mirror of
synced 2025-03-21 07:19:17 +01:00
enhance(backend): DBのコラム設定としてcreatedAtの値を入れるように/お知らせ機能API修正
This commit is contained in:
71 changed files with 730 additions and 219 deletions
@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
export class DeleteCreatedAt1697420555911 {
name = 'DeleteCreatedAt1697420555911'
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_02878d441ceae15ce060b73daf"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_c8dfad3b72196dd1d6b5db168a"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_e11e649824a45d8ed01d597fd9"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_db2098070b2b5a523c58181f74"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_048a757923ed8b157e9895da53"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_1129c2ef687fc272df040bafaa"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_118ec703e596086fc4515acb39"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_b9a354f7941c1e779f3b33aea6"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_71cb7b435b7c0d4843317e7e16"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_11e71f2511589dcc8a4d3214f9"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_735a5544f9249d412255f47f95"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_582f8fab771a9040a12961f3e7"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_8f1a239bd077c8864a20c62c2c"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_f86d57fbca33c7a4e6897490cc"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_d1259a2c2b7bb413ff449e8711"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_fbb4297c927a9b85e9cefa2eb1"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_0fb627e1c2f753262a74f0562d"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_149d2e44785707548c82999b01"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "drive_folder" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "drive_file" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "abuse_user_report" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "app" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "access_token" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "ad" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "announcement" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "announcement_read" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_list" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "antenna" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "auth_session" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "blocking" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel_following" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel_favorite" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "clip" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "clip_favorite" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "following" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "follow_request" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "gallery_post" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "gallery_like" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "moderation_log" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "muting" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "renote_muting" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note_favorite" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note_reaction" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note_thread_muting" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page_like" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "password_reset_request" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "poll_vote" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "promo_read" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "registration_ticket" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "registry_item" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "signin" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "sw_subscription" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_list_favorite" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_list_membership" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_note_pining" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_pending" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "webhook" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "role" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "role_assignment" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "flash" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "flash_like" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
async down(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "flash_like" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "flash" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "role_assignment" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "role" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "webhook" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_pending" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_note_pining" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_list_membership" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_list_favorite" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "sw_subscription" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "signin" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "registry_item" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "registration_ticket" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "promo_read" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "poll_vote" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "password_reset_request" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page_like" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note_thread_muting" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note_reaction" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note_favorite" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "renote_muting" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "muting" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "moderation_log" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "gallery_like" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "gallery_post" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "follow_request" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "following" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "clip_favorite" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "clip" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel_favorite" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel_following" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "blocking" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "auth_session" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "antenna" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_list" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "announcement_read" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "announcement" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "ad" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "access_token" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "app" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "abuse_user_report" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "drive_file" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "drive_folder" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_149d2e44785707548c82999b01" ON "flash" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_0fb627e1c2f753262a74f0562d" ON "poll_vote" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_fbb4297c927a9b85e9cefa2eb1" ON "page" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_d1259a2c2b7bb413ff449e8711" ON "renote_muting" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_f86d57fbca33c7a4e6897490cc" ON "muting" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_8f1a239bd077c8864a20c62c2c" ON "gallery_post" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_582f8fab771a9040a12961f3e7" ON "following" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_735a5544f9249d412255f47f95" ON "channel_favorite" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_11e71f2511589dcc8a4d3214f9" ON "channel_following" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_71cb7b435b7c0d4843317e7e16" ON "channel" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_b9a354f7941c1e779f3b33aea6" ON "blocking" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_118ec703e596086fc4515acb39" ON "announcement" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_1129c2ef687fc272df040bafaa" ON "ad" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_048a757923ed8b157e9895da53" ON "app" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_db2098070b2b5a523c58181f74" ON "abuse_user_report" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_e11e649824a45d8ed01d597fd9" ON "user" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_c8dfad3b72196dd1d6b5db168a" ON "drive_file" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_02878d441ceae15ce060b73daf" ON "drive_folder" ("createdAt") `);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
export class CreatedAtDefault1700415938358 {
name = 'CreatedAtDefault1700415938358'
async up(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "avatar_decoration" ADD "createdAt" TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "avatar_decoration"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the AvatarDecoration.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "abuse_report_resolver"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the AbuseReportResolver.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "abuse_report_resolver" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "drive_folder" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "drive_file" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "abuse_user_report" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "app" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "access_token" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "ad" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "announcement" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "announcement_read" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_list" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "antenna" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "auth_session" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "blocking" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel_following" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel_favorite" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "clip" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "clip_favorite"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the ClipFavorite.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "clip_favorite" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "following" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "follow_request" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "gallery_post" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "gallery_like"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the GalleryLike.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "gallery_like" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" ALTER COLUMN "preservedUsernames" SET DEFAULT '{ "admin", "administrator", "root", "system", "maintainer", "host", "mod", "moderator", "owner", "superuser", "staff", "auth", "i", "me", "everyone", "all", "mention", "mentions", "example", "user", "users", "account", "accounts", "official", "help", "helps", "support", "supports", "info", "information", "informations", "announce", "announces", "announcement", "announcements", "notice", "notification", "notifications", "dev", "developer", "developers", "tech", "misskey" }'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "moderation_log" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "muting" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "renote_muting"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the RenoteMuting.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "renote_muting" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note_favorite" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note_reaction" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "note_thread_muting"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the NoteThreadMuting.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note_thread_muting" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "page_like"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the PageLike.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page_like" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "password_reset_request"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the PasswordResetRequest.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "password_reset_request" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "poll_vote" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "promo_read" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "registration_ticket"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the RegistrationTicket.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "registration_ticket" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "registry_item" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "signin" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "sw_subscription"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the SwSubscriptipnpon.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "sw_subscription" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "used_username"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the UsedUsername.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "used_username" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_ip"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the UserIp.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_ip" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_list_favorite"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the UserListFavorite.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_list_favorite" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_list_membership" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_note_pining"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the UserNotePining.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_note_pining" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_pending"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the UserPending.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_pending" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "webhook"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the Webhook.