mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 09:41:05 +01:00
New Crowdin translations (#5793)
* New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (English) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Korean) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish) * New translations ja-JP.yml (Spanish)
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 2316 additions and 0 deletions
@ -1 +1,773 @@
unknown: "Unknown"
future: "Future"
justNow: "Just now"
secondsAgo: "{n}s ago"
minutesAgo: "{n}m ago"
hoursAgo: "{n}h ago"
daysAgo: "{n}d ago"
weeksAgo: "{n}week(s) ago"
monthsAgo: "{n}month(s) ago"
yearsAgo: "{n}year(s) ago"
second: "s"
minute: "m"
hour: "h"
day: "d"
introMisskey: "Welcome! Misskey is an open source distributed microblogging service.\nCreate \"notes\" to share what's happening or to tell everyone about you📡\nThen send \"reactions\" to respond quickly to everyone's notes👍\nLet's explore a new world🚀"
monthAndDay: "{month}/{day}"
search: "Search"
notifications: "Notifications"
username: "Username"
password: "Password"
fetchingAsApObject: "Fetching from Fediverse..."
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Got it!"
cancel: "Cancel"
enterUsername: "Enter username"
renotedBy: "Renoted by {user}"
noNotes: "No notes"
noNotifications: "No notifications"
instance: "Instance"
settings: "Settings"
profile: "Profile"
timeline: "Timeline"
noAccountDescription: "This user has not created their bio yet."
login: "Sign In"
loggingIn: "Signing In"
logout: "Sign Out"
signup: "Sign Up"
uploading: "Uploading"
save: "Save"
users: "Users"
addUser: "Add a user"
favorite: "Favorite"
favorites: "Favorites"
unfavorite: "Undo favorite"
pin: "Pin to profile"
unpin: "Unpin from profile"
copyContent: "Copy contents"
copyLink: "Copy link"
delete: "Delete"
addToList: "Add to list"
sendMessage: "Send a message"
copyUsername: "Copy username"
reply: "Reply"
loadMore: "Load more"
youGotNewFollower: "Followed you"
receiveFollowRequest: "Follow request received"
followRequestAccepted: "Follow request accepted"
mentions: "Mentions"
directNotes: "Direct notes"
importAndExport: "Import / Export"
import: "Import"
export: "Export"
files: "Files"
download: "Download"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to delete file \"{name}\"? Notes with this file attached will also be deleted."
unfollowConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to unfollow {name}?"
exportRequested: "You have requested an export. This may take a while. After the export is complete, the resulting file will be added to the drive."
importRequested: "You requested an import. This may take a while."
lists: "Lists"
noLists: "You don't have any lists"
notes: "Notes"
following: "Following"
followers: "Followers"
followsYou: "Follows you"
createList: "Create list"
manageLists: "Manage lists"
error: "Something happened :("
retry: "Retry"
enterListName: "List name"
renameList: "Rename list"
deleteList: "Delete list"
privacy: "Privacy"
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "Follow requests require approval"
defaultNoteVisibility: "Default visibility"
follow: "Following"
followRequest: "Request follow"
followRequests: "Follow requests"
unfollow: "Unfollow"
followRequestPending: "Pending follow request"
enterEmoji: "Enter an emoji"
renote: "Renote"
quote: "Quote"
pinnedNote: "Pinned note(s)"
you: "You"
clickToShow: "Click to show"
sensitive: "NSFW"
add: "Add"
reaction: "Reaction"
reactionSettingDescription: "Customize reaction picker emojis (separated by line breaks)"
rememberNoteVisibility: "Remember note visibility settings"
renameFile: "Rename file"
attachCancel: "Remove attachment"
markAsSensitive: "Mark as NSFW"
unmarkAsSensitive: "Undo NSFW"
enterFileName: "Enter file name"
mute: "Mute"
unmute: "Unmute"
block: "Block"
unblock: "Unblock"
suspend: "Suspend"
unsuspend: "Unsuspend"
blockConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to block this account?"
unblockConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to unblock this account?"
suspendConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to suspend this account?"
unsuspendConfirm: "Are you sure you that want to unsuspend this account?"
selectList: "Select a list"
customEmojis: "Custom Emoji"
emojiName: "Emoji name"
emojiUrl: "Emoji URL"
addEmoji: "Add an emoji"
cacheRemoteFiles: "Cache remote files"
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "When this setting is disabled, remote files are loaded directly from the remote instance. Disabling this will decrease storage usage, but will increase traffic, because thumbnails will not be generated."
flagAsBot: "This account is a bot"
flagAsCat: "This account is a cat"
autoAcceptFollowed: "Automatically approve follow requests from users you're following"
addAcount: "Add Account"
loginFailed: "Sign in failure"
showOnRemote: "View on remote instance"
general: "General"
wallpaper: "Wallpaper"
removeWallpaper: "Remove wallpaper"
searchWith: "Search: {q}"
youHaveNoLists: "You don't have any lists"
followConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to follow {name}?"
proxyAccount: "Proxy account"
proxyAccountDescription: "A proxy account is an account that acts as a remote follower for users under certain conditions. For example, when a user adds a remote user to the list, the remote user's activity will not be delivered to the instance if no local user is following that user, so the proxy account will follow instead."
host: "Host"
selectUser: "Select user"
recipient: "Recipient"
annotation: "Comments"
federation: "Federation"
instances: "Instance"
registeredAt: "Registered at"
latestRequestSentAt: "Last request sent at"
latestRequestReceivedAt: "Last request received at"
latestStatus: "Latest status"
storageUsage: "Storage usage"
charts: "Charts"
perHour: "per Hour"
perDay: "per Day"
stopActivityDelivery: "Stop sending activities"
blockThisInstance: "Block this instance"
operations: "Operations"
software: "Software"
version: "Version"
metadata: "Metadata"
withNFiles: "{n} file(s)"
monitor: "Monitor"
jobQueue: "Job Queue"
cpuAndMemory: "CPU and Memory"
network: "Network"
disk: "Disk"
instanceInfo: "Instance Information"
statistics: "Statistics"
clearQueue: "Clear queue"
clearQueueConfirmTitle: "Are you sure that you want to clear the queue?"
clearQueueConfirmText: "Any undelivered notes remaining in the queue will not be federated. Usually this operation is NOT needed."
clearCachedFiles: "Clear cache"
clearCachedFilesConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to delete all the cached remote files?"
blockedInstances: "Blocked Instances"
blockedInstancesDescription: "List the hostname of the instances that need to be blocked. Listed instances will no longer be able to communicate with this instance."
muteAndBlock: "Mute / Block"
mutedUsers: "Muted users"
blockedUsers: "Blocked users"
noUsers: "There are no users"
editProfile: "Edit profile"
noteDeleteConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to delete this note?"
pinLimitExceeded: "You cannot pin any more notes."
intro: "Installation of Misskey has been finished! Please create an admin user."
done: "Done"
processing: "Processing"
preview: "Preview"
noCustomEmojis: "There are no emojis"
customEmojisOfRemote: "Emojis from other instances"
noJobs: "There are no jobs"
federating: "Federating"
blocked: "Blocked"
suspended: "Suspended"
all: "All"
subscribing: "Subscribing"
publishing: "Publishing"
notResponding: "Not responding"
instanceFollowing: "Following on instance"
instanceFollowers: "Followers of instance"
instanceUsers: "Users of this instance"
changePassword: "Change password"
security: "Security"
retypedNotMatch: "The input does not match."
currentPassword: "Current password"
newPassword: "New password"
newPasswordRetype: "Retype new password"
attachFile: "Attach files"
more: "More!"
featured: "Featured"
usernameOrUserId: "Username or user id"
noSuchUser: "User not found"
lookup: "Lookup"
announcements: "Announcements"
imageUrl: "Image URL"
remove: "Delete"
removed: "Successfully deleted"
removeAreYouSure: "Are you sure that you want to delete \"{x}\"?"
saved: "Saved"
messaging: "Talk"
upload: "Upload"
fromDrive: "From Drive"
fromUrl: "From URL"
editWidgets: "Edit widgets"
exitEdit: "Finish editing"
explore: "Explore"
games: "Misskey Games"
messageRead: "Read"
recentUsedEmojis: "Recently used emojis"
noMoreHistory: "There is no further history"
startMessaging: "Start messaging"
nUsersRead: "read by {n}"
agreeTo: "I agree to {0}"
tos: "Terms of Service"
start: "Begin"
home: "Home"
remoteUserCaution: "This information may not be up-to-date, because the user is from a remote instance."
activity: "Activity"
images: "Images"
birthday: "Birthday"
yearsOld: "{age} years old"
registeredDate: "Joined on"
location: "Location"
theme: "Theme"
lightThemes: "Light theme"
darkThemes: "Dark theme"
drive: "Drive"
selectFile: "Select a file"
selectFiles: "Select files"
renameFolder: "Rename this folder"
createFolder: "Create a folder"
deleteFolder: "Delete this folder"
addFile: "Add a file"
emptyDrive: "The drive is empty"
emptyFolder: "This folder is empty"
copyUrl: "Copy URL"
rename: "Rename"
avatar: "Avatar"
banner: "Banner"
nsfw: "NSFW"
disconnectedFromServer: "Connection to the server was inturrupted"
reloadConfirm: "Would you like to retry?"
watch: "Watch"
unwatch: "Undo Watch"
accept: "Accept"
reject: "Reject"
instanceName: "Instance name"
instanceDescription: "Instance description"
maintainerName: "Maintainer"
maintainerEmail: "Maintainer email"
tosUrl: "Terms of Service URL"
thisYear: "This year"
thisMonth: "This month"
today: "Today"
dayX: "{day} days"
monthX: "{month} months"
yearX: "{year} years"
pages: "Pages"
integration: "Integration"
connectSerice: "Connect"
disconnectSerice: "Disconnect"
enableLocalTimeline: "Enable local timeline"
enableGlobalTimeline: "Enable global timeline"
disablingTimelinesInfo: "Admins and Mods will always have access to all timelines, even if they are not enabled."
registration: "Register"
enableRegistration: "Enable new user registeration"
invite: "Invite"
proxyRemoteFiles: "Proxy remote files"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "If enabled, remote files that (1) are not stored locally or (2) got deleted from exceeding storage limit will be locally proxied (with thumbnails). This does not affect the server's storage."
