenti disponibili
action: Visualizza gli aggiornamenti disponibili
message_html: Un aggiornamento critico di Mastodon è disponibile, ti preghiamo di aggiornare il più rapidamente possibile.
message_html: Un aggiornamento critico di Mastodon è disponibile, ti preghiamo di aggiornare il più rapidamente possibile.
@ -1694,6 +1697,7 @@ it:
delete: Cancellazione account
delete: Cancellazione account
development: Sviluppo
development: Sviluppo
edit_profile: Modifica profilo
edit_profile: Modifica profilo
export: Esporta
featured_tags: Hashtag in evidenza
featured_tags: Hashtag in evidenza
import: Importa
import: Importa
import_and_export: Importa ed esporta
import_and_export: Importa ed esporta
@ -608,6 +608,9 @@ lt:
message_html: Tavo Elasticsearch klasteris turi tik vieną mazgą, <code>ES_PRESET</code> turėtų būti nustatyta į <code>single_node_cluster</code>.
message_html: Tavo Elasticsearch klasteris turi tik vieną mazgą, <code>ES_PRESET</code> turėtų būti nustatyta į <code>single_node_cluster</code>.
message_html: Nepavyko prijungti prie Elasticsearch. Patikrink, ar ji veikia, arba išjunk viso teksto paiešką.
message_html: Nepavyko prijungti prie Elasticsearch. Patikrink, ar ji veikia, arba išjunk viso teksto paiešką.
action: Žiūrėti galimus naujinimus
message_html: Yra „Mastodon“ naujinimas.
not_trendable: Netendencinga
not_trendable: Netendencinga
@ -1090,6 +1093,7 @@ lt:
delete: Paskyros trynimas
delete: Paskyros trynimas
development: Kūrimas
development: Kūrimas
edit_profile: Redaguoti profilį
edit_profile: Redaguoti profilį
export: Eksportuoti
featured_tags: Rodomi saitažodžiai
featured_tags: Rodomi saitažodžiai
import: Importuoti
import: Importuoti
import_and_export: Importas ir eksportas
import_and_export: Importas ir eksportas
@ -875,6 +875,9 @@ nl:
message_html: Je hebt voor deze server geen regels opgesteld.
message_html: Je hebt voor deze server geen regels opgesteld.
message_html: Er draait geen Sidekiqproces voor de wachtrij(en) %{value}. Controleer je Sidekiqconfiguratie
message_html: Er draait geen Sidekiqproces voor de wachtrij(en) %{value}. Controleer je Sidekiqconfiguratie
action: Beschikbare updates bekijken
message_html: Er is een Mastodon-update beschikbaar.
action: Bekijk de beschikbare updates
action: Bekijk de beschikbare updates
message_html: Er is een kritieke update voor Mastodon beschikbaar. Update zo snel mogelijk.
message_html: Er is een kritieke update voor Mastodon beschikbaar. Update zo snel mogelijk.
@ -875,6 +875,9 @@ nn:
message_html: Du har ikke definert noen serverregler.
message_html: Du har ikke definert noen serverregler.
message_html: Ingen Sidekiq-prosess kjører for %{value} køen(e). Vennligst se gjennom Sidekiq-konfigurasjonen din
message_html: Ingen Sidekiq-prosess kjører for %{value} køen(e). Vennligst se gjennom Sidekiq-konfigurasjonen din
action: Sjå tilgjengelege oppdateringar
message_html: Ei Mastodon-oppdatering er tilgjengeleg.
action: Sjå tilgjengelege oppdateringar
action: Sjå tilgjengelege oppdateringar
message_html: Ei kritisk oppdatering til Mastodon er tilgjengeleg. Oppdater så snart som mogleg.
message_html: Ei kritisk oppdatering til Mastodon er tilgjengeleg. Oppdater så snart som mogleg.
@ -903,6 +903,9 @@ pl:
message_html: Nie zdefiniowano żadnych reguł serwera.
message_html: Nie zdefiniowano żadnych reguł serwera.
message_html: Brak uruchomionego procesu Sidekiq dla kolejki(-ek) %{value}. Sprawdź konfigurację Sidekiq
message_html: Brak uruchomionego procesu Sidekiq dla kolejki(-ek) %{value}. Sprawdź konfigurację Sidekiq
action: Pokaż dostępne aktualizacje
message_html: Dostępna aktualizacja Mastodona.
action: Pokaż dostępne aktualizacje
action: Pokaż dostępne aktualizacje
message_html: Dostępna krytyczna aktualizacja Mastodona, zaktualizuj jak tylko będzie to możliwe.
message_html: Dostępna krytyczna aktualizacja Mastodona, zaktualizuj jak tylko będzie to możliwe.