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "webhook" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "retention_aggregation"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the GalleryPost.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "retention_aggregation" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "role" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "role_assignment" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "flash" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "flash" ALTER COLUMN "visibility" SET NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "flash_like"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the FlashLike.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "flash_like" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" SET DEFAULT now()`);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_f9b40730606162a441c7acb3e5" ON "access_token" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_cbca0122587e5a757ea0e584f0" ON "announcement_read" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_1383c050b99ba7deb995207afe" ON "user_list" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_9425d976c9cf6d47d2b9956344" ON "antenna" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_a3aca00bb7f8d79408edfefe67" ON "avatar_decoration" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_407e3e07747e5cebb916e77914" ON "auth_session" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_823073a0f1f5d44ef83917e0c4" ON "clip" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_e7c0567f5261063592f022e9b5" ON "note" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_94af6cc88a484caf0cd53bfec9" ON "clip_favorite" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_9a20428737dfc7c515fc31c9bc" ON "follow_request" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_3712d1129515e88dedc7c0ca9b" ON "gallery_like" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_1c32fad73f120e11702982f713" ON "moderation_log" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_b7a97c1435dfa03ab42ab7ec92" ON "note_favorite" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_01f4581f114e0ebd2bbb876f0b" ON "note_reaction" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_51fe96e68f335de120a5f8974b" ON "note_thread_muting" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_b72859eb6173fd2e176aad3fbc" ON "page_like" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_0123b5cc155383f3d380170774" ON "password_reset_request" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_65a0babf63cec88aaa804332a0" ON "promo_read" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_0bf1bd10114284dc984d900c8b" ON "registration_ticket" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_0ff7393a15d37079be4e1f2bd5" ON "registry_item" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_68e9b8637a5b186f242d81e41a" ON "signin" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_8781b31c9b1e5c6c0b1cf904c0" ON "sw_subscription" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_4ac8a879384f3fc210bbaa21bc" ON "used_username" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_e15e78ed889553e314336e4952" ON "user_ip" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_970ffee983708c114a0c289903" ON "user_list_favorite" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_d6d398ea7c0d187aa9a91c4ad0" ON "user_list_membership" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_61347f72791a48bfaa9244eb05" ON "user_note_pining" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_e9181436b1294069148b5ba491" ON "user_pending" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_7ad27f46c9449fe9d6fbb4c79c" ON "webhook" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_3c39bd046f5e69d37f0e4fe768" ON "role" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_fe3eb6be723a95c6b7ce539a4f" ON "role_assignment" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`CREATE INDEX "IDX_89523d5c47dc3fcc0bd6793f18" ON "flash_like" ("createdAt") `);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "announcement" ADD CONSTRAINT "FK_fd25dfe3da37df1715f11ba6ec8" FOREIGN KEY ("userId") REFERENCES "user"("id") ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE NO ACTION`);
async down(queryRunner) {
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "announcement" DROP CONSTRAINT "FK_fd25dfe3da37df1715f11ba6ec8"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_89523d5c47dc3fcc0bd6793f18"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_fe3eb6be723a95c6b7ce539a4f"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_3c39bd046f5e69d37f0e4fe768"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_7ad27f46c9449fe9d6fbb4c79c"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_e9181436b1294069148b5ba491"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_61347f72791a48bfaa9244eb05"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_d6d398ea7c0d187aa9a91c4ad0"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_970ffee983708c114a0c289903"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_e15e78ed889553e314336e4952"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_4ac8a879384f3fc210bbaa21bc"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_8781b31c9b1e5c6c0b1cf904c0"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_68e9b8637a5b186f242d81e41a"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_0ff7393a15d37079be4e1f2bd5"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_0bf1bd10114284dc984d900c8b"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_65a0babf63cec88aaa804332a0"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_0123b5cc155383f3d380170774"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_b72859eb6173fd2e176aad3fbc"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_51fe96e68f335de120a5f8974b"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_01f4581f114e0ebd2bbb876f0b"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_b7a97c1435dfa03ab42ab7ec92"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_1c32fad73f120e11702982f713"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_3712d1129515e88dedc7c0ca9b"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_9a20428737dfc7c515fc31c9bc"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_94af6cc88a484caf0cd53bfec9"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_e7c0567f5261063592f022e9b5"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_823073a0f1f5d44ef83917e0c4"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_407e3e07747e5cebb916e77914"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_a3aca00bb7f8d79408edfefe67"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_9425d976c9cf6d47d2b9956344"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_1383c050b99ba7deb995207afe"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_cbca0122587e5a757ea0e584f0"`);