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Drive capacity per local user"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Drive capacity per remote user"
inMb: "In megabytes"
iconUrl: "Icon URL"
bannerUrl: "Banner image URL"
basicInfo: "Basic info"
pinnedUsers: "Pinned user"
pinnedUsersDescription: "List one username per line. Users listed here will be pinned under \"Explore\" tab."
recaptcha: "reCAPTCHA"
enableRecaptcha: "Enable reCAPTCHA"
recaptchaSiteKey: "Site key"
recaptchaSecretKey: "Secret key"
antennas: "Antennas"
manageAntennas: "Manage Antennas"
name: "Name"
antennaSource: "Antenna source"
antennaKeywords: "Antenna keywords"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "Separate with spaces for AND condition. Separate with line breaks for OR."
notifyAntenna: "Get notification for new notes"
withFileAntenna: "Notes with attachment only"
serviceworker: "ServiceWorker"
enableServiceworker: "Enable ServiceWorker"
antennaUsersDescription: "List one username per line"
caseSensitive: "Case sensitive"
withReplies: "Include replies"
connectedTo: "Following account(s) are connected"
notesAndReplies: "Notes and replies"
withFiles: "Attach file(s)"
silence: "Silence"
silenceConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to silence this user?"
unsilenceConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to undo silence of this user?"
popularUsers: "Trending users"
recentlyUpdatedUsers: "Users with recent activity"
recentlyRegisteredUsers: "Newly joined users"
recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "Newly discovered users"
exploreUsersCount: "There are {count} users"
exploreFediverse: "Explore Fediverse"
popularTags: "Trending Tags"
userList: "Lists"
about: "About"
aboutMisskey: "About Misskey"
aboutMisskeyText: "Misskey is an open-source software developed by syuilo since 2014."
misskeyMembers: "It is currently developed an maintained by the members listed below:"
misskeySource: "Source code is available here:"
misskeyDonate: "Help us to keep improving the software by donating here:"
morePatrons: "We really appreciate the support of many other helpers not listed here. Thank you! 🥰"
patrons: "Backers"
administrator: "Admin"
token: "Token"
twoStepAuthentication: "Two-factor authentication"
moderator: "Mod"
nUsersMentioned: "{n} users mentioned"
securityKey: "Security key"
securityKeyName: "Key name"
registerSecurityKey: "Register a security key"
lastUsed: "Last used"
unregister: "Unregister"
passwordLessLogin: "Set up password-less login"
resetPassword: "Reste password"
newPasswordIs: "The new password is \"{password}\""
post: "Notes"
posted: "Posted!"
registerDevice: "Register a new device"
step1: "First, install an authentication app (such as {a} or {b}) on your device."
step2: "Then, scan the QR code on the screen."
step3: "Enter the token provided by your app to finish setup."
step4: "From now, any login attempt will ask for your login token."
securityKeyInfo: "You can set up a hardware security key (must support FIDO2) to further secure your login."
"read:account": "View your account information"
"write:account": "Edit your account information"
"read:blocks": "View the list of people you blocked"
"write:blocks": "Edit the list of people you blocked"
"read:drive": "Access your drive files and folders"
"write:drive": "Edit or delete your drive files and folders"
"read:favorites": "View your favorites list"
"write:favorites": "Edit your favorites list"
"read:following": "View your following information"
"write:following": "Follow or unfollow other accounts"
"read:messaging": "View your talks"
"write:messaging": "Start or delete your talks"
"read:mutes": "View the list of people you muted"
"write:mutes": "Edit the list of people you muted"
"write:notes": "Compose and delete notes"
"read:notifications": "View notifications"
"write:notifications": "Work with notifications"
"read:reactions": "View reactions"
"write:reactions": "Edit reactions"
"write:votes": "Vote on a poll"
"read:pages": "View your pages"
"write:pages": "Edit or delete your pages"
"read:page-likes": "View likes on pages"
"write:page-likes": "Edit likes on pages"
"read:user-groups": "View user groups"
"write:user-groups": "Edit or delete user groups"
shareAccess: "Would you like to authorize \"{name}\" to access this account?"
permissionAsk: "This application requires following permissions:"
all: "All notes"
homeTimeline: "Notes from following users"
users: "Notes from specific user(s)"
userList: "Notes from specific list"
sunday: "Sunday"
monday: "Monday"
tuesday: "Tuesday"
wednesday: "Wednesday"
thursday: "Thursday"
friday: "Friday"
saturday: "Saturday"
memo: "Sticky notes"
notifications: "Notifications"
timeline: "Timeline"
calendar: "Calendar"
trends: "Trending"
clock: "Clock"
hide: "Hide"
show: "Load more"
chars: "{count} characters"
files: "{count} file(s)"
poll: "Poll"
noOnlyOneChoice: "At least two choices are needed"
choiceN: "Choice {n}"
noMore: "You cannot add more choices"
canMultipleVote: "Allow multiple replies"
expiration: "Poll ends on"
infinite: "Never"
at: "End at..."
after: "End after..."
deadlineDate: "End date"
deadlineTime: "h"
duration: "Duration"
votesCount: "{n} votes"
totalVotes: "Total {n} votes"
vote: "Vote on a poll"
showResult: "View results"
voted: "Voted"
closed: "Ended"
remainingDays: "{d} days {h} hours remaining"
remainingHours: "{h} hours {m} minutes remaining"
remainingMinutes: "{m} minutes {s} seconds remaining"
remainingSeconds: "{s} seconds remaining"
public: "Public"
publicDescription: "Your note will appear on global timeline"
home: "Home"
homeDescription: "Post to home timeline only"
followers: "Followers"
followersDescription: "Post to followers only"
specified: "Direct"
specifiedDescription: "Post to specified users only"
replyPlaceholder: "Reply to this note"
quotePlaceholder: "Quote this post..."
a: "What are you up to?"
b: "What's happening around you?"
c: "What's on your mind?"
d: "What do you want to say?"
e: "Start writing..."
f: "Waiting for you to write..."
name: "Name"
username: "Username"
description: "Bio"
youCanIncludeHashtags: "You can also include hashtags in your bio."
metadata: "Other information"
metadataLabel: "Label"
metadataContent: "Content"
allNotes: "All notes"
followingList: "Following"
muteList: "Mute"
blockingList: "Block"
userLists: "Lists"
federationInstancesIncDec: "Difference in # of federating instances"
federationInstancesTotal: "Total # of federating instances"
usersIncDec: "Difference in # of users"
usersTotal: "Total # of users"
activeUsers: "Active users"
notesIncDec: "Difference in # of notes"
localNotesIncDec: "Total # of local notes"
remoteNotesIncDec: "Difference in # of remote notes"
notesTotal: "Total # of notes"
filesIncDec: "Difference in # of files"
filesTotal: "Total # of files"
storageUsageIncDec: "Difference in storage use"
storageUsageTotal: "Total storage usage"
requests: "Requests"
users: "Difference in # of users"
usersTotal: "Total # of users"
notes: "Difference in # of notes"
notesTotal: "Total # of notes"
ff: "Difference in # of followers"
ffTotal: "Total # of followers"
cacheSize: "Difference in cache size"
cacheSizeTotal: "Total accumulated cache"
files: "Difference in # of files"
filesTotal: "Total # of files"
home: "Home"
local: "Local"
social: "Social"
global: "Global"
newPage: "Create a page"
editPage: "Edit this page"
readPage: "Source view activated"
page-created: "Successfully created a page!"
page-updated: "Successfully updated the page!"
name-already-exists: "Specified page URL already exists."
title-invalid-name: "The specified page URL is invalid."
text-invalid-name: "Please double-check if it is not empty."