@ -1744,6 +1747,7 @@ pl:
delete: Usuń konto
delete: Usuń konto
development: Tworzenie aplikacji
development: Tworzenie aplikacji
edit_profile: Edytuj profil
edit_profile: Edytuj profil
export: Eksportowanie danych
featured_tags: Wyróżnione hashtagi
featured_tags: Wyróżnione hashtagi
import: Importowanie danych
import: Importowanie danych
import_and_export: Import i eksport
import_and_export: Import i eksport
@ -1692,6 +1692,7 @@ pt-BR:
delete: Exclusão de conta
delete: Exclusão de conta
development: Desenvolvimento
development: Desenvolvimento
edit_profile: Editar perfil
edit_profile: Editar perfil
export: Exportar
featured_tags: Hashtags em destaque
featured_tags: Hashtags em destaque
import: Importar
import: Importar
import_and_export: Importar e exportar
import_and_export: Importar e exportar
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ io:
attribution_domains_as_text: Protektas de falsa akreditaji.
discoverable: Vua publika posti e profilo povas remarkesar o rekomendesar en diferanta parti di Mastodon e vua profilo povas sugestesar ad altra uzanti.
discoverable: Vua publika posti e profilo povas remarkesar o rekomendesar en diferanta parti di Mastodon e vua profilo povas sugestesar ad altra uzanti.
display_name: Vua tota nomo o vua gaya nomo.
display_name: Vua tota nomo o vua gaya nomo.
fields: Vua retsituo, pronomi, evo, irgo quan vu volas.
fields: Vua retsituo, pronomi, evo, irgo quan vu volas.
@ -39,12 +40,14 @@ io:
text: Vu povas nur apelar striko unafoye
text: Vu povas nur apelar striko unafoye
autofollow: Personi quo registresesas tra invito automatika sequos vu
autofollow: Personi quo registresesas tra invito automatika sequos vu
avatar: WEBP, PNG, GIF o JPG. Maxime %{size}. Esos mikrigita a %{dimensions}px
bot: Signalez a altra personi ke la konto precipue havas automatikigita agi e forsan ne surveyesas
bot: Signalez a altra personi ke la konto precipue havas automatikigita agi e forsan ne surveyesas
context: Situeso kande filtrilo debas aplikesar
context: Situeso kande filtrilo debas aplikesar
current_password: Por sekuresorezoni, pozez pasvorto di ca konto
current_password: Por sekuresorezoni, pozez pasvorto di ca konto
current_username: Por konfirmar, pozez uzantonomo di ca konto
current_username: Por konfirmar, pozez uzantonomo di ca konto
digest: Nur sendesas pos longa neaktiveso e nur se vu ganis irga mesaji dum ke vu esas neprezenta
digest: Nur sendesas pos longa neaktiveso e nur se vu ganis irga mesaji dum ke vu esas neprezenta
email: Vu sendesos konfirmretposto
email: Vu sendesos konfirmretposto
header: WEBP, PNG, GIF o JPG. Maxime %{size}. Esos mikrigita a %{dimensions}px
inbox_url: Kopiez URL de frontpagino de relayo quon vu volas uzar
inbox_url: Kopiez URL de frontpagino de relayo quon vu volas uzar
irreversible: Filtrita posti neinversigeble desaparos, mem se filtro efacesas pose
irreversible: Filtrita posti neinversigeble desaparos, mem se filtro efacesas pose
locale: Linguo di uzantointervizajo, retposti e pulsavizi
locale: Linguo di uzantointervizajo, retposti e pulsavizi
@ -75,10 +78,15 @@ io:
warn: Celez filtrita kontenajo dop avert quo montras titulo di filtrilo
warn: Celez filtrita kontenajo dop avert quo montras titulo di filtrilo
activity_api_enabled: Quanto de lokale publikigita posti, aktiva uzanti e nova registri, donita semanope
activity_api_enabled: Quanto de lokale publikigita posti, aktiva uzanti e nova registri, donita semanope
app_icon: WEBP, PNG, GIF o JPG. Ol remplas la originala imajeto di softwaro sur poshaparati kun personaligita imajeto.