await queryRunner.query(`DROP INDEX "public"."IDX_f9b40730606162a441c7acb3e5"`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "flash_like" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "flash_like"."createdAt" IS NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "flash" ALTER COLUMN "visibility" DROP NOT NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "flash" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "role_assignment" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "role" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "retention_aggregation" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "retention_aggregation"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the Note.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "webhook" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "webhook"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the Antenna.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_pending" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_pending"."createdAt" IS NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_note_pining" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_note_pining"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the UserNotePinings.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_list_membership" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_list_favorite" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_list_favorite"."createdAt" IS NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_ip" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "user_ip"."createdAt" IS NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "used_username" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "used_username"."createdAt" IS NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "sw_subscription" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "sw_subscription"."createdAt" IS NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "signin" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "registry_item" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "registration_ticket" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "registration_ticket"."createdAt" IS NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "promo_read" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "poll_vote" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "password_reset_request" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "password_reset_request"."createdAt" IS NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page_like" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "page_like"."createdAt" IS NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "page" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note_thread_muting" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "note_thread_muting"."createdAt" IS NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note_reaction" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note_favorite" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "renote_muting" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "renote_muting"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the Muting.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "muting" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "moderation_log" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "meta" ALTER COLUMN "preservedUsernames" SET DEFAULT '{admin,administrator,root,system,maintainer,host,mod,moderator,owner,superuser,staff,auth,i,me,everyone,all,mention,mentions,example,user,users,account,accounts,official,help,helps,support,supports,info,information,informations,announce,announces,announcement,announcements,notice,notification,notifications,dev,developer,developers,tech,misskey}'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "gallery_like" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "gallery_like"."createdAt" IS NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "gallery_post" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "follow_request" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "following" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "clip_favorite" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "clip_favorite"."createdAt" IS NULL`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "note" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "clip" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel_favorite" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel_following" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "channel" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "blocking" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "auth_session" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "antenna" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user_list" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "announcement_read" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "announcement" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "ad" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "access_token" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "app" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "abuse_user_report" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "user" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "drive_file" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "drive_folder" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "abuse_report_resolver" ALTER COLUMN "createdAt" DROP DEFAULT`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "abuse_report_resolver"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of AbuseReportResolver'`);
await queryRunner.query(`COMMENT ON COLUMN "avatar_decoration"."createdAt" IS 'The created date of the AvatarDecoration.'`);
await queryRunner.query(`ALTER TABLE "avatar_decoration" DROP COLUMN "createdAt"`);
@ -12,9 +12,10 @@ import { MiAnnouncementRead } from '@/models/_.js';
import { bindThis } from '@/decorators.js';
import { Packed } from '@/misc/json-schema.js';
import { IdService } from '@/core/IdService.js';
import { UserEntityService } from '@/core/entities/UserEntityService.js';
import { AnnouncementEntityService } from '@/core/entities/AnnouncementEntityService.js';
import { GlobalEventService } from '@/core/GlobalEventService.js';
import { ModerationLogService } from '@/core/ModerationLogService.js';
import { UserEntityService } from '@/core/entities/UserEntityService.js';
export class AnnouncementService {
@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ export class AnnouncementService {
private idService: IdService,
private userEntityService: UserEntityService,
private announcementEntityService: AnnouncementEntityService,
private globalEventService: GlobalEventService,
private moderationLogService: ModerationLogService,
) {
@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ export class AnnouncementService {
public async getUnreadAnnouncements(user: MiUser): Promise<Packed<'Announcement'>[]> {
const q = this.announcementsRepository.createQueryBuilder('announcement');
'read."announcementId" = announcement.id AND read."userId" = :userId',
@ -53,7 +55,8 @@ export class AnnouncementService {
.where('announcement.isActive = true')
.where('read.id IS NULL')
.andWhere('announcement.isActive = true')
.andWhere('announcement.silence = false')
.andWhere(new Brackets(qb => {
qb.orWhere('announcement.userId = :userId', { userId: user.id });
@ -62,15 +65,14 @@ export class AnnouncementService {
.andWhere(new Brackets(qb => {
qb.orWhere('announcement.forExistingUsers = false');
qb.orWhere('announcement.id > :userId', { userId: user.id });
.andWhere('read.id IS NULL');
'announcement."displayOrder"': 'DESC',
'announcement.id': 'DESC',
return this.packMany(
return this.announcementEntityService.packMany(
await q.getMany(),
@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ export class AnnouncementService {
userId: values.userId,