editThisPage: "Edit this page"
viewSource: "View source"
viewPage: "View your pages"
like: "Like"
unlike: "Undo like"
liked-pages: "Liked pages"
my-pages: "My pages"
inspector: "Inspector"
content: "Page block"
variables: "Variables"
variables-info: "You can make your page more interactive by using variables. If you write down <b>{ variable name }</b> in the text, you can embed the value of the variable. For example, source text <b>Hello { thing } world!</b> with <b> ai </b> as the value of variable 'thing' will result in the text being <b>Hello ai world!</b>."
variables-info2: "Because the evaluation of variables are performed from top to bottom, the variable cannot refer to another variables which appear on later lines. For example, when defining three variables <b>A</b>, <b>B</b> and <b>C</b>, variable <b>C</b> <i>can</i> refer to variables <b>A</b> and <b>B</b> in its expression. However, variable <b>A</b> <i>cannot</i> refer to variables <b>B</b> or <b>C</b> in its expression."
variables-info3: "To get an input from user, insert \"user input\" block with your desired variable name (that variable will be declared automatically). You could then use that variable to perform actions on your page."
variables-info4: "Functions make it easier to perform repetitive tasks. To create a function, declare a variable of \"Function\" type. A function can have a slot (argument/parameter) which can be used inside the function as a variable. Thanks to AiScript specification, you can also use function itself as a parameter for other functions. (Search \"callback functions\" on google for more details)."
more-details: "More information"
title: "Title"
url: "Page URL"
summary: "Page summary"
alignCenter: "Center elements"
hide-title-when-pinned: "Hide page title when pinned"
font: "Font"
fontSerif: "Serif"
fontSansSerif: "Sans serif"
set-eye-catching-image: "Set thumbnail image"
remove-eye-catching-image: "Remove thumbnail image"
chooseBlock: "Add a block"
selectType: "Select a type"
enterVariableName: "Please enter a name for your variable"
the-variable-name-is-already-used: "This name is already being used by other variable"
content-blocks: "Content"
input-blocks: "Input"
special-blocks: "Special"
post-from-post-form: "Post this content"
posted-from-post-form: "Successfully posted!"
text: "Text"
textarea: "Text area"
section: "Section"
image: "Images"
button: "Button"
if: "If"
variable: "Variable"
post: "Compose a note"
text: "Content"
textInput: "Text input"
name: "Variable name"
text: "Title"
default: "Default value"
textareaInput: "Multiline text input"
name: "Variable name"
text: "Title"
default: "Default value"
numberInput: "Numeric input"
name: "Variable name"
text: "Title"
default: "Default value"
switch: "Switch"
name: "Variable name"
text: "Title"
default: "Default value"
counter: "Counter"
name: "Variable name"
text: "Title"
inc: "Increase by"
text: "Title"
colored: "Colored"
action: "Operation when the button is pressed"
dialog: "Show a dialog"
content: "Content"
resetRandom: "Reset the random seed"
pushEvent: "Send an event"
event: "Event name"
message: "Message to display when activated"
variable: "Variable to send"
no-variable: "None"
radioButton: "Choice"
name: "Variable name"
title: "Title"
values: "List of choices (separated by line breaks)"
default: "Default value"
flow: "Flow control"
logical: "Logical operation"
operation: "Computation"
comparison: "Comparison"
random: "Random"
value: "Values"
fn: "Functions"
text: "Text operations"
convert: "Transformation"
list: "Lists"
text: "Text"
multiLineText: "Text (multiline)"
textList: "Text list"
info: "Separate each entry with a line break"
strLen: "Length of the text"
arg1: "Text"
strPick: "Extract character"
arg1: "Text"
arg2: "Character location"
strReplace: "Text replacement"
arg1: "Text"
arg2: "Text to be replaced"
arg3: "Replaced with"
strReverse: "Flip text"
arg1: "Text"
join: "Text concatenation"
arg1: "Lists"
arg2: "Separator"
add: "Add"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "Substract"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "Multiply"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "Divide"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "Remainder"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "Round decimal"
arg1: "Number"
eq: "A and B are equal"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A and B are different"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A AND B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A OR B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A is less than B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A is larger than B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A is less than or equal to B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A is more than or equal to B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "Branch"
arg1: "If"
arg2: "If true"
arg3: "If false"
not: "NOT"
arg1: "NOT"
random: "Random"
arg1: "Probability"
rannum: "Random number"
arg1: "Minimum value"
arg2: "Maximum value"
randomPick: "Randomly choose from list"
arg1: "Lists"
dailyRandom: "Random (lasts for a day)"
arg1: "Probability"
dailyRannum: "Random number (lasts for a day)"
arg1: "Minimum value"
arg2: "Maximum value"
dailyRandomPick: "Randomly choose from list (lasts for a day)"
arg1: "Lists"
seedRandom: "Random (with seed)"
arg1: "Seed"
arg2: "Probability"
seedRannum: "Random number (with seed)"
arg1: "Seed"
arg2: "Minimum value"
arg3: "Maximum value"
seedRandomPick: "Randomly choose from list (with seed)"
arg1: "Seed"
arg2: "Lists"
DRPWPM: "Randomly choose from weighted list (lasts for a day)"
arg1: "Text list"
pick: "Select from list"
arg1: "Lists"
arg2: "Position"
listLen: "Get length of list"
arg1: "Lists"
number: "Number"
stringToNumber: "Text to number"
arg1: "Text"
numberToString: "Number to text"
arg1: "Number"
splitStrByLine: "Split text by line breaks"
arg1: "Text"
ref: "Variables"
fn: "Functions"
slots: "Slots"
slots-info: "Separate each slots with a line break"
arg1: "Output"
for: "Repeat"
arg1: "Number of times to repeat"
arg2: "Action"
typeError: "Slot {slot} accepts \"{expect}\" type, but the provided value is \"{actual}\"!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "Slot {slot} is empty!"
string: "Text"
number: "Number"
boolean: "Flag"
array: "Lists"
stringArray: "Text list"
emptySlot: "Empty slot"
enviromentVariables: "Environment variable"
pageVariables: "Page element"
argVariables: "Input slot"
@ -1 +1,773 @@
unknown: "Desconocido"
future: "Futuro"
justNow: "Recién ahora"
secondsAgo: "Hace {n} segundos"
minutesAgo: "Hace {n} minutos"
hoursAgo: "Hace {n} horas"
daysAgo: "Hace {n} días"
weeksAgo: "Hace {n} semanas"
monthsAgo: "Hace {n} meses"
yearsAgo: "Hace {n} años"
second: "Segundos"
minute: "Minutos"
hour: "Horas"
day: "Días"
introMisskey: "¡Bienvenido/a! Misskey es un servicio de microblogging descentralizado de código abierto. Escribe \"notas\" para compartir lo que te ocurre ahora o para contar sobre ti a todos. 📡\nCon la función de \"reacciones\", puedes también añadir una reacción rápida a las notas de todos.👍\nExplora un nuevo mundo.🚀"
monthAndDay: "{day}/{month}"
search: "Buscar"
notifications: "Notificaciones"
username: "Nombre de usuario"
password: "Contraseña"
fetchingAsApObject: "Buscando en el fediverso"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "Entendido"
cancel: "Cancelar"
enterUsername: "Introduce el nombre de usuario"
renotedBy: "Renotado por {user}"
noNotes: "No hay notas"
noNotifications: "No hay notificaciones"
instance: "Instancia"
settings: "Configuración"
profile: "Perfil"
timeline: "Linea de tiempo"
noAccountDescription: "Este usuario no tiene una descripción"
login: "Iniciar sesión"
loggingIn: "Iniciando sesión"
logout: "Cerrar sesión"
signup: "Registrarse"
uploading: "Cargando"
save: "Guardar"
users: "Usuarios"
addUser: "Añadir usuario"
favorite: "Favorito"
favorites: "Favoritos"
unfavorite: "Quitar de favoritos"
pin: "Fijar"
unpin: "Desfijar"
copyContent: "Copiar contenido"
copyLink: "Copiar enlace"
delete: "Borrar"
addToList: "Agregar a lista"
sendMessage: "Énviar mensaje"
copyUsername: "Copiar nombre de usuario"
reply: "Responder"
loadMore: "Ver más"
youGotNewFollower: "te ha seguido"
receiveFollowRequest: "Recibiste una solicitud de seguimiento"
followRequestAccepted: "La solicitud de seguimiento fue aceptada"
mentions: "Menciones"
directNotes: "Notas directas"
importAndExport: "Importar y Exportar"
import: "Importar"
export: "Exportar"
files: "Archivos"
download: "Descargar"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "¿Desea borrar el archivo \"{name}\"? Las notas que tengan este archivo como adjunto serán eliminadas"
unfollowConfirm: "¿Desea dejar de seguir a {name}?"
exportRequested: "Se ha solicitado la exportación. Puede tomar un tiempo. Cuando termine la exportación, se añadirá en el drive"
importRequested: "Se ha solicitado la importación. Puede tomar un tiempo."