backups_retention_period: Uzanto povas facar arkivi di sua posti por deskargar pose. Se ol esas positiva nombro, ca arkivi automate efacesis de vua konserveyo pos la decidita quanto di dii.
bootstrap_timeline_accounts: Ca konti pinglagesos a super sequorekomendi di nova uzanti.
bootstrap_timeline_accounts: Ca konti pinglagesos a super sequorekomendi di nova uzanti.
closed_registrations_message: Montresas kande registradi klozesas
closed_registrations_message: Montresas kande registradi klozesas
content_cache_retention_period: Omna posti de altra servili efacesos (anke repeti e respondi) pos decidita quanto di dii, sen ye irga lokala uzantointerago kun ti posti. Privata mencioni inter uzanto de dessanta servili anke desganos e neposible riganesos.
custom_css: Vu povas pozar kustumizita staili en retverso di Mastodon.
custom_css: Vu povas pozar kustumizita staili en retverso di Mastodon.
favicon: WEBP, PNG, GIF o JPG. Ol remplas la originala imajeto di Mastodon kun personaligita imajeto.
mascot: Remplas montreso en avanca retintervizajo.
mascot: Remplas montreso en avanca retintervizajo.
media_cache_retention_period: Medidoseri de posti quan posti da deslokala uzanti retummemoresis sur vua servilo. Se medidatumo demandesas pos ol efacesas, ol rideskargesos.
peers_api_enabled: Listo di domeni quin ca servilo trovis en la fediverso. Nula informo inkluzesas hike pri ka vu federas kun partikulara servilo, nur ke vua servilo savas pri lo. Co es uzata da enti qui kolektas statistiki pri federeso generale.
peers_api_enabled: Listo di domeni quin ca servilo trovis en la fediverso. Nula informo inkluzesas hike pri ka vu federas kun partikulara servilo, nur ke vua servilo savas pri lo. Co es uzata da enti qui kolektas statistiki pri federeso generale.
profile_directory: La profilcheflisto montras omna uzanti quo voluntale volas esar deskovrebla.
profile_directory: La profilcheflisto montras omna uzanti quo voluntale volas esar deskovrebla.
require_invite_text: Kande registradi bezonas manuala aprobo, ol kauzigas "Por quo vu volas juntas?" textoenpozo esar obliganta
require_invite_text: Kande registradi bezonas manuala aprobo, ol kauzigas "Por quo vu volas juntas?" textoenpozo esar obliganta
@ -111,6 +119,7 @@ io:
sign_up_requires_approval: Nova registro bezonos vua aprobo
sign_up_requires_approval: Nova registro bezonos vua aprobo
severity: Selektez quo eventos kun demandi de ca IP
severity: Selektez quo eventos kun demandi de ca IP
hint: Nemusta. Ol donas plu multa detali pri la regulo
text: Deskriptez regulo o bezonaj por uzanti en ca servilo. Vu debas lasar lu esar korta e simpla
text: Deskriptez regulo o bezonaj por uzanti en ca servilo. Vu debas lasar lu esar korta e simpla
otp: Enter the Two-factor code from your phone or use one of your recovery codes.
otp: Enter the Two-factor code from your phone or use one of your recovery codes.
@ -122,6 +131,7 @@ io:
name: Vu povas nur chanjar literkaso, por exemplo, por kauzigar lu divenar plu lektebla
name: Vu povas nur chanjar literkaso, por exemplo, por kauzigar lu divenar plu lektebla
chosen_languages: Kande marketigesis, nur posti en selektesis lingui montresos en publika tempolinei
chosen_languages: Kande marketigesis, nur posti en selektesis lingui montresos en publika tempolinei
role: La rolo donas certena permisi a la uzanto.