}).then(x => this.announcementsRepository.findOneByOrFail(x.identifiers[0]));
const packed = (await this.packMany([announcement], null))[0];
const packed = (await this.announcementEntityService.packMany([announcement], null))[0];
if (values.userId) {
this.globalEventService.publishMainStream(values.userId, 'announcementCreated', {
@ -136,7 +138,7 @@ export class AnnouncementService {
limit: number,
offset: number,
moderator: MiUser,
): Promise<(MiAnnouncement & { userInfo: Packed<'UserLite'> | null, readCount: number })[]> {
): Promise<(MiAnnouncement & { userInfo: Packed<'UserLite'> | null, reads: number })[]> {
const query = this.announcementsRepository.createQueryBuilder('announcement');
if (userId) {
query.andWhere('announcement."userId" = :userId', { userId: userId });
@ -173,7 +175,7 @@ export class AnnouncementService {
return announcements.map(announcement => ({
userInfo: packedUsers.find(u => u.id === announcement.userId) ?? null,
readCount: reads.get(announcement) ?? 0,
reads: reads.get(announcement) ?? 0,
@ -188,6 +190,7 @@ export class AnnouncementService {
await this.announcementsRepository.update(announcement.id, {
updatedAt: new Date(),
isActive: values.isActive,
title: values.title,
text: values.text,
/* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-nullish-coalescing -- 空の文字列の場合、nullを渡すようにするため */
@ -195,11 +198,10 @@ export class AnnouncementService {
display: values.display,
icon: values.icon,
forExistingUsers: values.forExistingUsers,
silence: values.silence,
needConfirmationToRead: values.needConfirmationToRead,
closeDuration: values.closeDuration,
displayOrder: values.displayOrder,
isActive: values.isActive,
silence: values.silence,
userId: values.userId,
@ -305,7 +307,7 @@ export class AnnouncementService {
'announcement.id': 'DESC',
return this.packMany(
return this.announcementEntityService.packMany(
await query
@ -315,32 +317,29 @@ export class AnnouncementService {
public async countUnreadAnnouncements(me: MiUser): Promise<number> {
const query = this.announcementsRepository.createQueryBuilder('announcement');
public async countUnreadAnnouncements(user: MiUser): Promise<number> {
const q = this.announcementsRepository.createQueryBuilder('announcement');
'read."announcementId" = announcement.id AND read."userId" = :userId',
{ userId: me.id },
{ userId: user.id },
query.andWhere('read.id IS NULL');
query.andWhere('announcement."isActive" = true');
new Brackets((qb) => {
qb.orWhere('announcement."userId" = :userId', { userId: me.id });
qb.orWhere('announcement."userId" IS NULL');
new Brackets((qb) => {
qb.orWhere('announcement."forExistingUsers" = false');
qb.orWhere('announcement.id > :userId', { userId: me.id });
.where('read.id IS NULL')
.andWhere('announcement.isActive = true')
.andWhere('announcement.silence = false')
.andWhere(new Brackets(qb => {
qb.orWhere('announcement.userId = :userId', { userId: user.id });
qb.orWhere('announcement.userId IS NULL');
.andWhere(new Brackets(qb => {
qb.orWhere('announcement.forExistingUsers = false');
qb.orWhere('announcement.id > :userId', { userId: user.id });
return query.getCount();
return q.getCount();
@ -359,27 +358,4 @@ export class AnnouncementService {
this.globalEventService.publishMainStream(user.id, 'readAllAnnouncements');
public async packMany(
announcements: (MiAnnouncement & { isRead?: boolean | null })[],
me: { id: MiUser['id'] } | null | undefined,
): Promise<Packed<'Announcement'>[]> {
return announcements.map(announcement => ({
id: announcement.id,
createdAt: this.idService.parse(announcement.id).date.toISOString(),
updatedAt: announcement.updatedAt?.toISOString() ?? null,
text: announcement.text,
title: announcement.title,
imageUrl: announcement.imageUrl,
icon: announcement.icon,
display: announcement.display,
needConfirmationToRead: announcement.needConfirmationToRead,
closeDuration: announcement.closeDuration,
displayOrder: announcement.displayOrder,
silence: announcement.silence,
forYou: announcement.userId === me?.id,
isRead: announcement.isRead ?? undefined,
@ -57,12 +57,14 @@ export class AntennaService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
case 'antennaCreated':
createdAt: new Date(body.createdAt),
lastUsedAt: new Date(body.lastUsedAt),
case 'antennaUpdated':
this.antennas[this.antennas.findIndex(a => a.id === body.id)] = {
createdAt: new Date(body.createdAt),
lastUsedAt: new Date(body.lastUsedAt),
@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ import PerUserDriveChart from './chart/charts/per-user-drive.js';
import ApRequestChart from './chart/charts/ap-request.js';
import { ChartManagementService } from './chart/ChartManagementService.js';
import { AbuseUserReportEntityService } from './entities/AbuseUserReportEntityService.js';
import { AnnouncementEntityService } from './entities/AnnouncementEntityService.js';
import { AntennaEntityService } from './entities/AntennaEntityService.js';
import { AppEntityService } from './entities/AppEntityService.js';
import { AuthSessionEntityService } from './entities/AuthSessionEntityService.js';
@ -214,6 +215,7 @@ const $ApRequestChart: Provider = { provide: 'ApRequestChart', useExisting: ApRe
const $ChartManagementService: Provider = { provide: 'ChartManagementService', useExisting: ChartManagementService };
const $AbuseUserReportEntityService: Provider = { provide: 'AbuseUserReportEntityService', useExisting: AbuseUserReportEntityService };
const $AnnouncementEntityService: Provider = { provide: 'AnnouncementEntityService', useExisting: AnnouncementEntityService };
const $AntennaEntityService: Provider = { provide: 'AntennaEntityService', useExisting: AntennaEntityService };
const $AppEntityService: Provider = { provide: 'AppEntityService', useExisting: AppEntityService };
const $AuthSessionEntityService: Provider = { provide: 'AuthSessionEntityService', useExisting: AuthSessionEntityService };
@ -348,6 +350,7 @@ const $ApQuestionService: Provider = { provide: 'ApQuestionService', useExisting
@ -477,6 +480,7 @@ const $ApQuestionService: Provider = { provide: 'ApQuestionService', useExisting
@ -606,6 +610,7 @@ const $ApQuestionService: Provider = { provide: 'ApQuestionService', useExisting
@ -734,6 +739,7 @@ const $ApQuestionService: Provider = { provide: 'ApQuestionService', useExisting
@ -382,6 +382,7 @@ export class NoteCreateService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
private async insertNote(user: { id: MiUser['id']; host: MiUser['host']; }, data: Option, tags: string[], emojis: string[], mentionedUsers: MinimumUser[]) {
const insert = new MiNote({
id: this.idService.gen(data.createdAt?.getTime()),
createdAt: data.createdAt!,
fileIds: data.files ? data.files.map(file => file.id) : [],
replyId: data.reply ? data.reply.id : null,
renoteId: data.renote ? data.renote.id : null,
@ -158,6 +158,7 @@ export class ReactionService {
const record: MiNoteReaction = {
id: this.idService.gen(),
createdAt: new Date(),
noteId: note.id,
userId: user.id,
@ -131,6 +131,7 @@ export class RoleService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
if (cached) {
createdAt: new Date(body.createdAt),
updatedAt: new Date(body.updatedAt),
lastUsedAt: new Date(body.lastUsedAt),
@ -144,6 +145,7 @@ export class RoleService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
if (i > -1) {
cached[i] = {
createdAt: new Date(body.createdAt),
updatedAt: new Date(body.updatedAt),
lastUsedAt: new Date(body.lastUsedAt),
@ -163,6 +165,7 @@ export class RoleService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