lists: "Listas"
noLists: "No tiene listas"
notes: "Notas"
following: "Sigue"
followers: "Seguidores"
followsYou: "Te sigue"
createList: "Crear lista"
manageLists: "Administrar listas"
error: "Ocurrió un problema"
retry: "Reintentar"
enterListName: "Ingrese nombre de lista"
renameList: "Renombrar lista"
deleteList: "Borrar lista"
privacy: "Privacidad"
makeFollowManuallyApprove: "Aprobar manualmente las solicitudes de seguimiento"
defaultNoteVisibility: "Visibilidad por defecto"
follow: "Sigue"
followRequest: "Solicitud de seguimiento"
followRequests: "Solicitudes de seguimiento"
unfollow: "Dejar de seguir"
followRequestPending: "Solicitudes de seguimiento pendientes"
enterEmoji: "Ingresar emojis"
renote: "Renotar"
quote: "Citar"
pinnedNote: "Nota fijada"
you: "Tú"
clickToShow: "Click para ver"
sensitive: "Marcado como sensible"
add: "Añadir"
reaction: "Reacción"
reactionSettingDescription: "Elegir las reacciones mostradas en el seleccionador de reacciones, separadas por una nueva linea"
rememberNoteVisibility: "Recordar visibilidad"
renameFile: "Renombrar archivo"
attachCancel: "Quitar adjunto"
markAsSensitive: "Marcar como sensible"
unmarkAsSensitive: "Desmarcar como sensible"
enterFileName: "Ingrese el nombre del archivo"
mute: "Silenciar"
unmute: "Dejar de silenciar"
block: "Bloquear"
unblock: "Dejar de bloquear"
suspend: "Suspender"
unsuspend: "Dejar de suspender"
blockConfirm: "¿Quiere bloquear esta cuenta?"
unblockConfirm: "¿Quiere dejar de bloquear esta cuenta?"
suspendConfirm: "¿Quiere suspender esta cuenta?"
unsuspendConfirm: "¿Quiere dejar de suspender esta cuenta?"
selectList: "Seleccione una lista"
customEmojis: "Emojis personalizados"
emojiName: "Nombre del emoji"
emojiUrl: "URL de la imágen del emoji"
addEmoji: "Añadir emoji"
cacheRemoteFiles: "Mantener en cache los archivos remotos"
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "Si desactiva esta configuración, Los archivos remotos se cargarán desde el link directo sin usar la caché. Con eso se puede ahorrar almacenamiento del servidor, pero eso aumentará el tráfico al no crear miniaturas."
flagAsBot: "Esta cuenta es un bot"
flagAsCat: "Esta cuenta es un gato"
autoAcceptFollowed: "Aceptar automáticamente las solicitudes de seguimiento de los usuarios que sigues"
addAcount: "Añadir cuenta"
loginFailed: "Error al iniciar sesión."
showOnRemote: "Ver en una instancia remota"
general: "General"
wallpaper: "Fondo de pantalla"
removeWallpaper: "Quitar fondo de pantalla"
searchWith: "Buscar: {q}"
youHaveNoLists: "No tienes listas"
followConfirm: "¿Desea seguir a {name}?"
proxyAccount: "Cuenta proxy"
proxyAccountDescription: "Una cuenta proxy es una cuenta que actúa como un seguidor remoto de un usuario bajo ciertas condiciones. Por ejemplo, cuando un usuario añade un usuario remoto a una lista, si ningún usuario local sigue al usuario agregado a la lista, la instancia no puede obtener su actividad. Así que la cuenta proxy sigue al usuario añadido a la lista"
host: "Host"
selectUser: "Elegir usuario"
recipient: "Recipiente"
annotation: "Anotación"
federation: "Federación"
instances: "Instancia"
registeredAt: "Registrado en"
latestRequestSentAt: "Ultimo pedido enviado"
latestRequestReceivedAt: "Ultimo pedido recibido"
latestStatus: "Último status"
storageUsage: "Almacenamiento usado"
charts: "Chat"
perHour: "por hora"
perDay: "por día"
stopActivityDelivery: "Dejar de enviar actividades"
blockThisInstance: "Bloquear instancia"
operations: "Operaciones"
software: "Software"
version: "Versión"
metadata: "Metadatos"
withNFiles: "{n} archivos"
monitor: "Monitor"
jobQueue: "Cola de trabajos"
cpuAndMemory: "CPU y Memoria"
network: "Red"
disk: "Disco"
instanceInfo: "información de la instancia"
statistics: "Estadísticas"
clearQueue: "Limpiar cola"
clearQueueConfirmTitle: "¿Desea limpiar la cola?"
clearQueueConfirmText: "Las notas aún no entregadas no se federarán. Normalmente no se necesita ejecutar esta operación"
clearCachedFiles: "Limpiar caché"
clearCachedFilesConfirm: "¿Desea borrar todos los archivos remotos cacheados?"
blockedInstances: "Instancias bloqueadas"
blockedInstancesDescription: "Seleccione los hosts de las instancias que desea bloquear, separadas por una linea nueva. Las instancias bloqueadas no podrán comunicarse con esta instancia."
muteAndBlock: "Silenciar y bloquear"
mutedUsers: "Usuarios silenciados"
blockedUsers: "Usuarios bloqueados"
noUsers: "No hay usuarios"
editProfile: "Editar perfil"
noteDeleteConfirm: "¿Desea borrar esta nota?"
pinLimitExceeded: "Ya no se pueden fijar más posts"
intro: "¡La instalación de Misskey ha terminado! Crea el usuario administrador."
done: "Terminado"
processing: "Procesando"
preview: "Vista previa"
noCustomEmojis: "No hay emojis personalizados"
customEmojisOfRemote: "Emojis remotos"
noJobs: "No hay trabajos"
federating: "Federando"
blocked: "Bloqueando"
suspended: "Suspendido"
all: "Todo"
subscribing: "Suscribiendo"
publishing: "Publicando"
notResponding: "Sin respuestas"
instanceFollowing: "Siguiendo instancias"
instanceFollowers: "Seguidores de la instancia"
instanceUsers: "Usuarios de la instancia"
changePassword: "Cambiar contraseña"
security: "Seguridad"
retypedNotMatch: "No hay coincidencia"
currentPassword: "Contraseña actual"
newPassword: "Contraseña nueva"
newPasswordRetype: "Contraseña nueva (repetir)"
attachFile: "Añadir archivo"
more: "¡Más!"
featured: "Destacados"
usernameOrUserId: "Nombre o ID del usuario"
noSuchUser: "No se encuentra el usuario"
lookup: "Búsqueda"
announcements: "Anuncios"
imageUrl: "URL de la imágen"
remove: "Borrar"
removed: "Borrado"
removeAreYouSure: "¿Desea borrar \"{x}\"?"
saved: "Guardado"
messaging: "Conversación"
upload: "Subir"
fromDrive: "Desde el drive"
fromUrl: "Desde la URL"
editWidgets: "Editar widgets"
exitEdit: "Terminar edición"
explore: "Explorar"
games: "Misskey Games"
messageRead: "Ya leído"
recentUsedEmojis: "Emojis usados recientemente"
noMoreHistory: "El historial se ha acabado"
startMessaging: "Iniciar conversación"
nUsersRead: "Leído por {n} personas"
agreeTo: "De acuerdo con {0}"
tos: "Términos de uso"
start: "Comenzar"
home: "Inicio"
remoteUserCaution: "Para el usuario remoto, la información está incompleta"
activity: "Actividad"
images: "Imágenes"
birthday: "Fecha de nacimiento"
yearsOld: "{age} años"
registeredDate: "Fecha de registro"
location: "Lugar"
theme: "Tema"
lightThemes: "Tema claro"
darkThemes: "Tema oscuro"
drive: "Drive"
selectFile: "Elegir archivo"
selectFiles: "Elegir archivos"
renameFolder: "Renombrar carpeta"
createFolder: "Crear carpeta"
deleteFolder: "Borrar carpeta"
addFile: "Añadir archivo"
emptyDrive: "El drive está vacío"
emptyFolder: "La carpeta está vacía"
copyUrl: "Copiar URL"
rename: "Renombrar"
avatar: "Avatar"
banner: "Banner"
nsfw: "Marcado como sensible"
disconnectedFromServer: "Desconectado del servidor"
reloadConfirm: "¿Desea recargar?"
watch: "Ver"
unwatch: "Dejar de ver"
accept: "Aceptar"
reject: "Rechazar"
instanceName: "Nombre de la instancia"
instanceDescription: "Descripción de la instancia"
maintainerName: "Nombre del administrador"
maintainerEmail: "Correo del administrador"
tosUrl: "URL de los términos de uso"
thisYear: "Este año"
thisMonth: "Este mes"
today: "Hoy"
dayX: "Día {day}"
monthX: "Mes {month}"
yearX: "Año {year}"
pages: "Páginas"
integration: "Integración"
connectSerice: "Conectarse"
disconnectSerice: "Desconectarse"
enableLocalTimeline: "Habilitar linea de tiempo local"
enableGlobalTimeline: "Habilitar linea de tiempo global"
disablingTimelinesInfo: "Aunque se desactiven estas lineas de tiempo, por conveniencia el administrador y los moderadores pueden seguir usándolos"
registration: "Registro"
enableRegistration: "Permitir nuevos registros"
invite: "Invitar"
proxyRemoteFiles: "Hacer proxy de archivos remotos"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "Si activa esta configuración, los archivos remotos no almacenados o borrados por exceso de capacidad serán mostrados via proxy local y generarán una miniatura. Eso no afectará el almacenamiento del servidor."