color: Koloro quo uzesas por rolo en tota UI, quale RGB kun hexformato
color: Koloro quo uzesas por rolo en tota UI, quale RGB kun hexformato
highlighted: Co kauzigas rolo divenar publike videbla
highlighted: Co kauzigas rolo divenar publike videbla
@ -130,9 +140,11 @@ io:
position: Plu alta rolo decidas problemsolvo en kelka situeso. Kelka agi povas nur eventar a roli kun plu basa prioreso
position: Plu alta rolo decidas problemsolvo en kelka situeso. Kelka agi povas nur eventar a roli kun plu basa prioreso
events: Selektigez eventi por sendar
events: Selektigez eventi por sendar
template: Facez vua sua JSON per variebla interpolo. Lasez quale nulo por originala JSON.
url: Ibe eventi sendesos
url: Ibe eventi sendesos
attribution_domains_as_text: Nur permisas specifika retsitui
discoverable: Inkluzar profilo e posti en trovado-algoritmi
discoverable: Inkluzar profilo e posti en trovado-algoritmi
name: Etiketo
name: Etiketo
@ -201,6 +213,7 @@ io:
setting_default_privacy: Videbleso di la mesaji
setting_default_privacy: Videbleso di la mesaji
setting_default_sensitive: Sempre markizez medii quale sentoza
setting_default_sensitive: Sempre markizez medii quale sentoza
setting_delete_modal: Montrez konfirmdialogo ante efacar posto
setting_delete_modal: Montrez konfirmdialogo ante efacar posto
setting_disable_hover_cards: Desaktivigez profilprevido dum klikpaso
setting_disable_swiping: Desaktivigez fingromovi
setting_disable_swiping: Desaktivigez fingromovi
setting_display_media: Mediomontrajo
setting_display_media: Mediomontrajo
setting_display_media_default: Originalo
setting_display_media_default: Originalo
@ -232,10 +245,13 @@ io:
warn: Celez kun averto
warn: Celez kun averto
activity_api_enabled: Publikigez rezumstatistiko pri uzantoaktiveso en API
activity_api_enabled: Publikigez rezumstatistiko pri uzantoaktiveso en API
app_icon: Softwarimajeto
backups_retention_period: Uzantoarkivretendurtempo
backups_retention_period: Uzantoarkivretendurtempo
bootstrap_timeline_accounts: Sempre rekomendez ca konti a nova uzanti
bootstrap_timeline_accounts: Sempre rekomendez ca konti a nova uzanti
closed_registrations_message: Kustumizita mesajo kande registradi ne esas disponebla
closed_registrations_message: Kustumizita mesajo kande registradi ne esas disponebla
content_cache_retention_period: Fora kontenajretenperiodo
custom_css: Kustumizita CSS
custom_css: Kustumizita CSS
favicon: Imajeto
mascot: Kustumizita reprezentimajo (oldo)
mascot: Kustumizita reprezentimajo (oldo)
media_cache_retention_period: Mediimemorajretendurtempo
media_cache_retention_period: Mediimemorajretendurtempo
peers_api_enabled: Publikigez listo di deskovrita servili en API
peers_api_enabled: Publikigez listo di deskovrita servili en API
@ -291,6 +307,7 @@ io:
patch: Notifikar pri problemosolvanta aktualigi
patch: Notifikar pri problemosolvanta aktualigi
trending_tag: Nova tendenco bezonas kontrolo
trending_tag: Nova tendenco bezonas kontrolo
hint: Plusa informo
text: Regulo
text: Regulo
indexable: Inkluzar profilopagino en serchili
indexable: Inkluzar profilopagino en serchili
@ -299,6 +316,7 @@ io:
listable: Permisez ca hashtago aparar en trovaji e sugestaji
listable: Permisez ca hashtago aparar en trovaji e sugestaji
name: Hashtago
name: Hashtago
trendable: Permisez ca hashtago aparar che tendenci
trendable: Permisez ca hashtago aparar che tendenci
usable: Permisez posti uzar ca gretiketo lokale
role: Rolo
role: Rolo
time_zone: Klokozono
time_zone: Klokozono
@ -310,9 +328,11 @@ io:
position: Prioreso
position: Prioreso
events: Aktivigita eventi
events: Aktivigita eventi
template: Pagkargshablono
url: URL di finpunto
url: URL di finpunto
'no': Ne
'no': Ne
not_recommended: Ne rekomendesas
not_recommended: Ne rekomendesas
overridden: Remplesis
recommended: Rekomendito
recommended: Rekomendito
mark: "*"
mark: "*"
@ -871,6 +871,9 @@ sq:
message_html: S’keni përcaktuar ndonjë rregull shërbyesi.