if (cached) {
createdAt: new Date(body.createdAt),
expiresAt: body.expiresAt ? new Date(body.expiresAt) : null,
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ export class WebhookService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
if (body.active) {
createdAt: new Date(body.createdAt),
latestSentAt: body.latestSentAt ? new Date(body.latestSentAt) : null,
@ -61,11 +62,13 @@ export class WebhookService implements OnApplicationShutdown {
if (i > -1) {
this.webhooks[i] = {
createdAt: new Date(body.createdAt),
latestSentAt: body.latestSentAt ? new Date(body.latestSentAt) : null,
} else {
createdAt: new Date(body.createdAt),
latestSentAt: body.latestSentAt ? new Date(body.latestSentAt) : null,
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and other misskey contributors
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js';
import type { AnnouncementsRepository, AnnouncementReadsRepository, MiAnnouncement, MiUser } from "@/models/_.js";
import type { Packed } from '@/misc/json-schema.js';
import { bindThis } from '@/decorators.js';
import { IdService } from '@/core/IdService.js';
export class AnnouncementEntityService {
private announcementsRepository: AnnouncementsRepository,
private announcementReadsRepository: AnnouncementReadsRepository,
private idService: IdService,
) {
public async pack(
src: MiAnnouncement['id'] | MiAnnouncement & { isRead?: boolean | null },
me: { id: MiUser['id'] } | null | undefined,
): Promise<Packed<'Announcement'>> {
const announcement = typeof src === 'object'
? src
: await this.announcementsRepository.findOneByOrFail({
id: src,
}) as MiAnnouncement & { isRead?: boolean | null };
if (me && announcement.isRead === undefined) {
announcement.isRead = await this.announcementReadsRepository
announcementId: announcement.id,
userId: me.id,
.then((count: number) => count > 0);
return {
id: announcement.id,
createdAt: this.idService.parse(announcement.id).date.toISOString(),
updatedAt: announcement.updatedAt?.toISOString() ?? null,
title: announcement.title,
text: announcement.text,
imageUrl: announcement.imageUrl,
icon: announcement.icon,
display: announcement.display,
forYou: announcement.userId === me?.id,
needConfirmationToRead: announcement.needConfirmationToRead,
closeDuration: announcement.closeDuration,
displayOrder: announcement.displayOrder,
silence: announcement.silence,
isRead: announcement.isRead !== null ? announcement.isRead : undefined,
public async packMany(
announcements: (MiAnnouncement['id'] | MiAnnouncement & { isRead?: boolean | null } | MiAnnouncement)[],
me: { id: MiUser['id'] } | null | undefined,
) : Promise<Packed<'Announcement'>[]> {
return (await Promise.allSettled(announcements.map(x => this.pack(x, me))))
.filter(result => result.status === 'fulfilled')
.map(result => (result as PromiseFulfilledResult<Packed<'Announcement'>>).value);
@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ export class MiAbuseReportResolver {
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of AbuseReportResolver',
comment: 'The created date of the AbuseReportResolver.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ export class MiAbuseUserReport {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the AbuseUserReport.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
public targetUserId: MiUser['id'];
@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ export class MiAccessToken {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the AccessToken.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
nullable: true,
@ -11,6 +11,13 @@ export class MiAd {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the Ad.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The expired date of the Ad.',
@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ export class MiAnnouncement {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the Announcement.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The updated date of the Announcement.',
nullable: true,
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiAnnouncementRead {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the AnnouncementRead.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
public userId: MiUser['id'];
@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ export class MiAntenna {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the Antenna.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('timestamp with time zone')
public lastUsedAt: Date;
@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ export class MiApp {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the App.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ export class MiAuthSession {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the AuthSession.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('varchar', {
length: 128,
@ -11,6 +11,13 @@ export class MiAvatarDecoration {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the AvatarDecoration.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
nullable: true,
@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ export class MiBlocking {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the Blocking.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ export class MiChannel {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the Channel.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
nullable: true,
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiChannelFavorite {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the ChannelFavorite.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiChannelFollowing {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the ChannelFollowing.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ export class MiClip {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the Clip.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
nullable: true,
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiClipFavorite {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the ClipFavorite.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
public userId: MiUser['id'];
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiDriveFile {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the DriveFile.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ export class MiDriveFolder {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the DriveFolder.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('varchar', {
length: 128,
comment: 'The name of the DriveFolder.',
@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ export class MiFlash {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the Flash.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The updated date of the Flash.',
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiFlashLike {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the FlashLike.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
public userId: MiUser['id'];
@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ export class MiFollowRequest {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the FollowRequest.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiFollowing {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the Following.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiGalleryLike {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the GalleryLike.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
public userId: MiUser['id'];