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "Capacidad del drive por usuario local"
driveCapacityPerRemoteAccount: "Capacidad del drive por usuario remoto"
inMb: "En megabytes"
iconUrl: "URL de la imagen del avatar"
bannerUrl: "URL de la imagen del banner"
basicInfo: "Información básica"
pinnedUsers: "Usuarios fijados"
pinnedUsersDescription: "Describir los usuarios que quiere fijar en la página \"Descubrir\" separados por una linea nueva"
recaptcha: "reCAPTCHA"
enableRecaptcha: "activar reCAPTCHA"
recaptchaSiteKey: "Clave del sitio"
recaptchaSecretKey: "Clave secreta"
antennas: "Antenas"
manageAntennas: "Administrar antenas"
name: "Nombre"
antennaSource: "Origen de la antena"
antennaKeywords: "Palabras clave de la antena"
antennaKeywordsDescription: "Separar con espacios es una declaración AND, separar con una linea nueva es una declaración OR"
notifyAntenna: "Notificar notas nuevas"
withFileAntenna: "Solo notas con adjuntos"
serviceworker: "ServiceWorker"
enableServiceworker: "Activar ServiceWorker"
antennaUsersDescription: "Elegir nombres de usuarios separados por una linea nueva"
caseSensitive: "Distinguir mayúsculas de minúsculas"
withReplies: "Incluir respuestas"
connectedTo: "Estas cuentas están conectadas"
notesAndReplies: "Notas y respuestas"
withFiles: "Adjuntos"
silence: "Silenciar"
silenceConfirm: "¿Desea silenciar al usuario?"
unsilenceConfirm: "¿Desea dejar de silenciar al usuario?"
popularUsers: "Usuarios populares"
recentlyUpdatedUsers: "Usuarios activos recientemente"
recentlyRegisteredUsers: "Usuarios registrados recientemente"
recentlyDiscoveredUsers: "Usuarios descubiertos recientemente"
exploreUsersCount: "Hay {count} usuarios"
exploreFediverse: "Explorar fediverso"
popularTags: "Etiquetas populares"
userList: "Lista"
about: "Información"
aboutMisskey: "Sobre Misskey"
aboutMisskeyText: "Misskey es un software de código abierto, desarrollado por syuilo desde el 2014"
misskeyMembers: "Es creado y mantenido por los miembros aquí listados:"
misskeySource: "El código fuente está disponible aquí:"
misskeyDonate: "Puedes contribuir al desarrollo de Misskey donando aquí:"
morePatrons: "Muchas más personas nos apoyan. Muchas gracias🥰"
patrons: "Patrocinadores"
administrator: "Administrador"
token: "Token"
twoStepAuthentication: "Autenticación de dos factores"
moderator: "Moderador"
nUsersMentioned: "{n} usuarios mencionados"
securityKey: "Clave de seguridad"
securityKeyName: "Nombre de la Clave"
registerSecurityKey: "Registrar clave de seguridad"
lastUsed: "Última vez usado"
unregister: "Cancelar registro"
passwordLessLogin: "Iniciar sesión sin contraseña"
resetPassword: "Resetear contraseña"
newPasswordIs: "La nueva contraseña es \"{password}\""
post: "Nota"
posted: "Posteado"
registerDevice: "Registrar dispositivo"
step1: "Primero, instale en su dispositivo la aplicación de autenticación {a} o {b} u otra."
step2: "Luego, escanee con la aplicación el código QR mostrado en pantalla."
step3: "Para terminar, ingrese el token mostrado en la aplicación."
step4: "Ahora cuando inicie sesión, ingrese el mismo token"
securityKeyInfo: "Se puede configurar para que se inicie sesión usando una clave de seguridad de hardware que soporte FIDO2."
"read:account": "Ver información de la cuenta"
"write:account": "Editar información de la cuenta"
"read:blocks": "Ver usuarios bloqueados"
"write:blocks": "Administrar usuarios bloqueados"
"read:drive": "Ver el drive"
"write:drive": "Administrar drive"
"read:favorites": "Ver favoritos"
"write:favorites": "Addministrar favoritos"
"read:following": "Ver información de seguidor"
"write:following": "Seguir o dejar de seguir"
"read:messaging": "Ver conversación"
"write:messaging": "Administrar coversación"
"read:mutes": "Ver usuarios silenciados"
"write:mutes": "Administrar usuarios silenciados"
"write:notes": "Crear o borrar notas"
"read:notifications": "Ver notificaciones"
"write:notifications": "Administrar notificaciones"
"read:reactions": "Ver reacciones"
"write:reactions": "Administrar reacciones"
"write:votes": "Votar"
"read:pages": "Ver páginas"
"write:pages": "Administrar páginas"
"read:page-likes": "Ver páginas que te gustan"
"write:page-likes": "Administrar páginas que te gustan"
"read:user-groups": "Ver grupos de usuarios"
"write:user-groups": "Administrar grupos de usuarios"
shareAccess: "¿Desea permitir el acceso a la cuenta \"{name}\"?"
permissionAsk: "Esta aplicación requiere los siguientes permisos"
all: "Todas las notas"
homeTimeline: "Notas de los usuarios que sigues"
users: "Solo notas de determinados usuarios"
userList: "Solo notas de usuarios de una lista"
sunday: "Domingo"
monday: "Lunes"
tuesday: "Martes"
wednesday: "Miércoles"
thursday: "Jueves"
friday: "Viernes"
saturday: "Sábado"
memo: "Nota adhesiva"
notifications: "Notificaciones"
timeline: "Linea de tiempo"
calendar: "Calendario"
trends: "Tendencias"
clock: "Reloj"
hide: "Ocultar"
show: "Ver más"
chars: "{count} caracteres"
files: "{count} archivos"
poll: "Encuesta"
noOnlyOneChoice: "Se necesitan al menos 2 opciones"
choiceN: "Opción {n}"
noMore: "No se pueden agregar más"
canMultipleVote: "Permitir más de una respuesta"
expiration: "Termina el"
infinite: "Sin límite de tiempo"
at: "Elegir fecha y hora"
after: "Elegir lapso de tiempo"
deadlineDate: "Fecha de fin"
deadlineTime: "Horas"
duration: "Duración"
votesCount: "{n} votos"
totalVotes: "Total {n} votos"
vote: "Votar"
showResult: "Ver resultado"
voted: "Votado"
closed: "Cerrada"
remainingDays: "Quedan {d} días y {h} horas para que finalice"
remainingHours: "Quedan {h} horas y {m} minutos para que finalice"
remainingMinutes: "Quedan {m} minutos y {s} segundos para que finalice"
remainingSeconds: "Quedan {s} segundos para que finalice"
public: "Público"
publicDescription: "Visible para todos los usuarios"
home: "Inicio"
homeDescription: "Visible sólo en la linea de tiempo de inicio"
followers: "Seguidores"
followersDescription: "Visible sólo para tus seguidores"
specified: "Mensaje directo"
specifiedDescription: "Visible sólo para los usuarios elegidos"
replyPlaceholder: "Responder a esta nota"
quotePlaceholder: "Citar esta nota"
a: "¿Qué haces?"
b: "¿Te pasó algo?"
c: "¿Qué estás pensando?"
d: "¿Algo que quieras decir?"
e: "Escribe aquí"
f: "Esperando a que escribas algo..."