message_html: S’keni përcaktuar ndonjë rregull shërbyesi.
message_html: S’ka proces Sidekiq në punë për %{value} radhë. Ju lutemi, shqyrtoni formësimin tuaj për Sidekiq-un
message_html: S’ka proces Sidekiq në punë për %{value} radhë. Ju lutemi, shqyrtoni formësimin tuaj për Sidekiq-un
action: Shihni përditësimet e gatshme
message_html: Ka gati një përditësim Mastodon-i.
action: Shihni përditësimet e gatshme
action: Shihni përditësimet e gatshme
message_html: Ka të gatshëm një përditësim kritik të Mastodon-it, ju lutemi, përditësojeni sa më shpejt të jetë e mundur.
message_html: Ka të gatshëm një përditësim kritik të Mastodon-it, ju lutemi, përditësojeni sa më shpejt të jetë e mundur.
@ -1692,6 +1692,7 @@ tr:
delete: Hesap silme
delete: Hesap silme
development: Geliştirme
development: Geliştirme
edit_profile: Profili düzenle
edit_profile: Profili düzenle
export: Dışa Aktar
featured_tags: Öne çıkan etiketler
featured_tags: Öne çıkan etiketler
import: İçe aktar
import: İçe aktar
import_and_export: İçe ve dışa aktar
import_and_export: İçe ve dışa aktar
@ -903,6 +903,9 @@ uk:
message_html: Ви не визначили будь-які правила сервера.
message_html: Ви не визначили будь-які правила сервера.
message_html: Не працює процес Sidekiq для %{value} черги. Перегляньте конфігурації вашого Sidekiq
message_html: Не працює процес Sidekiq для %{value} черги. Перегляньте конфігурації вашого Sidekiq
action: Переглянути доступні оновлення
message_html: Доступне оновлення Mastodon.
action: Переглянути доступні оновлення
action: Переглянути доступні оновлення
message_html: Виявлено критичне оновлення Mastodon. Оновіться якнайшвидше.
message_html: Виявлено критичне оновлення Mastodon. Оновіться якнайшвидше.
@ -1744,6 +1747,7 @@ uk:
delete: Видалення облікового запису
delete: Видалення облікового запису
development: Розробка
development: Розробка
edit_profile: Редагувати профіль
edit_profile: Редагувати профіль
export: Експорт
featured_tags: Рекомендовані хештеґи
featured_tags: Рекомендовані хештеґи
import: Імпорт
import: Імпорт
import_and_export: Імпорт та експорт
import_and_export: Імпорт та експорт
@ -861,6 +861,9 @@ zh-CN:
message_html: 你没有定义任何服务器规则。
message_html: 你没有定义任何服务器规则。
message_html: "%{value} 队列未运行任何 Sidekiq 进程。请检查你的 Sidekiq 配置"
message_html: "%{value} 队列未运行任何 Sidekiq 进程。请检查你的 Sidekiq 配置"
action: 查看可用更新
message_html: 有一个 Mastodon 更新可用。
action: 查看可用更新
action: 查看可用更新
message_html: 有一个紧急Mastodon紧急更新可用,请尽快更新。
message_html: 有一个紧急Mastodon紧急更新可用,请尽快更新。
@ -1666,6 +1669,7 @@ zh-CN:
delete: 删除账户
delete: 删除账户
development: 开发
development: 开发
edit_profile: 更改个人资料
edit_profile: 更改个人资料
export: 导出
featured_tags: 精选的话题标签
featured_tags: 精选的话题标签
import: 导入
import: 导入
import_and_export: 导入和导出
import_and_export: 导入和导出
@ -863,6 +863,9 @@ zh-TW:
message_html: 您尚未定義任何伺服器規則。
message_html: 您尚未定義任何伺服器規則。
message_html: 沒有佇列 %{value} 的 Sidekiq 行程,請檢查您的 Sidekiq 設定組態
message_html: 沒有佇列 %{value} 的 Sidekiq 行程,請檢查您的 Sidekiq 設定組態
action: 檢視可取得的更新
message_html: 有可取得的 Mastodon 更新。
action: 檢視可取得的更新
action: 檢視可取得的更新
message_html: 有可取得的重要 Mastodon 更新,請立即升級。
message_html: 有可取得的重要 Mastodon 更新,請立即升級。
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