@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ export class MiGalleryPost {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the GalleryPost.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The updated date of the GalleryPost.',
@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ export class MiModerationLog {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the ModerationLog.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
public userId: MiUser['id'];
@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ export class MiMuting {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the Muting.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
nullable: true,
@ -18,6 +18,13 @@ export class MiNote {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the Note.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiNoteFavorite {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the NoteFavorite.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
public userId: MiUser['id'];
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiNoteReaction {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the NoteReaction.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
public userId: MiUser['id'];
@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ export class MiNoteThreadMuting {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the NoteThreadMuting.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiPage {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the Page.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The updated date of the Page.',
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiPageLike {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the PageLike.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
public userId: MiUser['id'];
@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ export class MiPasswordResetRequest {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the PasswordResetRequest.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Index({ unique: true })
@Column('varchar', {
length: 256,
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiPollVote {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the PollVote.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
public userId: MiUser['id'];
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiPromoRead {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the PromoRead.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
public userId: MiUser['id'];
@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ export class MiRegistrationTicket {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the RegistrationTicket.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Index({ unique: true })
@Column('varchar', {
length: 64,
@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ export class MiRegistryItem {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the RegistryItem.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The updated date of the RegistryItem.',
@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ export class MiRenoteMuting {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the RenoteMuting.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ export class MiRetentionAggregation {
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the Note.',
comment: 'The created date of the GalleryPost.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import { Entity, Column, PrimaryColumn } from 'typeorm';
import { Entity, Column, PrimaryColumn, Index } from 'typeorm';
import { id } from './util/id.js';
type CondFormulaValueAnd = {
@ -89,6 +89,13 @@ export class MiRole {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the Role.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The updated date of the Role.',
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiRoleAssignment {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the RoleAssignment.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ export class MiSignin {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the Signin.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
public userId: MiUser['id'];
@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ export class MiSwSubscription {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the SwSubscriptipnpon.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
public userId: MiUser['id'];
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import { PrimaryColumn, Entity, Column } from 'typeorm';
import { PrimaryColumn, Entity, Column, Index } from 'typeorm';
export class MiUsedUsername {
@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ export class MiUsedUsername {
public username: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone')
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the UsedUsername.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
constructor(data: Partial<MiUsedUsername>) {
@ -13,6 +13,13 @@ export class MiUser {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the User.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
nullable: true,
@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ export class MiUserIp {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the UserIp.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -12,6 +12,13 @@ export class MiUserList {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the UserList.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiUserListFavorite {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the UserListFavorite.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
public userId: MiUser['id'];
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiUserListMembership {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the UserListMembership.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiUserNotePining {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the UserNotePining.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
public userId: MiUser['id'];
@ -11,6 +11,13 @@ export class MiUserPending {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the UserPending.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@Index({ unique: true })
@Column('varchar', {
length: 128,
@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ export class MiWebhook {
public id: string;
@Column('timestamp with time zone', {
comment: 'The created date of the Webhook.',
default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP',
public createdAt: Date;
@ -58,6 +58,10 @@ export const packedAnnouncementSchema = {
type: 'number',
optional: false, nullable: false,
silence: {
type: 'boolean',
optional: false, nullable: false,
isRead: {
type: 'boolean',
optional: true, nullable: false,
@ -69,6 +69,10 @@ export const meta = {
type: 'number',
optional: false, nullable: false,
silence: {
type: 'boolean',
optional: false, nullable: false,
isRead: {
type: 'boolean',
optional: true, nullable: false,
@ -86,10 +90,10 @@ export const paramDef = {
icon: { type: 'string', enum: ['info', 'warning', 'error', 'success'], default: 'info' },
display: { type: 'string', enum: ['normal', 'banner', 'dialog'], default: 'normal' },
forExistingUsers: { type: 'boolean', default: false },
silence: { type: 'boolean', default: false },
needConfirmationToRead: { type: 'boolean', default: false },
closeDuration: { type: 'number', default: 0 },
displayOrder: { type: 'number', default: 0 },
silence: { type: 'boolean', default: false },