name: "Nombre"
username: "Nombre de usuario"
description: "Descripción"
youCanIncludeHashtags: "Puedes añadir hashtags"
metadata: "Información adicional"
metadataLabel: "Etiqueta"
metadataContent: "Contenido"
allNotes: "Todas las notas"
followingList: "Siguiendo"
muteList: "Silenciados"
blockingList: "Bloqueados"
userLists: "Listas"
federationInstancesIncDec: "Variación de instancias federando"
federationInstancesTotal: "Total de instancias federando"
usersIncDec: "Variación de usuarios"
usersTotal: "Total de usuarios"
activeUsers: "Cantidad de usuarios activos"
notesIncDec: "Variación de cantidad de notas"
localNotesIncDec: "Variación de cantidad de notas locales"
remoteNotesIncDec: "Variación de cantidad de notas remotas"
notesTotal: "Total de notas"
filesIncDec: "Variación de cantidad de archivos"
filesTotal: "Total de archivos"
storageUsageIncDec: "Variación de uso del almacenamiento"
storageUsageTotal: "Total de uso del almacenamiento"
requests: "Pedidos"
users: "Variación de usuarios"
usersTotal: "Total de usuarios"
notes: "Variación de cantidad de notas"
notesTotal: "Total de notas"
ff: "Variación de cantidad de seguidos/seguidores"
ffTotal: "Total de seguidos/seguidores"
cacheSize: "Variación del tamaño de la caché"
cacheSizeTotal: "Total del tamaño de la caché"
files: "Variación de cantidad de archivos"
filesTotal: "Total de archivos"
home: "Inicio"
local: "Local"
social: "Social"
global: "Global"
newPage: "Crear página"
editPage: "Editar página"
readPage: "Viendo la fuente"
page-created: "La página fue creada"
page-updated: "La página fue actualizada"
name-already-exists: "La URL de la página seleccionada ya existe"
title-invalid-name: "URL inválida"
text-invalid-name: "Verifique que no tenga espacios en blanco"
editThisPage: "Editar esta página"
viewSource: "Ver la fuente"
viewPage: "Ver página"
like: "Me gusta"
unlike: "Quitar me gusta"
liked-pages: "Páginas que me gustan"
my-pages: "Mis páginas"
inspector: "Inspector"
content: "Bloque de página"
variables: "Variables"
variables-info: "Puedes crear una página dinámica usando variables. Al escribir el <b>{ nombre de la variable }</b> dentro del texto, se puede embeber el valor de la variable allí. Por ejemplo, si en el texto <b>¡Hola { thing } mundo!</b> el valor de la variable (thing) es <b>ai</b>, el texto se vuelve <b>¡Hola ai mundo!</b>"
variables-info2: "La evaluación de las variables (el cálculo de los valores) se hace de arriba a abajo, por eso una variable no puede referenciar a otra que esté debajo. Por ejemplo, cuando se definen las variables <b>A、B、C</b>, <b>C</b> puede referenciar a <b>A</b> o <b>B</b>, pero <b>A</b> no puede referenciar a <b>B</b> ni a <b>C</b>."
variables-info3: "Para recibir la entrada del usuario, agregue un bloque \"entrada de usuario\" en la página, y configure el nombre de las variables que desea almacenar en el campo \"nombre de variables\" (Las variables se crearán automáticamente). Se ejecutaran acciones en base a la entrada del usuario de esas variables."
variables-info4: "Al usar funciones, se pueden agrupar el cálculo de valores de forma reutilizable. Para crear una función, se crea una variable de tipo \"función\". A la función de le puede configurar un slot (argumento), y el valor del slot está disponible como variable dentro de la función. También existen funciones que usan funciones como argumentos bajo el estandar AiScript (llamadas funciones de orden superior). Además de las funciones definidas previamente, se pueden definir funciones al momento en los slots de las funciones de orden superior."
more-details: "Más detalles"
title: "Título"
url: "URL de la página"
summary: "Resumen de la página"
alignCenter: "Centrar"
hide-title-when-pinned: "Ocultar el título de la página al fijarse"
font: "Fuente"
fontSerif: "Serif"
fontSansSerif: "Sans Serif"
set-eye-catching-image: "Elegir imagen llamativa"
remove-eye-catching-image: "Borrar imagen llamativa"
chooseBlock: "Agregar bloque"
selectType: "Elegir tipo"
enterVariableName: "Ingrese el nombre de la variable"
the-variable-name-is-already-used: "El nombre de la variable ya está en uso"
content-blocks: "Contenido"
input-blocks: "Entrada"
special-blocks: "Especial"
post-from-post-form: "Postear este contenido"
posted-from-post-form: "Posteado"
text: "Texto"
textarea: "Área de texto"
section: "Sección"
image: "Imagen"
button: "Botón"
if: "si"
variable: "Variable"
post: "Formulario"
text: "Contenido"
textInput: "Entrada de texto"
name: "Nombre de variable"
text: "Título"
default: "Valor predeterminado"
textareaInput: "Entrada de texto en múltiples lineas"
name: "Nombre de variable"
text: "Título"
default: "Valor predeterminado"
numberInput: "Entrada numérica"
name: "Nombre de variable"
text: "Título"
default: "Valor predeterminado"
switch: "Interruptor"
name: "Nombre de variable"
text: "Título"
default: "Valor predeterminado"
counter: "Contador"
name: "Nombre de variable"
text: "Título"
inc: "Aumentar cantidad"
text: "Título"
colored: "Color"
action: "Acción al presionar el botón"
dialog: "Mostrar cuadro de diálogo"
content: "Contenido"
resetRandom: "Resetear número aleatorio"
pushEvent: "Enviar evento"
event: "Nombre del evento"
message: "Mensaje mostrado al apretar"
variable: "Variable a enviar"
no-variable: "Ninguna"
radioButton: "Botón de opción"
name: "Nombre de variable"
title: "Título"
values: "Opciones separadas por una nueva linea"
default: "Valor predeterminado"
flow: "Control de flujo"
logical: "Operación lógica"
operation: "Cálculo"
comparison: "Comparar"
random: "Aleatorio"
value: "Valores"
fn: "funciones"
text: "Manejo de texto"
convert: "Conversion"
list: "Listas"
text: "Texto"
multiLineText: "Texto (multilinea)"
textList: "Lista de texto"
info: "Separe cada texto con una linea nueva"
strLen: "Largo del texto"
arg1: "Texto"
strPick: "Extraer caracteres"
arg1: "Texto"
arg2: "Posición del caracter"
strReplace: "Sustituir texto"
arg1: "Texto"
arg2: "Texto a reemplazar"
arg3: "Texto reemplazado"
strReverse: "Invertir texto"
arg1: "Texto"
join: "Concatenar texto"
arg1: "Listas"
arg2: "Separador"
add: "Suma"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
subtract: "Resta"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
multiply: "Multiplicación"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
divide: "División"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
mod: "Resto"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "Redondear decimales"
arg1: "Número"
eq: "A y B son iguales"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A y B son distintos"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A y B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A o B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A es menor que B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A es mayor que B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A es menor o igual que B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A es mayor o igual que B"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "Si"
arg1: "si"
arg2: "Entonces"
arg3: "Si no"
not: "Negación"
arg1: "Negación"
random: "Aleatorio"
arg1: "probabilidad"
rannum: "Número aleatorio"
arg1: "Mínimo"
arg2: "Máximo"
randomPick: "Elegir aleatoriamente de la lista"
arg1: "Listas"
dailyRandom: "Aleatorio (Diariamente para cada usuario)"
arg1: "probabilidad"
dailyRannum: "Número aleatorio (Diariamente para cada usuario)"
arg1: "Mínimo"
arg2: "Máximo"
dailyRandomPick: "Elegir aleatoriamente de la lista (Diariamente para cada usuario)"
arg1: "Listas"
seedRandom: "Aleatorio (semilla)"
arg1: "Semilla"
arg2: "probabilidad"
seedRannum: "Número aleatorio (semilla)"
arg1: "Semilla"
arg2: "Mínimo"
arg3: "Máximo"
seedRandomPick: "Elegir aleatoriamente de la lista (semilla)"
arg1: "Semilla"
arg2: "Listas"
DRPWPM: "Elegir aleatoriamente de la lista ponderada (Diariamente para cada usuario)"
arg1: "Lista de texto"
pick: "Elegir de la lista"
arg1: "Listas"
arg2: "Posición"
listLen: "Obtener largo de la lista"
arg1: "Listas"
number: "Número"
stringToNumber: "De texto a número"
arg1: "Texto"
numberToString: "De número a texto"
arg1: "Número"
splitStrByLine: "Separar texto en lineas"
arg1: "Texto"
ref: "Variables"
fn: "funciones"
slots: "Slots"
slots-info: "Separe cada uno de los slots con una linea nueva"
arg1: "Salida"
for: "Repetir"
arg1: "Cantidad de repeticiones"
arg2: "Acción"
typeError: "El slot {slot} acepta el tipo {expect} pero fue ingresado el tipo {actual}"
thereIsEmptySlot: "El slot {slot} está vacío"
string: "Texto"
number: "Número"
boolean: "Booleano"
array: "Listas"
stringArray: "Lista de texto"
emptySlot: "Slot vacío"
enviromentVariables: "Variables de entorno"
pageVariables: "Items de la página"
argVariables: "Slot de entrada"
@ -1 +1,773 @@
unknown: "알 수 없음"
future: "미래"
justNow: "방금 전"
secondsAgo: "{n}초 전"
minutesAgo: "{n}분 전"
hoursAgo: "{n}시간 전"
daysAgo: "{n}일 전"
weeksAgo: "{n}주 전"
monthsAgo: "{n}개월 전"
yearsAgo: "{n}년 전"
second: "초"
minute: "분"
hour: "시간"
day: "일"
introMisskey: "환영합니다! Misskey 는 오픈 소스 분산형 마이크로 블로그 서비스입니다.\n\"노트\" 를 작성해서, 지금 일어나고 있는 일을 공유하거나, 당신만의 이야기를 모두에게 발신하세요📡\n\"리액션\" 기능으로, 친구의 노트에 총알같이 반응을 추가할 수도 있습니다👍\n새로운 세계를 탐험해 보세요🚀"
monthAndDay: "{month}월 {day}일"
search: "검색"
notifications: "알림"
username: "유저명"
password: "비밀번호"
fetchingAsApObject: "연합에서 조회 중"
ok: "OK"
gotIt: "알겠어요"
cancel: "취소"
enterUsername: "유저명 입력"
renotedBy: "{user}님이 리노트"
noNotes: "게시물이 없습니다"
noNotifications: "표시할 알림이 없습니다"
instance: "인스턴스"
settings: "설정"
profile: "프로필"
timeline: "타임라인"
noAccountDescription: "자기소개가 없습니다"
login: "로그인"
loggingIn: "로그인 중"
logout: "로그아웃"
signup: "회원 가입"
uploading: "업로드 중"
save: "저장"
users: "유저"
addUser: "유저 추가"
favorite: "즐겨찾기"
favorites: "즐겨찾기"
unfavorite: "즐겨찾기에서 제거"
pin: "프로필에 고정"
unpin: "프로필에서 고정 해제"
copyContent: "내용 복사"
copyLink: "링크 복사"
delete: "삭제"
addToList: "리스트에 추가"
sendMessage: "메시지 보내기"
copyUsername: "유저명 복사"
reply: "답글"
loadMore: "더 보기"
youGotNewFollower: "새로운 팔로워가 있습니다"
receiveFollowRequest: "새로운 팔로우 요청이 있습니다"
followRequestAccepted: "팔로우가 수락되었습니다"
mentions: "받은 멘션"
directNotes: "다이렉트 노트"
importAndExport: "가져오기와 내보내기"
import: "가져오기"
export: "내보내기"
files: "파일"
download: "다운로드"
driveFileDeleteConfirm: "파일 \"{name}\" 을 삭제하시겠습니까? 이 파일이 첨부된 노트도 함께 삭제됩니다."