userId: { type: 'string', format: 'misskey:id', nullable: true, default: null },
required: ['title', 'text', 'imageUrl'],
@ -109,10 +113,10 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
icon: ps.icon,
display: ps.display,
forExistingUsers: ps.forExistingUsers,
silence: ps.silence,
needConfirmationToRead: ps.needConfirmationToRead,
closeDuration: ps.closeDuration,
displayOrder: ps.displayOrder,
silence: ps.silence,
userId: ps.userId,
}, me);
@ -79,6 +79,10 @@ export const meta = {
type: 'number',
optional: false, nullable: false,
silence: {
type: 'boolean',
optional: false, nullable: false,
userId: {
type: 'string',
optional: false, nullable: true,
@ -128,13 +132,13 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
display: announcement.display,
isActive: announcement.isActive,
forExistingUsers: announcement.forExistingUsers,
silence: announcement.silence,
needConfirmationToRead: announcement.needConfirmationToRead,
closeDuration: announcement.closeDuration,
displayOrder: announcement.displayOrder,
silence: announcement.silence,
userId: announcement.userId,
user: announcement.userInfo,
reads: announcement.readCount,
reads: announcement.reads,
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ export const paramDef = {
icon: { type: 'string', enum: ['info', 'warning', 'error', 'success'] },
display: { type: 'string', enum: ['normal', 'banner', 'dialog'] },
forExistingUsers: { type: 'boolean' },
silence: { type: 'boolean' },
needConfirmationToRead: { type: 'boolean' },
closeDuration: { type: 'number', default: 0 },
displayOrder: { type: 'number', default: 0 },
silence: { type: 'boolean' },
isActive: { type: 'boolean' },
required: ['id'],
@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ export default class extends Endpoint<typeof meta, typeof paramDef> { // eslint-
display: ps.display,
icon: ps.icon,
forExistingUsers: ps.forExistingUsers,
silence: ps.silence,
needConfirmationToRead: ps.needConfirmationToRead,
closeDuration: ps.closeDuration,
displayOrder: ps.displayOrder,
silence: ps.silence,
isActive: ps.isActive,
}, me);
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import { ModuleMocker } from 'jest-mock';
import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing';
import { GlobalModule } from '@/GlobalModule.js';
import { AnnouncementService } from '@/core/AnnouncementService.js';
import { AnnouncementEntityService } from "@/core/entities/AnnouncementEntityService.js";
import type { MiAnnouncement, AnnouncementsRepository, AnnouncementReadsRepository, UsersRepository, MiUser } from '@/models/_.js';
import { DI } from '@/di-symbols.js';
import { genAidx } from '@/misc/id/aidx.js';
@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ describe('AnnouncementService', () => {
providers: [
@ -49,7 +49,11 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<MkInput v-model="displayOrder" type="number">
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts.displayOrder }}</template>
<p v-if="readCount">{{ i18n.t('nUsersRead', { n: readCount }) }}</p>
<MkSwitch v-model="silence">
{{ i18n.ts._announcement.silence }}
<template #caption>{{ i18n.ts._announcement.silenceDescription }}</template>
<p v-if="reads">{{ i18n.t('nUsersRead', { n: reads }) }}</p>
<MkUserCardMini v-if="props.user.id" :user="props.user"></MkUserCardMini>
<MkButton v-if="announcement" danger @click="del()"><i class="ti ti-trash"></i> {{ i18n.ts.delete }}</MkButton>
@ -62,7 +66,6 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { } from 'vue';
import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js';
import MkModalWindow from '@/components/MkModalWindow.vue';
import MkButton from '@/components/MkButton.vue';
@ -87,7 +90,8 @@ let display: string = $ref(props.announcement ? props.announcement.display : 'di
let needConfirmationToRead: boolean = $ref(props.announcement ? props.announcement.needConfirmationToRead : false);
let closeDuration: number = $ref(props.announcement ? props.announcement.closeDuration : 0);
let displayOrder: number = $ref(props.announcement ? props.announcement.displayOrder : 0);
let readCount: number = $ref(props.announcement ? props.announcement.readCount : 0);
let silence: boolean = $ref(props.announcement ? props.announcement.silence : false);
let reads: number = $ref(props.announcement ? props.announcement.reads : 0);
const emit = defineEmits<{
(ev: 'done', v: { deleted?: boolean; updated?: any; created?: any }): void,
@ -110,7 +114,8 @@ async function done(): Promise<void> {
needConfirmationToRead: needConfirmationToRead,
closeDuration: closeDuration,
displayOrder: displayOrder,
readCount: readCount,
silence: silence,
reads: reads,
userId: props.user.id,
@ -63,9 +63,6 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<MkSwitch v-model="announcement.forExistingUsers" :helpText="i18n.ts._announcement.forExistingUsersDescription">
{{ i18n.ts._announcement.forExistingUsers }}
<MkSwitch v-model="announcement.silence" :helpText="i18n.ts._announcement.silenceDescription">
{{ i18n.ts._announcement.silence }}
<MkSwitch v-model="announcement.needConfirmationToRead" :helpText="i18n.ts._announcement.needConfirmationToReadDescription">
{{ i18n.ts._announcement.needConfirmationToRead }}
@ -76,6 +73,9 @@ SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
<MkInput v-model="announcement.displayOrder" type="number">
<template #label>{{ i18n.ts.displayOrder }}</template>
<MkSwitch v-model="announcement.silence" :helpText="i18n.ts._announcement.silenceDescription">
{{ i18n.ts._announcement.silence }}
<p v-if="announcement.reads">{{ i18n.t('nUsersRead', { n: announcement.reads }) }}</p>
<MkUserCardMini v-if="announcement.userId" :user="announcement.user" @click="editUser(announcement)"></MkUserCardMini>
<MkButton v-else class="button" inline primary @click="editUser(announcement)">{{ i18n.ts.specifyUser }}</MkButton>
@ -144,10 +144,10 @@ function add() {
icon: 'info',
display: 'normal',
forExistingUsers: false,
silence: false,
needConfirmationToRead: false,
closeDuration: 0,
displayOrder: 0,
silence: false,
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ type Announcement = {
needConfirmationToRead: boolean;
closeDuration: number;
displayOrder: number;
silence: boolean;
forYou: boolean;
isRead?: boolean;
@ -3073,7 +3074,7 @@ type UserSorting = '+follower' | '-follower' | '+createdAt' | '-createdAt' | '+u
// src/api.types.ts:20:25 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "NoParams" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// src/api.types.ts:638:18 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "ShowUserReq" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// src/entities.ts:119:2 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "notificationTypes_2" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// src/entities.ts:636:2 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "ModerationLogPayloads" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// src/entities.ts:637:2 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "ModerationLogPayloads" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// src/streaming.types.ts:33:4 - (ae-forgotten-export) The symbol "FIXME" needs to be exported by the entry point index.d.ts
// (No @packageDocumentation comment for this package)
@ -476,6 +476,7 @@ export type Announcement = {
needConfirmationToRead: boolean;
closeDuration: number;
displayOrder: number;
silence: boolean;
forYou: boolean;
isRead?: boolean;
Add table
Reference in a new issue