unfollowConfirm: "{name}님을 언팔로우하시겠습니까?"
exportRequested: "내보내기를 요청하였습니다. 이 작업은 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다. 내보내기가 완료되면 \"드라이브\"에 추가됩니다."
importRequested: "가져오기를 요청하였습니다. 이 작업에는 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다."
lists: "리스트"
noLists: "리스트가 없습니다"
notes: "노트"
following: "팔로잉"
followers: "팔로워"
followsYou: "당신을 팔로우합니다"
createList: "리스트 만들기"
manageLists: "리스트 관리"
error: "오류가 발생했습니다"
retry: "다시 시도"
enterListName: "리스트 이름을 입력"
renameList: "리스트 이름 바꾸기"
deleteList: "리스트 삭제"
privacy: "프라이버시"
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follow: "팔로우"
followRequest: "팔로우 요청"
followRequests: "팔로우 요청"
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followRequestPending: "팔로우 허가 대기중"
enterEmoji: "이모지 입력"
renote: "리노트"
quote: "인용"
pinnedNote: "고정된 노트"
you: "당신"
clickToShow: "클릭하여 보기"
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add: "추가"
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reactionSettingDescription: "리액션 선택창에 표시할 리액션을 줄바꿈으로 구분해 설정합니다."
rememberNoteVisibility: "공개 범위를 기억하기"
renameFile: "파일 이름 변경"
attachCancel: "첨부 취소"
markAsSensitive: "열람주의로 설정"
unmarkAsSensitive: "열람주의 해제"
enterFileName: "파일명을 입력"
mute: "뮤트"
unmute: "뮤트 해제"
block: "차단"
unblock: "차단 해제"
suspend: "정지"
unsuspend: "정지 해제"
blockConfirm: "이 계정을 차단하시겠습니까?"
unblockConfirm: "이 계정의 차단을 해제하시겠습니까?"
suspendConfirm: "이 계정을 정지하시겠습니까?"
unsuspendConfirm: "이 계정의 정지를 해제하시겠습니까?"
selectList: "리스트 선택"
customEmojis: "커스텀 이모지"
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addEmoji: "이모지 추가"
cacheRemoteFiles: "원격 파일을 캐시"
cacheRemoteFilesDescription: "이 설정을 해지하면 원격 파일을 캐시하지 않고 해당 파일을 직접 링크하게 됩니다. 그에 따라 서버의 저장 공간을 절약할 수 있지만, 썸네일이 생성되지 않기 때문에 통신량이 증가합니다."
flagAsBot: "나는 봇입니다"
flagAsCat: "나는 고양이다냥"
autoAcceptFollowed: "팔로우 중인 유저로부터의 팔로우 요청을 자동 수락"
addAcount: "계정 추가"
loginFailed: "로그인에 실패했습니다"
showOnRemote: "리모트에서 보기"
general: "일반"
wallpaper: "배경"
removeWallpaper: "배경 제거"
searchWith: "검색: {q}"
youHaveNoLists: "리스트가 없습니다"
followConfirm: "{name}님을 팔로우 하시겠습니까?"
proxyAccount: "프록시 계정"
proxyAccountDescription: "프록시 계정은 특정 조건 하에서 유저의 리모트 팔로우를 대행하는 계정입니다. 예를 들면, 유저가 리모트 유저를 리스트에 넣었을 때, 리스트에 들어간 유저를 아무도 팔로우한 적이 없다면 액티비티가 인스턴스로 배달되지 않기 때문에, 대신 프록시 계정이 해당 유저를 팔로우하도록 합니다."
host: "호스트"
selectUser: "유저 선택"
recipient: "수신인"
annotation: "내용에 대한 주석"
federation: "연합"
instances: "인스턴스"
registeredAt: "등록 날짜"
latestRequestSentAt: "마지막으로 요청을 보낸 시간"
latestRequestReceivedAt: "마지막으로 요청을 받은 시간"
latestStatus: "마지막 상태"
storageUsage: "스토리지 사용량"
charts: "차트"
perHour: "1시간마다"
perDay: "1일마다"
stopActivityDelivery: "액티비티 보내지 않기"
blockThisInstance: "이 인스턴스를 차단"
operations: "작업"
software: "소프트웨어"
version: "버전"
metadata: "메타데이터"
withNFiles: "{n}개의 파일"
monitor: "모니터"
jobQueue: "작업 대기열"
cpuAndMemory: "CPU와 메모리"
network: "네트워크"
disk: "디스크"
instanceInfo: "인스턴스 정보"
statistics: "통계"
clearQueue: "대기열 비우기"
clearQueueConfirmTitle: "대기열을 비우시겠습니까?"
clearQueueConfirmText: "대기열에 남아 있는 노트는 더이상 연합되지 않습니다. 보통의 경우 이 작업은 필요하지 않습니다."
clearCachedFiles: "캐시 비우기"
clearCachedFilesConfirm: "캐시된 원격 파일을 모두 삭제하시겠습니까?"
blockedInstances: "차단된 인스턴스"
blockedInstancesDescription: "차단하려는 인스턴스의 호스트 이름을 줄바꿈으로 구분하여 설정합니다. 차단된 인스턴스는 이 인스턴스와 통신할 수 없게 됩니다."
muteAndBlock: "뮤트 및 차단"
mutedUsers: "뮤트한 유저"
blockedUsers: "차단한 유저"
noUsers: "아무도 없습니다"
editProfile: "프로필 수정"
noteDeleteConfirm: "이 노트를 삭제하시겠습니까?"
pinLimitExceeded: "더 이상 고정할 수 없습니다."
intro: "Misskey의 설치가 완료되었습니다! 관리자 계정을 생성해주세요."
done: "완료"
processing: "처리중"
preview: "미리보기"
noCustomEmojis: "이모지가 없습니다"
customEmojisOfRemote: "다른 인스턴스들의 이모지"
noJobs: "작업이 없습니다"
federating: "연합 중"
blocked: "차단됨"
suspended: "정지됨"
all: "전체"
subscribing: "구독 중"
publishing: "배포 중"
notResponding: "응답 없음"
instanceFollowing: "인스턴스의 팔로잉"
instanceFollowers: "인스턴스의 팔로워"
instanceUsers: "인스턴스의 유저"
changePassword: "비밀번호 변경"
security: "보안"
retypedNotMatch: "입력이 일치하지 않습니다."
currentPassword: "현재 비밀번호"
newPassword: "새 비밀번호"
newPasswordRetype: "새 비밀번호 (재입력)"
attachFile: "파일 첨부"
more: "더보기!"
featured: "하이라이트"
usernameOrUserId: "유저명이나 ID"
noSuchUser: "유저를 찾을 수 없습니다"
lookup: "조회"
announcements: "공지사항"
imageUrl: "이미지 URL"
remove: "삭제"
removed: "삭제하였습니다"
removeAreYouSure: "\"{x}\" 을(를) 삭제하시겠습니까?"
saved: "저장하였습니다"
messaging: "대화"
upload: "업로드"
fromDrive: "드라이브에서"
fromUrl: "URL로부터"
editWidgets: "위젯 편집"
exitEdit: "편집 종료"
explore: "발견하기"
games: "Misskey Games"
messageRead: "읽음"
recentUsedEmojis: "최근에 사용한 이모지"
noMoreHistory: "이것보다 과거의 기록이 없습니다"
startMessaging: "대화 시작"
nUsersRead: "{n}명이 읽음"
agreeTo: "{0}에 동의"
tos: "이용 약관"
start: "시작하기"
home: "홈"
remoteUserCaution: "리모트 유저이기 때문에, 정보가 정확하지 않을 수 있습니다."
activity: "활동"
images: "이미지"
birthday: "생일"
yearsOld: "{age}세"
registeredDate: "등록일"
location: "장소"
theme: "테마"
lightThemes: "밝은 테마"
darkThemes: "어두운 테마"
drive: "드라이브"
selectFile: "파일 선택"
selectFiles: "파일 선택"
renameFolder: "폴더 이름 바꾸기"
createFolder: "폴더 만들기"
deleteFolder: "폴더 삭제"
addFile: "파일 추가"
emptyDrive: "드라이브가 비어 있습니다"
emptyFolder: "폴더가 비어 있습니다"
copyUrl: "URL 복사"
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disablingTimelinesInfo: "특정 타임라인을 비활성화하더라도 관리자 및 모더레이터는 계속 사용할 수 있습니다."
registration: "등록"
enableRegistration: "신규 사용자 등록을 활성화"
invite: "초대"
proxyRemoteFiles: "원격 파일 프록시"
proxyRemoteFilesDescription: "이 설정을 활성화할 경우, 저장되지 않았거나 저장용량 초과로 삭제된 원격 파일을 로컬에서 프록시하여 썸네일을 생성하게 됩니다. 서버의 스토리지에는 영향을 주지 않습니다."
driveCapacityPerLocalAccount: "로컬 유저 한 명당 드라이브 용량"
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pinnedUsersDescription: "\"발견하기\" 페이지 등에 고정하고 싶은 유저를 한 줄에 한 명씩 적습니다."
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notifyAntenna: "새로운 글이 게시될 때 알림 받기"
withFileAntenna: "파일이 첨부된 게시물만"
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enableServiceworker: "ServiceWorker 사용"
antennaUsersDescription: "유저명을 한 줄에 한 명씩 적습니다"
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withReplies: "답글 포함"
connectedTo: "다음 계정에 연결되어 있습니다"
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silenceConfirm: "이 계정을 사일런스로 설정하시겠습니까?"
unsilenceConfirm: "이 계정의 사일런스를 해제하시겠습니까?"
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userList: "리스트"
about: "정보"
aboutMisskey: "Misskey에 대하여"
aboutMisskeyText: "Misskey는 syuilo에 의해 2014년부터 개발된 오픈 소스 소프트웨어입니다."
misskeyMembers: "현재는 아래 멤버들에 의해 개발 및 유지보수 되고 있습니다."
misskeySource: "소스 코드는 여기에서 보실 수 있습니다:"
misskeyDonate: "Misskey에 기부하심으로써 개발에 도움을 주실 수 있습니다:"
morePatrons: "이 외에도 다른 많은 분들이 도움을 주시고 계십니다. 감사합니다🥰"
patrons: "후원자들"
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posted: "게시하였습니다"
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step1: "먼저, {a}나 {b}등의 인증 앱을 사용 중인 디바이스에 설치합니다."
step2: "그 후, 표시되어 있는 QR코드를 앱으로 스캔합니다."
step3: "앱에 표시된 토큰을 입력하시면 완료됩니다."
step4: "다음 로그인부터는 토큰을 입력해야 합니다."
securityKeyInfo: "FIDO2를 지원하는 하드웨어 보안 키를 사용하여 로그인하도록 설정할 수 있습니다."
"read:account": "계정 정보 보기"
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"write:blocks": "차단 수정"
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"write:drive": "드라이브 수정"
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"write:favorites": "즐겨찾기 수정"
"read:following": "팔로우 정보 보기"
"write:following": "팔로잉 및 팔로우 수정"
"read:messaging": "대화 보기"
"write:messaging": "대화 수정"
"read:mutes": "뮤트 보기"
"write:mutes": "뮤트 수정"
"write:notes": "노트 작성 및 삭제"
"read:notifications": "알림 보기"
"write:notifications": "알림 수정"
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"write:page-likes": "페이지의 좋아요 수정"
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permissionAsk: "이 앱은 다음의 권한을 요청합니다"
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quotePlaceholder: "이 글을 인용..."
a: "지금 무엇을 하고 있나요?"
b: "무슨 일이 일어나고 있나요?"
c: "무엇을 생각하고 있나요?"
d: "말하고 싶은 게 있나요?"
e: "여기에 적어주세요"
f: "작성해주시길 기다리고 있어요..."
name: "이름"
username: "유저명"
description: "자기소개"
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variables-info: "변수를 사용하면 동적인 페이지를 만들 수 있습니다. 텍스트에 <b>{ 변수명 }</b>을 적으면 그 위치에 변수의 값을 집어넣습니다. 예를 들어, <b>Hello { thing } world!</b> 라는 텍스트가 있을 때, 변수(thing)의 값이 <b>ai</b>인 경우 텍스트는 <b>Hello ai world!</b>가 됩니다."
variables-info2: "변수의 평가(값을 계산해내는 것)는 위에서부터 아래로 진행되므로 어떤 변수의 내부에서 자신보다 아래에 있는 변수를 참조할 수는 없습니다. 예를 들자면 위에서부터 <b>A, B, C</b>의 3개의 변수가 정의되어 있을 때, <b>C</b>의 내부에 <b>A</b>나 <b>B</b>를 참조할 수는 있지만, <b>A</b>의 내부에서 <b>B</b>나 <b>C</b>를 참조할 수는 없습니다."
variables-info3: "사용자로부터 입력을 받으려면, 페이지에 \"사용자 입력\" 블록을 삽입하고 \"변수명\" 에 입력받은 값을 저장하고 싶은 변수명을 설정합니다 (변수는 자동으로 생성됩니다). 그 변수를 사용하여 사용자 입력에 따라 동작할 수 있습니다."
variables-info4: "함수를 사용하면 반복되는 작업을 손쉽게 처리할 수 있습니다. 함수를 만드시려면 \"함수\" 타입의 변수를 만듭니다. 함수에서 슬롯(인수)를 받도록 설정하면, 함수를 사용할 때 슬롯에 입력된 값을 함수 안에서 변수로써 이용할 수 있게 됩니다. 또한, AiScript 표준에는 함수를 인수로 받는 함수(고차함수)도 존재합니다. 함수를 미리 정의하는 것 외에, 이와 같은 고차함수를 즉석으로 설정할 수 있습니다."
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arg1: "리스트"
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arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
round: "소수점을 반올림"
arg1: "수치"
eq: "A와 B가 동일"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
notEq: "A와 B가 다름"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
and: "A와 B가 둘 다 참"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
or: "A, B중 하나 이상이 참"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
lt: "< A가 B보다 작음"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gt: "> A가 B보다 큼"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
ltEq: "<= A가 B보다 작거나 같음"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
gtEq: ">= A가 B보다 크거나 같음"
arg1: "A"
arg2: "B"
if: "분기"
arg1: "조건문"
arg2: "참일 경우"
arg3: "거짓일 경우"
not: "부정"
arg1: "부정"
random: "랜덤"
arg1: "확률"
rannum: "난수"
arg1: "최솟값"
arg2: "최댓값"
randomPick: "목록에서 임의로 선택"
arg1: "리스트"
dailyRandom: "랜덤 (하루동안 결과 유지)"
arg1: "확률"
dailyRannum: "난수 (하루동안 결과 유지)"
arg1: "최솟값"
arg2: "최댓값"
dailyRandomPick: "목록에서 임의로 선택 (하루동안 결과 유지)"
arg1: "리스트"
seedRandom: "무작위 (시드)"
arg1: "시드"
arg2: "확률"
seedRannum: "난수 (시드)"
arg1: "시드"
arg2: "최솟값"
arg3: "최댓값"
seedRandomPick: "목록에서 무작위로 선택 (시드)"
arg1: "시드"
arg2: "리스트"
DRPWPM: "확률형 목록에서 임의로 선택 (하루동안 결과 유지)"
arg1: "텍스트 목록"
pick: "목록에서 선택"
arg1: "리스트"
arg2: "위치"
listLen: "리스트의 길이 가져오기"
arg1: "리스트"
number: "수치"
stringToNumber: "텍스트를 수치로"
arg1: "텍스트"
numberToString: "수치를 텍스트로"
arg1: "수치"
splitStrByLine: "텍스트를 행 단위로 분할"
arg1: "텍스트"
ref: "변수"
fn: "함수"
slots: "슬롯"
slots-info: "각 슬롯을 줄바꿈으로 구분하여 주세요"
arg1: "출력"
for: "반복"
arg1: "횟수"
arg2: "처리"
typeError: "슬롯 {slot}은 \"{expect}\"를 사용할 수 있지만 \"{actual}이 들어있습니다!"
thereIsEmptySlot: "슬롯 {slot}이(가) 비었습니다!"
string: "텍스트"
number: "수치"
boolean: "플래그"
array: "리스트"
stringArray: "텍스트 목록"
emptySlot: "빈 슬롯"
enviromentVariables: "환경 변수"
pageVariables: "페이지 요소"
argVariables: "입력 슬롯"
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